ft' N MORNING ENTERPRISE; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1913. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE STATEMENT FROM MR. TOOZE. OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 23. (Ed itor of the Enterprise) Having noted several misrepresentations in your Thursday morning's Enterprise I re spectfully request space in tomorrow morning's issue to reply. N The statement, "Violently waving clippings of the Enterprise, etc., Fred the, construction of the pipe line to the 'south fork of the Clackamas," is absolute misrepresentation. What I did say was that I had not expressed my preference for any source of wa ter and if the Clackamas river project should prove the best proposition, I would gladly take off my coat and work lor it with all my might, fur thermore, I spoke in complimentary terms of the proposition. I did speak of the unfair comparison between Bull Run and Clackamas pro jects appearing in the Enterprise of the 16th inst. I hereby request you, Mr. Editor, to re-publish "Facts and Figures cn Water Supplies," publish ed by you on this date and let the people of Oregon City decide for them selves my statement that this compar ison was unfair, ridiculous, "rotten." The further statement, "He denied that he had ever said the water in tthe wells of the Englebrecht tract was pure," is another pure fabrica tion. Mr. Tooze did not say any such thing. He has said and now says, that the tests have shown this water pure. John Albright's grandstand exhibi tion came immediately after otner of his statements had been shown ilse and after he had produced the report of Dr. White. It was a matter of in terest to note that said report h:id been addressed to Mr. L. Stipp who promply denied any knowledge of the . report being sent to him. Subsequent inquiry finds no record or knowledge of it ever having been received at the recorder's office. Strange wasn't it? He did not tell when he got it and the Enterprise omitted the ad- ' dress. Further on in the report of the coun cil meeting is this paragraph: "Tooze is against the Clackamas water source first, last and all the time. He de clared that it was neither the duty of the Enterprise nor the pure watei committee to hunt for a .water source and that such a duty devolved upon the council alone, etc., and other wise landed with his heels on the proposition to construct a line to the south fork of the Clackamas river." Not only the these statements the barest falsehoods but are obviously tue result of malice. We would re spectfully ask you Mr. Editor, whether these misstatements were not report ed to the night editor or to some oth er of your force after the close of the council meeting by a councilman himself. We feel there can be no hes itancy on your part under the existing circumstances of a false representa tion being published about a citizen to answer candidly, placing this re sponsibility where it belongs. Of the report on the various sup plies cf water which have been under investigation by the council commit tee for some time, I will say it has been the policy of this committee to give out to the public at one time these three reports: Ihe Canby fran chise, the Englebrecht wells and the Bull Run proposition. This proceed ure I have repeatedly stated would be followed. In the light of the mis representations that have occurred in 79 90 SHOWING A GRACEFUL PLAITED TUNIC OF CHIFFON Many gowns this season show the Japanese influence. It nay be noticed in the dropped shoulders, the wide soft sash and the drapery on the skirt. At the moment it seems as if no dress were complete without some sort of ttmic. Those of tulle and chiffon are favored and may be plaited or gathered with a hoop at the bottom on the order of the Poiret minaret, which is causing an unusual stir at the mo ment 7990 is In figured crepe de chine, shouldered and tuniced in con trasting chiffon. A frill of the plaited chiffon comes above the wide satin Evey number and style of Pat tern made by the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott Brothers Department Store 7ih Street at Madison On the Hill " "The Criterion" Magazine 5c at our pattern counter print and otherwise we still believe this the wisest determination. That there has been unfair opposition to ev ery effort of this committee has been obvious, and yet this committee lias spent not one cent of the city's mone nor investigated any project-unless directed so to do by the council. Just a'word concerning Dr. White's report on the wells. This report is misleading in that it gives the report for the -analysis only. It does not ex cept in two cases, July 7 and August 1, (one sample only) state the source of the samples. Without the state ment of the source this report is worthless. Neither Dr. White nor the bacteriologist ask for the source of samples. They report the analysis of what is submitted and those submit ting said samples keep other records. This has in this case been done. Samples were taken at different times from the river, from the hy drants and from the well, and submit ted to the bacteriologist also to Prof. Beckwith of O. A. C. Let me assure you and the people of Oregon City that this committee all reports and all sources investigated by it -when it obtains the final report from the Portland commissioners on Butt Run supply. We have put fo- h earnest effort to obtain this report and believe it will be submitted to us within a few days. To have given out this report before would have beer, unwise, unfair to the commision un businesslike and inimical to the bet interests of Oregon City whether or not she accepts this latter proposi tion. Let me say still 'farther that (his committee will give out its reports in such form Uiat they cannot be very well further misrepresented. ' Very truly yours, F. J. TOOZR (If Mr. Tooze and Mr. Albright, both members of the city council, cannnol agree, it is a matter of no interest to The Enterprise. This newspaper csres nothing about their troubles with each other, nor, we imagine, does the pub lic. The Enterprise is just as sincere to obtain pure water for Oregon City as is Mr. Tooze, or any other citizen. We believe Mr. Tooze has worked hard on his water committee, atid tf he has spent nearly $2000 of the city's money in a fruitless investigation, we have never censured him for it, for the sole reason we believed in the honesty of his.purpose. The man who never made a mistake never accom plished anything, and Mr. Tooze is no exception. The story referred to is denied by three members of the city council. It came from a reliable source and printed as news in good faith by The Enterprise. We have no desire to be unjust to Mr. Tooze and we therefore, give space to his com munication. Editor.) NO USE SCRAPPIN3. OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 23. (Ec itor of the Enterprise) Hold on, gen tlemen! Don't let there be any blood shed about this jusky water business. Don't call in the police nor tear your shirts or any horrid thing like that. Just do the simple easy thing you should all have though of long ag-o only I suppose you have been so eternally busy thinking about those elbertus baccilli and fixing up the streets you just naturally didn't have BOOO girdle, giving a novel, pretty effect To make 7990 in size 36 it requires 5 yards of 36 inch material. 8000 shows an attractive model for a girl's blouse dress. It may be devel oped in serge, a novelty fabric or a figured silk with good results. A dark serge or satin with the revers on blouse and skirt of white Is most ef fective. To make in size 12 It requires yards of 36 inch material. No. 7990 sizes 34 to 44. No. 8000 sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14. Each pattern 15 cents. Henry M. Pindell, Editor and Banker, Ambassador to Russia ' " LI r i I JV H EXRT M. PINDELL, a banker and editor of Peoria, 111., is the new ambassador to Russia. While Mr Pindell is not especially prominent outside of his own state, be is a man of high standing and cultured attainments. He gained the favor of President Wilson by swinging the vote of the Illinois delegation at the Baltimore convention for the New Jersey governor As an editor of influence he backed Mr. .Wilson from the start and aided the candidate in his western tours. Mr PindelPs name tj-.id been mentioned for comptroller of the currency, but he declined that positiou He was suitable to the czar and his advisers as ambassador. time to think of any thing else. Why, gentlemen, this scheme is so abso lutely simple and easy it seems almost ridiculous to mention it, but her-j goes: Your fire bell has just been moved to the top of the bluff leaving a big tall strong tower. . All you have to do gentlemen, is to build a span from the bluff to the old bell tower another o the top of the Masonic building make a landing on top and there you are all fixed up and troubles all over e;e vator a running and every body happy. I'm almost ashamed of you gentle men for not thinking of this simplo thing and getting it to working befoi-e now, but I will excuse you this time, and if you ever get into trouble again just call on me. If I can't help you I'll find somebody who canv mighty quick, gentlemen. YOUR UNCLE BILL. OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 23. (Ed itor of the Enterprise) I have read with interest Dr. Schultze's letter, and presume I am to feel "squelched." Pos sibly the men my wife and I met on the streets of Oregon City were not intoxicated, but that seemed the most charitable explanation to make of their conduct. While I do not care to arouse Dr. Schultze's ire by "venturing iDto the realm of medicine, about which I know nothing, can't help stating thai I am surprised that a man so -greatly interested in public health should mind the fact that I objected to the prevalent custom of spitting on the sidewalk or any -oher convenient place. The custom is so prevalent, even though Dr. Schultze seems to have not noticed it, that we wonder if the reason for not enforcing the or dinance against it is lack of jail facil ities. A drunken man is unpleasant, but given my choice think I should prefer sitting in a theatre in front of a drunken man than one who chews tobacco and neglects to swallow the juice, for while drunkenness may be an unfortunate weakness, spitting promiscuously is nothing but the filthiness of a nature lacking all re finement. MILL WORKER. More important than how much money is spent for public purposes is how it is spent. i This New Illustrated Book For Every Header ra IfaJ Ira nH fraJ ' 1 ' ' ' l 1 1 1 CERTIFJCAiNTATION nnicr:-.-... nuwu PRESENTED BY THE i OREGON CITY AS EXPLAIN See the Great Canal in HIMfSflJMIlMMMIlMIMH Read How Yoa May Cut out the above coopon, and present it at this office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the Items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire' and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books: PANAMA beautiful big i writer 01 international renown, ana is tne acknowl- AND THE edged standard reference work of the sreat Canal Zone. 1 CAN AT i? a.sP,?nnd J?re un.uca m Mze; printed irora new type, large ana clear,' la Plctura and Press on special oaoer : bound in trnniral rpd vpllnm ninth 1 tf M llliicTDHTrn title Stamped in gold, T1 EDITION m,or,e than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau- mm pages reproduced irom water color studies m col orings tnat tar surpass any work of a cuu j mis ucduuiui uuuk mat wouia conainons, out wnicn is presented to our readers for SIX of 'i n the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the pll Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates t Panama and Resru!ar octavo size; text matter practically the same as the ti vol . " " " nme; bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only MO photo. I . ?ttiA ianar graphic reproductions, and the color plates are I eaFENSE UlC VOUdi -litted. This book would sell at $2 unJer usual condi- Amount oi ttO OCTAVO tons but is presented to our readers for SIX of the Da A Efi'TlOH 'Jbove Certificates of consecutive dates and only the Z Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for IG CROWD GOES TO BENEFIT SHOW By filling the Bell Theatre to its capacity three times, the people of Oregon City showed their generosity and largeness of heart at the Anna Snyder benefit Friday night. The Woman's club, The Royal Or der of Moose, the Burroughs-Howland company, and owners of the Bell The atre are largely responsible for the unusual success of the performance. Prec.ee.ding the show there was a parade, headed by the G. A. R. Fife and Drum corps, which marched through the streets of the city and hP"k to the theatre. Financially, the performance was a decided success, more than $210 be ing taken in altogether. It was found necessary to give the show three times in order to accomodate the great crowds. le program was: Opening address, C. S. Noble, dictat or I-oyal Order of Moose. Overature, Smith's' orchestra, Ralph Smith, Leader. A Perfect Day, Mrs. A. Snyder, Prof. Flechtner, accompanist. Music, the most popular songs of the season, The Falls City Quartette. G. A.' R. Fife and Drum Corps, Vet erans of the Civil War. Mr. T. O. Brroughs, the Irish mon ologuist, in sayings up-to-date. Mr. Ted Howland, in parodies and top ical songs. Playett, "The Crazy Swede," Burroughs-Howland company. THREE COUPLES GET DIVORCES FRIDAY Judge J. U. Campbell granted the , applications for divorces in the circuit ' court of the county Friday as follows : fc-..Jiip V. Jl WJll AftUllJOC AJ 1 dUJX VJU1 I er.n.. arid the custody of the minor children: Mamie McNelly against G. F. McNelly, and Ruth Patton against K'mer C. Patton. But Castro was accused of cold blooded murder, and yet . he was ad mitted. 173 fi3 fr3 fr3fr3rrpir5 1 1 lJ UJ LZZJ LJ LZUZ. I IAL i ANDTHE CAli 3! ENTERPRISE p r nn rtw Picture and Prose Have It Almost Free volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, ( book almost 500 pages, 9x12 i with inlaid color nanel! contains ! similar character. Call I expense sea lor under usual I Amoantol 67 Cents and 6 Certificates Yj TO OUR pi We have numerous electrical devices on display in our show room that you will be interested in knowing about Portland Railway, Light & Power Company : THE ELECTRIC STORE Tel. 1 C ail ancS g ta I Judge Its, Merits IHHH I 'for Yourself " - M I As the size . JMIj 1 pares with I your hand, jpgA -f S so this 11, a lustration compares with the H size of the E book. 1 fr" n n n n n No novel could be more interesting; no text book is more instructive. It is indeed the acknowledged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone in which every man, woman and child must be interested. Mail Orders Filled See Certificate Printed on Page 4 By the OREGON CITY PATRONS In order to save your discount, Electric bills must be paid before the 10th of the month at our office V7 XVlain Street, Oregon City, Oregon Beaver BuUding, Main Street Home, A228 Pacific, MainllS ItSDSaSEraSSESSsSBS.CTESiK&SBS BOB tropical colorings, interwoven with word pic tures none the less artistic. YOU MUST HAVE A COPY OF IT -flr irtome Witii Y A 1 m o s t F ree As explained in the Certificate printed daily in these columns, that handsome volume is distrib uted at $ 1 . 1 8 ?or the $4 style see illustration and 48 cents for the $2 book. Mere words can not describe it; an illustration such as is herein presented cannot portray its beauti.e s . The French would call it" an "Edition de Luxe.", We have no phrase so fitting It is indeed a su perfine edition, a book of surpassing elegance, the grand triumph of art in magnificent OU ENTERPRISE