Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 25, 1913, Image 2

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.... , l : . ,
MoeHTea what
none ?
" , Entered as second-class matter
Oregon City, under the Act of March 2,
One year by mail
Six months by mail .
i'our months by mail
Per week, by carrier
The Morning Enterprise carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
.. porch or in the mail box. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or
"neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the office. This
is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following
instructions. Phone Main 2 or B-10.
A FIT AND Secretary of the Navy
A MISFIT ianapolis in speaking there to the Indiana Press association.
Putting it concisely, he laid down a law of lese maje.ste as to all our foreign
relations. Any criticism of anything done or left undone by the men in
charge of our diplomatic affairs will be regarded as treason by the secretary
of the navy, and he wants all of the rest of us to swing around to that point
of view. He wants "the ethical principle firmly established in American
journalism that the voice of the nation's head once expressed, on a foreign
question, is the voice of the united country."
Let us think, for a moment, to what this would lead. What appeals to
the" intelligence of one intelligent man appeals to the intelligence of other men
j.if that sort. Supposing, for a moment, and for the sake of the argument,
that editors seeing clearly a disastrous mistake about to be made in the con
duct of our foreign relations should, as a matter of professional ethics, re
main silent while the same danger, equally discerned by some member of
house or senate should move to open expression in congress in criticism of the
contemplated act. Would Secretary Daniels' system of ethics run so far as
: to exclude all report of the congressional proceeding from the newspapers, or
does he actually contemplate muzzling congress also ? -, r
The fact is that with a secretary of state burdened with many other than
official cares, there is danger that, returning from a circuit of lectures, he
might easily blunder into acts moving the country toward war as an inevita
ble result. Or', on the other hand, he mieht be open to acts, or to omissions
of acts, which would lead to humiliations worse than war. The independent
press of this country will never waive it intelligence, or surrender its con
victions, in such a manner as Mr. Daniels proposes. Besides, if he could
control the press there would be Congressman Hobson to look after. The
idea invites to ridicule, and light treatment, but it has a side too serious to
permit too much of that sort of treatment. The serious side of it is that a
cabinet minister who can seriously propose such a gagging as this, fits in well
with an administratioa under which King Caucus has been enthroned for
enforcement of the presidential will on congress. But he doesn't fit in well
with American ideas or American institutions.
VOLUNTEER As another result of the wide difference in the position
MILITIA taken by Secretary of War Garrison and the democratic house
committee on military affairs, as shown at the last regular session, there is
expressed from Washington hope that an advanced militia system will be
established at the regular session. This system will be discussed and ap
proved at the coming meeting of the
and a bill will be prepared, which will
rison and General Wood, chief of staff of the army, and of military men
generally in both the regular and state services.
The object sought is to create through the state troops a reserve volunteer
army of considerable size, available for
a -small regular pay for keeping in condition for service. This matter of pay
by the federal government for the organized state militia has been before the
country for a number of years. It was up at the last session, and the house
allowance be made the several states,
cratic majority seem to fear making
Man Who Has a
e. t i7am rrpuTrw m rmr
New York City
rOSE men who are not willing to exercise the privilage of the fran
chise are usually the people who say that universal suffrage is a
failure. Such men are usually found among the well to do. They
Bay, "My vote DOES NOT COUNT because one vote more or less in
the' election district will not change the election." They do not seem
to remember that the electoral ticket supporting Mr. Cleveland for presi
dent in 1884 received a plurality in the entire state of New York of about
eleven hundred votes. Of course I do not remember how many polling
places there were then, but in the state there were probably three or four
times as many polling places as the entire plurality for Cleveland.
VOID!) MHt LUO I , AINU I r M urriucn Jr ni jr I 111- vn-.i-
The trouble is that men of this
HAVE. - They should be vitally interested in elections, but sometimes
when yon confront them they act as if they were doing yon a special and
particular favor by Toting at all. .
Tr rAup suee amp' (AeMiNCr -
1 old pictu(2es of- Me m'J f To s7 you portr tfeep) - ofcPe& pc-zen bottles ul. vh&t'-s
- Voue TTHe? oor ANy V MY "Pinochle CftRps (of Piustferp, To-Moetfcw J ' THe" ooke? " -
Editor and Publisher
January 9, 1911, at the postoffice at
: 1.00
; .10
Daniels made a strange address at In-
National, Guard Association at Chicago,
have the indorsement of Secretary Gar
active service on demand and receiving
and the states pay the men. Trie demo
the state troops federal troops, even to
Vote Should Make
of It
D :J , -f tk r kl: -i..u f
he extent of their small pay, notwithstanding the constitution of the United
States makes, all militia federal,militia. There is no such thing as state militu
except as secondary to national militia, under the constitution, yet congress,
particularly in democratic hands, balks at making the militia actually what
the constitution makes it theoretically, a reliance for national defense.
The proposition is a simple one. We shall need at least 600,000 men in
any war we may be called upon to make for national defense, and they should
be trained men ready for immediate duty. We have not, and never shall
have, unless conditions change radically in the future, a standing army of any
such proportions. We must rely upon a volunteer reserve, or second line,
and this must be a trained one. Trie proper place to seek it is in the militia,
by taking from those subject to military duty under the constitution such as
will volunteer to become trained and serve in a trained reserve or an active
militia, subject to immediate serve under direct orders of the president. This
cannot be had without pay adequate to the service performed and the time
expended. No theory of state rights or state .troops should prevent'some such
organization of volunteers from the body of the militia, which the constitu
tion of the United States declares holds first and paramount duty to the fed
eral government. Though proper handling of the regular army and the
national guard, in a few years we might have a reserve organization of trained
volunteers from the body of the national militia, which would be our reli
ance which we do not now possess.
of this bank devote their time, skir;
and capitak to promoting the welfare
of the bank and its customers.
The Bank of Oregon City
S Pacific Tel. Home 3
$ Main 420 A-145 $
. E. M. BOND, M. D.
$ Physician and Surgeon
Specialist in Children's Diseases
S and Obstebrics S
$ 1007 Main St. S
$3S$SS ?S$SSSS$$'
$ Teacher of Violin
$ wishes to announce that he has S
resumed teaching at his studio,
612 Center Street.
S Solo and Orchestra Work $
S Phones: Main 1101 Home M-172
- Beaver Building 3
S Phones: Main 1221 or A-193 S
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified heading!
will oe Inserted at one cent a wor& nr&(
tions. One inch card. J2 per month; tall
Inch card. ( 4 lmes), 1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
Insertion, half a eent additional taser
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility tor errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
Anyone that is nt of employment
and feels he cannot afford to ad
vertise for work, can have the use
of our want columns tree of chargn.
This places ro obligation of any
sort on you, v simply wish to be
of assistance to any worthy person.
HOW would yoH like to talk with
1400 people about that barfain you
have in real estate. Use the En
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Call Main 1501 or inquire
corner 4th and Madison Sts.
room 7, Barclay Bldg., or phone
Main 151.
with board in private - family, by
young man of good habits, having
office position. Address B. T .Mc
Bain, Oregon City.
L. AUSTIN, the tailor, for men and
women. Suits made to your meas
ure; alterations and refitting.
Prices reasonable Room 9, Barclay
Building. '
A CHANCE One acre suitable for
chicken ranch; 6-room plastered
house; chicken houses and barn;
creek, well and hydrant. Price $1800
half cash. See G. Grossenbacher,
FOR RENT Front room, with boaru
in private home; reasonable. 616
Eleventh St., City. - .-
FOR SALE One week only, counter
show cases. " Lents, next door to
FOR SALE Four lots, six-room house
good well, wood house, two hen
houses, 40 fruit trees on improved
street, Oregon City. Inquire owner
413 Willamette street, phone Main
FOR SALE 8-room house and lot, on
Main street, modern improvements,
good investment. Reason of saie,
heirs want to settle estate. Inquire
at this office.
FOR SALE House and lot on Mon
roe street lot 62x105 feet; house
has five large rooms, bathroom,
pantry, three closets, a large wood
house and wash room; street im
provements all in and paid. Apply
Sll Monroe street.
FOR SALE Progress Automoatic Ad
justable dress form. Iquire Mrs.
Carrie Paetz, R. F. D. No. 5, Box 28,
phone Main 1891.
FOR SALE, at -a bargain 2-cylinder,
7-horse, late model Excelsor motor
cycle. Equipped; has tamden seat.
Ask for E. Brown, Enterprise office.
FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw;
good as new, and 2 sucking colts, 4
months old. F. Steiner, Oregon
City, Rt. No. 3. Tele. Beaver Creek.
FOR SALE Fresh cow with calf.
Grossenbacher, Canemah.
Wood and eoai, 4-foot and 16-inch
lengths, delivered to all parts of
city; sawing especialty. Phono
your orders Pacific 1371, Home
A120. F. M. BLUHM
Whereas, the city council of Oregon
City, Clackamas county, Oregon,
deem it expedient to change the
grade of John Adams street, Ore
gon City, Oregon, from the south
side of Third street to the south
side of Twelfth street in said city,
Be It Resolved, That the said city
council intends to change the grade
of John Adams street, Oregon City
Oregon, from the south side of
Third street to the south side 'of
Twelfth street from . its present
established grade to the following
described grade, to-wit:
Grades for John Adams Street.
Commencing at the south side of
Third street at an elevation of 222
feet; thence level across Third
street to north side of an elevation
of 222 feet. Thence on a descend
ing grade to the south side of
Fourth street at an elevation of
219.5 feet on the east line of John
Adams street and 218.5 feet on the
west line of John Adams street:
thence level across Fourth street to
the north side.
Thence on an ascending grade to
the south side of Fifth street at an
elevation of 222.4 on the east line
of John Adams street and 221.5 on
the west line of John Adams street;
thence across Fifth street to north
side at an elevation of 222.25 feet
on the east line of John Adams
street and 222.1 feet on the west
line of John Adams street.
Thence on a descending grade a
distance of 137 feet at an elevation
of 220.18 feet; thence to the south
side of Sixth street at an elevation
or 2 18.1 feet.
Thence across Sixth street to
north side at an elevation of 218.5
feet on the east line of John Adams
street and 218.1 feet on the west
line of John Adams street.
Thence on a descending grade to
REDUCED TO $500.00
4 Blocks From 7th St. Steps
9-room, modern house, hot and
cold water, electric lights, bath
two toilets, basement with fur
nace, corner lot 132x105. This
was a bargain at $4500. Seize
your opportunity. Owner of-.
fers for a few days at $4000
part cash, balance to suit pur
the south side of Seventh street at
an elevation of 214.5 feet on the
east side of John Adams street; and
212.2 feet on west line of John Ad
ams street; thence across 7th street
to the north side of 7th street at an
elevation of 213.3 feet on the east
side and 212 feet on the west side
of John Adams street.
Thence on an ascending grade to
- the south side of Eighth street at
an elevation of 216 feet on the east
side of John Adams street and 214
feet on the west side of John Adama
Thence across Eighth street at
an elevation of 217 feet on the east
line and 215 feet on the west line
of John Adams street.
Thence on an ascending grade a
- distance of 137 feet at an elevation
of 222 feet on the east line and 220
feet on the west line of John Adams
street; thence to the south side of
Ninth street at an elevation of 222.6
feet on the east side and 220.4 feet
on the west side of John Adams
Thence level across Ninth street
to the north side; thence on a de
scending grade to the south side of
Tenth street at an elevation of 220
feet on the east side and 219 feet
on the west side of John Adams
Thence across Tenth street to the
north side, at an elevation of 217
feet on the east side and 216 feet
on the west line of John Adams
Thence on a descending grade to
the south side of Eleventh street at
an elevation of 164.7 feet on the east
side of John Adams street and 165.7
feet on the west line of John Adams
Thence across Eleventh street to
the north side at an elevation of
161.5 feet on the east line and 161.7
feet on the west line of John Ad
ams street.
Thence on a descending grade to
the south side of Twelfth street at
an elevation of 140.7 feet on the
east line of Twelfth street and 139.2
feet on the west line of John Adams
Read, adopted and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
city council, held on the 1st day of
October, 1913.
By order of the council, of Oregon
' L. STIPP, Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Clack
amas. Clara C. Callwell, Plaintiff,
. George E. Callwell, Defendant.
To George E.. Callwell, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause, on or before the
8th day of December, 1913, said date
being after the expiration - of six
weeks from the first publication, of
this summons; if you fail to appear
and answer, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of divorce forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, on the ground of cruel and
inhuman treatment and failure to
.This summons is published once
a week for six consecutive weeks
by order of Hon.' J. TJ. Campbell,
judge of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for the fifth judi
cial district.
Dated the 24th day of October,
Date of first publication, October
25, 1913.
Date of last publication, Decem
ber 6, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff
411 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Or.
Eliza Dalton Estate:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Eliza
Dalton, deceased, by the county
court for the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county, and has quali
fied. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same to T. G.
Thornton, Room 15, Mulkey Bldg.,
Portland, Ore., with proper vouch
ers and duly verified within six
months from the date hereof.
Date of first publication October
25th, 1913.
Attorney for Estate.
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by the county court of Clackamas
county, Oregon,' and has qualified as
executor of the last will and testa-
Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures
Miller-Farlcer Co.
Also all kinds of Fruit Trees, Roses and Shrubbery for sale at the
new green houses at Third and Center Streets. Funeral work done
at lowest possible prices. Orde rs received over phone Main 2511.
ment of Maggie H. Davies, deceased.
All persons having clams against
said estate are hereby notified to
file the same, duly verified accord
ing to law, ith my attorney, C. H.
Dye, southwest corner of 8th and
Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months of the date or'
this notice.
Dated the 25th day of October,
Executor as Aforesaid.
Notice of Assessment of Thirteenth
Street Improvement
Notice is hereby given that an assess
ment for the improvement of Thir
teenth street, Oregon City, Oregon,
from the west side of Jackson street
to the east side of Monroe street
has been levied and declared ac
cording to 'dinance No. 659 of Ore
gon City.
The whole cost of said improve
ment is $3546.75 and the assess
ments are now due and payable and
shall bear interest from and after
the 5th day of November, 1913, at
the. legal rate after which time the
property against which this assess
ment is levied may be sold for said
assessment and a further penalty of
fifteen per centum added.
The property assessed for said
improvement lies on both sides of
Thirteenth street proposed to be
improved and the line of lots abut
ting upon said part of said Thir
teeth street fartherest from said
part of Thirteenth street and said
part of said "thirteenth street.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Lora A. Chiles, Plaintiff, ?
O. R, Chiles, Defendant.
To O. R. Chiles:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap-
- pear and answer to the complaint
filed against you in the above named
suit, on or before the 24th day of
November, 1913, said date being the
date fixed by the court, being six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed
for in her complaint, to-wit: A de
cree of divorce, dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant, on the
ground of cruel and inhuman treat
ment; and for the sum of seventy
five ($75.00) dollars, attorney's fees,
and twenty-five ($25.00) dollars
court costs, and for the care, cus
tody, and control of Harold E.
Chiles, for such other and further
relief as the court may deem equit
able and just. This summons is
published by the order of the Hon
orable J. TJ. Campbell, judge of the
circuit court for the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, which
order was made and entered on the
10th day of October, 1913, and the
time prescribed for publication is
six weeks beginning with the issue
dated October 11th, 1913, and con
tinuing each wek thereafter, and in
cluding the issue of November 22,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. .
Lucien A. Thomas, Plaintiff,
Nellie P. Powers, Defendant
To Nellie P. Powers, above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to"ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you, in the above named
. suit, on or before the 8th day of
Pabst's Okay Specific
Does the worx. You all
atloan! jjS3'()0
know--(t by reputation.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. ta I . M
( Got 1
1 W B5
uwsg- SOON;
November, 1913, said data being
the expiration of six Weeks from
the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or
answer said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for
in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
-the plaintiff and defendant. This
summons is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, which order
was made on the 12th day of Sep
tember, 1913, and the time prescrib
ed for publication thereof is six
weeks, beginning with the issue dat
ed September 13th, 1913, and contin
uing each week thereafter to and
including Friday, October 25th, 1913.
613-614 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Port
land, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon for the
County of Clackamas.
Mary G. Zink, Plaintiff,
Gottlibe Zink (or Gottlieb Zink),
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You, Gottlibe Zink, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, on or before' the
first day of December, A. D., 1913,
said date being after the expiration
of six weeks from the first publica
tion of this summons, and if you
fail to appear or answer said com"
plaint on or before said date, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief demanded,
in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree of this honorable
court dissolving the bonds of matrK
mony now existing between the
plaintiff and the defendant, and
that the custody of their minor
child, Lizzie Julie Carrie Zink, be
awarded to the plaintiff, and that,
she have such other and further re-!
lief as may he just and meet in the:
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell,
judge of the above entitled court for
six successive weeks in the Morn-,
ing Enterprise, a daily newspaper of
general circulation published in
Oregon City, Clackamas county,
Oregon, said order being dated Oct
" ober 9th, 1913, and the time for the
first publication is October 11th,.
1913, and the last publication is No-,
vember 22nd, 1913.
E. C. DYE,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Office, south of court house, over
Harris' Grocery, Oregon City, Ore, -
In the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Max Wecksler, Plaintiff,
Annie Wecksler, Defendant.
To Annie Wecksler, the above,
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint,
filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause within six;
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit,.
. on or before the 3rd day of Novem
ber, 1913, and if you fail to so ap,
pear and answer said complaint, the.
" "above named plaintiff will appl
to the court for the relief prayed;
for in his complaint herein, to-wit:-for
a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and for such other, fur
ther and different relief as to the
court,, may seem meet and equita
ble. , .
This summons is published in
pursuance of an order of Hon. J
U. Campbell, Judge of said Court,,
made and entered on the 12th day of
September, 1913, and the time pre,,
scribed in said order for the publi
cation of this summons .. is once,
each week for six consecutive
weeks, and the date of the first put,
lication of this summons is the
13th day of September, 1913
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1524-29.
Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier.