Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 24, 1913, Image 3

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    y f
Open to Every Woman in Clackamas County
Huntley Bros. Company
in Prizes
Contest Open to any Woman in Clackamas Co.
We 'will issue votes with every purchase made at the REXALL STORE. Ten
votes with a ten-cent purchase, 100 votes with a dollar purchase, etc. AH you
have to do is to get your friends to save their votes for you. Now Is the time
to send in the Nomination Blank and get a good start.- $22H Value in Premiuma
will be postively awarded at the clpfee of this contest. You can win the first prize.
Come in and Talk With the Contest Manager
Contest Votes with every Enterprise Subscription
Through special arrangements the Enterprise will give Popularity Contest Votes
for new or old subscriptions to the DAILY or WEEKLY ENTERPRISE. For
particulars apply to Mr. McKechnie at the Enterprise office.
1000 Votes with every Yearly Subscription
Rules of the Contest
The names of the contestants will not be known.
The names of the contestants will not be published without permission.
Every contestant will be allowed 2000 votes on the first nomination blank.
Every contestant will get a special number.
Standing of contestants will be counted and published weekly.
Votes may be deposited or mailed to the contest manager Wednesday of each
Votes are not transferable after having been voted.
Votes must not be written' upon.
The color of votes will be changed monthly and votes of a certain color will
not be accepted the following month.
No employee or member of the family of any employee of Huntley Bros. Co.
or the Enterprise shall be eligible to enter the contest.
When deposited the votes of each denomination must be separated and the
total number of each denomination entered upon voting blanks " to be
furnished each contestant.
Votes must be left with the contest manager in person.
In case of a tie, the award will be equally divided.
No candidate shall be allowed to canvass for votes in or near The Rexal!
. v
The decision of the contest manager on any point not covered by. these rules
shall be final.
This is the PIANO We Give jAway !
Seven Big Prizes and Special Premiums!
First Premium
1 $400.00 Claxton Piano
Second Premium 1 Lady's Watch
20 year gold filled, 15 jewels, Elgin or Waltham movement, and one DueDill good
for $300.00 on thtj' purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance
in cash.
.Third Premium 1 Lady's Watch
10 year gold filled, and one Duebill good for $295.00 on the purchase of a Claxton
piano when accompanied by the balance in cash. ,
Fourth Premium 1 Three-piece Toilet Set
and one Duebill good for $290.00 on the purchase of & Claxton piano when ac
companied by the balance in cash. .
Fifth Premium One Due Bill, Good if or $285.00
on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in cash.
Sixth Premium One Due Bill, Good for $280.00
on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance In cash.
Seventh Premium One Due BilL Good for $275.00
on the purchase of a Claxton piano when accompanied by the balance in casb.
- ' - - r -v. -
In addition to- the above there will be given in weekly Premiums i-19 pieces "of IS
silverware. , , - ' , -'"
Silverware Premiums For All During the Contest. -
If presented at HUNTLEY BROS. COMPANY on
NOVEMBR 5, 1913
Nomination Blank Good for 2000 Votes
Contest Manager Huntley Bros. Co.
Dear Sir: I nominate . .
as a candidate in your Popularity Contest. Please credit her with 2000 votes.
2000 votes will only be allowed each candidate on the first nomination or entronce
blank received.
Votes With Every Purchase
Entrance Blank Good for 2000 Votes
Contest Manager Huntley Bros. Co. .
- " Dear Sir: Please enter me as a candidate in the $2200 popularity Contest,
and credit me with 200C votes.
Signed v
2000 votes will be allowed each candidate only on the first entrance or. nomina
tion blank received.
nun i
Physical Impossibility.
The Mistress Why, I gave you a
pound of walnuts to crack. There are
hardly any .here. Where are the rest?
The "General" Lor', mum, the uv
vers was so big I couldn't get 'em in
me moufl Sketch.
Mrs. J. Gleason is slowly recovering
irom pamiui injuries, one nas Deen
confined to the house for . three
Shelby Shaver, a prominent resi
dent of Jennings Lodge was a busi
ness visitor in the. county seat Thurs
day. Ralph Smith, of Portland, made a
motorcycle trip to this city Thursday.
He reports the- roads in good condi
tion. Mrs. Rose Whitcomb, of Portland,
is visiting with friends in ' this city.
She will spend the rest of the week
Ray Morris and Clyde Green, of this
city, were to Portland Wednesday to
attend the Washington-Lincoln foot
ball game.
H. H. Whipple, a business man of
Tillamook, arrived Thursday. He will
probably stay here for a couple of
weeks examining real estate holdings
of the county. k
Local Briefs
Earnest Case has purchased the
Denver Market.
Judge Kelso, of Milwaukie, was in
the county seat Thursday.
Mrs. A. Roberts, of Maxburg, was
in Oregon City over Wednesday night.
C. Taucher, of Coalca, Oregon, was
in Oregon City on business Thursday.
Adolph Aschoff, a farmer of Mar
mot, was in the county seat Thursday.
Elbert Charman, of this city, made
a business trip to Portland Thursday
where he visited friends.
Charles Meatie, of this city, made
a business trip to Portland Wednes
day. Arthur Farr, of Oregon City, went
to Portland Wednesday where he vis
ited friends.
F. A. Smidth, of Maple Lane, was
in the county seat the middle of the
week on business. -
Among those registered at the Elec
tric hotel are: W. Baylor and Jerry
de Tuzare.
Frank Mattor, of Redland, was in
the county seat the middle of the
Mrs. L. A. Wheeler and T. Tomlin
son, f Friends, visited Mrs. A. R. Wil
liams the middle of the week.
Mrs. Haun, who underwent an op
eration in the Oregon City hospital
several days ago, is improving.
Mrs. L. W. Warner, of Clackamas,
who is ill in a local hospital, is much
better, according to reports.
Robinson Kellogg, of Roseburg, was
in this city the middle of the week. He
is on his way to Seattle where he will
spend the winter.
President A.. 1 Balstead,"'of the
Milwaukie State Bank, was in Oregon
City Thursday attending to business
matters. -
Elwin W. Evans, of Portland, vis
ited relatives in Oregon City Thurs
day. He returned to his home in the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Gibson, Miss Edith Chap,
man and Carl Clark were entertained
at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.
Guy "Woodle.
List of unclaimed letters at the
Oregon City postoffice- for the week
ending October 24, 1913:
Women's List Friend, Mrs. J. W.;
Hamilton, Miss Lois; Henry, Mrs.
Olive E. (2) ; McMurrin, Mary; Trimm
LMrs. Edith; Wallace, Ina; White, Mrs.
setn; wuttang, Anna; World, Mrs.
Men's List Adollf, Mr.; Aune, W.
B. ; Brown, S. H.; Da vies, Lew W.;
LaDow. Mrs.; Gregory, John; Heaton,
C. W.; Hill, Mr.; Larrice, N. M.; Leo
menson, Mr. and Mrs.; McGuire, K.;
Mills, A. R.; Palmer, William E.;
Sheapeard, All; Snyder, Erman;
Peice Theatre; Wetzner, Mr.
Women and Love.
Women for the most part do not
love us. They do not choose a man
because they love him. but because
it pleases them to be loved by him.
They love love of all things in the
world, but there are very few men
whom they love personally. Alphonse
Mother (after the wedding) Well,
our daughter and her husband are off
at last What is it that troubles you,
John? Father I don't quite like that
young fellow's parting words. He
didn't say "Goodby:" he said "Au re
voir." Boston Transcript.
As the Austrian empire consists of a
great variety of different races, speak
ing different languages, so is the area
embraced within the Vienna consular
district characterized by a great vari
ety of spee-h, of customs and of indu
trial habits.
Stirring Up Trouble.
Mrs. Crawford I was so glad to
find hr out when I called. Mrs.
Cr.-'.bshiiw- I knew you didn't like each
other, so I told her when yon. were
going to call. Judge.
Lake Huron's Islands.
Lake Huron is dotted with over
3,000 islands. This is more than any
other lake has.
I Merritt Willson, Agent
Mrs. A. F. Delker, of Stafford, was
in Willamette Thursday.
Frank Shipley, of Wilsonville, was
in Willamette Thursday. He will -be
moving back here the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Samson, of Portland, is visit
ing Mrs. Britton and family of Wil
lamette. Mrs. Wilkens, of Stafford, was in
Willamette Thursday on business.
The Ladies' Aid of the Willamette
Methodist church held an all-day ses
sion Thursday and brought lunch.
Ewalt Leisman has received the
contract for the building of a chickex
Mrs. E. Long spent Wednesday in
Mrs. G. Smith visited in Oregon
City Thursday.
H. Jones has completed the steps
up the bluff in front of his residence.
Arnen Grossenbacher has begun a
course in the Oregon City high school.
While playing with a dog, the three-year-old
daughter of August itakel
was'liitten through the left ear. The
little girl hit the dog on the head with
her hand, and the dog snapped her.
It is not a serious . bite .and it is
thought that she will completely re
cover in a short time. The dog is
owned by E. Long of Canemah.
Occasionally a commercial drummer
prevents his modesty - from crowding
to the -front.
A man always says things behind
his wife's back when he is hooking up
her dress-
The best many a girl gets out of
i twho marries for a home is a chance
to cook for boarders.
A few feminine tears or a shower
of rain doesn't amount to much, but
how a man does hate a flood?
Home is the place to which some
men go in order to get even when dis
agreeable things happen down town.
I now have funds to pay county road
warrants endorsed prior to June 13,
1913,. Interest ceases tn such war
rants on dute of this notice, Octo
ber 24, 1913. . i
James McLarty, Agent
Judge Montgomery is shingling his
house. .
George Hisel, of West Linn, is build
ing a house for Mr. Lindquist in, Wil
lamette. . The new residence will .be
modern in every .way, having, ten
rooms and complete with outbuildings.
- Mr. and Mrs. James Nickson have
just moved into the . "Dirmond"
house in West Linn. They are" recent
arrivals from England. ' .
Fred Swade has moved into Stani
fer's house in West Linn., ,
Mr. Hittman is building an addition
to his house.
Mrs. J. Raster is moving from Ore
gon City to the house formerly occu
pied by the Daltons in West Linn.
"0! 0! That Itching!"
Stopped EnstaniEf
Try ZEMO; Skin Troubles Vankh.
. Buy a 25c Bottle Today and Prove It
Glory! A remedy for skin tortures
that makes everybody smile and say
"Hoo-ray!" If you have tSat terrible
OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 23. (Ed
itor of the Enterprise) We hereby
certify that the statements of this
morning's Enterprise that Councilman
Tooze at the council meeting last
night, denounced the plan for the
Clackamas pipe line; that he denied
ever saying the Englebrecht well wa
ter was pure; that .he declared that
it was the duty of the council alone
to hunt for a pure water supply; or
that he denied having been asked for
the test reports,, are all false and in
our judgment malicious, and we fur
ther hereby endorse Mr. Tooze's posi
tion on the water question entire.
Very truly,
. OREGON CITY, Ore., Oct. 23. (Ed
itor of the Enterprise) "Mill Work
er" must certainly have gone out of
his way to discover the "deplorable"
conditions . that he describes in this
morning's issue. I have lived on Main
street for over, three years and have
gone up and down-that thoroughfare
very frequently in season and out of
season, alone or with my wife, or
During that time very few intoxicat
ed men have been in evidencer extrem
ly little boisterous profanity and cer
tainly no "filthy" language which
could offend the ears of the most fas
tidious lady.
What obtains within the precincts
of the saloons and ' pool rooms de
pendent saith not as he does not fre
quent such establishments but, cer
tainly, Main street is as quiet anc
free from anything obnoxious as the
' principal thoroughfare of any well
regulated community. I am con
strained to make these remarks in de
fense of our beautiful city, the de
meanor of whose inhabitants contain
ing the usual per centage of good, in
different and bad will compare favor
ably with any town of its size in the
United States.
"Give Me ZEMO, Quiclft It is Guaranteed
to Stop this Terrible Itching Instantly."
fiery, unreachable itching, scorching,
raw-eczema prickly heat, rash, tetter,
irritated or inflamed skin, blotches,
pimples or blackheads, you will mar
vel at the results of ZEMO.
ZEMO is a clean, antiseptic solution,
not a grease or ointment. Itching
vanishes at the first application; this
is absolutely guaranteed or money re
funded. Use it on the baby, tod, it
gives immediate relief in all skin tor
tures. Dandruff and scalp itching vanish.
"Suffered 23 years with eczema. Fin
ally tried ZEMO. It cured me sound
and well. -That was 15 months ago.
ZEMO is a blessing." Mrs. S. Eason.
Hope, Ark. - , .- . ..
First-class druggists everywhere .sell
ZEMO for 25c a sealed bottle, or sent
direct on receipt of price by E. W.
Rose Medicine -Co., St Louis, Mo. .
Parisian Sage Stops Failing Hair ana
Itching Scalp; Removes Dand
ruff With One Application
If your hair is too thin, make It
grow. If it is too dry and brittle, sof
ten it up lubricate it. If you have
dandruff it is because the scalp is too
dry and flakes off. Freshen up the
scalp and dandruff will go.
Parisian Sage, always sold by Hun.
ley -Bros. Co. in 50 cent bottles, Is
just what you need to make your scalp
heaithy and immediately remove dand
ruff your hair, wavy, lustrous and
.You cannot be disappointed in Par
isian Sage. It quickly stops itching
head; cleanses the hair of dust and
excessive oil; takes away the dryness
and brittlenes; makes it seem twice
as abundant and beautifies it until it
is soft and lustrous.
For Sale By '
Several low-priced sales of hops of
several days ago but just made public,
sow that there is but little snap to
the trade.- Purchases were shown
several days at 21 and 23 cents a
pound, and the latter for the best qual
ity, but today the best bids are 22c
and there is no keeness among the
buyers to take hold, even at that fig
ure. There is almost "total lack of in
quiry from abroad; in fact the Eng
lish trade is not even inclined to an
swer cables from this side.
Livestock, Meats
BEEF (Live wtight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7c: bulls 4, to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 3 to 4c; lambs,
5 to 5c.
POULTRY (Buying) Hens; old
roosters, 9c; broilers 12c.
WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb.
PORK 10 and 11c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dressec
according to grade.
Fruits . .
APPLES 50c and f 1.
. DRIED FKJITS (Buying) Prunes
on basis 4 for 35 to 40c.
ONIONS $1 per sack.
POTATOES 65 and 80c.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter 23c to 25c. -
EGGS Oregon ranch, case count
38c; Oregon ranch candled 40c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are
as follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c.
CORN Whole corn ?36; cracked
SHEEP PELTS 75c to Jl.fO each.
f LUUlt $.SU LO $0.
HAY (Buying) Clover at 8 and
$9.00; timothy $12.00 aad $13.00;
oat hay best $10 and $11; mixed $9 to
$13; Idaho and eastern Oregon tim
othy sailing $20; valley timothy $12
to $14
OATS (Buying) $23.00 and $24;
wheat 77c and 78c; oil meal selling
$38; Shady Brook feed $1.25 per cent.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $26; bran
$24; feed barley 430 to $31.
The many colored prisms that wilt
be used in the novel and striking",
scheme of night illumination of the'
Panama-Pacific exhibit palaces are of
fine cut glass, made in Austria by a
process not followed elsewhere. Tbe
prisms' known as jewels, are patiently '
tooled by hand in the homes of the
artisans. .
u m HkV IN
m i snok
AM 111
WM 111
EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model
Rsnesr" bicycle furnlshedby us. Our Rider Agents everywhere are
ma kiiur money fast. Writeforfull particulars and Hpeciai offer at once.
NOMONEYR equike D untu you receive ana approve your Dicycie.
We ship to anyone anywhere in the TT. S. withtmtacent deposit in
advance, prepay freight, ana allow its day or kce tk ial. during
which time you may ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wish.
If von are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keeD the bi- .
cycle ship it back to us atour expense and youwfllnot beoutone cent.
riATADV BDIftCC We furnish the highest grade bicycles it is
r Al I Uli I rniliEd possible to make at one small profit above
actual factory cost. You save 810 to 225 middlemen's profits by buy
ing direct of us andhave themanuf acturer'sguarantee behind your
bic.vcle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anuone at
amy price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of
factory prices and remarkable special offers.
Yflll Wll I RP ASTflU SHFI1 when yon receive our beautiful cnU.
ww mm iw m whiwhmw i
loftne and study oursaDerb models at
the wonderful ljf low prices wb can make yon tiUe year. We sell the highest grade
bicycles for tees money than any other factory. We are satisfied with tl.00 profit
above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your
own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received.
SECONDHAND BICYCLES. We do not refirulrly handle second-hand blcrelea.
bat usnlaly have a number on hand taken In trade by oar Chicago retail stores. These we clear
inoee ranging irgm j to or iv. iMwunywre uukoiu unyi uiiiea ires.
jinsia wrneii impprtea roiiar cnains ana peaais, parx8rrepauB
od equipment Ot ail kinds at hatf the reffukir retail price.
out promptly atprioee ranging ft
OJ? Iledgethorn Puncture-Proof
CU ! mm ! Tivam A SAMPLE PAIR
gcii-ncaiiug iiicd
The reaular retad vrtee of these
0ucr tee vnit suit you a sampte pair J or pus oaa
Vrithorder$4.55). -
Nail. Taeka or Glass will not tet tfta air out.
A hundred thousand pairs sold last year.
nFVtiRMDTinil Made in all sizes. II
riding, very durable and lined Inside with.
Notice the thick rubber tread
A" and jMinctur etri ps' B"
and "D" io rim strip "H"
to prevent rim cutting. -This
tire will outlast any other
make-SOFT, ELASTIC and
a speoial quality of rubber, which never be
comes norons and which closes no small
punctures without allowing air to escape. They weigh!
no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting I
Dualities twine in ven ft v several la vers or uun. SDecianv
prepared fabric on the tread. The regular price of these
tires is 310.00 per pair, but for advertising purposes we i
are making a SDecial f actorv Drice to the rider of only
14.80 per nair. All orders shinned same dav letter is
received. We will shin C. O. D. on aDDrovaL You do
not need to pay a cent until you examine and find them strictly as represented.
We will allow s cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.58 per pair) if
yon send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in
sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OU R expense if for any reason they are not
gatisfectory on examination. Wo are perfectly reliable and money sent to ns Is ae aafo as In a bank. It yon order
a pair ot these tires, yon will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer
than any tire yon ha-reever need or seen at any price. We know that yon win be to well pleased that when yon want
abicycleyon will given- yonr order. We want yon to send nsa trial orderat onoe. benoe this remarkabietlre offer.
aont Day any Kind at any price until yon sena lor a pair 01 neagetnorn
rnnctore-rroot nres on approval ana tnai at tae special imruauctory
nment and sundries at about half the nsnal wioes.
fin AJ n UllThntwrttei&nniittltnlar.
WlffUl WWSU 9 of tires from anyone until yon know the new and wonderful offers we are making.
abicycleyon will give a yourorder. Wew
price quoted above; or write tor oat big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describee and (juotea all makes
mas ox tires ana Dicycie eqmpmenbana Bunanee ax atx
lnda of tires and h1rt-MAann1nnMmtand unnrtrtwi at abont h&lf the usual niioaa.
nl MifmT Utf T bat write as a postal today. DO NOT THINK Ot BUYIRO a bicycle or a pair
vv ffwf of ttree from anyone until you know the new aod wonderful offers we are making.
It coots only a poertal to learn everything. Write i; NCW.