I A Plain Statement of Facts I By L. E. KARO 1 p , (- ( 1 1 I 1 f 1 To the Public: "" ' us- Bankruptcy Court the bankrupt stock of Bard & Levitt was sold to me. The entire .stock and fixtures, which is one of the best and finest and most complete in the state, is now placed at the disposal of this commun ity s The assets of this concern are only good for what cash they bring in, thats why I say to you that its the sale of the age. Nothing will be stopped at, everything from top to bottom must be wiped out. Any one contemplating going , in business can buy some fine fixtures here very cheap. You will readily understand my position I have only one object in view and thats is to get rid of these assets and whats more it must be done quick. I have other business that needs my immediate attention and must get this off my hands. The wholesale cost or worth or former price is not even looked at its simply a case of getting out the assets for what ever cash they will bring. I trust I have made this clear to you. Signed L. E. KARO. j j I A Sacrifice that will Startle this Community I This great stock and fixtures must be sold regardless of what it brings. Go wholesale and retail. IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF PRICE, "THE GO. sold. ITS THE GREATEST BAKGABW EVEWT OL off IPlacedl omit to tlnte "will of tine pTLaMic, amd it inraost 1ms is not only a chance or a liietime, but the opportunity of a century.aThe p presented to the public or this communityraThe stock must be sold.This is or FMi $3.00 English Fine Ribbed Cord uroy Pants, peg top, dM QQ bankrupt price . WJi0 $2.50 Men's Wool Mixture Roughneck Sweater FJA Coats, bankrupt price qj) $5.00 Woolen Blankets, Oregon City Woolen Mills dQ fiR aucxiyc, uaurvp upiicc h m m $2.00 Eagle Underwear, absolute ly all wool, bankrupt QA . . . . ouc price $1.25 Woolen Underw'r bankrupt price . :63. $1.00 Dress Shirts, stand ard brands, bankrupt price 9 c $1.50 Woolen Blue Flannel Shirts bankrupt price ! 79c 50c Ribbed Under wear bankrupt 1 price 290 35c Heavy Wool Socks, bankrupt price 17c THESE IPMCES JME Here are Clothing Bargains that . are absolutely wit Society Brand. Schloss Now isn't it a fact that in all your life you have never seen these bra $15.00 Suits for Men take them away at the astonishing figure of $'6.9 $20 Suits and Over coats for Men & Young Men, Bankrupt price $11.48 $25 Suits and 0 coats for Men & Yc Men given away! $13.6; TBme' Greatest Oiatdhieir-y $3.50 MEN'S SHOES, bankrupt price $4.00 MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SHOES, bankrupt price . $5.00 MEN'S DRESS SHOES, Custom made, bankrupt price Men's Heavy Work Shoes, good year double soles, sold the world over for $5.00, bankrupt price $5.00 Heavy Cruisers and Loggers Shoes, bankrupt price $6.50 Hightop Water Proof Shoes, bankrupt price $7.50 and $8.00 Shoes, full 16-in high top in tan and black, bankrupt price $2.50 Boy's Shoes, bankrupt price . . r . - - -$1.50 Men's Trousers, bankrupt price $3,00;Men's Trousers, bankrupt price $1.98 $2.48 $3.48 welts, full $3.69 $3.65 $4.59 $6.35 $1.78 .79 $1.89 $5.00 Men's Trousers, bankrupt price 75c Boy's Gauntlet Gloves, bankrupt price . . . . . . $1.25 Men's Dress and Work Gloves, bankrupt price . $1.50 Men's Dress and Work Gloves, bankrupt price $2.50 Men's Hats, all shapes and shades, bankrupt price . . . $3.00 Men's Hats, broken lots, bank rupt price . . . . . $5.00 Roughneck Sweater Coats, bank rupt price - . . . . - . $8.00 Extra Heavy Roughneck Sweaters Coat, bankrupt price . . . 50c Heavy Police Suspenders, bankrupt price . . . ... 25c Fine Cassimere Hose, bankrupt price .. . . ." . The Slaughter of the Age. Savings without Limit. The Opportunity of th( Remember the Sale E. KARO BARDE & LEVITT STORE OREGON CITY October 24th, jo n