MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. Good Counsel. mi I t-nm A. laaw "I'm going to bleach my hair.' "Keep It dark!" Satire. Local Briefs G. Hoshin, of Molalla, came to this :ity Wednesday. Miss Russell was a visitor in Oregon 3ity Thursday afternoon. William Bardfelt, of Logan, is ill it the Oregon City hospital. John Reisesher, of Sandy, was a vis tor to Oregon City Wednesday. G. W. Harris, of Portland, was in Oregon City over Wednesday night. Joel Jarl, of Boring, stayed over Wednesday night in the county seat. W. H. Beck, the Molalla real estate man, was in the county seat Thurs day. Mrs. J. Imel is able to be about af ter a severe case of sciatic rheuma tism. G. F. Pert, of LaCenter, Washington, nade a trip to Oregon City the middle bf the week. Mr. Donner. of Bannon's store, was hunting the forepart of the week and Returned with the limit. Dr. Jas. E. Naylor, of Portland, spent i couple of days in Oregon City dur ing the middle of the week. Mrs. Frank Foster and her two Children, of Cathlamet, Wash., are k'isiting relatives in Gladstone. G. Messenger and his daughter, Miss Marie Messenger, of Beaver Creek, are visiting in Oregon City. James Kaiser and his son Earl, of West Linn, are still very ill with ty phoid fever. They have been ill for several weeks. Mrs. Joseph Lynch is much better and will be able to go around the house in a few days. She has been suffering from typhoid fever. Among those registered at the Elec tric hotel ar: Harry C. Humbouris, T .E. Smith, Niles Johnson, John Gig- inae, M. Fitzpatric and w. u. Matton, Visit Harris' Grocery Friday and Saturday. Big demonstration of Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co's. fine crackers and cakes, also Harris' Old Homestead Coffee. 1 Mr. Janin, who is employed in a lo cal department store, has moved to Oregon City to take up residence. He has just completed a new bungalow on the corner of Fifteenth and Madi son streets. Don't fail to see the demonstration of the fine products of the Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., and get a -cup of Harris' "Old Homestead" Coffee, Fri day and Saturday at Main and 8th Sts. Deputy Head Council E. P. Martin and District Manager E. Beakey will visit Willamette Falls Camp W. O. W. Friday evening to help organize a campaign for new members. The meeting wil wind up with a smoker. George Miekle has at last returned from his extended trip in the east where he visited his home town for the first time in many years. He brought his brother, Edward, back with him. The latter owns a farm in in the East but if he is satisfied with the West will settle here for good. The sacred money that the Hindus worship, the only one of its kind in America has been imported direct from the Singapore Straights Settle ments and is put on exhibition at the Jones Drug company by Drs. James E. Naylor and R. G. Holldorf foot specialists, of the Royland Manufac turing company. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St., and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again- Telephone B-"3 . WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Pete the Horse- shoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. The classified ad columns of Th Enterprise .satisfy your wants. The classified ua columns of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. MORNING ENTERPRISE'S CLACKAflAS COUNTY . ' SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE WILLAMETTE Merritt Willson, Agent Henry D. Shipley visited Portland Wednesday on business. Walter Leisman has resigned his po sition at Huntley Bros. Co., in Oregon City to take up a medical course at Portland, Oregon. Mr. Cherryman, the real estate deal er in Portland, visited Willamette Thursday on businesst The Ladies Aid of the Willamette Methodist church met Thursday af ternoon at the church. Richard Dent has7 moved from his home in the country to Samuel Bat dorf's house in Willamette. Thomas Hill from Wasco county, Oregon, is visiting his neice, ' Mrs. George Batdorf of Willamette. CANEMAH CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent STAFFORD CANEMAH Mrs. G. Smith visited friends in Oregon City Thursday. Howard Ormeston, who was shot through the leg last Saturday by Lyle Cook, of Oregon City, is recovering rapidly. The Cook boy had a 22-rlfle and was loading it when it accident ly discharged and hit his companion in the left leg. Miss Helen Smith visited Mrs. E. O. Mayer, of Portland, Thursday. Miss W. Fine and Mrs. F. Driscoll, both of Canemah, made a trip to the county seat Thursday. Mrs. E. Vonderahe, of Oregon City, visited Mrs. O. Smith Thursday. WILSON VI LLE. It began to rain In the night Sun day and continued gently all day Mon day until nearly an inch fell, and is quite cloudy at the present writing so that potato digging did not begin on Monday as was expected, although no one feels in a great hurry about it, as most of the late ones are still green. There has been no frost to kill them yet. We had two or three light frosts last week but nothing serious. Mr. Keller's dry house burned one morning last week. They were drying prunes. Mrs. Nemec got a quantity of her prunes dried in Mrs. Weddle's drier. The surprise party at C .Tiedeman's Saturday evening was a huge success. About forty spent a very pleasant fivpninc with music and camps Sur prise parties have become quite the s thing and everyone holds themselves '. in readiness expecting and nearly al-: ways" hoping they will be the next to receive a visitation. Mrs. Nemec's hop buyer did not show up at the end of the ten days specified. He was to. give her 25 cents per pound, and gave her a phoney check for $600 to bind the bar gain, but it was returned, no money in the bank, but it looks now from ad vices Mr. C. Thompson has direct from London and New York that hops are bound to come up and she may make well by keeping them. All the hop growers as far as heard from around here with the ex ception of Mr. Pamperine, are hold ing on to their hops. Adolph Delkar's little boy, who was so sick last week is about well again. Mr. and Mrs. Gage made a short visit at Geo. Tiedeman's last Sunday. Grand Tiedeman is able to stand on her feet, and push a chair about the rooms. Mr. Gage received a sample of ap ples and plums grown by his son-in-law, C. A. Sweek, at Burns, Harvey County, 4000 feet above sea level. He will exhibit them at the Oswego Grange Fair which is to be held on Saturday the 11th. Mr. Nussbaum with a force of men began to dig potatoes Wednesday. By another week if it don't rain any more, the harvest will be In full swing. C. Wagner from near Wilsonville, was to come around Tuesday with onions. Have not heard his price. Farmers are busy these bright days threshing clover, which gives a good yield this year. Clyde Baker, and Mr. Vanwey, -of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker last week and enjoyed a short hunting trip, Rev. Paddock and wife have moved to the Hood View parsonage and reg ular services will be held in the Hood View church. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. l Turner and young son, visited Mrs. Turner's par ents on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Williams and Mr. Jell, of Mad ras, visited the Batalgia family last week. The Epler property in Corral Creek has been rented recently. School opened Monday in our vil lage with an increased attendance. MS Greer and two sons, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday, with Pro fessor Graham, at his ranch home. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones attended the fair at Sherwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellerson, of Astoria, are the proud parents of a 10-pound baby boy. Mrs. Ellerson will be re membered as Frances Lawrence, who resided here before her marriage, and we join in best wishes, to the new man, and bis happy .parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and Misses Nuerer have returned from Ocean Park, where they enjoyed a two weeks' vacation. Have you read the interesting little paper called the "Furrow," sent out by the "Peters Hardware Co." of our village? - Game seems to be plentiful this year, and the noise of the shot gun fills the air. - Misses Annie and Emma Ridder spent Friday and Saturday in Oregon City. Emil Tanchman's many friends are sorry to know that he had to be re moved to the hospital on Friday, where an operation is necessary. Henry Wilhelm won the silver cup for the best hops on display at the Sherwood fair. - Florence Nickerson Barker died in Oakland, Calif., on Thursday morn ing, Oct. 2nd, of consumption, and the r.emains were brought to Wilsonville and interment was made in the Staf ford cemetery on Tuesday morning, Oct. 7th. --..- Gladys Snodgrass. " - - Mr. Woodard and Mr. Thomas, fromJ. Oregon City, went through Clarkes. last Monday. j Misses Irene and Ermie Lee were! out to- the dance .and fair In Clarkes ' last Saturday. j ' Mr. Widner was in Clarkes on busi-, ness on Monday. Fred and Carl Jossie' were out in Clarkes on a pleasure trip on Sunday. Mr. Ashelyman is intending to work for Mr. Elmer. - - : . J. Grossmiller went through Clarkes on business. C. H. Bergman moved to Hignland last week. C. Haag and son, Rudolph, were in town last week. W. H. Bottemiller was at the Union Mills last week. Rudolph Haag hauled wheat to the Howard Mills last week.- SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's, the antiseptic powder. It re. Seres painful, smarting, tender, nervous feet, and instantly takes too sting oat o f corns and bunions, It's the zreatest comfort discovery of the age. Alleys Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It i e a certain relief for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, ccbmgfeet. Always use it to Break New shoes. Try it to-day. Soldcvcrywhere, 25 tS. Don't accept anp u&.ttur. -'or FRHB trial pvekage address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. ALSPAUGH CLARKES. Mrs. O. S. Martin and children, of Eastern Oregon, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxson. Timber Grove school opened Octob er 6th and the teacher is Miss Lillian Bonfit. Mr. Buche was in town last week. Miss Dora Marquardt is intending to work in Oregon City. G. Marquardt and daughter, Dora, were in town last week. Clarkes school opened October 6. The teachers are Misses Inez and Guns can be heard in every direc tion since the hunting season has been opened. ' .-... Miss Hazel Githens visited "with Mrs. Clarence O'Neal last Tuesday. Fred Bartholomew helped John Githens dig potatoes last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrow, of Port land, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dowty Sunday. Mrs. Addie Marshall, of Estacada, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Maud Hieple last Thursday. Edgar Hieple had some baling done last week. Mrs.. Henry Githens was visiting with Mrs. Ed Still one day last week. Mr. J. W. Dowty was a Salem vis itor last week. property to Mr. Shoemaker and. will now make her home in Oregon City. Mr. Shoemaker sold his house and lot and blacksmith shop to Alfred Olson for the sum of $2500. Prune drying is in full blast in the Scotts Mills vicinity, ana also in other portions of .the Valley. Hugh Jackson, from Eastern' Ore gon, has disposed of most of his band of horses and will soon return home. Jake Schnack purchased a span of matched sorrels, unbroken. Neil Jackson and two other men passed last week on the road to the Ogle Creek mines, where they expect to work this coming .month. Ole Rue is busy grinding up com to fill his silage vat. Sam Lowe made a trip to Portland taking his daughter, Margie,' with him. She will enter school there for the winter. Saturday night we had a severe frost, a few more of like descriptions and late potatoes will never arrive at maturity. MEADOWBROOK GLAD TIDINGS. James, son of L. N. Jones, had his leg broken and badly smashed from the upsetting of a hay bailer in oper ation on the Ed Albright farm near Marquam. James was taken immedi ately to the Salem Hospital, where at last accounts he was getting along as well as could be expected. Mrs. Gray, of Marquam has sold her Everybody is trying to get their fall work done before it rains much. We are sorry to hear that littfe Viv ian Chindgren is quite sick at pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holman, of Port land, visited at their son's, Ralph HoL man's, over Sunday. P. O. Chindgren attended the State Fair a couple of days last week. Geo. Noys and Clay Williams, of Portland are spending a few days at Wm. Kerns. Allen Larkins called on Gillia Nord ling Sunday. Carl Peterson came out Sunday to spend a few days on his place and dig his potatoes. Guaranteed to Stop Itching at Onso Eczema, Bash, Tetter, Dandruff Disap pear by Usmg Remarkable ZEMO. Buy a 26o Bottle Today and Prove It. ' That itching that drives you nearly wild, that keep3 you awake in agony all night long, that scalp itching, will vanish instantly by using the new remedy ZEMO. It is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as it has thousands of others by Ks results on "3 a. ill. Not a Wink of Sleep Yet. If I Only Had ZEMO for that Terrible Itchiug" fiery eczema, sores, rash, tetter, blotches, inflamed or irritated skin, pimples, rawness after sbavlncr. all skin afflictions, sores, blotches, and itclunr? icalp. It cures dandruil completely, s;iuo dandru.t .'' nothing but eczema of the sea!'-. ZEMO i3 wonderfully refreshing ty the skin. It is a clean, antiseptic sv- The first application gives blessea r-. -lief. ZEMO has been imitated. 1: . t positively never equalled. 'It is impossible for me to do J ..7 tice in recommending Z3M"0, f.f 'ii; i words cannot express its won-sori'.-! achievements." It. A. Stierlh;, i.;;. Electrotype Dept., Sanders Eny-V!,-; Co., St. Louis, Mo. Your druggist will sell you o sealed bottle of ZEMO, and wi'.i j,oai -antee it, or it will be sent direct un receipt of price by E. W. Rose Medi cine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Constipation, indigestion; drive away appetite ' and make you weak and sick. Holister's Rock Moun tain Tea restores the appetite, drives' away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, tea or tablets. Jones Drug Co. Enterprise classified ads pay. HYOMEI Has Benefited Thousands of Catarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same forYou or Money Back The Hyomei treatment that has ef fectively benefited many thousands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and colds in the head is easy and pleasant to use. Just pour a few drops in the inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing. The heal ing, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, hawking and that choaked up feeling.' It will quick ly allay the inflammation and banish the disease or money refunded by Huntley Bros. Co. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs only 1.00, and an extra bottle of liquid, if afterwards needed, is but 50 cents. For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. RIDER AiEMTS WANTED IN EACH tOWN and district to rida and exhibit asample LatestModel . "QanH. il.-i-l.i f.. . 1 1 I':,) A . V makintrmoney fast. Writeforfullparttcularsandspecial offer atonce. nunvncinciiumcu untn you receive ana approve your bicycle. We shiD to anvnmi ftnvwhfirfl In the TT. S rfhmr n. rnf. etrmwitn u vance, prepay TreiflncanaailoWTErJ DATH'r-KtfcTRIALduring which time youmay ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wish. ii juuara uieu uui, penecuy sausnea or ao noi wisn to Keep tne bi cycle ship It back to us atour expense and you lofli not be out on cent. CAPTflBV BBIfiCC Wefurnislltne highest grade bicycles It Is mu I uni mibE4 possiBle to make at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy jinar direct of us and ha ve the manuf acturer'seuarantee behind your bicycle. DO WOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at iiwitu iff too uuui .vuu iwcivc uui iuiiui:ui ouu uuuu uiiT unnRam (IT i factory prices and remarkable special offers. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED SSn the wonderfully tow prices we can make yon this year. We sell the highest grade 1 bicycles for lese money than any other factory. We are satisfied with 81.00 profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS yon ean sell oar bleyclee under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. WArlnnntraralarli' hanrllAanv.nrl.harM. MmmlM but ntmlaly hare a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptlyat prices ranstns from 3to8 or 10. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. P ft A QTF R RRAIPEC whel, Imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs UUHaitn DnHIVtOf and equipment of all kiadaaiiui 00 Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof $ n 80 Aim IM mum mimm I W x JT mm J. dVTtT Ui Mb Self-hear m OArnrix rum 65 ID INTRODUCE, OMLY 4F Th regular retail jr ires w 0iu.w per pmr dure toe tHU well yott a sample pair for $ltV v" vrithorder 4.55). HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUKCTURES Mllm, Tk or alas, will not ! tn sir wit. A hundred thousand nairs sold last peer. DESCRIPTIONS Made In all sizes. It Is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined inside with a special quality ot rubber, which never De comes porous and which closes ud small yuuckures wiuiouT, allowing air to escape, iney weien in MoMeathathiek niblwrrn no more than an ordinary tire, thennnctnre resisting Ell .riitTT..?" ZPS-inSS qualities being given by several layers of thin. specially f , 'u'Sm rim VtriV "H' preuarru iHuneon me tread. The regular pno ot tnese r tssnvmi rimeuttint This tires isSlO.OO per pair, but for advertising purposes we I !f.?. IrJT.t . -Jhi? are matung a special ractory price to the rider of only - "" mmZ .ii,. ' 14.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is U ElirS?r.I'EUST,C "n" received. We will ship C. O. D. on approval You do EASY HIDING. not need to pay a cent until you examine and find them strictly as represented. no mi aiipw a casn discount ot5percent (thereby making the price 94.55 per pair) II SOU send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this adverTisement. Yon mm no risk In ending us an order as the tires may be returned at OU R expense if for Any reason they are not satisfactory on !xailostioa. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to tu Is as safe sa In a bank. If yon order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run taster, irear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you wilt be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle yon will give ns yonrorder. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. MFjr tmlM AJ- F n TiBF don't bay any kind at any price until you sendfor a pair of Hedgethorn WW nuar Puncture-Proof tlreeon approval and trial at the special Introductory price quoted above: or write for our bis Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes ail makes ana kinds of tires and bicycle equipment and sundries at about half the usual prices. nft ttm" WAIT but write ns a postal today. DO HOT THINK OP BUYIItO a bicycle or a pair ww vwar va-M of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It ooetaonly a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. 31 Given to Every Reader of The OREGON CITY EN1 'ERPRISE For only six Panama Certificates and the small expense amount named therein (which cov ers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other ne cessary EXPENSE items). No similar book ever published has sold for less than $4, and it is only by manufacturing in train-load lots that this spjendid big volume can be presented by news papers on the terms named below. They're going fast. Get yours today. IT IS ENTERTAINING From this book you get a com plete understanding of the PEO PLE of Panama and the Canal their personal appearance, their . dress, their home life, their social life, their industries, their sports , and pastimes ; all about the strange natives that inhabit the central part of the great American continent. It is both entertaining and education al, written in an intensely chatty style, which immediately gains and holds your interest throughout its entirety. Presented by Daily Newspapers From- the provinces of Canada to the coun tries of South America train-loads of these books are being distributed to newspaper readers. IT IS EDUCATIONAL The great knowledge to be gained by reading this volume will forever after be a valuable asset to every man, woman and child, for thii? great waterway is destined to be come a mighty factor in times of peace and war. It will revolution, ize shipping throughout the entire world; it will bring about changes in the trade and commerce of all the earth ; it will open new avenues of business and establish new rela , tionships between the various coun tries of the globe. This G is 9x12 Greatly Reduced Illustration Shows the Large Volume, which Inches Double the Dimensions of the Usual size INovel. For the Benefit of Oar Readers There is a world-wide interest in the Panama Canal and information on thistimely subject is of rare value to all who wish to advance. More than SIX HUNDRED Illustrations INCLUDING RARE AND BEAUTIFUL WATER COLOR STUDIES Interwoven with the beautiful word pictures In this large volume are hundreds of photographic reproductions, " accurately portraying the scenes described in the text. Many of these pictures, represent scenes ' far re moved from the path of the ordinary tourist views of the jungle of the. almost uncivilized natives jvho reside within the borders of the Zone, but who are quite unknown outside of their own little world because of the difficulty in reaching them. Such pictures are rare and are to be found only in this volume. Beautiful large, colored plates abound throughout the book. These are reproduced in splendid full pages from water color studies made by E. J. Read, the well-known artist, who spent months in the study of Canal scenes. No book of similar character contains such a wealth of magnificent color. How to Get "Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose" Almost Free Clip and Present Six Panama Certificates Printe Daily With the Expense Amount Set Opposite the Style Selected THE $4 VOLUME $1.18 Money Refunded if Not Satisfied Call Any Day and Examine These Beautiful Books (See illustration) is printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper;, bound in tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped in gold, with in laid color panel; contains more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beautiful pages reproduced from water color studies in colorings that far surpass any work of a similar character. EXPENSE Amount of Six certificates of consecutive dates and only Send by Mail, Postage P aid, for $1.59 and Six Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the $4 volume; bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproductions and the color plates are omitted. - Six Certificates of consecutive dates and only . Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67c and 6 Certificates Certificates THE $2 VOLUME EXPENSE Amount of $.48 MAIL ORDERS ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, OREGON Imamuummmamumm0mmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmm Get Busy and Present Your Certificates Today