MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. ; : : ' i : " hs ast ELECTION FACES LEGAL TANGLE CARRY BOOKS TOM At the Portland Theaters THIS TTW A TT TJJT. TTVTTT TH FiTl M. hi BIG L9 1LA (Continued from page 1) forcemeat of prohibition until the su preme court had ruled upon the case, and should the supreme court find the technicality sufficient to disqualify the vote, prohibition would fail to carry, in spite of the popular expres sion at the polls. In fact, if the question ts raised, the result of the election on any meas ure on the ballot would be held up. - Some attorneys go so far as to say that there is yet time to raise the question before the election, and to get the ballotting' postponed until the courts have' ruled upon the matter. County Clerk Mulvey, of Clackamas county, though admitting the possibil ity of such action, is going ahead with his eleetion preparations; but says that he would not be surprised if cer tain Interests should raise the legal question that is involved. Won't Cross Bridges '.' . "I am not going to cross any bridges until I come to them," said the coun ty clerk, "but it is possible that an at tempt will be made to enjoin me. In fact the question has already been raised as to whether or not the pro hibition question can be placed on the same ballot as the referendum mat ters. As I construe the law I believe all the questions should go upon the same ballot, and I am so ordering the printing; but I may be mandamussed in the matter." . The fact that this phase of the legal ity of the election has already been raised indicates that there is an activ ity against the election, and there are many who expect to see a pretty legal fight grow out of the result, the fight to be based entirely upon the conflict of laws brought about by the act of the last session of the legislature. (Continued from Page 1.) ette, C. D. Latourette, A. J. Lewth waite, J. Lewthwaite, John W. Loder, B. T. McBain, Dr. C. H. Meissner, Ore gon City Woolen Mills, A. L. Price, J. A. Roake, William Sheahan, E. K. Stanton, Mrs. Mary B. XJ'Ren W. S. U'Ren, Williams Bros., Wm. Grisenth waite, Carus, Oregon; C. E. Spence, Carus, Oregon; Geo. H. Brown, New Era, Oregon; J. W. Reed, Estacada, Oregon; Dr. H. VAdix, Estacada, Ore gon; Claude W. Devore, Estacada, Ore gon; M. J. Lee, Canby, Oregon; J. W. Grasle, Milwaukie, Oregon; John R. Oatfield, Milwaukie, Oregon; B. Lee Paget, Oak Grove, Oregon; John F. Risley, Oak Grove, Oregon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS AT Edmond Lawrence Batdorf, who died at his home Monday from a sud den stroke of apoplexy, was buried Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in - the Mountain View cemetery. The church services were conducted in the First Baptist church by the Rev. W. T. Milliken while the Woodmen of the World had charge of the services at the grave. Mr. Batdorf was a resident of West Lynn for 25 years and was one of the best known citizens of this sec tion. He was born 93 years ago in Ohio and came to Oregon when 28 years old, where he has lived ever since. He leaves a widow and sx cnlldren, all residents of this county. They are. Berly Batdorf, Mrs. Arthur Williams, Glen Batdorf, Inez Batdorf and Lea land Batdorf. The pallbearers were: E. H. Coop er, I. D. Taylor, W. F. Schooley, W. L. Snidow, C. F. Charles and John W. Loder. Olive A. Day et al to C. G. Peterson and wife, all easterly seven feet of lots seven and eight, block 55, and all westerly 49 feet' lots one and two, block 55, Oregon City; $2000. Carrie E. Dunn. to Sherman Glaze and wife, lots one -block one, first ad dition to Parkplace; $1. Henry C. Prudhomme Co. to Bessie L. and Marion I. Allen, nine acres in section 1; $10. Same to same, south 825 feet of the west S. W.-, S. W. Yi section one, T. 2 S., R. 4 E.; $10. William J .Curtis and wife to H. E. Cross, lot 15, Park's subdivision of tract 135, Gladstone; $300. Lyman Davies and wife to Alfred W. Bell, lots 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, Sandy Land Company's second addition to Sandy; $10. A. W. Bell and wife to L. F. Pride more, lots two and three block three, Junker's addition to Sandy; $10. William L. Graham and wife to W. B. Richards, S. S. E. , N. E. section 16, T. 4 S., R. 3 E.; $2000. George M. Shaver et al to Fred T. Smith, block seven, of the Shaver sub division of the Shaver place; $950. Grace K. Miller et al to .Charles W. Canney-all of lot D. tract 57 of Wil liam Tracts; $10. Earnest E. Chaste and wife to E. C. & C. W. Warner, N. William and Jane Connell D. L. C; $3000. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE TO HAVE ANOTHER MEETING The meeting of the publicity com committtee of the Commercial club, which was to be held Wednesday evening for the purpose of discussing the plan of co-operating with the sev en other counties in the valley for a great exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, was postponed to a later date so that all members could be present. The matter is considered of utmost importance to Clackamas county in general and to Oregon City in parti cular. When the meeting was called there was a quorum present but Chair man Sullivan postponed the meeting until sometime later in the month. Enterprise classified ads pay. JJj l' L TRANSPARENT SLEEVES DISTINGUISH. MANY OF THE NEW BLOUSES Great Is the vogue of the blouse this eason. In chiffon, net and delicately patterned laces they are worn with skirts of moire, silk poplin, duvetyn and the numerous other supple drapy stuffs so smart at the moment. Simple in line and design many of the blouses depend more or less for ef fect upon odd frills, quaint collars, vest effects and decorative materials. One distinguished little model (7913) has an overblouse with slightly low shoulder that would be most attractive, in flow ered chiffon. The underblouse,' which has a full length sleeve, could be In one of the finely figured laces that are used so much Just now. These laces are often dipped and tinted slightly to harmonize with the skirt or suit for which they . are intended. A narrow frill finishes the neck prettily. A most becoming conceit to wear the low cut blouse is a narrow hand of satin or velvet ribbon not wider than a quarter of an inch, tied around the throat very highjn the back. 7913 may be copied in size 36 with 2& yards of 36 inch material. Another blouse in peasant design is perfectly plain without tuck or plait. The V shaped neck is finished with a softly folded fichu. Embroidered net or figured crepe is suitable for this model. Size 36 will require 2 yards of 36 inch material. Loose and comfy to a degree are the blouses that slip on over the head, without opening front or back. No. 7933 is an attractive design in this style, the pointed peplum is a new fashion detail this season. This design requires for size 36, 2 yards of 36 inch material. Each pattern 15 cents. Every number and style of Pat tern made ljy the Ladies' Home Journal Home Pattern Co. is carried in stock and sold only by Elliott Brothers Department Store 7th Street at Madison On the Hill "The Criterion". Magazine 5c at our pattern counter. Last Car Leaves for Oregon City) At Midnight. Preparations to give hundreds of fans the chance to see the world's series as it is played have been made at the Heilig in Portland, where a Western Union operator has been sta tioned with his l.oop tapping the wire connecting direct with the field where the final contest for the world's cham pionship is being waged. Fans from Portland and all of the surrounding towns have taken advant age of this chance to see every move that is made and every play that Is ex ecuted as the battle between the giants' of two leagues goes on In the arena of the greatest game. Plenty of hot things to eat will be served dur ing the lulls in the game and the fans will be supplied with enough to keep them interested when the contest is not going on before their eyes. The doors of the Heilig will open at 10 o'clock this morning. Reports will be read at once, covering the appear ance of the men, the size of the crowd and other . information as to the game. . . SULZER CLOSES HIS E T ALBANY, N, Y., Oct. 8. The de fense in the Sulzer impeachment cast rested this afternoon without calling the governor .to the stand. ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 8 Governor Sulzer showed signs of extreme nerv ousness today and his friends were worried by fears of a complete break down. His lawyers were trying to persuade him not to take the stand in his own behalf at the impeachment trial, but the governor sluck obstin ately to his determination to tell his story in person from the stand. Under cross-examination today, Louis Sareeky, Sulzer's campaign man ager and stenographer, wis rorced 1-a-to further somewhat damaging admis sions. He was still a good witness fot the defense to the extent of sticking to his story that he, and not the gov ernor. should be blamed for any care lessness or misconduct in the handl ing of Sulzer's campaign money, but it was generally considered doubtful if the court would accei 5 as .rue h:s assertion that his employer knew nothing of any of the . remarkable things the witness acknowledged. Is the Opportunity of a Generation Beyond the Least Conception of a Doubt This is the greatest genuine Saving Event ever recorded in the State of Oregon Right at the opening of the Season came this GREAT SLAUGHTER of .1 m sT - l " . nnnm m m r n v a m vw vi tne Market s UJLM MUKCHAJNDiat, Nationally Advertised Clothes at BIG SAVINGS $15 Suits and Overcoats $20 Suits and Overcoats $25 Suits and Overcoats $ 8.48 $12.69 $14.89 Big Savings in SHOES during this BANKRUPT SALE $3.50 Men's Shoes, Now - $4.00 Men's Shoes, Now $6.00 Men's Shoes, Now $7.50 Men's Shoes, Now $1.98 $2.48 $4.35 $5.85 50 c Cotton Ribbed Underwear 30 c Arrow Collars, by the Dozen SOc Working Shirts 33c NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at tli 3 foot of 6th St., and are now ready to do scienMfic work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again- Telephone E s3 WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Pete the Horse shoer and W. J. Wheaton,. formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. . Not Her Abode. "My small." said a rather dilatory lover, "and perhaps it is cruel of uie to take' you from your father's roof." . v;s-; "Rut I don't live on the' roof." was the prompt reply. ill 111 1 1 i in Stetson and Doyle Hats $2.50 Hats, all shapes - . - $1.39 $3.00 Hats, all shapes - - $1.89 $5.00 Stetson Hats - - $3.19 Big Bargains in Boys' Suits $4.00 Boys' Suits, Now - - - - $2.75 $5.00 Boys' Suits, Now - - - $3.39 $7.00 Boys' Suits, Now - - - $4.89 T? T1TV T7 W ' A, TIT S II lfJ iKv-U-W TtKland Main Streets Purchaser and in Charge Oregon City i , Yes and No. "Are yon able to keep n cook?" "Kin:t in-ill I l.v. yes; diplomatically, do.' Washington Herald. GRAY HAIR TURNS ITS WATURAL ffiOR AFTER APPLYING SUE TEA Miied "With Sulphur It Dark ens Beautifully and Takes Off vDandruff. Almost every one knows that Bage Tea and Sulphur properly compounded, brings back the nat ural color and luster to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also cures dandruff. Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make It at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays skilled chemists do this better than ourselves. By asking at any drugstore for the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" you will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Some druggists make their own, but It's usually too sticky, so Insist upon getting "Wyeth's," which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is the best remedy for dandruff, dry, feverish, Itchy scalp and to stop falling hair. Folks, like "Wyoth'B Sage and Sulphur" because no one can pos sibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does so naturally and evenly, says a well-known down town druggist. You dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This re quires but a few moments, by morning the gray hair disappears and after another application or two Is restored to its natural color and looks even more beauti ful and glossy than ever. For Sale by Huntley Bros. JURY FINDS MAN IS GUILTY OF PERJURY C. W. Carothers was found guilty of perjury by a jury in the circuit court Wednesday night. The sentence will be given by Judge J. U. Campbell within the next two or three days. The Jtsry, at the same time, recom mended tea man to the mercy of the court and' asked that the sentence im posed be as light as possible. The case grew out of an alleged This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader; iiLILEl LEzLi LEii LEJ LEJJ LEfJ LEiJ LELI LEdJ LEI LEI UEdLbi m m n GERTIFINTATI0N CANAL PANAMA ANDTHE PRESENTED BY THE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE AS EXPLAINED RFinW See the Great Canal in Picture and'Prose plraipppppiffjglgpjp I a m m 3 Read How You May Have It Almost Free Cat oat the above coupon, and present it at this oBiee with the ex pense amount herein set apposite the style selected (which covers the Items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking:, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books: t PANAMA AND THE CANAL Is Pictun uid Press This beautiful big volume is written iy Willis J. Abbot, i a writer ot international renown, and is the acknowl- edeed standard reference work of the. crpat Canal Zone. 1 It is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 i 1 r i uiciies in size ; pnntea irora new type, large ana clear, on special paper: bound in tropical red vellum cloth;' A ILLUSTRATED t!t'e stamPet m Sold, with inlaid color panel ; contains ) T" " EDITION more tian 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau- tif ul pages reproduced from water color studies in col-; onngs that tar surpass any work of a similar character. Call I T anu sec mis ueauimu dook mat wouia sell lor $4 Under usual 1 Annul o! conaitions, out wnicn is presented to our readers for SIX of ' in the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the v Sant by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates ' Panama anrl Ee8lllar octavo siye; text matter practically the same as the 14 vol- ft,a Pang! - graphic reproductions, and the color plates are I EXPENSE , U1C VOIUU fitted. This book would sell at $2 under usual eondi- Amoxntat $ OCTAVO on. bat is presented to our readers for SIX of the 1Q. EDITION tiove Certificates of consecutive dates and only the ?" Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificatec fi "Swissco" Did It! Have You Tried It? Brings Back Natural Color to . the Hair, and Stops All Hair and Scalp Troubles 25 CENT BOTTLE FREE TO ALL Every one who Is bald has triad by every means possible to restore his hair, but not until the discovery of the marvelous Swissco Hair and Scalp Remedy has there been anything ot suit. fered that would accomplish this re- Grows New Hair, Removes Dandruff, gambling affair in which Clarence Miller is said to have figured. Miller entered a plea of guilty at that time and received a fine of $25. It is said that Carothers, as a witness before the grand jury, "denied that he had ever known of any gambling in which Miller was involved and that he had never been in a game iTiere Miller was interested. " " From the conclusions of the jury, his testimony was apparently false in this particular. The grand jury re turned an indictment against Caroth ers on the testimony that he gave be fore it and the case Wednesday was tne result or tnat indictment. Livy Stipp appeared as prosecuting attorney with Brownell & Stone for the defense. . F. S. Baker, of Gladstone, will leave ada in a few days. HeSvill visit re altiyes in Quebec, the first time in 11 years. :,.v Get the news read the Enterprise. Danarutf, Falling Hair, .Sore, .Itchy Scalp Quickly Cured This great remedy cures baldness. bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp dandruff, brittle hair or any other hair or scalp disease, and changes gray hair to youthful color and gloss. . It you are suffering from baldness or any of the troubles named above or have gray hair that you want re stored to youthful color, let us send you a 25-cent bottle free for trial. Swissco Hair Remedy is for sale by all druggists at 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle, but the free bottle can only be had by writing direct to the Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 000 P. O. Square Cincinnati, Ohio, encloing 10 cents as an evidence of good .. faith. The 10 cents does not cover actual postage and packing on the 25-cent bottle we send you. For sale and recommended in Ore gon City by Jones Drug Co. A FAIR PROPOSITION The manufacturers of Meritol Rheu matism Powders have so much confi dence in this preparation that they authorize us to sell them to you on a positive guarantee to give you relief in all cases of Rheumatism or refund your money. This is certainly a fair proposition. Let us show them to you. Jones Drug Co., exclusive agents. The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask: for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. On a maehine that is' rapid, full-sized and in fallible. ' . The very latest machine, built by men who know, in one. of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, to : be placed on one's dssk, close to one's books and papers. To ' take the place of the central machine requiring skilled oper ators. ' It is also Intended for offic i and stores where costly ma chines are a luxury, The price is due to utter sim plicity, and to our enormous output. . Seven keys do all the work. - Each dbpied number is shown up for checking before the addition is .made. . ; The machine will add, subtract and multiply. With very slight practice anyone can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the machine never makes mistakes. Countless offices, large and small.are getting from these machines the high est class of service. g Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine mafss to them. Ten Day's Test Wa will gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test. There will be no obligation, and charges will be prepaid. Compare it with any non-lis ter even the costliest. Let anvnnA urb it S if anv ma chine can serve better than this Just send us this coupon ani .we'll send the machine. S 5 HUNTLEY BRO. CO. . Main Street, 3 .Oregon City.- Please send us an American $ Adding Machine for ten days' free $ trial. 3 Name r. $ Street Address . . City State I 5$$$$)$)$$J - Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGC Sold In Oregon City and Clackamas County by Huntley BrosJ Company