MORKING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. Extraordinary Dry Spall. Council Would Curb Despotic Will of City's Mayor " Young Dan (watching the tide going out on his first visit to the seashore) My oath, dad! They can do with some rain down here. Why, I can see the blessed dam dryln' np! Sydney Bulletin. Local Briefs Miss Stella Cross is attending high school in Portland. Mr. Sloper, of Clackamas, was a vis itor here Wednesday. G. H. Peal, of Portland, is in this city, visiting her sister. A. J. O'Brein is among those regis tered at the Electric hotel. George Koehler, from Canhy, is 1n the county seat doing jury duty. Among the Portland visitors from this section was Mrs. T. O. Bailey. T. C. Miller, a musician of Portland, is visiting friends in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jones, of Salem, stayed over Tuesday night in a local hotel. C. H. Smith, a farmer of Redlanu, was in the county seat during the nod dle of the week. Miss Vera Hendricks, of Park PIa;:3, is attending .Behnke-Walker Business College, in Portland. I feal as happy as an eel. Oh! how happy I do feel If you'd feel as well as me Drink Holistsr's Rocky Mountain Tea. Jones Drug Co. Fred Vohs, a farmer of Beaver Creek, made a short business trip to Oregon City Wednesday. S. K. Green, of Roseburg, is in the city visiting friends. He will return to his home town in a few days. Miss Goldsmith's millinery store will he closed all day Saturday, Octo ber 11, in observance of the Jewish day of atonement. B. E. Junkens, a Centralia business man, was in Oregon City the first of the week looking over the situation. He expressed the opinion that the Wil lamette valley was one of the incs: prosperous and richest sections of the entire northwest. He intends to lo cate in some valley town and may choose Oregon City. NEZ PERCE LANGUAGE WILL BE TAUGHT PENDLETON, Ore., Oct. 8. Pendle ton is to have a school wherein the Nez Perce Indian language will be laugm ana wnerein me stuaents win be the business people of the city. Rev. J. M. Cornelison, for 13 years a missionary among the three tribes on the Umatilla reservation, will open the school in response to a demand rrom mercnants, lawyers, DanKers, and clerks who have daily dealings with the Indians. Rev. Cornelison plans to open his ent.H desire, through tht wintur iverage Dusiness man can secure a Ul tllllt Ul I.IIK IH II K Hit iL H. that time. The Nez Perce language is by no neans an easy language to learn ,ac- annn turn mn wo nf Lin r, n .1 it. XT : i 1 j leniv itit fifiipn as rne lirneir nr i.nnn anguage, said Rev. Mr. Cornelison ouay. me enuings 01 ue nouns ae dVH resuiar lurrns ni (nni n?flrmn he Indian, as a rule, is a purist in yeaKing. ne Knows no rules 01 mmmar ur sviiLcix. niiL n seifinm I 1 K .M - I IN HkH I M . I HT-l '11 1 very -interesting language." Many have already signified their iLeiiLum ui MiLHrini' nip oiass The classified ad columns of The nterprise satisfy your wants. The council wants the mayor curbed It believes that the city's chief ex ecutive should not have the right to hire and fire the employes of the city without the consent and approval of the other city fathers. This agitation along this line does not refer to Mayor Jones. The pres ent mayor has let the council do all of the worjc that the charter provides shall fall upon his shoulders, although he has taken the active part in 'it af ter the council has given its consent to the program that he has outlined. In all matters of appointments or dis missal, Mayor Jones has thus far al lowed the council the right of sugges tion and approval and has taken no step until after he was sure that the members approved that course that he was about to pursue. The ourstiPtj arises over the case of Grant B. Dimick against the city, its chief -of police and city treasurer now pending in the circuit court of the county before Judge Eakin. In that case, it was brought out that the may or, had the power to make dismissals of employes from the public service and take the initiative in matters ot appointments to positions under thf supervision of the council. The members now want the voters of the city to approve a suggested amendment to the city charter, that will enable them to take a stand in all changes that the mayor may make against any of the city employes. The agitation is merely an outgrowth of the case now before the circuit court. If it is decided to submit the matterj to the people of the city it will be done at the same time that they are asked to vote on the amendment auth orizing the council to fix whatever salaries are right for the officers of the city. ... WILLAMETTE j Constipation, indigestion; drive away appetite and mane you weak and sick. Holister's Rock Moun tain Tea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, tea or tablets. Jones Drug Co. INGO MUST SANTO DOMINGO, Oct. 8 The American Minister to the Dominican republic, James M. Sullivan, has in duced the warring factions in this country to sign a peace pact and the revolution headed by General Horatio Vasquez against the government of the provisional President, JoSe Berdas Valdez, is at an end. The American minister's action is the first successful application of the United States government's new Latin-American policy with regard to the Dominican republic, which is to- the effect that force of arms never again can settle any question in this coun try. Mr. Sullivan his made it known that the last civil war in this repulBic has been fought. In the future any uprising, he says, will be stamped out as criminal without a conference be tween the opposing factions, the Unit ed States government supporting the constitutional authority against force, regardless of the merits of the issue. BEAUTIFUL HAIR A JOY FOREVER If you have a beautiful head of hair try to keep it. If you have not, tr to get it. Meritol Hair Tonic keeps the scalp clean, promotes a healthy growth of beautiful hair, and keeps it soft and lustrous. Try it. Jones Drug Co., exclusive agents. HYOMEI Has Benefited Thousands of Catarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same forYou or Money Back The Hyomei treatment that has ef fectively benefited many thousands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and colds in the head is easy and pleasant to use. Just pour a few drops in the inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing. The heal ing, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, hawking and that choaked up feeljng. It will quick ly allay the inflammation and banish the disease or money refunded by Huntley Bros. Co. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs only $1.00," and an extra bottle of liquid, if afterwards needed, is but 50 cents. For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. RIDER AUNTS WANTED &JFACH TOWN and district to rideand exhibit a sample Latest Model --o - u ... vui .w.ui nKcuus y nunc HID makinprmoney fast. Writeforfull particulars and special offer at once. wo iKionlETREguiREDuntll you receive and approve your bicycle. wo amy to unyime anywnere in me u. w. umnma a cent aepositia advance, jjrepawrei0ht,andallowTEN DA YS'FREETRIALduring- wiuun Lime you may nue me oicycie ana pul it to any test you wish. II you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bi cycle ship it back to us atourexpense and iou wfilnot be out one cent. C A PTflBV DDIPCC We furnish the highest grade bicycles it is rHU I Un I rilluCO Dossible to make at one small nmfit .tavo j actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profi ts by buy ing uireuiiui us auuiiavB;burcr stf uarancee oenina your bicycle. DO HOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED logue and study our superb models at the wonderfully low prices we can make yoa this year. We sell the highest grade 1 bicycles for less money than any other factory. We are satisfied with 91.00 profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, yon can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at doable our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. Wadnnntrttzularlv ha.nritoWHTinri.h&nri hlovotoa bnt usnlaly have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices ranging from S3 toS or $10. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. P A A CTFR RR A If P V tad wheel. Imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs VUMwIftall UuWAhiij tvrni pqniyijMmtraf nji Wwifihaty the Tyitiarret prices. 00 Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof $ l go 3 - BvVI MORNING ENTERPRISE'S CLACKAHAS COUNTY SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE 9 a Merritt Willson, Agent .................. .....g, Mrs. William Hodge, of Sherwood, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Este- berg, who is seriously ill at her home in Willamette. Miss Dorothy DeBok, who has been 111 the past week, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Batdorf and Samuel Batdorf went to Oregon City Wednesday to attend the funeral of the"ir brother. ' ' - Jas. Christensen has been awarded the contract for building a house be longing to Adolph Gross. CANEMAH Solved! The perplexing question had arisen many times during their brief matri monial experience, and again Mrs. Flint asked ber young husband if he thought they could get along without the cook. "1 think so. dear.' he answered. "Why. if the worst comes yon can do the cooking, and 1 can get my meals at a restaurant" Denver Republican. CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent A Three Headed Town. When the town of Tolono. 111., ws settled the question of a name arose. The site chosen for the town was at a point where three farms "cornered." These farms were owned by three of the early settlers of the region, by the names of Todd. Logan and Noyes. After considerable discussion it was proposed that the town be named after the three men who originally owned the site. How to manage the name was a problem at first, but finally some genius suggested that only the first two letters of each name be used. This wp.s agreed to. and the name To lono came Into existence. Ladies' Home Journal. ---- - - ....... a The automobile driven and owned by G. Hi Thorsen, of Portland, was somwhat damaged Tuesday evening when it ran into the fence which skirts the Charman road near Cane mah. Neither Mr. Thompson nor B. Barnes, of Hood River, who was rid ing with him, was injured and the car was able to go to Portland under its own power. The cause of the acci dent was a defect with the steering gear.; George Lazelle, of Mt. Pleasant, made a buuess frip. to Canemah Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Dicherson was visiting in-Oregon City , Wednesday. ' ' Mrs. C. C. Spenceamade a business trip to ortlandv Wednesday; Earl Paddock h.s started to Oregon City high school. Peter Crong and Floyd Parrish vis ited in Green Point Tuesday evening. LARRY M'LEAN. Big Catcher of the New York Giants Who Is Tower of Strength. Stands For Many. Boy Cow is a noun, feminine gen der, third person singular and stands for Mary. "Stands for Mary?" asked the mas ter in astonishment. . "Yes, sir." responded the urchin, with a grin, "for if the cow didn't stand for Mary how could Mary milk the cow?" Xondon Ettiwo Self-hear M Mm mm W mMBW ' V TO INTRODUCE, OMIT Tha rtxmlar retail t- aires u qiu.w per puw.'- U Will Kelt 1JOU a AnntnlM ui4t f tA.ii . order to.oK). MORETRODBLE FROM PUNCTURES fells, Taeka or Olaaa will not lit the air out. lunarea thousand pairs sold last yecr. ESCRIPTMNi Made ln &11 sizes. It msr, very durable and lined inside with ecial duality of rubber, whtr.h never be- lies porous and which closes ud small icmres wiuioug allowing air to escape, iney weign more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting lines Deinmven dvaavapai lfi.vemorr.hln.Hnep.lAHv bared fabric on the tread. The regular vrl oi these a is civ.uu per pair. Dun lor advertising purposes we making a special f actorv nrtce tn the rider nf nnlv 0 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter Is lvea. we wm snip u.o.D. on approval. You do Ml mm rii Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and puncture stnps"B" and "D'alsorim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. need tODav acent until von examine and flnrl t.hpm renreented - e will allow a cash discount ot 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.68 per pair) If sena ruLb Man ni n UHUtK and enclose this advertisement, you run no nsK in ling us an order as the tires may be returned at OU R expense if for any reason they are not rectory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money flent to ns is ae safe as in a bank. If yoa order r in vi.ov, j im n in unit umi .imy win riae easier, run raster, wear oetier, lasv longer ana iwis oner anr tire yoa bare ever need or seen at unv nrtm. Wn knnw thut vnn will hj mn well nleaaod that when Ton want ye'eyou will give nsyoar order. We want you to send uea trial order at onoe. hence this remarkable tlreoffer. lrniM MFFtM TIOF i'aon'tDuyanyklndntanyprlcenntllyoaaenaiorapairoiHeaeetnorn W I " "Ibll Pancture-Proof tlreson approval and trial at the special Introductory anoted above: or write for our bis Tire and Sundrr Catalogue which describes and aootes all makes ana s of tires and bicycle equipment and sundries at about half the usual prices. dui write us apostal today. DO hot think ur surina a oicynie or a pair- of tl res from anyone until you know the new ajidwonOerful otters wears masing. write it now. J NOT WAIT tots only pofrtal to learn every thins. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. b V jTt; lip, Fish, Chicken and Vsal. Raw "pullet, raw veal and raw fish make the graveyard fat This is hun dreds of years old., A New York ca terer (perhaps the most efficient in the eltyt said to uae; "There are three Important articles of food that must under no circumstances be served un derdone. They are Bah. chicken and veal. By chicken 1 mean all poultry of a domestic nature. All game birds should be rare. You. want to be a little careful about lamb too. Give it plenty of cooking." New York Press. His Only Chance. "Why did you shake your fist at the speaker?" ' "Well." replied the congressman. "1 didn't want the whole session to slip by without my having made a motion of some kind." Philadelphia ledger. Photo by American Press Association, BUYERS DEMAND THAT ALL EGGS BE GRADED Although the prices of eggs in Portland have advanced from 2c to 3c a dozen, local dealers report no change in pri.-Jes hero One of the most sig nificant features -was the announce ment that eggs are to be graded more carefully in the future. This difference is natural in view of the fact that the pullet eggs are so much smaller than the others. The price is so extreme that complaint is heard when .buyers are given a large per cent of the small size. POULTRY (Buying) Hens -12 and 13c; old roosters, 9c; broilers 14 and 15c. . . " WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb. PORK 10 and lie VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dreeset according to grade. x Fruits APPLfeS 50c and U. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis 4 for 35 to 40c. ONIONS $1 per sack. POTATOES 75r and J1.00 - BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter 23c to 25c. EGGS Oregon ranch,- case ' couut 35c; Oregon ranch candled 37c. v Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES ( Buying) Green salted, 9c. CORN Whole corn $37; cracked $38. . SHEEP PELTS 75c to $1.50 each. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9.00; timothy $12.00 cr.d $13.00; oat hay best $10 and $11; mixed $9'to $13; Idaho and eastern Oregon tim othy selling $20; valley timothy $12 to $14. OATS (Buying) $23.00 and ..$24; wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling $38: Shady Brook feed $1.3o per cent.; FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; feed bar'ey $30 to $31. Livestock, Meats BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7c bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 3 to 4c; lambs, o to 5c. LOSS OF APPETITE Is the fifrsi signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite is often caused by functional disturb ances ia the stomach. The stomach fails to do the work required, the ap petite, is gons, and the body suffers from lack of nourishment. Such a stomach needs to be cleaned and sweetened. Meritol Tonic Digestive is made especially to assist the stom ach to digest food, and promote a healthy appetite. This remedy is sold on our positive guarantee, and we ask you to give it a trial. It is a genuine tonic. Jones Drug Co., sole agents. I The classified fad columns of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. Given to Every Reader of The OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE For only six Panama Certificates and the small expense amount named therein (which cov crs the items of the cost of packing, express ftom the factory, checking, clerk hire ancT other n cessary EXPENSE items). No similar book ever published has sold for less than $4, and it is only by manufacturing in train-load lots that this spjendid big volume can be presented by news papers on the terms named below. They're going fast. Get yours today. IT IS ENTERTAINING From this book you get a com plete understanding of the PEO PLE of Panama and the Canal their personal appearance, their 'dress, their home life, their, social life, their industries, their sports and pastimes; all about the strange natives that inhabit the central part of the great American continent. It ic both entertaining and education al, written in an intensely chatty ftyle, which immediately gains and holds your interest throughout its entirety. Presented by Daily Newspapers From the provinces of Canada to the coun tries of South America train-loads of these - books are being distributed to newspaper readers. IT IS EDUCATIONAL .... v- The great knowledge to be gained by reading this volume will forever after be a valuable asset to every man, woman and child, for this great waterway is destined to be come a mighty factor in times of peace and war. : It will-revolutionize shipping throughout the entire world ; it will bring about changes in the trade and commerce of all the earth ; it will open new avenues of business and establish new rela tionships between the various coun- . tries of the globe. This Greatly Reduced Illustration Shows the Large Volume, whicl is 9x12 Inches Double the Dimensions of the Usual Size Novel. 1 For the Benefit of Oar Readers There is a world-wide interest in the Panama Canal arid information on this timely subject is of rare value to all who-wish to advance. More than SIX HUNDRED Illustrations INCLUDING RARE AND BEAUTIFUL WATER COLOR STUDIES Interwoven with the beautiful word pictures in this large volume are hundreds of photographic reproductions, accurately portraying the scenes described in the text. Many of these pictures represent scenes far re moved from the path of the ordinary tourist views of. the jungle of the almost uncivilized natives who reside within the borders of the Zone, but who are quite unknown outside of their own ltjJe world Because of the difficulty in reaching them. Such pictures are rare and are to be found only in this volume. Beautiful - large colored plates abound throughout the book. These are reproduced in splendid full pages from water color studies made by E. J. Read the well-known artist, who spent months in the study of Canal scenes No book of similar character contains such a wealth of magnificent color. - How to Get "Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose" Almost Free Clip and Present Six Panama Certificates Printe Daily--With the Expense Amount Set Opposite the Style Selected THE $4 VOLUME $1.18 Money Refunded if Not Satisfied Call Any Day and Examine These Beautiful Books (See illustration) is printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper: bound in' ironical red vellum cloth; title stamped in gold, with in laid color panel; contains more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beautiful pages reproduced from water color studies In colorings that far surpass any work of a similar character. - THE $2 VOLUME and the color plates are omitted. Six certificates of consecutive dates and only . Send by Mail, Postage P aid, for $1.59 and Six Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the $4 volume; bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproductions Certificates EXPENSE Amount of Six Certificates of consecutive dales and only Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67c and 6 Certificates $.48 MAIL ORDERS ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, OREGON Get Busy and. Present Your Certificates Today