J MORNING ENTERPRISE. AVEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1913. expert Opinion. "I've lost my hat You're not Bit ting on it. are you, sir?" "Is it a stiff hat or a soft one?" "A soft one.' "No; this isn't yours." Meggendorfer Blatter. Local Briefs John Doveas, of Portland, was in this city Tuesday. C. R. Stafford has returned from a trip to New York. F. C. Perry, of Molalla, was a visitor to the county seat Tuesday. . Miss W. Plath of this city, has a mild case of yellow jaundice. Frank Williams, of Portland, was in Oregon City the first of the week. Joseph Fellows, of Springwater, Rhode Island, is visiting in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Jones, of Salem, stopped in a local hotel over Monday night. Philip Hammond, brother of William Hammond, took a business trip to Sa lem Tuesday. J. P. Lovett and J. H. Cary were among those who attended Shriners' Day at the state fair. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Brill, a daughter, weighing nine pounds, at six o'clock Tuesday morning. Thomas Burns, manager of the Burn's Grocery, of Gladstone, went on a hunting trip to St. Paul and returned with the limit. R. J. Bennett, of Los Angeles, passed through Oregon City the first of the week. He is taking a trip through the northeastern states. C. F. Payne and John Pelford are planning a trip to Portland Wednes day to see the bootball game between Washington and Hill. Among those registered at the Elec tric hotel are: John Gardner, Mrs. E. L. Nyce, Ray Warthen, J. Caitant, J. H. Pheal, John Condon and Elbert. Meason. ine team ueionsnng 10 uie naiuori Grocery store in Willamette ran away down Main street in Oregon City Tues day but was stopped before any dam age was done. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Pace have return ed from an extended trip through the east. They included New York, Chi cago and other large cities cn their tour and report a most enjoyable time. Leighlon Kelly returned yesterday from a visit with friends in Salem. Thomas Sinnott left Monday for NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought tha horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St., and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again. Telephone E-3 , WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Pete the Horse shoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. Drain, Oregon, to take up a position as timekeeper for ,the Montague- O'Reilly Co., who have a large con tract in that locality. - Mrs. Fred Kress and Mrs. Walter Hutchins, of East Portland were Ore gon City visitors Saturday. They are old Portland customers of Bannon & Company, and visit Oregon City fre quently to do their trading. A hunting party consisting of John Clark, J. B. Lewthwaite, Victor Cono- l roe and J. Bittner, left Saturday even I ing for Cow Creek Canyon on their ! annual search for deer. This party of hunters have always met with marked success. The Northern Pacific trophy for the Clackamas fair which was won for the first year by.E .E. Kellogg, is on dis play in the window of the Oregon City bank. It must be won for three years by the same person before it becomes the private property of the winner. It is awarded for the best general dis play. George Bingham, who owns the Pa cific Soda Works' in this- city, is tak ing a 30-day hunting trip in southern Oregon near Trail. During his absence his son-in-law, Richard Durrell, will take active control of. the business. Mrs. J. A.- McFarland, formerly of this city but now of Powell River, B. C, has returned to her home. She came to Oregon City to undergo an operation. Aeroplane Poison. He was a wag and was a spectator at an aeroplane contest. ' "That's a terrible poison that's been discovered." he remarked amiably to no one in particular. "What's it called?" inquired an elder ly gentleman beside him. "Why. aeroplane poison, of course!" came the curt reply. "Is it deadly?" asked the E. G. "1 should say so!" jerked out the juvenile wag. "And how much would kill a per son?" went on the questioning one. "Oh. one drop!" came the retort Then that particular group became the less by one. New York Globe. WEARING OUT. Let us not be at all disheartened if we find ourselves wearing out, for to wear out is but one of the natural processes of life. Only let us make sure that we are wearing out over some hing that is worth while. Phillips Brooks. HYOMEI Has Benefited Thousands of Catarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same forYou or M:ney Eack The Hyomei treanent that has ef fectively benefited many thousands of sufferers from - catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and colds in the head is easy and pleasant to use. Just pour a few drops in the inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing. The heal ing, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, hawking and that choaked up feeling. It will quick ly allay the inflammation and banish the disease or money refunded by Huntley Bros. Co. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs only $1.00, and an extra bottle of liquid, if afterwards needed, is but 50 cents, "or Sale By HUiMTLEY BROS. Co. GRlDMDTfiER USED SIE TEA I DARKEN HER FADED OR GRAY HI Mixed With Sulphur It Makes Hair Soft, Beau tiful. Cures Dandruff The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's tims. She kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When over her hair fell out or took on that dull', faded or streaked ap pearance this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But the brewing at home Is musay and out-of-date. Nowadays killed chemists do this better than ourselves. By asking at any drug store for the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage ,and Sulphur Hair Remedy" you will get a large bottle for about 60 cents. Some druggists make their own, which is usually too sticky, so insist upon getting Wyeth's, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair, and is splendid for dandruff, iry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known - downtown drug gist says his customers Insist on Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, be cause, they say. It darkens so nat ually and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Do this at night and by morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, it is re stored to its natural color and looks glossy, aot and abundant. For Sale by Huntley Bros. RIDER AiEiTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample LatestModel "vju.k.uii"ouvui;j no. vui imuci ngrubacvciv nunc aio making; money fast. Write for full particulars andspecial offer at once. sl fu ftl E 1 B f ill t i7 i . 77 rv vwiiBnuiiuiiuu receive ana approve your Dicycie. o amp anywiiurw in uie u. wunnuz a cenz deposit In advance, prepay jreiflit, anaallowTEH DAYS' Fit EE TKlALdurint? which time you may ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wish. iwwire men iiuo ueriecwy satisnea or ao not wisn to keep the bi cycle ship it back to us at our expense and wou wtZl not be out one cent. RAPTfinv DP!fCC we lurnisn me mgnest grade bicycles it is rHiflUnl rriiwr.a possible to make at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profits by buy ing direct of us and have the manuf acturer'sguarantee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at ami mice until you receive our catalneniM and learn factory prices and remarkable special offers. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED TZlZrlS thawonderfully low prices we can make yon this year. We sell the highest grade i bicycles for less money than any other factory. We are satisiled with 81.00 profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, yon can sell our bicycles under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. W a do not nm la h v4iand 1 ttwinH.hanil Monviaa bat nsnlaly have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices ranging from S3 to$a or $10. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. nnAxiFSt RRAlfFQ ingJ wheels, imported roller chains and pedats, parts, repairs VUM9 I bil UllMlVLvj and equipment o all kinds at tJie rtQular retail prices. 00 Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof $ M Timm m rm. mm SMI i r aw wi Mir m mw w 5 ! m ra MORNING ENTERPRISE'S . CLACKAHAS COUNTY SPECIAL NEWS SERVICE I WILLAMETTE i ' Merritt Willson, Agent I, . Harry L. Cunningham, of Paris, Ky., was married to Miss Iva E; Waters, of Brownsville, Oregon, Monday even ing in a quiet ceremony performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Will son in Willamette by Rev. Milliken of Oregon City. The newly married couple will live in Oregon City where Mr: Cunningham will work at his trade of carpenter. ' William Criteser, who was shot while hunting with his brother-in-law Sunday, is improving rapidly at the Oregon City hospital and will prob ably be able to go home in a week. George DeBok was very successful in his exhibit at the state fair. Al though he did not receive the prize for the farm exhibit, he brought home many ribbons with him. There was a meeting of the school board Monday evening when Miss Anna Elliot of Portland, "was appoint ed to fill the vacancy left by the re gignation of Miss Belle Mattley. GANEMAH CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent g,.. ........ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Nobot ney, a daughter, weighing nine pounds Tuesday. - - . The side streets of Canemah are be ing repaired under the direction of William Fine. . Henry Jones is having new steps constructed up the bluff in front ot his place. The "Dick," of Oregon City, has been placed on dry dock for painting and repairing. ... Ivan Midlan, son of Mrs. Silvey Midlam, of Canemah, was struck while playing in his wagon and thrown to the street by William Smith but was not seriously hurt. Source of Sepia. Sepia is one of the commonest of art- -4sts' paints It is fr deep hrown i color n ml is prepared from the black. Inky fluid diMfhnrged by the ruttle fish to Mind mid baffle its enemies. Youth Is the opportunity to do some thins and become somebody. Muuger. Yes, Swissco Will Grow Your Hair Prevents Baldness and Dandruff. Re stores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Natural Color His Hairs are' Numbered. Are Yours? REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A. O. Sh&rman to Martin G. Ser- E. section 31 T. 4 S., R. 4 S.; $lo! 1 H. S. CIvde nnd wifo tn Ririnr .1 I Forsman, lots one and two, Harding Walden tract; $10. Thomas B. Ganner and wife to Fran cis Welsh, lot five, block one, Beatie's addition to Oregon City; $10. W. M. Ladd and wife to W. S. Gubb and wife, .lots 13, to 22 inclusive Ladd's subdivision of tract 16, Hedge's addition to Oregon City; $2500. Lewis H.,Prahl and wife and O. B. Taylor and wife, to W. H. Wahl one and one-half acres in J. V. Boone D. L. C; $400. F. R. Beals and wife to .Tosenh M. Harrison and wife, tract in Robert Caufield D. L. C. No. 53; $10. C B. Monres and wife in Varv A White, 46.00 square feel Minthorn ad- aition to fortlana; $640. Guaranteed fa Stan Itching at Onco Eczema, Rash, Tetter, Dandruff Disap pear by Using Remarkable ZE2T0. Buy a 25c Bottle Today and Prove It. That itching that drives you nearly wild, that keeps you awake in agony all night long, that scalp itching, will vanish instantly by using the new' remedy ZEMO. It is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as it ha thousands of others by . its results on A Comparison. The old gentleman was very angry. There could be no doubt about thai. Threatening the other with his fist, he shouted. "If your brain was put In a mustard seed it would have as much room as a shrimp in the Atlantic!" One Service Barred. A famous London barrister was upon ope occasion called upon to defend a fook tried for murder, being accused of having poisoned bis master. The bar rister after tr most able and brilliaut defense of the culprit secured an ac quittal. The cook, anxious to show hi gratitude, said, "Tell me, sir. whatever can 1 do for you to reward you?" The triumphant counsel answered. "My good man. do anything you can, but for the love of heaven don't ever cook forme!" 'W TO INTRODUCE, ONLY Self-heal' Ths TtonXar retail v urea o fii.w f-nri jtmi , ducewewill nell you a sample pairor W - vithorder $4.55)' NO MORETROOBLE FROM PUNCTURES IjU-T - n.ii., i .CK. or uiaaa wtii nor m tn air out. A hundred thousand pairs sold last yen r. DFfSBlDTinMm Made In all sizes. It j8 lively and easy riding, very durable and lined Inside with a special quality of rubber, which never be comes porous and which closes ud small punctures wimouc allowing air to escape. Tney weign fa a Natleathathlek ruhhar tread no more than an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting 111 "S'Vnd lSunctultrinJt" Qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially f .d oi" Vtrio "H" tires is 10.00 per pair, but for advertising purposes we lA If' nt "t7.t 2v Jh are making a special factory price to the rider of only Sr . V. I $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter Is U C? ! 18 ?J.T.'E T I C and received. We will ship C. O.D. on approval. You do EASY RIDING, not need to pay acent until you examine and find them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount ot 5 per cent (thereby making the price 94.58 per pair) If you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk In sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OU R expense if for any reason they are not mtlflf .Ctory on ei.min.tKin. We are perfectly reliable and money aeni to ns Is as safe as In a bank. If 70a order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, ran faster, wear better, last longer and look finer thanany tlreyouhaTeeverasedorseenatanyprloB. WeknowthatyouwlUbeaowellpleasedthatwhenyoawant a bicycle you will give ub your order. We want you to send ns a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. mC YQU imEED TIRES on' a7 UT klnd s ur price until yousendfor a pair of Hedgethorn price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wbich describes and quote an makes ana kinds of tires and bicycle equlpmentand sundries at about half the UBnal prices. tof AOT lAMIf" but write us a pcwtal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYINC a bicycle or a pair awawwsj .rf I of tires from onyontfuntil you know tbanew and wonderful offers weare making. It costs only a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. s7 . - . y -rj LSB Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and resores gray am! faded hair to i;s natural jou.hful color. Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scaip, brittle hair cr any hair cr scalp trouble. To prcv-e that our claims arV true we-will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 19c in silver or stamps to help pay cast cf postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co.. P. O. Square, Cincinnati. O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments ev erywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Jones Drug Co. Wagner's Second Marriage." The Paris Weekly Revue relates rom letters hitherto unpublished the exciting story of Wagner's second mar riage. All the world knows that be married, after the necessary divorce, the wife of Hans von Bulow. but all the world does not know that there was. a rival applicant for his heart and hand This was Malwine Schnorr, the singer who had just created the part of Isolde iir his "Tristan," and the cause of Malwine Schnorr was cham pioned by another artiste named Isi dore de Renter, who announced her self as a prophetess, charged with a divine rmssae to the musician. The message was to the effect that Wagner must marry .Malwine and must at the same' time persuade the king of. Ba varia to marry Isidore herself. Wag ner tells, the story of his embarrass ment in a letter to his friend. Auguste Uoecker, and it appears that he only succeeded in peacefully marrying the lad.v of his choice after the king had, at her request, expelled the two other ladies from his dominions. - "3 a. in. Not a TVink of Sleep Vet. If I Only Ilad ZE3IO for that Terrible Itching" fiery eczema, sores, rash, tetter, blotches, inflamed or irritated skin, pimples, rawness after shavir.ir, ail skin afflictions, sores, blotches, pnd Itci.inr; scaip. It cures dandrulT completely, ciai-a dandrv . . nofbiiipr but eczema of the se::1". ZE.'IO Is wonderfully ref rcshimj O the ski::. It is a clean, antiseptic r; -lution, not a paste, cream or ointn -r : '.. The first application gives bleeped " -lief. ,ZEMO has been imitated, t positively never equalled. "It is impossible fur ms to ' tice in recommending Z!5MO,-l.er.',- words cannot express its won3 1 achievements."" 11. A. Stierlirt. .- Electrotype Dent., Sanders r.r;";. Co., St. Louis, Mo. ' Your drugrgist will sell vou t : ; sealed bottle of ZEMO. and will i;.it antee it, or it will be sent direct on receipt of price by E. W. Rose Medi cine Co.. St. Louis, Mo. Make hay while the sun shines, but shuck corn on damp days. Snores of a day dreamer occasional ly attract attention. The classified '! columns of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. iven to TSic Every' .Reader' of For only six Panama Certificates and the small expense amount named therein (which cov crs the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other n cessary EXPENSE items). No similar book ever published has sold for less than $4, and it is only by manufacturing in train-load lots that this spjendid big volume can be presented by news papers on the terms named below. They're going fast. Get yours today. it is ENTERTAINING From this book you get a com plete understanding of the PEO PLE of Panama and the Canal their personal appearance, their , dress, their home life, their social life, their industries, their sports ,and pastimes; all about the strange natives that inhabit the central part of the great American continent. It is both entertaining and education- , al, written in an intensely chatty style, which immediately gains and holds your interest throughout its-entirety. IT IS EDUCATIONAL The great knowledge to be gained by reading this volume will forever after be a valuableasset to everv man, woman and - child, for this great waterway is destined to be come a mighty factor in times of peace and war. It will revolution ize shipping throughout the entire world; it will bring about changes in the trade and commerce of all the earth ;it will open new avenues of business and establish new rela tionships between the various coun tries of the globe. This Greatly Reduced Illustration- Shows the Large Volume, which is 9x12 Inches Double the Dimensions of the Usual Size Novel 1 For the Benefit of Oat Readers Presented by Daily Newspapers From the provinces of Canada to the coun tries of South America train-loads of these books are being distributed to newspaper readers. More than SIX HUNDRED Illustrations INCLUDING RARE AND BEAUTIFUL WATER COLOR STUDIES There is a world-wide interest in the Panama Canal and information on this timely subject is of rare value to all who wish to advance. Interwoven with the beautiful word pictures in this large volume are hundreds of photographic reproductions, accurately' portraying the scenes described in the text. Many of these pictures represent scenes far re moved from the path of the ordinary tourist views of the jungle of the almost uncivilized natives who reside within the borders of the Zone, but who are quite unknown outside of their own little world because of the difficulty in reaching them. Such pictures are rare and are to be found only in this volume. Beautiful large colored plates abound throughout the book-. These are reproduced in splendid full pages from water color studies made by E. J. Read, the well-known artist, who spent months in the study of Qanal scenes'. No book of similar character contains such a wealth of magnificent color. How to Get "Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose" Almost Free Clip and Present Six Panama Certificates Printe Daily With the Expense Amount Set Opposite the Style Selected o, EXPENSE Amount of $1.18 Money Refunded if Not Satisfied Call Any Day and Examine These Beautiful Books THE $4 VOLUME (See Illustration) is printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper; Douna in tropical rea veiium ciotn; title stamped in goia, witn in laid color panel; contains more than 600. magnificent -illustrations, including beautiful pages from water color studies in colorings that far surpass any work of a similar character. reproduced Six certificates of consecutive dates and only Send by Mail, Postage P aid, for $1.59 and Six "Certificates EXPENSE Amount of TTIF 9 VftT TTMP Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the f4 volume; 1Hi p IV Li villi bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproductions and the color plates are omitted. Six Certificates of consecutive dates and only Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67c and 6 Certificates $.48 MAIL ORDERS ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, OREGON Get Busy and Present Your Certificates Today