J- MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913. A Benedict's Idea. Mrs. Benham All the world loves a lover. Benham Sure! A man can be popu lar any time if he Is willing to make a fool of himself. Boston Globe. Local Briefs A. W. Cooke, of Clackamas, was in town Monday. D. H. Swales, of Logan, is registered at a local hotel. R. A. Cooper, of Molalla, came to the city Monday. L. "W. Hayes, of Woodburn, was in the city Sunday. E. M. Calvin, of Salem, made a trip to this city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hubert, of Powell River, are in the city. M. P. McCowan, of Molalla, stopped here over Sunday night. B. C. Owens, of Jennings Lodge, was in the city Monday. M. K. Wilson, of Salem, was an Ore gon .City visitor Monday. C. H. Waters, of Spokane, spent Monday night in this city. Dr. George Hoeye, who has been at the state fair, has returned. Dr. George T. Phillips, of Portland, came to Oregon City Sunday. N. C. Westerfield, of Oak Grove, was in the county seat the first of the week. N. A. Frost, of Forrest Grove, was among those who visited Oregon City Sunday. H. T. King, of Indianapolis, made a business trip to Oregon City the first of the week. J. H. Wheellock, of Aberdeen, Wash ington, was an Oregon City visitor the first of the week. C. Koehes and Joe Jarl, both of Aurora, are in the county seat to serve on the jury. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hastings, of Gladstone, a son, weighing 11 pounds, on October 6. John Wilkins, a farmer of Beaver Creek, made a short business trip to Oregon City Monday. Constipation, indigestion, drive away appetite and make you weak and sick. Holister's Rock Moun tain Tea restores the appetite, drives away disease, builds up the system. 35 cents, tea or tablets. Jones Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. W. Germond, of Portland, made a visit to Oregon City the first of the week. Miss Stromgreen, of Colton, and Mr. and Mrs. Klang, also of Colton, aro registered at a local hotel. Lew Hilton has opened a shooting gallery on the south end of Main street for the winter season. The K. O. T. M. will hold a meeting Tuesday evening at which the winter campaign will be mapped out. It will take the nature of a luncheon at the Willamette hall. Clem Dollar, is at present repairing a store room near the corner of Fifth and Main streets and putting in fix tures for a resturant which he will open in a few days. Among those registered at the Elec tric hotel are: Ray Warthen, Mrs. Tictz, C. Hammond, H. Fitzgerald, J. R. LeDoux, W. E. Mumpower, Joe Jo cum and A. J. Hodge. Mrs. W. S. Wells left for home in 'Bandon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wells were one time residents of this city, but have since moved .' to Bandon, where Mr. Wells Is engaged in busi ness. Mrs. J. M. Harrison and son, form erly of Gerbaldi, passed through this city on her way to her new home at the Kuppenbender ranch. Her hus band is bringing their household goods through the mountains with a team and is expected to arrive here at almost any time, but owing to bad weather may be a little latter than at first thought. CANEMAH CARNOTT SPENCER, Agent Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Richards, of St-. Paul, Minn., passed through Canemah on an auto trip to San Francisco. Ralph Smith, of Boardman, made a business trip to this city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D." M. Shanks, of West Lynn, were visiting in Canemah Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Teitze and party took a pleasant ride in their launch, Eva II., Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith, of Canemah, made a pleasure trip to Portland Sun day. Mrs. C. C. Spencer, of this city, made a short trip to Portland Mon day. Lou Smith and George Breeble, both of Canemah, returned from a suc cessful hunt near Hillsboro Sunday. G. Grossbacher left Monday night for eastern Oregon, where he will vis it his sister and then take an extend ed' tour of that entire section of the state with the view of settling there. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mrs. M. E. Miller et al to A. A. Price, lot one, block 51, Oregon City; $1.00. . Almon M. Shibley to James E. Shib ley, tract in sections 5 and 6, T. 4 S., R. 4 E.; 10. James R, Gillmore to E. B. Ander son, lot 18, block 15; 200. W. L. Mitchell and wife to Edward Payne, 15 acres In sections 22, T. 3 S., R. 2 E.; $1500. C. L. McChauey and wife to William M. Bruce and wife, tract in T. 2 S., R. 2 E. ; $1.00. Walter Noblitt to Charles Spagle, EH S. W. section 33, T. 4 S., R. 1 E.; $7000. Catherine Smith to George L. Burtt, Shaw's annex to Oregon City; $10. WILLAMETTE Merritt Willson, ,Agent John Moenke returned Sunday from his visit to- the state fair. He reports it the best yet. Chester Carpenter is seriously ill at the home of his parents in Willam ette. An invitation from the ninth grade of the Willamette school has been ex tended to the ninth grade pupils of the Stafford school to attend the winter term at Willamette. Accomodations, such as stable room for the horses have been arranged. Miss Dorothy DeBok, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George DeBok is seri ously ill a ther home of her parents in Willamette. J. L. Royer, with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ivy Waters, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Willson in Willamette. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the sympathy shown us and the many kindnesses extended during our recent bereavement in the death and burial of our son. MR. AND MRS. FRANK DRISCOLL. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St., and are 'now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again- Telephone B-M3 WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Pete the Horse shoer and W. J. Wheaton, . formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. 1 HYOMEI Has Benefited Thousands of Catarrh Sufferers Will Do the Same forYou or Money Back The Hyomei treatment that has ef fectively benefited many thousands of sufferers from catarrh, bronchitis, husky voice and colds in the head is easy and pleasant to use. Just pour a few drops in the inhaler and breathe it in no stomach dosing. The heal ing, soothing and antiseptic air will reach every nook and crevice of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; will surely stop crusts in the nose, raising of mucus, hawking and that chcaksd up feeling. It will quick ly allay the inflammation and banish "the disease or money refunded by Huntley Bros. Co. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler and bottle of liquid, costs only $1.00, and an extra bottle of liquid, if afterwards needed, is but 50 cents. For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. The world has never learned the name of the genius who conceived the idea of spreading butter upon, his bread, a combination of food elements more palatable, more wholesome and more universally popular than any that the combined wisdom of all the professors who have ever lived has been able to devise. LOSS OF APPETITE Is the fifrst signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite is often caused by functional disturb ances in the stomach. The stomach fails to do the work required, the ap petite is gone, and the body suffers from lack of nourishment. Such stomach needs to be cleaned and sweetened. Meritol Tonic Digestive is made especially to assist the ston? ach to digest food, and promote a healthy appetite. This remedy is sold on our positive guarantee, and we ask you to give it a trial. It is a genuine tonic. Jones Drug Co., sola agents. RIDER AGENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model k Ranger" bicycle furnished by us. Our Rider Agents everywhere are in KiiiKmoney last, nmejor juu particulars attd special ojter at mice. N O M O N EY R EQUI R E D until you receive and approve your bicycle. " sum w unywie anywnere in tne j . w. vninmtz a cent acpositin. which time you may ride thebicycle and put it to any test you wish. Li. juuare men noupenecuy saasneaoruo notwisnto Keep the bi cycle ship it back to us at our expense and you iml I not be out one cent. PiPTftBY DRIfi CO We furnish the highest grade bicycles it is rMU I UN I rttluCd possible to make at one small profit above actual factory cost You save $10 to $25 middlemen's profi ts by buy ing direct of us and have the manufacturer'sguarantee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED logue and study our superb modelsat the vxmderfully low prices we can make yon this year. Wo sell the highest grade (bicycles for less money than any other factory. We are satisfied with li.oo profit above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, yon can sell oar bicycles under your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. Wedanotremlartv hiinrilARMwnH.hni1 hlmmiui bnt Uflttlaly have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices ranging from3 toS or SIO. Descriptive bargain Mwts mailed free. nflATFR RRA If lng wmU, iarortod roller chains and pedals, parte, repairs 00 Heigethorn Posiciure-Procf $ M 0 Calf T; A SAMPLE PAIR JC.-..Gtaa... IllCd KM I7H mm i mi m m p a TO INTRODUCE, ONLY The reoular retail nrice of these dure we will sell you a sample pair or Wti cask A M0 MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES Ihl nana, Taoka or Olaaa will not lot tho Mr out. jgkj5e-i """jit " A hundred thousand pairs sold last yes r. V if ; DESGIUPTION: riding, very durahla and lined inside with a special quality of rubber, which never be comes porous and which closes no small puncrareswimout allowing air to escape. They weigh rifl NatieafhXhlek ruhhar raif no more man an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting Ell "A" and nuneura,atrtn"B" prepared fabric on the tread. The regular pri,- oi these t ianramni Trim euttin? Thi tires is $10.00 per pair, but for advertising purposes we t? I?-?,, LT,!? .nv Jh are making a special factory price to the rider of only V t,r !2i,tMt $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is Q E!rS0J,L'- LA8TIC and received. We will ship C. O.D. on approval. You do EASY HIDING, not need to pay a cent until you examine and find them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.55 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OU R expense if for any reason they are not aatlBf actory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us to as safe as in a bank. If yon order pair of these tires, yon will find tsat they will ride easier, ran faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any 1 1 re you have erer used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased thatwhen yon want a bicycle yon will jlre us your order. We want you to send ns a trial order at onoe, hence this remarkable tire offer. 17 wOU nEO yiDJTO dont buy any kind at any price until you send for a pair of Hedgethorn a.aw a Pnnoture-Proof tlreson annroval and trial at the special Introductory price quoted above: or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and Quotes all makes and kinds of tires and bicycle equlpraentand sundries at about balf the usual prices. ftn MflT WAI T IMt write na a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUY1NO a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone ontu yon know the new and wonderful offers we are making. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. A Difficult Assignment. Not long ago a cub reporter on one of the Chicago dailies was assigned by the city editor to cover a meeting of the board of trustees of a public li brary. - "Bring a story of about four hundred words," said the editor. At a late hour that night, this story not being forthcoming, tie youngster was sent for. "How about that story of the board meeting?" asked the -editor. "It isn't Cnished yet. Yon told me to make 400 words of it. So far I have managed to get only 300." "What did the board do?" "They met called the roll and ad journed until Tuesday evening." Lip-J pincott's Magazine. A Man With Ideas. "How shall we advertise our fire sale?" "Say the goods are still warm." Boston Transcript. - BEAUTIFUL HAIR A JOY FOREVER If you have a beautiful head of hair try to keep it. If you have not, trv to get it. Meritol Hair Tonic keeps the scalp clean, promotes a healthy growth of beautiful hair, and keeps it soft and lustrous. Try it. Jones Drug Co., exclusive agents. Puzzling the Sassenach. We have long been accustomed to Mizzling the Sassenach, says the Glas gow News, by talking familiarly about "Mullguy," which he looks for In vain even in the most reliable atlas,'. or if he should discover it under the dis guise of Milngavie we try bim with "Loch'neuch" (or Lochnyeuch. to spell it phonetically. Many Scotsmen even would fail to recognize this as Loch winnoch.. A commercial traveler has just discovered another of these pe culiar local names while on his rounds up north. He had noticed at a station where his train stopped an old porter limping alongside the tram and crying out at every other step. "Ach: Achl" and assumed, so he said, that the poor fellow was suffering from rheumatism, the pain of which caused him to com plain In this guttural way. lie was even commenting on the cruelty of making the man work when the other passengers explained that "Ach" was the correct pronunciation of the name of the station, "Avoch." " : , Mapmaking. The earliest maps of which we have any knowledge were made In Egypt. They were wooden tablets, on which were traced land and sea, roads, rivers, highways, etc. . Marinus of Tyre, 150 A. D., was the first to attempt a map on scientific principles. The maps in use by the Greeks and Romans were fairly accurate, so far as they went, but .those in use during the middle ages were alarmingly inaccurate. It Is only within recent years, say since the middle of the last century, that it whs possible to make a, complete and reliable map of -the world', and even yet the best map is subject to slight changes. New York American. His Steady Job. This happened to a social worker. She had been interested in the case of a needy family. The father had been "sent up" several times for short terms for minor offenses, but was now sup posed to be "out" and working at a steady job. One day she thought to inquire. "I haven't seen your father fur some time," she remarked to the eleven-year-old daughter. "What is he doing now?" "I think he's doin' a year, mum." New York Post. Swissco Proves It Grows Hair Stops Dandurff and Scalp Diseases, Restores Gray or Faded Hair To Its Natural Col,r SWISSCO-WILL DO THIS FOR YOU i :1P1 1 feel as happy as an eel. Oh! how happy I do feel If you'd feel as well as me Drink Holistar's Rocky Mountain Tea. Jones Drug Co. Swissco produces as'ounding results so quickly it has amazed ttfbse who have used it. We will prove it to you if you will send 10c in silver or stajnps to pay postage and -w-a will ser,-d you a -trial bottle and our wonderful testi monials. There is no excuse for baldness. Write today to Swissco Hair Rsmedy Co., P. O. Square; Cincinnati, Ohio. Swissco is on sale at all -druggists and drug dspartments at 50c and f l.Oo a bottle. Jones Drug Co. A Madman's Strange Belief. An unfortunate maniac was confine, in one of the Scottish lunatic asylums, bis particular infirmity being an un shakable belief that every day was Christmas day and that he was diu ing sumptuously on turkey or roast beef and a good "slice of plum pud ding. His real diet, however, was of the plainest, he being served twice daily with a dish of oatmeal porridge. After daily describing to his atten dants the pleasures he had tasted in his cut of turkey or what not he as regularly added. "Yet. somehow or other, everything that I ea tastes of porridge." This story it was which gave rise to the saying. "As palatable as the madman's porridge." Guaranteed to Stop Itching jit Onco Eczema, Bash, Tetter, Dandruff, Disap. pear by Using Bemarkable ZEMO. Buy a 25o Bottle Today and Prove It. That itching that drives you nearly wild, that keep3 you awake in agony all night long, that scalp itching, will vanish instantly by using the new remedy ZEMO. It is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as it has thousands of others by its results on A Natural Curiosity. - "Do you know what I do when a man offers me advice?" said the curb stoue philosopher. "No." , "Ask him if he's tried it" Cleveland Plam Dealer. i nmcn cuiLDS MODEL ROAD. Sand and Stable Mulch Produce Ex cellent Highway. A. M. Mitchell, a fanner near Hecla, in Brown comity, S. D.,is a good roads enthusiast who puts his enthusiasm to pracrii-al use. Mr. Mitchell has built a road in front of his farm which is pronounced excellent by automobilists a.:d good ronds experts. First he p!;ued sand to a depth of several inches over the roadway. Then he spread stable mulch over the sand ( j n -depth of three inches. On top of ilils he placed gravel to a considerable depth. The iiilch acted as a binder .for the saud and gravel, with the re sult that the half mile of road is as hard as a pavement. Mr. Mitchell grades a mile of road in his township annually. I 1,1 g' "J"'.; um vk mivm ' f ' "' "3 a. m. Not a AVink of Sleep Yet. ir I Only Had ZOIO for that Terrible Itchiug" fiery eczema, sores. rash, tetter, blotches, inflamed or irritated skin, pimples, rawness nfter shavind. all sUin atllietlons, sores, blotches, end itchiup; scalp. Ii cures dandruit completely, since dandni . ,:- nothing but eczema of the sen!'-. ZEMO is wonderfully refreshing tj the skin. It is a clean, antiseptic so lution, Mot a paste, cream or ointn-e :. The first application gives bleKReci lief. ZEMO has been imitated, L t positively never equalled. "It is impossible for me to (So i" - tice in recommending ZEMO, tac- words cannot express ita woni.!-- t achievements." 11. A. Stierlin ; Electrotype Dept., Sanders Bn ;ri ; Co., St. Louis, Mo. Your druggist will sell you r- sealed bottle of ZEMO, and will g-uur-antee it, or it will be sent direct is receipt of price by E. W. Rose Medi cine Co., St. Louis, Mo. "Was she a fine singer?" - "I don't know." "Didn't you hear her?" - "Yes, but I didn't think to ask Tom the price of the tickets." London Strav Stories. iven to rsic ORI Every Reader of For only six Panama Certificates and the small expense amount named therein (which cov ets the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other ne cessary EXPENSE items). No similar book ever published has sold for less than $4, and it is only by manufacturing in train-load lots that this spjendid big volume can be presented by news papers on the terms named below. They're going fast. Get yours today. it is ENTERTAINING From this book you get a com plete understanding of the PEO PLE of Panama and the Canal their personal appearance, their dress, their home life, their social life, their .industries, their sports and pastimes; all about the strange natives that inhabit the central part of the great American continent. It is both entertaining and education al, written in an intensely chatty style, which immediately gains and holds your interest throughout its entirety. Presented by Daily Newspapers From the provinces of Canada to the coun tries of South America train-loads of these books are being distributed to newspaper readers. IT IS EDUCATIONAL The great knowledge to be gained by reading this volume Avill forever after be a valuable asset to every man, woman and child, for this great waterway is destined to be come a mighty factor in times of peace and war. , It will revolution ize shipping throughout the entire world; it will bring about changes in the trade and commerce of ail the earth ; it will open newT avenues of business and establish new rela tionships between the various coun tries of the globe. This Greatly Reduced Illustration Shows the Large Volume, which is 9x12 Inches Double the Dimensions of the Usual Size Novel More than SIX NUNDRE For the Benefit of Oar Readers There is a world-wide interest in the Panama Canal and information on this timely- subject is of rare value to all who wish to advance. Illustrations INCLUDING RARE AND BEAUTIFUL WAJER COLOR STUDIES Interwoven with the beautiful word pictures in this large volume 'are hundreds of photographic reproductions, accurately portraying the scenes described in the text. Many of these pictures represent scenes far re-, moved from the path of the ordinary tourist views of the jungle of the almost uncivilized natives who reside within the borders of the Zone, but who are quite unknown outside of their own little world because of the difficulty in reaching them. Such pictures are rare and are to be found only in this volume. Beautiful large colored plates abound throughout the book. -These are reproduced in splendid full pages from water. color studies made by E. J. Read, the well-known artist, who spent months in the study of Canal scenes. No book of similar character contains such a wealth of magnificent color. How to Get "Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose" Almost Free Clip and Present Six Panama Certificates Printe Daily With the Expense Amount Set Opposite the Style Selected THE $4 VOLUME Money Refunded if Not Satisfied Call Any Day and Examine These Beautiful Books (See illustration) is printed ffona new type, large and clear, on special paper: bound in tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped in gold, with in laid color panel; contains more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beautiful pages reproduced 'from water color studies in colorings that far surpass .any work of a similar character. ,- EXPENSE Amount of $1.18 Six certificates of consecutive dates and only .' ' " Send by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and Six Certificates TUP VAI TTMP Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the $4 volume; IILu p I ULiUIILi bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproductions and the color plates are omitted. . Six Certificates of consecutive dates and only - . " Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67c and 6 Certificates EXPENSE Amount of $.48 MAIL ORDERS ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, OREGON Get Busy and Present Your Certificates Today 'J