Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, October 05, 1913, Image 4

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o u H VV LLf bJf O O H-i U U. X VV U o o o
Tell the story of the phenomenal BANKRUPT SALE at the BARDE & LEVITT Store
It broke all previous records of merchandise buying in Oregon City
h im js w uj? to
We are too busy to write any advertisemeets at this moment, but watch TUESDAY MORNING'S ENTERPRISE for the most record
breaking prices ever recorded
We simply must dispose of the entire BARDE & LEVITT BANKRUPT STOCK, regardless of cost :
Yours for business, , v
L-.. E. KARO,-
In charge of the Great Bankrupt Sale
1 At the Portland 1
I Theaters 1
La8t Car Leaves for Oregon City)
At Midnight.
- The Baker Players are piling up
one big success after another and
have easily earned the standing of
the best stock company Portland has
ever known. Next week beginning
with the usual matinee Sunday, the
offering will be Blanche Bates' high
ly successful comedy, "Nobody's Wid
ow," considered to be one of the
cleverest farces of modern times. It
is also a Belasco production which
places it amongst the highest stand
ard of plays known to the stage or
the present generation. It is a com
edy, pure and simple, and tell the
story of a girl, who travelling abroad
marries an English Lord on a sudden
impulse, and discovering him in the
act of kissing, another girl on the very
day of their wedding, leaves him and
writes her friends that he died rather
than let them know the truth. Six
months later she returns to America
and coming to the home of her friend.
Petty Jackson to spend a week, runs
into her husband. He is a humorous
and likeable chap but starts in to win
her back immediately. The situations
brought about are extremely amusing
and the lines most witty and clever.
Laughs follow each other in rapid
succession as the events proceed.
They agree upon a truce and under
his threat to evpose her, Roxona is
obliged to accept him on equal terms
with the others. She finally brings
him to her feet and then refuses him,
so that smarting under humiliations
he makes an appointment for a late
supper with Betty. Then she is sorry
and he tries every way to escape the
supper but in vain. Roxana discovers
them and not knowing the situation
is again shocked by his evident per
fidy. Left alone together in her
room's he calmly proceeds to make
preparations to remain all night
which further complicates matters for
she has obtained a divorce unknown
to him during the six months separa
tion. In the end, however, matters
are straightened out and they are
married all over again. It is a com
edy so full of action and events that
it is difficult to describe but when
seen is found to be a source of un
bridled amusement. It will continue
all week with the usual Baker mat
iness Sunday, Wednesday and Satur
day and the popular bargain night
S. H. Lovelace and wife to E. M.
Lovelace, lot 7, block 12, Estacada;
Finley O. McGrew and wife to Rob
ert A. Miller, tract in section 30, T.
1 S., R. 3 E.; $2900.
L. D. Johnson to G.' D. Johnson,
lots 12, 13, block 2, Morris subdivision
to Jennings Lodge; $50.
John H. Gibson and wife to J. L.
Hartman and E. L. Thompson, tracts
11, 12, 13, in Logus tracts; $2500.
H. W. Boehm and wife to Johan A.
Kallstrom, S. N. W. N. S. W.
, section 12, T. 7 S., R. 2 E.; $10.
Charles Colvin and wife to William
Dale, tract in N. W. S. W. sec
tion 2, T. 5 S., R. 2 E.; $10.
Emma S. MacLeod to William M.
Stone and wife, W. , W. section
36, T. 6 S., R. 2 E.; $1600.
William Dale to Eva Colvin, tract
In N. W. , S. W. Yi, section 2, T. 5
S., R. 2 E.; $10.
L. M. Grimshaw and wife to Walter
H. Pickle, lots ,one, two, 16, block 19,
Windsor; $1100.
Mrs. Minnie B. Johns to Henry Stall
tract in lot four, block 2, Greenpoinr;
Benjamin Harrison as president of
, the United States to Francis F. Taf t,
N. N. E. , section 27, T. 3 S., ft. 2
E., 80 acres.
"Do you believe there is anything in
hick?" asked a young man of a philoso
pher, and the philosopher replied:
"Yes; there's a lot of intelligence and
method and perseverance In It" Lon
don Mail.
7949 'ii
Although lines are simple, with a lit
tle thought it is easy enough to get
away from the commonplace in chil
dren's fasSiions. The quaint patterns
In materials which grown-ups are so
partial to at the moment are, many of
them, quite as suitable and becoming
to small folks. Brightly hued plaids
relieve effectively dull school dresses
and dark coats. Figured silks and
challies are especially pretty in the
mall wardrobe.
For general wear the Balkan dress,
slipping on over the head, middy blouse
fashion, is one of. the most novel and
most practical fashions for little girls.
The underwaist, to which the skirt is
usually attached, allows the weight to
depend from the shoulders, an excel
lent thing for a growing girl. No. 796J
illustrates nicely one of these models
with a full length undersleeve of
figured net. .This dress may be copied
for size 8 with 2 yards of 36 inch
material and IVi of contrasting ma
terial for underwaist and sleeves.
Drop-shoulders are as much a fea
ture of small dresses as of large and"
lend the same style. The sleeves fit in
smoothly or are slightly gathered.
7949 may be made dressy by the addi
tion of a folded girdle. With the broad
stitched belt it is an excellent school
frock. Insets of plaid trim and bright
en it For size 10, 2 yards of 36
inch material will be needed with
yard of plaid for trimming. Bach pat
tern 15 cents.
To obtain either pattern illustrated fill
out this coupon and inclose 15 cents in " Size
tamps or coin. Be sure to state number Name
of pattern and size, measuring over the A,Mr
fullest part of the bust for dimensions. AQQre8s
Address Pattern Department.
Husband's Hair
If It Is Thinning Out or Full of Dand
ruff, Use Parisian Sage
Most men are careless regarding
the care of the hair not until it
comes out by the combful do they
really take notice. Then it may be
too late.
If your husband's hair is getting
thin; if he has dandruff or the scalp
itches and burns take immediate ac
tion; do not let him become a bald
head. Get from Huntley Bros. Co. a 50c
bottle of Parisian Sage. Rub it well
into the scalp every night. The first
application will remove dandruff.
When the hair stops falling and the
new growth appears use every other
night until the hair is thick and
Parisian Sage is a delightful and
invigorating hair tonic for men, wo
men and children. It is a scientific
preparation based on a thorough
knowledge of what is needed by the
hair and scalp to keep them perfectly
healthy and remove dandruff, stop
scalp itch and falling hair. Surely
try Parisian Sage.
A Little Circle.
Ethel This craze for gold seems to
mo very foolish.' Now, a very little
would make me perfectly happy.
Jack How much?
Ethel Just enough to reach around
my finger. Boston Transcript
Realism In Art.
Two artists were boasting how they
could paint. "Do yon know." said one,
"I "painted a sixpence on the ground
one day, and a beggar nearly broke his
fingers trying to pick it up!" "That's
nothing to what I did." said the other.
"I painted a leg of mutton on a stone,
and it was so realistic that a dog ate
half the stone before be found out his
Enterprise advertising pays.
When you tire of
rough, strong, high-
proof whiskey try
the new Gyrus Noble.
pure, mild and mature
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
The demand for turkeys is firm
and the question of whether the local
supply will be equal to it have been
raised by the commission men. The
chicken receipts have been heavy
with the tone rather weak.
Fresh eggs are scarce in the mar
kets though the prices remain low
and the tone heretofore generally
weak. The onion market is steady
with the demand keeping pace with
the supplies that have been received.
Livestock, Meats
'BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
8c; cows 6 and 7c; bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 3 to 4c; lambs,
5 to 5c.
POULTRY (Buying) Hens 12 and
13c; old roosters, 9c; broilers 14 and
WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb.
PORK 10 and 11c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dreeset
according to grade.
APPLES 50c ana $1.'
DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes
on basis 4 for 35 to 40c.
ONIONS $1 per sack.
POTATOES 75c and $1.00
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country butter 23c to 25c.
EGGS Oregon ranch, case count
35c; Oregon ranch candled 37c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are
as follows:
HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c.
CORN Whole corn $37; cracked
SHEEP PELTS 75c to $1.50 each.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran
$25; feed barley $30 to $31.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.
HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and
$9.00; timothy $12.00 aad $13.00;
oat hay best $10 and $11; mixed $9 to
$13; Idaho and eastern Oregon tim
othy selling $20; valley timothy $12
to $14. .
OATS (Buying) $23.00 and $24;
wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling
$38; Shady Brook feed $1.3o per cent.;
We have the following NOTIC
printed on cloth, for sale at
lO cents Each - 6 for 50 cents
AH persons are hereby notified not to
lint, Shoot, or otherwise Trespass on these
premises. If they do so trespass they will
be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Smugglers' Philanthropy.
At Broadmoor and Perth. England,
the criminal lunatics have a free sup
ply of the most exquisite pipe tobacco.
'igars' and cigarettes. In fact, they
smoke far finer stuff than the average
rich man. Yet all this good tobacco
costs the . government uothing. The
smugglers of England pay for the
smoking of the criminal insane. It Is
from her confiscated smuggled tobacco
that England fills the tobacco boxes- of
Perth and Broadmoor. London Telegraph.
It has been said that courtesy is
to the daily intercourse of life what
fragrance is to the flower. It
ought to be iust as steady, as un
conscious, as gently pervasive as
that, and it is just as certain to be.
noticed and appreciated as the
rich perfume of a rose or the de
licious scent of a lily.
' Conceded Fitness;
"This "Gates Ajar- design is a hand
some one," said the tombstone jnan.
"It is just what I want." said the
widow. "He never shut a door in all
our married life without being told."
Indianapolis Journal.
h B
Yes, Swissco Will
Grow Your Hair
Prevents' Baldness and Dandruff. Re
stores Gray or Faded Hair to
Its Natural Color
His Hairs are Numbered. Are Yours?
Swissco stops dandruff quickly,
grows new hair and resores gray and
faded hair to its natural youthful
Swissco stops baldness, bald - spots,
falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp,
brittle hair , or any hair or scalp
To prove that' our claims are true
we will send you a large trial bottle
free if you will send 19c In silver or
stamps to help pay cast of postage
and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy
Co., P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O.
Swissco will be found on sale at all
druggists and drug departments, ev
erywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle.
Jones Drug Co.
In order to save your discount,
Electric bills must be paid before
. the 10th of the month at our
617 JVIain Street,
Oregon City, Oregon
We have numerous electrical
devices on display in our show
room that you will be interested
in knowing about
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street -TeL-Home,
A228 Pacific, Main 115