MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS LOOK H5HB wl TTPcr, OF doTHGZEJ? WoWl - '. ; . . . i . ' . : ' . " so; MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, E. E. BRODIE Entered as second-class matter January 9, 1911, at the postoffice at Oregon City, under the Act of March 2, 1879. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year by mail $3.00 Six months by mail 1.50 i'our months by mail .. 1.00 Per week, by carrier CITY OFFICIAL PARENTAL If Soloman were to visit terrestrial scenes again in these days ABDICATION of parental adbidcation, he would doubtless object strerh uously to the prevention of his proverb about the rod to read: 'Spare the I rod and spoil the teacher," nor would he indorse the substitution of a broom-j stick for the traditional willow. The effort we see being made on all sides to punish the teacher for punishing pupils, who should have had enough par ental rod applications to make them obedient to authority, is one of the evi dences, of which there are too many others, that the modern parent has ad dicated the throne of authority and is leaving the child to train himself. When an irate woman berates a teacher with her tongue and belabors hini with her broomstick, for trying to instill a little of that respect for authority and good behavior which the parents should have instilled, and other unruly pupils give evidence of the same lack of home training by hooting and throw ing mud and sticks, it is plain enough that Solomon has been misunderstood in the homes of those children. It was the child, and not the teacher, Soloman advised as the recipient of the correctional rod. Not long ago the pupils of an entire Pittsburgh school went on a strike to compel discharge of the principal. Like occurrences are reported from time to time from other states. Even in the nation's great army school at West Point, where obedience and manhood are supposed to be fundamental, there is complaint of discipline administered to cadets who violated the or- dcrs against hazing. Hazing is also the cause for the difficulty. For hazing there is nothing good that can be said. It is claimed for it that it develops manliness. If it is. manly to use superior strength and numbers to compel another to do disagreeable things or to inflict physical punishment on him, .1 ' I.. L.... ..t AJ 1.. J 1 ; .. x i J .v men It IS Iiiamy, uut uui uluciwic. mm maiuy ucvciupmciii uj muse ntcu is not revealed when they in turn become hazers, and then whine about their punishment or rebel against it. . We do not so much need a new Solomon as a harking back to the precepts of the old one. We need a general and marked stiffening ,A the parental backbone. We need home discipline for children, from infancy to adult age. They can not get it of school alone is counted upon for giving it, especially if a Droomstick is to be applied vigorously to any teacher attempting it. Physt - cal puishment is a support of discipline and an adjunct of juvenile training' of enough if it were not so much eliminated from the homes. Moderate physi cal punishment is a support of discipline and an adjunct of juveile training of the twig to inchfde upward, which the experience of the ages has indorsed. Solomon did not create the idea, but voiced the conclusions of centuries of ti i i i a. j ti j i parents. i ncre nas uccu no ciumgc since in uie iiecu oi parental Discipline, . but there does appear to have taken place a sad departure from its administration. COMPENSATION FOR To the INJURED WORKMEN November. the worker the first chance that he has him for injuries without long and exhausting suits at law. To the man who works in a factory or in any hazardous occupation, it is a boon. It means that he and his family will be properly cared for during the time that he is prevented from work by injuries that he has received in the discharge of his duties. It means that his injuries are properly worth as time that he was hurt. . The law goes into the subject thoroughly. It leaves little unsaid. It starts out with an explanation of its purpose and it recognizes the fact that many laborers are not properly remunerated for their injuries because .wealthy corporations have a way of beating the cases when they come to trial. These litigations have always been a source of annoyance to those who stand, by the courts as at present constituted and contend that they give the rich and the poor equal and fair justice for they don't, The legislature of the state itself admits it in the preamble to the law. It declares emphatically that the law is passed for the benefit of the worker and recognizes that he does not get the square deal when it comes to a suit-at the bar. To give the worker what the courts do not give him, the law was passed. It provides for a state industrial commission that has powers enough and School Will Raise By Dr. LOUIS DUFESTEL, Medical Inspector of Pari Schools IT is my belief that here in the American crucible a startlingly fine metal is in process of formation. Several generations may yet pass before it takes a form which may be considered even likely to be PEKMANENT, but enough has already been evidenced to convince ..thinkers in all countries that ITS WORTH IS SURE. r NOTHING. COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT TO RIGHT RACIAL DE VELOPMENT THAN GENERAL ATTENTION TO SCH.OOL HYGIENE. ALL SCHOOLS SHOULD DO SOMETHING MORE THAN TRAIN THE MIND. In these days we all recognize the fact that the superiority of mind over body does not extend far enough to permit a fine mind to achieve its best development in a sickly and imperfect body. That some of our best intellects have been housed in weak, even in imperfect, bodies DOES NOT PROVE THE CONTRARY. It onlv indicates that MIND IS MIGHTY AND MAY WIN GREAT VIC TORIES and makes us wonder what those supreme intellects might not have accomplished had their vigor and genius been supplemented by bodily strength and vitality. Be S? iPaNr CA OREGON Editor arid Publisher .1 NEWSPAPER people of Oregon on the election of 4, will be submitted a bill that gives had in years to recover what is due that he will be paid just the amount judged by his earning capacity at the Physical Standard OREGON CITY; OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913. HE AN"FF money enough to provide for every case that properly comes before it, and that is justified in the claims that it makes. A man injured in the discharge of his duties in any of the hazarduous undertakings that are mentioned and most of them are may apply to that commission for his proportion of the funds that have been set aside. He may make that application with the assurance that, if his claims are true and proper, they will receive the proper attention from that commission and that he will receive what is due to him for the4mrts that he has. The commission has the power to bring to its court all of the witnesses and evidence that it may want. It is given funds enough to have all of the employes that are necessary to a prompt dispatch of the business in hand. L is created on a non-partisan basis and is given a term of years that remeves it from the influence of party or of party factions. The fund that it has at its disposal is raised partly by the state, by the employers, and by the workmen. Each of the three parties interested have contributed. Each has an. interest in that fund. Its disposal is at the dis cretion of the commission. The state is made a party to all actions because the state is interested in the welfare of its workmen. .To us, it seems that the purpose of the act is accomplished by its provisions. It gives the employe a chance to get what is due for injuries sustained in the regular discharge of his duties. It takes away by spcecific enactment the right of defense on the ground of contributory negligence which has always been a stumbling block in the way of have had. It gives him the chance to case through the courts, to become entangled in endless litigation or lose half of his demands through court costs and From start to finish, the law is a many workmen during the year. It will prove a boon in the elimination of suits for damages as the. result of injuries sustained. It means much, in short, to the workmen of the state and is a statute that should be placed on the statute books by the people at the Money saved is money got. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY FROM SHAKESPEARE. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankleha child! King Lear. Imperious . Caesar, dead and turned to clay. Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. Hamlet. ' Poor and content is rich and rich enough. Othello. Golden lads and girls all must. As chimney sweepers, come to dust. Cymbellne. Now, good digestion wait on ap petite And health on both! Macbeth." We must take the current when it serves Or lose our ventures. Julius Caesar. Desert sands. There is a popular idea that des erts like the Sahara are the bottoms of ancient seas which have been lifted above their original elevation by geo logical forces. This notion is an er roneous one. Authorities contend that the sands of all the great deserts have been formed on the spot by the disin tegration of the solid rocks on which MABEL IRENE VOLKMAR s Piano Lessons .707 Madison St. Phone M-2174 j 8 Limited Number Students Desired $ TERMS REASONABLE $ Q L. G. ICE. DENTIST S Beaver Building ' Phones: Main 1221 or A-193 Wants; For Sale, Etc. Notices under these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first ttons. One inch card, ti per month; bait Inch card, ( t lines), $1 per menth. Cash must accomoany order unless one insertion, half a cent additional lnser has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c. Anyone that Is r-t. of employment and feels he cannot afford to ad vertise for work, can have the use of our want columns free of ehargo. This places o obligation of any sort .on you, "vn simply wish to be of assistance to any worthy person. fHOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about that bargain you have in real estate. Use the Enterprise. Ale MWP THE ri.fif.Bf wal. WNCtf 75 t -l Poww tf tw3 , the employe to collect what he shou!jl get his dues without having to fight the other attendant expenses. , good one. It is one that will benefit ballots next month. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady cashier with experi ence. Apply at once to Mr. Kai-o, at the J. Levitt store. Reference required. WANTED A girl for general house . work and care . of children. En quire, Mrs. Berray 7 at Gladstone, two blocks from drug store. WANTED Girl for general work. 702 Water street. house- FOR RENT, v FOR RENT Front room, with board in private home, reasonable. 616 11th St., City. FOR RENT Largs front room, fur-j nished for sleeping. Inquire of Farr Apartments, 903 Seventh St, room! 2 or B. . . I FOR SALE. FOR SALE Ten-acre- ranch in San Joaquin Valley, two . miles from town; five acres in fine young or chard; five in alfalfa. Will sell at a sacrifice on easy terms. For fur ther particulars address, Mrs. L. El vert, Portersvill, Calif. FOR SALE At a bargain, Winches ter pump gun, new, $16.00. Address 413 Main street. - . ' ! FOR SALE 30 acres good level land. 10 acres in cultivation; 10 slashed, balance in timber; VA miles north of Mulino on good road. $150 down; balance 2 years, 7 per cent interest. Address Mrs. M. E. Graves, Canhy Oregon Rt. No. 1. - FOR SALE 5 acres and 4-room b galow adjoining fair grounds at Canby. $3000. Terms, F.. E. Fiohr, Canby. - WOOD AND COAL OREGON CITY WOOD & FUEL CO. Wood and coal, 4-foot and 16-inch lengths, delivered to all parts of city; sawing especialty. Phona your orders Pacific 1371, Home . F. M. BLUHM QJICES NOTICE OFV'-ACCEPTlCE OFr STREET' IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given that the' cKjr engineer of Oregon City, Oregony has filed his certificate of the com pletion and approval of the work done by H. Jones, contractor, for the improvement of Fourth street, Oregon City, Oregon, from a point 105 feet west of the westerly line of Iiigh street to the west line of Mon roe street; and the city council will consider the acceptance thereof and . all the objections to the acceptance of the "said improvement, "at the council chamber, of said Oregon City, on the 22nd day of October, 1913, at 7:30 p. m. I ' Any owner of any property within the assessment district of said im- IX j i . . I . Sc: Tea. rue -sewr Me ME. A BEAUTIFULLY HOME LOCATED 3 blocks from the head of 7th street steps, on the corner of two improved streets ; street improvements paid. 6-room house, hot and cold water, elec tric lights, bath;, wood shed; garden; good lawn with trees in the front yard. $2700.00: $1200.00 cash, balance on long time. " ,. DILLMAN & HOWLAND provement or any agent of such owner, may at such time or any time prior thereto, appear and file objections to the acceptance of said improvement and such objections will be considered and the merits thereof determined by the council at the above named time and place. This notice is published in the Morning Enterprise, and the time and place were fixed by the city council of Oregon- City, Oregon. L. STIPP, Recorder. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given that the city engineer of Oregon City, Oregon, has filed - his certification of the completion and approval of the work done by the Oregon Engineering & Construction company, contractors, for the improvement of Thirteejith street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the west side of Jackson street to the east side of Monroe street, and the city council will consider the ac ceptance thereof and all the objec tions to the acceptance of the said improvement at the council cham ber, of said Oregon City, on the 22nd day -f October, 1913, at 7:30 o'clock p. ii.. Any owner of any property within the assessment district of said im provement or any agent of such owner, may at such time or any time prior thereto, aDpear and file objections to the acceptance of said improvement, and such objections will be considered and the merits determined by the council at the above named time and place. This notice is published ,in the Morning Enterprise and the time and place were fixed by the city council of Oregon City, Oregon. L. STIPP, Recorder. RESOLUTION Whereas, the city council of Oregon City, Clackamas county, Oregon, . deem it expedient to change the grade of John Adams street, Ore gon City, Oregon, from the south side of Third street to the south side of Twelfth street in said city, therefore, Be It Resolved, That the said city council intends to change the grade of John Adams street, Oregon City Oregon, from the south side of Third street to the south side of Twelfth street from its present established, grade to the following described grade, to-wit: Grades for John Adams Street. Commencing at the south side of Third street at an elevation of 222 .feet; thence level across Third street to north side of an elevation of 222 feet. Thence on a descend ing grade to the south side of Fourth street at an elevation of 219.5 feet on the east line of John Adams street and 218.5 feet on the west line of John Adams street; thence level across Fourth street to the north side. Thence on an ascending grade to the south side of Fifth street at an elevation of 222.4 on the east line of John Adams street and 221.5 on the west line of John Adams street; thence across Fifth street to north, side at an" elevation of 222.25 feet on the . east line of John Adams street and 222.1 feet on the west line of John Adams' street. Thence on a descending grade a distance of 137 feet at an elevation. 210.18 feet; thence to the south ide of Sixth street at an elevation of, 281.1 feet. . Thence across Sixth street to north side at an elevation of 218.5 feet on the east line of John Adams street and 218.1 feet on the west line of John Adams street. Thence on a descending grade to the south side of Seventh street at an elevation of 214.5 feet on the east side of John. Adams street; and 212.2 feet on west line of John Ad ams street; thence across 7th street to the north side of 7th street at an elevation of 213.3 feet on the east side and 212 feet on the west side of John Adams street. Thence on an ascending grade to the south side of Eighth street at an elevation of 216 feet on the east side of John Adams street and .214 feet on the west side of John Adams streeL . Thence across Eighth street at -Bse. affd 215 feet on the 'west line of John,; Adarns street ' Thence' ascending grade a distance of 137 feet-at an. elevation of 222 feet -on' the eas "fines -and .220 feet on the west line of John Adams street; thence to the south side of Ninth street at an elevation of 222.6 feet on the east side and 220.4 feet on the west side of John Adams street. Thence level across Ninth street to the north side; thence on a de scending grade to the south side of Tenth street at an elevation of 220 feet on the east side and 219 feet J: I By Gross op To see f we WE REPAIR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING MILLER-PARKER COMPANY Next Door to Bonk of Oregon City on the west side of John Adams street. j Thence across Tenth street to the north side at an elevation of 217 Teet on the east side and 216 feet on the west line of John Adams street. Thence on a descending grade to the south side of Eleventh street at an elevation of 164.7 feet on the east side of John Adams street and 165.7 feet on the west line of John Adams stroet. Thence across Eleventh street to the north side at an elevation of 161.5 feet on the east line and 161.7 feet on the west line of John Ad ams street. ' Thence on a descending grade to the south Side of Twelfth street at ' an elevation of ,.140.7 feet on the east line of Twelfth street and 139.2 feet on- the west line of John Adams street. Read, adopted and'ordefed pub lished at a regular ' meeting of the city council, held on the 1st day of Ootober, 1913. By order of the council, of Oregon City. L. STIPP, Recorder. Final Notice Notice is hereby given that the under - signed administrator of the estate of Elbert L. Cantonweine, deceas ed, has filed his final report as such adjtninistrator in the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the said court has appointed Mon " day, October 13, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. for the hearing of objections to said final report, if any, and for the sett'.ement of said estate. Any persons disatisfied with said report are notified to file their ob jections in said court on or before said date. ROSS SHEPARD, Administrator of said estate. Dated September 13, 1913. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Administrator. Summons . In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Max Wecksler, Plaintiff, vs. Annie W'ecksler, Defendant. To Annie Wecksler, the above named Defendant: In the name of the 'State of Ore . gon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, on or before the 3rd day of Novem ber, 1913, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint, the above named plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to-wit: for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and here tofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other, fur ther and different relief as to the court may seem meet and equita ble. This summons is published in pursuance of an order of Hon. .J. V. Campbell,' Judge of said Court, made and entered on the 12th day of September, 1913, and the time pre scribed in said order for the publi cation of this summons is once each week for six : consecutive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons is the 13th day of September, 1913. MOSER & McCUE and WM. A. WILLIAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1524-29 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon. . SUMMONS In the' Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Sarah Elizabeth Sears, Plaintiff, vs. Harry B. Sears', Defendant. To Harry B. Sears, The above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed . against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day of October, 1913A which is six weeks after the 5th day of September, 1913, the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer the com- Pabst's Okay Specific Does the wonC You all f ry 'An know it by reputation. .UU Price .V..;YJ - FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON . CAPITAL $50,000 00 Transact a General Banking Bualnaas. Open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. HENRY JR. 5AY5 LlSSErf FbUS eveey PAY IM Suppose p Tb SAY SotfeW A(Nr f VISLL 7S-PAy. i AlvT GOrVA SA (HlTHrf ffOH.' THE" ppSS ecss serr2 &GSJ CAAV aOW SoT No Mote SPACg- plaint, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for a decree dissolving the bonds of mat rimony existing between plaintiff, Sarah Elizabeth Sears, and defen dant, Harry B. Sears, and granting to plaintiff the care and custody of Frank Bates Sears and Sanford Chittenden Sears, minor children of. plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deer- meet in the prem ises. This summons is published in pur suance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court, made on the 4th day of September, 1913, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six consecutive weeks. BREWSTER & MAHAFFIE Attorneys for Plaintiff, 418 Failing Building, Portland, Ore. Date of first publication September 5, 1913. . Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Lucien A. Thomas, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie P. Powers, Defendant To Nellie P. Powers, abo-e named defendant: in tne name or the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above named suit, on or before the 8th day of November, 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit:" For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between - the plaintiff and defendant. Thi3 summons is published by order of Hon. J, U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made on the 12th day of Sep tember, 1913, and the time prescrib ed for niihlipnt-inn fli,f fc . I ..... i" i i, . 1 .3 QlA weeks, hpennninp- rcif-h tTi oa11ninj. , . . f-, n.lll 1 ! ed September 13th, 1913, and contin uing each week thereafter t and including Friday, October 25th, 1913. P. J. BANNON, 613-614 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Port land, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Annie Millor, Plaintiff, . vs. William Millar, Defendant. To William. Millar, above named de fendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 10th day of No vember, 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want "thereof, -the plaintiff will apply to the court . for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, tocwit: For a decree dissolving the bonds, of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published- by order of Hon. H. S. Anderson, judge of the county court, which order was made on the 26th day of September, 1913, and the time prescribed for publica tion thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated, Saptember 27th 1913, and continuing each, week thereafter to and including October 17th, 1913. . JOHN N. SIEVERS, Attorney for Plaintiff. .- Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Mundeu, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under . signed, J. E. Whitney has been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Mundeu, deceased, by? the County. Court of Clackamas, :. County, State of Oregon, and has qualified as such. . All .persons having claims -against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouch ers and duly verified to me at the ' office of Geo. S. Shepherd, 825 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, within, six months from the date of this no tice.. Dated and first published Septem ber 6, 1913. . , .J. E. WHITNEY, Administrator of the Estate of Elizabeth Miundeu, deceased. F. J. MEYER, Cashier.