3 MOKNING- ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913. LJuU u 1 uUuU J LJ u Ll Tif If I jjj , Everything from floor to ceiling; including all the fixtures as well as the immense stock, to be entirely wiped out of existence When the terrific blow came closing down the Barde & Levitt chain of stores, involving $140,000.00, it also involved the Oregon Citv store, Oregon City's biggest clothing house. NOW THIS BIG STOCK IS TO BE CLOSED OUT under FORCED SALE to the public m m s -a the stock tails TV7 TTT .u into the hands of L. E. Karo and ST ICs SOL , 3 Once Without question the most astounding Bankrupt Sale and Sacrifice of merchandise ever known in entire West The public will share in this stock at the Greatest Bargains ever recorded. The best Nationally advertised brands of merchandise make up this big stock: Kuppenheimer Clothes, Schloss Bros. Baltimore Clothes, Florsheim and Regal Shoes, Stetson Hats,Perrins Gloves, Manhattan and Arrow Shirts, Superba Neckwear, Cooper Underwear and Wilson Bros. Furnishings. THIS OPPORTUNITY WILL NEVER COME AGAIN - . - Thousands upon many thousands of dollars of the world's best merchandise that must be wiped out to the very bare walls. rooming can stop mis onsiaugm. ale begins SATUR DAY, OCT. 4th DOORS OPEN at 9:30 sharp. . i .I a. story la toia or a "printer's error" that once caused consternation in a country village. An arch in the church had become dilapidated and a fund was started for its repair. Upon one occasion, so as to make the appeal more widely known, the rector had a notice regarding the arch fund printed in the village, with the result that on the following Sunday the announce ment appeared in large type, "The col lection today will be for the arch fiend." Church Family Newspaper. Jerry's Place. The best known employee of a Cin cinnati firm of tailors is the colored porter, Jerry. In order to conserve all of the good will and bad book accounts, the firm "has incorporated under a name that covers several panes of glass, and following this abridged city directory is the abbreviation "Inc." A customer, while being measured, remarked to Jerry: "You seem to be the only man In the shop- whose name does not ap pear on the window. What's the trou ble?" "Oh, I's dar, boss, all right," re plid Jerry. "I's de ink." Argonaut BROTHERHOOD ELECTS LIST OF OFFICERS You May Have EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER IS ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THIS SPLENDID BIG VOLUME ALMOST FREE ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS TO CLIP AND PRESENT SIX PANAMA CERTIFICATES, TOGETHER WITH THE EXPENSE AMOUNT NAMED THEREIN ($1.18 FOR THE $4 VOLUME, OR 48C FOR THE $2 VOLUME), AND GET IT From The Enterprise More Than 600 Rare Pictures The Congregational Brotherhood held its annual election Wednesday evening at which the following offi cers were elected: C. A. Miller, pres ident; E. B. Howland, vice president: Emery French, secretary; Percy Cau field, treasurer; and C. H. Dye, teach er. Committees were also appointed to form plans for the coming season which the organization plans to make its most successful. The brotherhood holds meetings once a month besides a special class each Sunday and various other gatii- j erings. The object is to cultivate i Christian friendship among men both young and old, independent of- any ! connection with a church. A FAIR PROPOSITION The manufacturers of Meritol Rheu matism Powders have so much confi dsnce in this preparation that they authorize us to sell them to you on a positive guarantee to give you relief in ail cases of Rheumatism or refund your money. This is certainly a fair proposition. Let us show them to you. Jonss Drug Co., exclusive agents. CURIOUS HERMIT CRABS. in black and white show ing unusual scenes in the tropics. Full Pages o f Water Colors in bright artistic color ings illustrate this beau tiful volume. You'll Enjoy it, Because I fl Thbook is "w x! xl inches more than 2o times as The $4 book is 9x12 inches more than 2o times as large as this great ly reduced illustration. It tells you of the strange people of Panama; it takes you into their huts; shows you how they live, what they eat, what they wear (how little) ; it tells the things you would want to know about your neighbors, and it is all told in an intimate, easy-reading style that is pleasing and restful. . , Mail Orders Filled as Explained IN THE CERTIFICATE PRINTED DAILY MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED They Keep Housemaids, and Also Use Sponges For Protection. It has been said that crabs are as artful as "a barrow load of monkeys," and no one who has read Professor Edward Step's "Messmates; A Book of Strange - Companionships In Nature," will deny that there is considerable truth in the remark. Amazing indeed are some of the revelations which the professor makes regarding crabs. He relates, for instance, how the common hermit crab actually keeps a housemaid to clean out his house. When he first starts life this particu lar species of crab hunts for some large j shellfish's shell in which he can live I at ease, rent free. He usually chooses a large whelk shell and introduces a : large seaworm. belonging to what is ! known as the "nereis" family and ; which grows to a length of six or eight inches, to keep the Interior of the shell clean. The crab feeds hearti ly on sea creatures that wander care lessly into the shell and throws the in digestible parts of them about the i floor. The nereis worm promptly con sumes these remains and keeps the shell as clean as a new pin. The artfulness of this crab, too. Is strikingly Illustrated by the ingenious manner in which he protects himself against the large fish which look upon him as an excellent article of food. Sometimes he Induces a sponge to grow on his shell. Sponges in a living condition give out a strong odor, which is distinctly unpleasant to fish, and even a dogfish will not attack a crab protected in this manner. Clip the Certificate on Page 3 Today "So you think that a college educa tion leaves a girl better equipped for domestic life?'.' - "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "When a woman loses her temper it must be some comfort to her husband for her to express herself -grammatically and even classically." Washington Star. . At The Oregon City Theatres Plays and Films to be Shown This Week From the time the curtain went up for the first show until the end of the last performance, the large and en thusiastic crowds that attended the initial production of the Frank Rich company, "The Girl From Panama," were kspt in a state of continual up roar and applause by the clever act ing and sparkling comedy of the troupe. Like most musical comgdys there was but little plot the interest and attraction depending upon the comic situations and the singing. There was no time when the chorus was off the stage for over a 'very few minutes and even those times there was either a solo or rich comedy. The plot hinges around the colonsl and his son, who is expected to re turn from Panama as the king of Pat agonia. The father is determined that his boy shall marry a certain girl but the boy objects until he learns that she is his old sweetheart on the zone. A negro and a "dago" cook are woven into th situation as well as a winsome widow. The audience seemed to be most pleased with the clever dancing and singing of the chorus. That chorus is well worth a paragraph in itself for it is considered by far one of the best that has been in this town. Time and time again they were encored and forced to return to the stage, to repeat their singing .and dancing. The company will stay hers four days and will put on a new perform ance each night with a chorus girls' contest Friday night. Thursday night "Variety Islei' will be staged. . , J. L. Higginbotham has four cucum bers that are claimed to be champions of this section, at least as far as size and weight are concerned, their total weight being 12 pounds and two and a half ounces. The largest one is 16 inches long and alone weighs three pounds and seven ounces. They are well formed and smooth. Mr. Higgin botham has a small place in West Lynn near Willamette. The classified u columns of The Enterprise -satisfy your wants. Surely Banishes CATARRH Where there's" catarrh there's-thousands of catarrh germs. You cannot get rid of catarrh unless you kill these germs. 1 You cannot kill them with stomach medicine or sprays because they do not get where germs are. You can kill these germs with Booth's HYOMEI, a penetrating, anti septic, balsamic air that you breathe a few times a day directly over the raw, sore, germ infested membrane. It does not contain morphine or any habit forming drug. For catarrh, croup, coughs, and bronchitis, i HYOMIEI is sold on mon ey back plan by Huntley Bros. Com plete outfit, $1.00. Exera bottle of Booth's HYOMEI if afterwards neei ed, only 50 cents. Just breathe it no stomach dosing. - For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. T-ue Love. When le translates itself into ac tion that action will always be unself ish. It must be so. A selfish love for others is a contradiction in terms. It does not exist, for where true love is there is always tound self effacement. Nothing Common For Her. . "Why did she withdraw after receiT ing the nomination?" s "They told her. if elected, she would become a member of the common coun cil, and you know how particular she ls."-Judge. BEAUTIFUL HAIR A JOY FORE If you havft a Ka,,fifi ,-.. - --kui.--.u-. uLtl ill try to keep it. If you have not, l it. iuentoi Hair Tonic k me scam clean nrnmMno . growth of beautiful hair, and keel duil una lustrous. Try it. J Drug Co., exclusive agents. NEW I '-RICES' O N MAZDA LAMPS To Take Effect at Once 15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 20 " " 30c " " 35c 25 " " " 30c " " 35c 40 " " " 30c " " 35c 60 z'u . " " 40c -?'" ' 45c 110 " " " 70c v - " " 75c 150 " $105 u $U5 250 " " " 1.75 " " 1.60 Portland Railway, Light" & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street Tel.-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115