4 PART OF FRANK RICH'S CAST. Public Sentiment. THE SLIDES AT CULEBRA WILLAMETTE Sufficient to Cause Alarm, but Had Been Anticipated, so Engineers Were Fully Prepared Merritt Willson, Agent MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1913. FIGHT GROWS 'HOT; LIE 18 PASSED (Continued from Page 1.) "Do you pay much attention to pub lics sentiment?" "No; I always look the other way when I see a young couple holding hands In the park." Exchange. Local Briefs J. D. Shell was a visitor to this city Monday. Frank Jagger, a Carus farmer, was in this city Monday. Georgs Atterbury, of Barlow, passe. the night here Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Reid, of Hubbard, was in the county seat Sunday. C. D. Babcock, a Salem man, is reg istered at the Electric hotel. Florence Price left for a week's vis it at Vancouver, Washington. John Dungan, of Molalla, stopped at a local hotel over Sunday night. M. G. Bowen, a Portland business man, was in this city Saturday. Mrs. Ewalt and her two sons were in town the last part of last week. W. A. Smih and J. A. Wheeler, both of Delton, Michigan, are in Oregon City. W. A. Mangrem, of Canby, was in town during the first days of the week. Fred Vohs, a farmer from the High land district, was in the county seat Monday. Miss C- Goldsmith has exceptional values in pretty hats for Misses and Children. R. R. MS'.lsr, has com(e all the way from Alaska to Oregon City to spend the winter. W. S. Bagley, of the Southern Pa cific, stayed in Oregon City over Sat urday night. Miartin Landers, chief clsrk of the Alder Hotel of Portland, is visiting relatives here. Select your millinery of Miss C. Goldsmith, and get correct styles for the least money. v John To'oin, manager of the Elec tric hotel made a short business trip to Portland Monday. J. B. Newkirk and S. B. Ballard, both of Logan, were in this city the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Petty have re turned from Canby, where they at tended the Clackamas fair. Our Old Homstead Coffee is a big success; 30c per pound. Fresh roast every day at Harris' Grocery. Frank Malton, a rancher from Viola made a short business trip to Oregon City tha first part of the week. Percy Wilson, of the Willamette Pulp & Paper company, is back at work after a two weeks' vacation. F. E. Churchill, who has been work ing at Lebanon, passed through this city after visiting his farm at Liberal. Mayor Linn E. Jones was slightly ill at his home Mlonday, but was able to return to his work the following day. Mrs. G. M Walker and daughter, of Portland, are in this city. They have just secured control of the Bell the atre. You will start the day right if you have our Old Homestead Coffete; 30c per pound. Fresh roasted from Harris' Grocery. Henry Cook is acting chief of police for this waek while Chief Edwara Shaw attends to private business and takes a short vacation. A merry-go-round is bing set up on tha west side of the river near the bridge. A crowd of youngsters stood around all day Monday thinking of the pleasure that is to be. F. D. Dindsey, a prominent farmer of this district was in Oregon City Sunday. He is well known in local musical circles. Style, quality and service are the chief features of Miss C. Goldsmith's hats. A. V. Davis, formerly a farmer of Molalla, was in this city on his way from his new place at Ridgafield, Washington, to Molalla. C. M. Ellsworth, of Barlow, is in this city to receive medical attention. He is suffering from a fractured in step, as a result of a heavy stick of timber falling on his foot. "Gilbert Thomas and Robert Gr.een returned from a day's fishing trip to Clear Creek Sunday, and report a suc cessful day, the former catching 45 fish, while the latter pulled in about 56 they claim. These same two went to the same place last Sunday and ex perienced ,a most unusual series of accidents, which finally compelled them to walk home. When you're ailing and don't know just what's the matter with you, the safest thing to take is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea ,both because it's tha greatest all-round systemic regu lator, and because it cannot work in jury in any case, being purely vege table. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. : FOR THEIR LICENSES Hunting licenses have been issued almost as rapidly as the deputies in the office of Cainty Clerk W. L. Mul vey could make them out the last faw days, in anticipation of the opening of the season. Sixty-one of them were issued Mon day by the clerks and 53 on Saturday b afore. From time to time through the season, the clerks will issue oth ers in accordance with the applica tions on file in the office, but the ban ner day was Monday before th,3 open ing on October 1. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN - We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St., and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. .Come once and you will come again. ' Telephone B-3 .. WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Pete the Horse Bhoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. - By Willis J. Abbot, Author of "Panama If the Capitol Park at Washington, with the National Capitol cresting it, should suddenly begin to move down into Pennsylvania Avenue at a rate of about threa feet a day, the authori;ic3 , of the city would naturally feel some ; degree of annoyance. And if the , smooth and level asphalt of that his j toric thoroughfare should over night, ; rise up in the air 18 feet in spcts. ; those responsible for traffic ln'.nt ' reasonably be somewhat worried. j Such a phenomenon would be not so startling in mere magnitude as the i "slides" which have added so 'greatiy : to the work of the engineers on the I canal, and have made tourists, wise ' with the ripe fruits of five day.- oh- i servation, wag their heads knowingly when Colonel Goethals calmly repeat s i bis assertions t iat the water wi" soon ; be turned in. - If these slides eie an entirely uev and unexpected phenomenon for ; which no allowance had been made in , the estimates of the canal builders, they would justify the apprehension . they have awakened in the nou-profes-1 sional mind. But the slides were in' fact anticipated. Even danr? lliej preliminary scratching of the Isth-. mian backbone by the French they occurred, and the American sasirtftfrs knew precisely what to expect 1 be j last slide occorjed during o ir v. on the Isthmus jn 1905; the crhoisj have only b en bigger because the l canal beign .lug deeper has woa'tened , the bases of hills along its banics. Ail j the same, the proportions of fce slides j are terrifying, and the chief fo-xiioust I declares that they will not cease un til the angle of the canal bau't be comes so gentle that gravity will i:ot pull the crest down. The slides are of two sons. Tb,e simpler is a mere swift rush of all the loose surface dirt, sand, gravvl and stone down the surface of tho bank. These gravity slides, though trouble some, present no new problems. Vo stop them it is necessary only to carry the crest of the bank further back so that the angle will be less steop. But the great, troublesome slides ae those caused by the pressure of the hHl-coj; on its undermined and weakened base. Once started, the whole mass, acres in extent, moves slowly toward the cavity of the canal, three feet a day being its swiftest record progress. At Culebra the slides compelled the moving of a large part of the town RIDER AGEITS WANTED makingmoney fast. no MONET REQUIRE vv e ship to anyone ii ra'ii is Am vim i mii HI WWW bnt nsnlaiy have a number on hand taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out promptly at prices ranging from S3 to S8 or $10. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. ffiCYE!l R9fl9fCC single wheels, imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs If WM0 I Ell Ulirt AMI and eauipmentoC all kinds ai hall thertgtUar reUM prices. 00 Hedgslhorn Self-haaling Tires The regular retail price of these uurvweicui sen you a sample pair for .casa KGMOP.ETEGUOLEFROMPUSCTOiiES Nails. Tacks or Glass will not let the air out. A hundred thousand pairs sold last yeer. BESGRIPTiQNs a?Ziei,B riding, very durable and lined inside with a swcial Quality c rubber, which never bo comes porous and which closes uo small punctures without allowing air to escaue. They no more thKn an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities beiner given by several layers of thin,specially prepared fa brie on the tread. The regular price of these tires is i lu.uu per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only $4.80 per pair. Ail orders shipped same day letter is received. We will shiD C. t.l. on Btrorovl. You do not ut-oil to v-xy a cent until - ou examine and find them strictly as represented. '.Ve will fllow a msIi discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.55 perpair) if you s "i:a PUf-W RASt-i VV iTH CtrJB ER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not tsatialjtctory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you order a pair of tiieac tire, you will find that they will ride easier, run fattter, wear better Jast longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price.. We know that you will be so weil pleased that when you want e Mcycle yon win give iik your order. We want ycu to send us a trial orderat once, hence this remarkable tire offer. tfK" VifTf 7Tilg&G?G don't bay any kind i.t any price untd you send for a pair of Hedgethorn U B uwiltu 8 firiWaJ Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special Introductory price quoted above; or write for our biz Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and qiiotus ail makes and Kinds of iirer. and bicycle cnulpmem and sundries at about batf the usnal prices. fiSS SftlT SS'lT lmt write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYINC a bicycle or s pair w sjjig v&ums of tires from anyoneuntil youknow the now and wonderful off ers weare making. 41 gukuu; wi-tMi io i'-am ever ym'ug. w rice it nun. ft! E This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader CERTIFITATI0N ANDTHE PRESENTED OREGON CITY AS i EXPLAINED RFI CIXAJ- See thelGreat Canal in Read How You May Cot ont the above coupon, and present It at this office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the Hems of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE Items), and receive your choice ot these books: i n M Am A Tnis beautiful big volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl AND THE edged standard rsterence work of the great Canal Zone. It is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 inches in size; printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper; bound in tropical red vellum cloth: Alii- i 1 1J 1- 1'J -1 . ' CANAL In Picture and Pros t A ILLUSTRATED aiampeu in goiu, wun miaiu color panel ; contains ' vlL edition more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau , tiful pages reproduced f rom water color studies in col- t vi 11150 11101 1 qi ouipaoa i Jy nuin v x a ana see tnis Deautitui dook tnat wouia .conditions, out which is presented to our readers tor MA of 'a ia the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the . V I X Sent by Mail.-Postage Paid, Panama nil Regular octavo size; text I allalUa all U rmt- hmmH in hlne vellum the Canaf graphic reproduction a, and the color plates are fitted. This book would sell at $2 under usual condi tons, but is presented to our readers for SIX of the Ubove Certificates of consecutive dates and only the I 2 OCTAVO EDITION A ociii uy itxoiiv uaiaKG x aiU w wuio auu u uxxvll.cb .a a AAAAjfcA xAAAAaAgjAatsi Aasa 0 asi iSis aa aA aaI TRESPASSER SHOWS WITH NOVEL PLEA On testimony that a raal estate agent had shown him the Barch lots in Gladstone as the ones that were in cluded in his trade, Harry Wilson was acquitted of the trespass charge that had been brought against him in the justice court Monday. It was introduced, during tha trial. and the Canal in Picture and Prose.' away from the edge of the cut, lest it be swept into the gorge. As the slide moves slowly down ward, its colossal weight applied at points where nature had made no pro vision for it, forces the earth upward at the point where it can offer the least resistance, namely the bed of the canal. ' The upheaval of the oanal bed and the occasional outpourius of steam hve led at times to exaggerated reports in the newspapers of volcanic action being one of the new ''oblcms with which the "canal builders had to grapple. " At one time it was the policy of the commission to keep the public in the dark concerning the apparently seri ous obstacles to the progres of the work. The canal zone is fairly haunt ed by men able to arouse the atten tion of the public. Since I have been here every ship brings congressmen, magazine writers and newspaper men. Anything that savors of secrocv in stantly arouses their interest, and if their conclusions are erroneous it is the fault mainly of those who seek to obscure the facts. Probably it was largely because of the earlier efforts of the commission to hush the matter up that the impression spread in the United States that the slides would indefinitely delay the conclusion ot the work even if they were not wholly fatal to it. The commission now is perfectly frank. The story told about the ex tent of the slides is sufficiently alarti. ing, but the calmness with which they are meeting the situation is reassur ing. ' Nobody with knowledge anticipates that the slides will interfere with Cololonel Goethals determination to put a ship through the canal on time. The canal is so wide at the cut that biggest slide has never obstructed more than one-third of its width, so that sufficient channel for the passage of ships necessarily buoyed off in the free water while the dredges, are working to remove the obstruction. The dirt can not always slide in faster than it is carried out. For in time there will b eno dirt left to slide. Arid so-undismayed and intent upon success, the whole force from Colonel Goethals to the youngest engi neer moves on Culebra and the doom of that- stubborn block to progress is sealed. EACH TOWN and district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model Raneer" bicvele furnished bv us. Our Rider Affents everywhere are Write for full particulars and special offer at once. Dun til you receive and approve your bicycle. anywhere in tne v . a. vitnmtt a cent deposit lu advance,prepatrei0nt,andallowTEN DATS FREE TRIALdunng which time you may ride thebicycle and put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bi cycle ship it back to us atourexpense and you tMlnotbcoutoneeent. E A PTflOV DBIPC9 We furnish the hitrhest grade bicycles it is rSu I Un I rnlwCa possible to make at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $10 to S25 middlemen's profi ts by buy ing direct of us andhave the manufacturer'sguarantee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at an u mice until you receive our cataloeues and learn our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers. Vfill Wll I RF tCTfiViCUCn when yon receive onr beantifnl oata IUU IT ILL DC Hd 9 UflldntU loEueandstudyonrsnperbmodelsat the wonderfully low prices we can make yon this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money than any other factory. Weare satisfied with 81.00 protit above factory cost. BICYCLE DEALERS, yon can sell ourbicycleeunderyour own name plate at double our priceB. OrderB filied tbe day received. SECONDHAND BICYCLES. Wedonotreeularlv handle second-hand blcvclefl. Ptmoiure - Preof TO IKTRODUGE, ONLY weieh rJoiieethe thick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips"B" end "D" also rim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make-SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. MM i irr 1 IS & Til ISPANY, CHICAGO, ILL PBOOKlfj CAIIAI I - BY THE 1 I m ENTERPRISE Picture and" Prose Have It Almost Free oiiniiai uiai av,iu , wail I JpNCt sen lor $4 unaer usual I Amoral of for $1.59 and 6 Certificates matter practically the same as the $4 voU cloth: contains onlv 100 nhntn. I 1 "" EXPENSE Amount of 48c that Wilson had made a trade with a real estate agent and that the deal er had shown him the lots that it af terwards developed belonged to an other man. Believing that they were his own, the "defendant had rented the land and had allowed, another to cut tha clover from it. As soon as the work started, the real owner appeared on the . scene and filed complaint against Wilson for trespass. pleted, asked for further testimony on the ground that it had not been shown that an emergency actually ex isted or that it was great enough to require tha -council's creation of a new office and the selection of anoth er man. The declaration from Holman came up over the statement of Dimick thai he believed the council had held a secret caucus and had conspired to de. feat all nominations for police chief that he had made and that he could not have secured a confirmation of an appointment under any circum stances. Holman declared that there had been no meeting but those held in the open and no understanding reached against the mayor or his nominees. The case will probably , be deter mined today. , Arthur Devlin, the former New York Boston infielder, has joined th3 Ro chester team of the Iuternaitona! league. Shortstop Jack Barry, of the Ath letics, has been engaged to manage the Meriden, Conn, roller polo team next winter. "Tempus fugit" becomes true as one grows old. - The cost of living isn't worrying the hop growers. It begins to lool: as if there Ware to be no more panics In this country. Trying to plant a religion where it isn't wanted makes lots of trouble. There is something wrong with ths sort of religion that makes people a good deal crazier than the average citizen is. Swissco Grows New Hair Stops Dandruff and Restores Gray 01 Faded Hair to its Natural Color LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH! Why wear yourself out fixing up old switches, when you can have a beautiful head of hair all your own "Swissco grows all the hair you want. Changes gray or faded hair to a youth ful color without dyeing or staining. Stops dandruff and all hair and scalp troubles. . Send 10c in silver or stamps to pay for postage, etc., to Swissco Hair Rem edy Co., P. O. Square, Cincinnati, ()., and get a large free trial -bottle. Swissco is on sale everywhere bv druggists and drug departments at 502 and $1.00 a bottle. Jones. Drug Co. The order to riiUMc M mm MM Win The Bankrupt Sale and quick disposal of the stock is to commence very soon. The sale will probably start Saturday, Oct. the 4th. Watch the papers and fur ther announcements. It will be an event worth 20 SALESPEOPLE ARE WANTED APPLY AT ONCE tip4 . i r' : - -iSSw f At The Oregon City Theatres Plays and Films to be Shown This Week Just as the circus makps a".l the world akin in summer time, so will the perfectly made films, presenting the excellent pictures of the popular Hagenbsck Wallace saow, again at tract and charm the whola world in the winter's season. Animals and children are always pleasing subjects in tiie picture, be cause they invariably appear and act natural in the Hagenback Wallace picture. The only animal that acts as if it knew it were posing for a pic ture was the' kangaroo. All of the other beasts acted natural, even tUo lion when having the battl3 with its keeper, did not allow the nearness of the carriera man to cause him to forget his purpose to disobey his trainer. The Hagj3nbeck Wallac5 circus pic ture will be considered by most pat rons of the picture show as. the great est, feature yet shown in this popular form of entertainment. Th,ise pictures not only present the feature acts of one of the greatest shows in the world, but they exhibit the dstails of i the ha'nd'ing and moving of tha cir cus. They take us behind the scenes j as it were, and make the subject of sell out the J. re Cfi looking forward to. MR0 the circus more interesting than here tofore. From tiie unloading of the cars to te preparation of the ground for exhibition, through the menagerie thenc3 to the r'ver for bat'i with the eleplants. and back to '.he circus per formances. All in all constitutes the truly. reaMstic, entertaining and amus 'i? featrre picture, for above the or dinary picture attraction. The four reels of this picture will be exhib'.te:i at Grand T-ieatre today. No company that has ever visited this city has given better satisfaction or been more popular than the Frank Rich organizations, and th,e announce ment that the original company will make their appearance here at the Star Theatre for four days starting Wednesday, October 1, is welcome news. All the o"d favorites are still with t.e company and the chorus al ways the bes:, is 'just as good as ever, while thhe plays, scenery and ward robe are new and will compare with the best of any high prices show. A RELIABLE TONIC i'fxny of the people around here know a good deal about this splendid remedy; to those who do not, we wish to say that Meritol Tonic Digestive is the greatest strength renewer, flesh builder and nerve tonic we have ever seen. For people in poor heal'h, weak run down and played out, those not as strong and vigorous as they shou'd be, we recommend this tonic. Jones Drug Co., sole agents. Levitt Stock has been issued este to Appraiser and in Charge. The extensive repairs on the Tual atin bridge below W illam.3tte, is near ing completion. The bridge has been given entirely new planking, braces and has been coinplaDely overhauled and will probably be open to traffic in a few days. The work has been under way for several weeks under tha direction of Daniel Colsen. A number of the citizens of Willamette have been forced to await the com pletion of the repairs to bring their winter's supply of wood. August Kollenmeier with his wife and daughter, have moved to Willam. ette from Hubbard. Mr. Kollenmeier was formerly a farmer in that disr trict but has sold his farm and re tired. Miss Agnes Pollock, of Port'.and, is visiting friends in Willamette, Joan Logsden, of this town, is at present working in the country. Church was held in the schoer house Sunday with a large attend-i anoe. Meritol Rheumatism Powders The unusually large sale of this rem edy is the best evidence we could of fer you to prove its merit. It is made of effective ingredients and is guar anteed to give permanent relief for rheumatism. We will gladly show you the formula and explain its merit to you. Jones Drug Co., local agents. A basket social wffs held at Mc Loughlin hall by th-e choir of the St. John's Catho'.ic church Monday even ing, the object being to secure funds to purchase hymn books. Livestock, Meats BEEF (Live weigbO-teers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7c; bulla 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 3 to 4c; lambs, 5 to 5 Vic. POULTRY (Buying) Hens 12 and 13c; old roosters 8c; broilers 15c and 16c. WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb. PORK 9 12c and" 10c. t VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dresset according to grade. Fruits ' APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis 4 for 35 to 40c. ONIONS $1 per sack. POTATOES75c and $1.00 BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter 23c to 25c. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count 31 to. 35c; Oregon ranch candled 30c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c. CORN Whole corn $37; ' cracked fd!i. - SHEEP PELTS 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; feed barley $30 to $31. ; FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9.00; timothy $12.00 rad ?13.00; oat hay best $10 and $11 ; mixed $9 to $13; Idaho and eastern Oregon tim othy selling $20; valley timofhy $12. to $14. OATS mnvinfrl S?3 fin ar.rt t,9,i-' wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling $38; Shady Brook feed $1.3o per cent.; If you have ' stomach or bowel trouble, heart, liver or kidney disease, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do you more good, in less time, than any other remedy because it ' re stores natural conditions. At an druggists, 33c. Jones Drug Co. Wait