w CM MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1913. Alii mm MLm Tonight means the closing of out TEN DAYS' SALE the most successful in the history of put busi ness. Hundreds have taken advantage of the PRICE REDUCTIONS to furnish their homes Hundreds of dollars have been saved on seasonable merchandise Determined to make the last day the RED LETTER iDAY o otliip SALE The numerous SPECIALS which have been advertised from day to day will be offered for CLOSING DAY, thereby giving any who were unable to participate in this UNEQUALED MONEY-SAVING event before, an opportunity to do so TODAY. After such a phenomenal business as we have had we find many broken lines in every department, such as an odd piece of Furniture, a Stove of a discontinued line, an odd Rug or length of Carpet. To make a clean sweep and make CLOSING DAY even more inter esting, FAREWELL PRICES have been placed on all odds and ends and remnants of all descriptions for Today. Look: Over the List -There'll Be Something You Want Full sized window shades, complete with brackets and pulls, today . .25c Jelly glasses, with cover, each .02c $1.50 Wizard Mop and $1.00 can of Polish, the two today for $ 1.50 Wooden clothes pins, the dozen, today .01c One lot of iron beds, slightly damaged, in shipping, about half price. From 99c up Wall paper, good patterns, double rolls .05c STORE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 10 P. M. TODAY $25.00 Axminster Rugs, size 9x12, beautiful designs latest patterns . $18.90 Yum Yum Bed spring, note the price $ 1.79 A beautiful picture FREE with every purchase of one dollar or over. Ask for yours. Comfortable sewing rockers, plain .98c Our HEATERS are the TALK of THE TOWN, latest designs, prices reduced todav -- 99c up Full size kitchen treasure, the price $ 2.6S Grass matting rugs, extra heavy, very serviceable, size 30x60 inches . , .98c $3.50 Aluminum Tea kettle, today $ 1.98 We are going to sell fifty ranges during our sale. The prices make this possible. Lace curtains, 2 1-2 yards long, the pair ' .37;: Fibre rugs, the new floor covering, very durable, size 9x12, special today v.- $ 9.98 $2.50 couch covers, while they last, only ;.$ 1.3 FREE. Ask for a sample can of Jap-a-Lac. Bed blankets, full size double blankets, 64-76 inches, white, will go at 2 ; . $ 1.49 Chinese Matting, a good floor covering 10c THERE WILL BE SOMETHING DOING FROM 7: UNTIL 10: TONIGHT. COME AT TEND THE GRAND FINALE Kitchen chairs, a few will go at ' ,50c Heavy iron bed, 2-inch posts, Vernis Martin fin ish, Regular $9.75, today .$ 5.9J Solid copper bottom wash boilers ,9';c A few of those good ranges left The story is short. The price is q 05 We carry the most complete stock of rockers in Ore gon. Prices from 98c to , $30.00 Thanking the entire public for their liberal pat ronage during our sale, and assuring our old friends as well as the many new ones made upon this oc casion, of pur appreciation, we hope to by earnest efforts, fair dealings, courteous treatment and LIVE and LET LIVE prices to merit your future pat You Can't Afford to Miss This Rare Opportunity to Save Money VISIT OUR STORE BETWEEN 7 AND 10 TONIGHT FRANK--BUS CH STORE OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK TONIGHT THIS IS THE DAY FOR PANAMA tice, a Panama certificate will be printed daily. Six of these certifi cates have already appeared in these columns and these wEl be exchanged for books when accompanied by the expense amount named therein. Clip the certificates and present them any day until further notice. This is the day the Panama certifi cates mature, and readers who present . six of them and the small expense fee will be entitled to a copy of "Pan ama and the Canal in Picture and Prose," as previously announced in these columns. Considering the large number of in. quiries already received from those interested it is believed that there will be a great demand for these books, and readers are urged to prer .sent their certificates as early as pos sible. The present supply of books is thought to be sufficient to fill all demands under normal conditions, but the offer is so unusual and the books are so attractive that some readers may be disappointed if they do not present their certificates at once. Everybody that sees this wonderful book wants it. It is difficult to de scribe such a volume in cold type, and utterly impossible to portray its beau ties in any kind of an illustration, for its wealth of harmonious colorings cannot be reproduced. Its contents are unique in that they comprise a saries of interesting stories about tha canal, the country, the people where they live, what they eat, how they employ their time in pleasure and work and all of these pleasing little stories are made up into one complete story which is of intense interest to all. The Enterprise is cognizant of the educational benefits to be derived from this volume, which gives the complete history of the great canal, setting forth its purpose and promise, and for the benefit of readers, as heretofore announced, it has arranged for a great distribution, which begins today. Hereafter, until further no- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Harry A. LaBarn and wife to Mar garatta C. Church, S. W. , S. W. S. N. W. Y in section 2, T. 4 S., R. 5 E., 70 acres; $2600. Ellen Maria Rockwood to Jessie Darling, lot four, block 10; $450. Mary Elizabeth Chapman and hus band, Rosa Charlotte Taylor to Joseph Samuel Taylor, tract in sections 4-, 9, T. 3 S., E.1W.; $2000. Same to Rosa Charlotte Taylor and Charles Percy Taylor, tract in some township and range; $4000. Mrs. W. J. McMillan and daughters of Gladstone, have been visiting for the past few weeks at Eugene, and have returned to their home. Good-Bye to Dandruff A Clean Scalp for Everyone Who Wants One I Parisian Sage will kill all dandruff! germ'R and banish dandruff in two j weeks or nothing to pay. ! It will stop falling hair or itching! scalp in two weeks, or money back. It will stimulate the clogged up hair roots, will cause the hair to grow, will prevent the hair from turning gray, and the danger of becoming bald will vanish. Parisian Sage is a daintily prefumed hair tonic that is not sticky or greasy. Parisian Sage is sold by druggists everywhere, and by Huntley Bros.. Co. on the money back plan. Try a 50 cent bottle today, and learn for your self what, a delightful tonic it is. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. The Giroux Mfg. Co., Buf falo, N. Y., are the American makers. Fop Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. DARK TRY IT! SAYS SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES FADED, GRAY 1 HAIR Mixed "With Sulphur Makes j Hair Soft and Luxuriant and Remove Dandruff The old-time mixture of Sage (Tea and Sulphur for darkening fray, streaked and faded hair Is coming In vogue again, says a well-known downtown druggist. It was our grandmother's treatment, and hundreds of women, and men, ' .too, are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which la t ulte sensible, as we are living In an ago whoa a youthful toppearanoe la of the greatest ad- . (vantage. - Nowadays, though, we ont fcave the troublesome taak ef fathering the sae and the snmr taixlBf at home. . All drag atom patt the inOMmn product Hair Remedy" for about 80 cents a bottle. It Is the most popular because - nobndv run Aantrav- t has been applied. Simply dampen son Drusn or sponge with "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur" and draw this thrnnrh vnrtr Tinft ioV. ing one small strand at a time. Do uus lonignt, ana by morning the STav hair l)luniwnra an A art mm another application It la restored kj s natural color. What dallarnta tha ImAtmm with' Wrath's Bag and Sulphur la that' besides ba&ntlfnllv tvkut4n ha hair they say It produces that soft tuner ana appearanoe oi ahun-. danae which is se attractive; b- Sldaa liiaiitls du4raff Itjititm.' sealp and falling hair. Hera, vtm km, get boar; loo HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. . On a machine that is rapid, 'full-sized and in fallible. The very latest machine, built by hien who know, in one of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, -to be placed on one's disk, close to one's books and papers. To take the place of the central machine requiring skilled oper ators. It is also intended for "offic and stores where costly ma chines are a luxury.. . The price is due to utter sim plicity, and to our enormous output Seven keys do all the work. Each copied number is shown up for checking before the addition is .made. The machine will add, subtract and multiply. With very slight- practice anyone can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the machine never makes mistakes. Countless offices, large and small.are getting from these machines the high est class of service. " ' Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. Ten Day's Test We will gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test. There will be no obligation, and charges will be prepaid. Compare it with any non-lister even the . costliest. Let anyone use it . See if any ma chine can serve better than this. Just send us this coupon and we'll send the machine. HUNTLEY BRO. CO. Main Stret, .Oregon City. Please send us an American Adding Machine for ten days free S triaL Name .......... Street Address City-. State Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO Sold in Oregon City and Clackamas County by Huntley Bros. Company . A RELIABLE TONIC Mbny of the people . around .here know a good deal about this splendid remedy; to those who do not, we wish to say that Merltol Tonic Digestive is the greatest strength renewer, flesh builder and nerve tonic we have ever seen. For people in poor health, weak run down and played out, those not as strong and vigorous as they should be, we recommend this tonic. Jones Drug Co, sole agents. AVARICE. - Avarice is an incurable malady, an ever burning fire, a tyranny which extends far and wide, for he who in this life is the slave of money is loaded with heavy chains and des tined to cany far heavier chains in the life to come. St. JohnChrysos tom. . '. - NEW PRICES 0 N MAZDA LAMPS To Take Effect at Once 1 WattClear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 20 M " . -30c " 35c 25 - 30c " 35c 40 . 30c 35c . 60 " 40c . -45c 110 " 70c .:;:"'75c 150 " " $1.05 " "$1.15 250 ' " 1.75 1.60 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE, J Beaver Building, Main Street Tel. Home, A228 ..... Pacific, Main 115