MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1913. YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY THE END IS IN SIGHT ONLY TWO MORE DAYS LEFT Of Wonderful Bargains in every Department The last two days will be the banner days of otir SALE even greater inducements in the way of PRICE REDUCTIONS have been made. If you Have not supplied yotir every want for the winter, do so before it is too late In addition to the lines that have been mentioned in oar ads from day to day are hundreds of articles that go to make tip out immense " . stock, such -as ''-"' DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, BASKETS, LUNCH BOXES, MIRRORS, PICTuRES, LAMPS, WATER SETS, LACE CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, BABY BUGGIES, CARTS and CHAIRS, BED BLANKETS, COMFORTERS and PILLOWS, BIRD CAGES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, BRUSHES,LANTERNS, TOOLS, CUTLERY, ETC., which limited space prevented out mentioning Look over the list; SALE PKICES PREVAIL Linoleums The approaching cold weather re- I minds us that we shoulJ have our floors well cov ered There is nothing more dur able, more prac tical or more economical than linoleu m. W e have it in plain, printed or inlaid in widths to cov er the I !. or with lout piecing, trsere- bv insuring great er service. While ' our regular prices are extremely low Sale Prices make i mm mmmm&mm' it an inducement for you to buy now. Iron Beds For Friday and Saturday we have some BED BAR GAINS The ac companying cut shows' one that is slightly damaged, but not injured in any-way. Full size, a substantial bed for . $2.25 We have about fifty Iron Beds that' are only slightly damaged,.? some with the enamel scratched or the'metal ornament chipped, which we have de termined to sell for what they will bring. The prices range from $1.00 up, being just about half the original- cost of the bed. See them today in our . carpet room. WATCH FOR SATURDAY'S AD IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN IN YET, COME TODAY. This cut shows a most practical heater which may be used, in ' case of emeigency,- be used as a cook stove as well, as it has large lids -with capacity for wash boiler and ample space to accommodate several cooking uten sils.. Is perfect! v safe from fire in case of .children, is also an ex ceptional heater at a very reasonable . price, ' 7 4; The unprecedented sale of heaters during our sale has not been due to the weather conditions, but solely to the extremely low prices . that prevail throughout our entire stock. ' VIZ. 3 O Ranges in Ten Days Was the task marked out in the beginning for our stove , man. Will he do it? and thereby break all records for a ten days' sale? Just you watch him. With . two more days to go, he'll have to hurry, as he must sell seven in the two days, but then that's easy, for with the immense stock and the prices cut prac tically in two, with instructions to SELL no matter about the cost so" long as he gets the cash, i i j.. " wre have no fenr. f F'-.vppr- some of the good people of Oregon City are going to receive the bene fit, somebody will get the greatest RANGE BARGAINS ever offer ed in Oregon. Why not you? You cannot afford to pass this op portunity.. Come in today and let him talk range to you. Prices from $16.00 up. fpjfl ill"' ONLY TWO MORE DAYS PRANK BUS CM SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT FATHER SHOOTS DAUGHTER AND KILLS HIMSELF WALLOWA, Ore-, Sept. 25. In a fit of jealous insanity James Barnes shot and seriously injured his daugh ter Ruby, attempted to shoot another daughter, and committed suicide at 6:20 this morning at his home, 40 miles north of Wallowa. Jealously over attention paid Ruby by a young man of the neighborhood is said to have caused the shooting. The wound ed girl is 16 years old. The other daughter is Mrs. Ida Bowlin. The wounded girt was shot in the left breast, the bullet entering the lung. A .38 calibre automatic Colts re volver was used. The man had be fore threatened to kill his daughters. Barnes was confined for three weeks last spring in a private sanatorium at Portland. It is thought the wounded girl will live. LETTERS REMAIN IN HANDS OF POSTOFFICE OFFICIALS The following is a list of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City postoffice for the week ending September 26, .1913: Women's list Blackerby, Mrs. M. A-; Davis, M)re. Nellie; Doyle, Mrs. C. B.; Galfrey, Helen; Maddox, Mrs. H. B.; Smith, Mrs. Wm.; Young, Olive. ; Men's list Benett, Tom; Bijeloko rich, Luka; Coleman,, Elmer; Crowell, A. R.; Douthit, Alex; Howell, Chas, W.; Johnston, W. J.; Johnson, Hairam; Kelly, T. J.; Kuickerhocker, H. W-; McLaren, David; Stutz, Charles; White, Leo E. The courts almost invariably treat women more considerately and leni ently than men, especially in criminal cases. This may be all right, but wo men should not be heard to complain of "wrongs." JOLLY CROWD GETS IN FOR FUN AT CLASS MEETING A goo:i, live, enthusiastic meeting of the Philathea girls of the Baptist church was held at the home of Mrs. W. Peters, Wednesday evening. The first part of the evening was spent in transacting business. New officers elected, and enthusias tic plans for the future discussed. All are agreed, however, that the latter Lpart of the evening was most thor oughly enjoyed. Good social time, fine goodies to eat and a hearty laugh was the program in order from nine until ten. Those who laughed, most were Miss Ona Renner, Maud Morari and Daisy Coulson. The rest present were, Mrs. L. Olmstead, teacher of class, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Rugg, Anna Conklin, Ruth Coonsman, Genevieve Capen, Miss Humstock and Miss Van Brakle. Goof-Bye to Dandruff A Clean Scalp for Everyone Who Wants One Parisian Sage will kill all dandruff germte and banish dandruff in two weeks or nothing to pay. It will stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks, or money back. It will stimulate the clogged up hair roots, will cause the hair to grow, will prevent the hair from turning gray, and the danger of becoming bald will vanish. Parisian Sage is a daintily prefumed hair tonic that is not sticky or greasy. Parisian Sage is sold by druggists everywhere, and by Huntley Bros. Co. on the money back plan. Try a 50 cent bottle today, and learn -for your self what a delightful tonic it is. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. The Giroux Mfg. Co., Buf falo, N. Y., are the American makers. For Sal By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. r, 5v YOU MAY HAVE STYLE BUT Have You the Stay? Which is the real foundation of a Corset? If Not, Try a Nu Bone Those thousands of women throughout United States who have worn this re markable fashionable garment say: "It is the first and only perfect corset," not only because of its many correctly ltyllsh models, but more important be- cause of the correct construction of ' the Nu Bone corset, particularly the boning. No more permanent bends at the waist line, no cutting through cloth at top of corset, and an official guarantee with every corset. DO NOT CONFUSE NU BONE with 1-wire stay garments; it's dif ferent and the most corpulent get perfect support It's a Pleasure to show yon.. - NU BONE (Not Sold in Stores) IS A CORSET YOU HAVE LONG DESIRED MRS. S, E. PHILLIPS 2 1 3 Jefferson St Telephone, Home B-162 The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. On a machine that is rapid, full-sized and in fallible. The very latest machine, built -by men who know, in one of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, to be placed on one's desk, close to one's- books and papers. To take the placs of the central machine requiring skilled oper ators. It is also intended for offic and stores where costly ma chines are a luxury.' Theprice is due to utter sim plicity, and to our enormous output Seven keys do all the work. Each copied number is shown up for checking before the addition is .made. The machine will add, subtract and multiply. With very slight practice , anyone . can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the . machine never makes mistakes. Countless offices, large and small,are getting from these machines the high est class of service. Manufactured Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. Ten Day's Test , We will gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test. There will .be no obligation, and charges will be prepaid. Compare it with any non lis ter even the costliest. , Let anyone use it . See if any ma chine can serve better than this. Just send us this coupon and we'll send the machine. . - HUNTLEY BRO. CO. Main Street, .Oregon City. Please send us an American. . Adding Machine for ten days' free trial. - .' ." Name O . Street Address . City :. State and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO , " Sold in Oregon City and Clackamas County by Huntley Bros. Company NEW PRICES O N MAZDA LAMPS - - t - To Take Effect at Once i 15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 'J "Yamhill against the world," is an old Oregon saying, and where else in the world can a young woman pick 1001 pounds of. hops, "cllean," and earn $10.01 in one day, as a Yamhill county school teacher did? Kansas City is to employ handsome young women to tempt men to "mash" them, the mashers to be severely pun ished. Possibly the courts will not approve of thus Betting a trap that susceptible male creatures cannot avoid walking or falling into. Told Him the Tune. .. A lieutenant in the United States army was crossing from England in one of the large steamers when one afternoon the band on deck played "Yankee Doodle." A gruff Englishman, who stood by, Inquired whether that was the tune the old cow died of. "Not at all," retorted the lieutenant "That Is the tune the old BuU died of!" Harper's Weekly. 20 f 30c " " 35c 25 " 44 30c " 35c 40 V " " 30c " " 35c 60 44 " " 40c 45c HO " 70c " " 75c 150 " " $1.05 "$1.15 250 " 1.75 " 1.60 Portland Railway, light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street , Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115