CM MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1913. BIGGER, BETTER BARGAINS than ever. Six Days of unprecedented selling has BROKEN ALL RE CORDS. But FOUR MORE DAYS remain of the GREATEST SALE ever conducted in Oregon City. Hundreds have profited by WONDERFUL PRICE REDUCTIONS -- If you have not, do so TODAY ONLY P $2.50 Wizard Mop Outfit $1.50 54-inch handle Wizard TriaBgl Poliih Mop "Gets In the Cor ners." Cleans and pol ishes floors. 1 quart can Wizard Polish worth $1 .00 and one Wizard Triangle Mo worth tl.60. J gQ rmn Mattings This inexpensive floor covering comes in neat fancy patterns. Sale 10c. Only a limited quantity. Child's Beds An elegant assortment of Chil dren's beds in white enamei and brass, trimmed at $2.88, $4.98, $5.75, $7. 28 and $7.75.' $4.50 Turn Spindles $3.18 Same in plain $2.25 Carpets Nothing like a new carpet to add cheer to the home; and it costs so little. We are showing a good grade Granite Ingrain at 27c ; Tapistry ' Brussels at 37c; 55c Ingrain Carpet at 42c. Linoleums in plain printed or inlaid, an unequaled assortment to chjjose from, 12 feet in width, making it possible to cover your floor without piecing. Sales prices prevail. A WHIRLWIND FINISH That Our SALE shall have a fitting finale and close-in a blaze of BARGAIN BRIL LIANCY, every department has been drawn upon for its full quota of BARGAINS un til the array is one of the most tempting ever presented in Oregon City. WHY WE UNDERSELL Portland Stores We own our commodious store building, so have no rent to pay; Our expenses are small. We are satisfied with small profits on all mer- Going to Sell We Are so During Our TEN DAY SALE. Are You Ready for Yours? RANGES Our determination to sell fifty ranges during our TEN DAYS SALE will give you the opportunity you've been waiting for. Some merchants will tell you this is impossible to do here in Oregon City, but just watch us do it. ' We realize that it will re quire hard work as well as extremely low prices, -these we have and the people are coming. Today we will show one lot of ranges not shown be fore. These ranges are reg ular $45.00 values, 6 holes, 18-inch asbestos mill brace . lined oven, lined""- firebox, guaranteed for ten years, lids . and top for a life time, plain nickle trimmed ; .. a perfect beauty, WHILE THEY LAST the price will be $29.35 SEE OUR RANGES and let our stove man tell . you all about them. Prices from $16.00 to THE BEST COPPER CLAD. WHY NOT GET RID OF YOUR STOVE TROUBLES. BUY DURING OUR STOVE SALE AND SAVE FROM $5.00 TO $15.00 DOLLARS. chandise, which is mostly bought in car lots, taking advantage of all cash discounts. mm busch . m "m $ . WILLAMETTE The Enterprise, realizing the im portance of the town of Wiliametta to Clackamas county, has secured the services of Merritt Willson to act as special agent. This applies both to the delivery of the papers and to the collection of the news. He will be glad to co-operate with the people of Willamette in any way that will in sura better news or carrier service and will willingly accept any items or will write up any church or social af fair of which he is informed. Mr. and Mrs. Powney have returned from a brief stay at Seaside, where they had a very" pleasant outing. Edwin Berdine is visiting his broth er Harry Berdine, of Willamette. Mr. DeBok has forwarded some of his best produce to. the county fair at Canby and expects a number of prizes. Willamette is making active prep arations for the winter as can be seen by the number of housesa with piles of wood standing in the street. Mr. Colsen is again operating his woodsaw in and about the town. The school board, believing that athletics should be encouraged in the school, has purchased a football, base balll and other sporting goods to pro mote these games. The students are taking advantage of this offer on the part of the board. No Waiting For Him. "Yes." exclaimed the young man with a deep drawn sigh, "I've finish ed my legal education at last!" "And now." said the friend, "you'll sit down and wait for clients." "Not on your life I won't!" replied the new attorney. "I've got a job promised me in a dry goods store." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Rpttv-7-Thtit casp uasn t roine on Fe Isn't the law's delay maddening? Cis sie (absentmlndedly) Perfectly fright ful! I've been six months getting that young barrister to propose. London Opinion. SPECIAL TRAINS TO THE Oregon State Fair FROM PORTLAND Monday, September 29 Tuesday September 30 Wednesday, "October 1 Leave Union Depot , . . . Leave East Morrison i Leave Oregon City Arrive Fair Grounds Arrive Salem Thursday, October 2 "Saturday, October 4 Friday, October 3 . 8:10 a. m. .-8:20 a. m. 8 : 56 a. m. .10:15 a. m. .10.20 a. m. RETURNING Leave Salem Leave Fair Grounds Arrive Oregon City Arrive Portland ..5:20 p. m. .5:40 p. m. ..7:12 p. m. ..7:50 p. m. Portland Day, Thursday, Oct. $1.50 Round Trip Other Sale Dates September 25-26-27-28-29-30; Cot 1-2-3-4 $1.40 Round Trip from Oregon City Return Limit, October 8 All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds 4 lOWCN ISHAStU I ROUTES - I JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. On a machine that is rapid, full-sized and in fallible. The very latest machine, built by men who know, in one of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, to be placed on one's desk.close to. one's, books and 'papers:. To tate the placa.of the.' central machine requiring skilled oper-, ' ators. . " - ' - It is also intended, for office and stores where costly , ma chines are a luxury. The price is due to utter sim plicity, and to our ' enormous output. Seven keys do all the work. . . . -. . Each copied number- fs shown up for checking " "-. ' before the addition is .made. The machine will add, " subtract and multiply, t With very slight practice anyone can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the machine never makes mistakes. - ; mmmi if J' Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. Ten Day's. Test We will gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test There wiff be no , obligation, and charges will be prepaid. . - Compare it with any non-listereven the costliest. Let anyone use it . See if .any ma chine' can serve better than this. - Just send us this coupon and we'll send the machine. HUNTLEY BRO. CO. Main Street, S 3 .Oregon City. $. Please send us an American 8 Adding Machine for ten days' free 4 trial. - " . '..-.' - Nam3 . 1 .'.,. . . . ; & Sfreet Address .......... f S ' City . 3 State Countless offices, large and small.are getting from these machines the high est class of service. . -- , $ 4 4 ? v Manufactured and Guaranteed by '' AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO Sold In Oregon City and Clackamas County by Huntley Bros. - . Company . ; ' . '.' - Alfalfa From Everywhere. - Alfalfa is a cosmopolitan plant In Its travels it has picked up traits from every quarter of the globe" The alfal fa we have. In the United States, com ing from Mesopotamia, Africa. Spain. South America, TurkestanrSiberia, fhe Ural mountains. France and many oth er places, has brought us -as many characteristics . as It has origins. Breeders' Gazette. ;- , ' : '3 8trong en Detail. . j , "You know Wlgley great fellow for detail." x , . "He is that Wigley's the sort of chap that would go and get' married and be able afterward , to tell - you whether it was Mendelssohn, 'Lohen grin' or 'Tannhauser" they played dur ing the ceremony." St Louis Republic. NEW PRICES O N MAZDA LAMPS To Take Effect at Once 15-WattClear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 20 " " u. 30c , " " " 35c 25 30c - u 35c 40 " " " 30c M. " 35c 60 w 40c M 44 45c 110 M " 70c " u 75c 150 " u ' u $io5 " -$1.15 250 " " 1.75 44 1.60 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE EfeCTRIC STORE . ' r. c Beaver Building, Main Street " ' ' , TeL-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115