MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1913. Miss Elevlyn Todd, teacher in math ematics at the Oregon City high school, arrived in this city Friday from her home in Ackron, Ohio, whsre she has been spending the . summer. She reports an excellent vacation. . Mr. Smith, George . A. Young, and Ray Fosberg are planning to take a '.rip to Sauvies Is'and Sunday , in search of Indian . relics.. The ; island was one of the favorite Indian hunt ing grounds and it is thought that many interesting articles can be se cured. p to iiti m i Tramp Would you give me a dime, sir? Autolst No, darn you: I wouldn't even give you this carl New York Globe. Local Briefs A. J. Yamh. of Molalla, Is registered at the Electric hotel. W. W. Long, a spokane' man, is in the city. Miss Alba Linton and Miss Lotta Bluhm spent Sunday with friends at WilsonvVlle. All the latest fail hats and display at Miss Bluhm's MiEinery Store, 7th street, opposite the Library. Miss Maybelle Hunstock, of Baiter City, arrived in Oregon City Friday to teach In the local schools. --.C. E. Young, a rancher drove through here Saturday afternoon on his way to Portland. Otto Pfahl, now of Portland, but formerly of Oregon City, made a short visit here Saturday. John Haleston made a business trip to Camas, Wash., Saturday and ex pects to return Sunday evening. Now that the hop picking season is over, the merchants of the towns are doing a fine business. John Dambach, a graduate of the '13 class of O. C. H. S., made a busi ness trip to Oregon City Saturday. He will return Monday. Entrance examinations were con ducted today in the Oregon City high school for those who will enter from outside districts. Miss H. A. Wolf, a teacher in the Vancouver high school, has been vis iting friends here. She has just re turned from a trip in the east. August Wagner, sicence teacher in O. C. H. S., has returned from Chicago, where he has been spending the sum mer attending the Chicago university. M)rs. J. D. Moehenke, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. C. H. Bluhm of this city, has returned to her honu in Schuebel. Miss Alice Downer, who was seri ously injured a few days ago, is re covering rapidly and expects to be able to attend school Monday. Clinton Rutherford is reported very low at the St. Vincent's hospital in Portland with typhoid fever. He is a member of the local Elks lodge. Clyde Green returned from a vaca tion at Seaside, where he spent the entire summer. He considered him self quite a stranger to Oregon City upon his return. Peter B. Forbes, an alumus of the Technical college of Glascow, has ar rived to take charge of the manual training department of the Oregon City high school. Dr. Clyde Mount and his bride have just returned from' their honeymoon end are now at home at 1309 Main street. Their trip - lasted for two week, most, of the time being spent at Eugene, at the meeting of the state board of dental examiners. H. L. Morrall residing at Willam ette, brought some delicious peaches in Oregon City Friday of the Crawford variety that were grown in his three acra tract at Willamette. The trees are all four years old and bare on abundant crop this season. Mr. Mor rell harvested 250 boxes of choice fruit from this small orchard. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The Estacada State Bank to E. B. Byers, lot three, block 30, First addi tion to Estacada; $225. William Smith and wife to H. D. Sandstone company, five acres in Presley Welch D. L. C; ?1. Mary A. Fewings and husband to Thomas H. Smith, 54 acres in N. E. , N. E. Vi .section 26, T. 4 S., R. 4 E.; $10. Jessie M. McKinney to Otto C. Riegelmann et al ,lot four, Tualatin Meadows, 5.60 acres; $10. Everett B. Rabb and wife to A. J. Maxson, lot 17, bf.ock 2, Dover Park addition to Clackamas county; $400. Frank Mfclvin and wife to Albert H. Luikart, lot 64 in Rosewood; $10. Ashley ,& Rumelin to Albert H. Luik. art, lot 64 in Rosewood; $1. Phillip T. Oatfield and wife to J. D. Fellows and wife, five acres in sec tions 1 and 12, T. 2 S. ,R. 1 E.; $10. C. F. Johnston to Martha D. Johns ton, lots 5, 6, block 5, South Oregon City; $10. Justice Thinks Girl is Wax; Pinches Neck If a stranger should ask a native of Oregon City whether the Honorable John N. Seivers was an authority on girls, the reply would probably be "yes," In a good, loud, and devisive manner.But this is not so." The Hon orable John is not an authority on girls he can't even tell one when he sees her. On Friday, September the 19th,. in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, the Hon orable John, justice of the peace, was S3en to wander the streets of the city of Molalla while his fellow citizens were making merry with many toots and much noise. Then down the street of the said city there came a fair lady, so fair, so perfect that Jus tice John knew not whether she was wax or woman. But Judge John was not to be fooled by a mere imitation girl he was far too wise for that. So up he walked to the lady in question and scratched her neck. If she was wax she would be soft, the court figured, and he de termined on a judicial examination of her. He was apparently more than satisfied. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St.. and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again. - Telephone B 93 WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Peat the Horse- shoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. LICENSES ISSUED Marrige licenses were issued by the county cferk. W. L .Mulvey, Saturday to Ethel Keller and Fred Homer, An na Slanover and Lawrence Gerkman, Dalhart Conway and Mae Andreason r I have ttire worm enemies the drunkard, the heavy drinker, and the man who craves rough, strong, high-proof whiskey. Cyrus Noble mild pur W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon J This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader i rBlf 173 fra fra3 ITgJ ITgjyTTr 1 raJ rJ I rJ 1T3 CERTIFJCWEJTATiON v, Truster vimBOOKrM m ANamaandtheCAT1AL PR ES ENTED BY THE ORtUON CITY ENTERPRISE AS EXPLAINED BELOW See the Great Canal in Picture and Prose 1 1 m Read How You May Have It Almost Free Cnt oat the above wopos, and present It at this office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected which covers the Hems of the cost of packing:, express from the factory, checking:, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books: This beautiful big volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl edged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. It is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 inches in size; printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper; bound in tropical red ,vt.: m cloth; title stamped in gold, with inlaid color panel ; contains more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau tiful pages reproduced from water color studies in col- PANAMA j AND THE X CANAL b Plctwi mt Press $4 UiiiJg3 uiaL idi suipdba Ally wuiiw ui a annual niai aiLCi vau I EXPENSE ILLUSTRATED EDITION in r and see this beautiful book that would sell tor $4 tinder usual I Aowuiol conditions, but which is presented to our readers tor SIX of in the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the J11 Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates t Panama anil Regnlar octavo size: text matter practically the same as the $4 vol fdUOUia SHU ume; bound in bine vellum cloth; contains only 100 photo- I , grapnic reproaucnons, wra iw roiur yvxuam mrv i . " fitted. This bonk would seU at S2 under usual Condi- I Amennt Si tons, but is presented to our readers for SIX of the EDITION &ove uertincates ox consecutive dates ana omy t&e T . Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificates f"' the Canaf 9 octavo 48c THE ENTERPRISE wants every one of its readers to take a trip to the GREAT PANAMA CANAL and see the wonders of this mighty achievement. You say you can't spare the time. All right, then we'll bring the Canal TO YOU-all in' one BIG volume, filled to the full with PICTURES of AL 1 UAL, oCcJNCid never before published, described m words that hold you spell bound. Read on and learn how you may get this magnihcient book this complete story of Panama in p prose picture and Not merely a picture book, but an educational work of rare interest to every mem ber of the home. MM Art plates reproduced from water-color studies abound . throughout the entire mag nificent volume. Every progressive man, woman and child is eager to know all about the Panama Canal and the remarkable country through which it passes. Realizing this fact several hundred newspapers have ar ranged to take an enormous advance edition of the most elaborate and complete illustrated history of PANAMA AND THE CANAL, pub lished by the Syndicate Publishing Co. of New York City. This company is eminently fitted to issue such a work at a mini mum cost It has heretofore supplied through daily newspapers millions of high-class dictionaries and other books. " Presentation by the THE ENTERPRISE is the one paper in this section through which PANAMA AND THE CANAL IN PICTURE AND PROSE can be had. The plan outlined below tells you how to get this only complete Panama Book ALMOST FREE. The large volume is twice the size of an ordinary novel; it is a most handsome book, stamped i n gold, with beautiful color panel on front cover showing the famous Culebra Cut; it contains 450 large pages filled with interesting information of rare educational val ue to every reader. The illustrations are modern works of art, cov ering every important scene in the Canal Zone; they include 16 water-color plates with more than 600 photographic studies. Gin ENTERPRIRE OREGON Willis J. Abbot, the versatile writer on International subjects and author of many books of history and travel ; spent months in Panama and the Canal Zone in the preparation of this volume. He collected at first hands the complete history of the great "Canal, with a wealth of historical data concerning Panama which has never before been written. The result is a human interest story of this beautiful land its people from-the early days when Columbus tried to find a natural waterway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, down to the present time. -.. Our Special staff photographers made the hundreds of beautiful views with which practically every page of this exhaustive book is illustrated. The well-known artist, E. J. Read, made the sixteen sumptuous water-color studies which are re produced by the latest color processes on specially made paper. " ' The Panama Canal, the greatest engineering aohieve- w,. wuiiu a iiiaiury, cost more man $400,000,000 It links the two greatest oceans, and becomes the most important factor in peace and war. So where is tht red-blooded Inhabitant of this globe that does not feel vitallv interested in it TVulv i i. ,v, 4 Iprogressive age! PANAMA AND THE CANAL IN PICTURE AND PROSE The greatly reduced illustra tion printed below shows less than half the size of the large illustrated volume. The Most Unusual Canal Scenes Described in Word Pictures That Fill You with Astonishment at the Wonders of This Great Undertaking. Learn How You Can Get This Volume Almost FREE It tells you of the people of Panama and the Zone heir dress, their homes, their work and, pastimes. $4.00 HO 6 Certificates of Consecutive Dates to this office with the expense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the it ems of the cost of packing, express from the fac tory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books: PANAMA Thls, beautiful big volume is the acknowledge! and the sta ndarj reference book of the great Canal PAN AT zone- 14 is a splendid large book, printed from in Mctur? ew F1!6' la;s? an3- clear- 011 fecial paper, ' Tpr0sV bound in tropical red yellum cloth; title Illustrated " TCir ;'A cou- $1.18 Compared . to other similar standard books, it is Fully Worth and will be sold at that price after the present edition has been distribued. This unheard-of value to bur readers represents more than an 80 per cent saving. ' ' TO GET IT . - In another column of this paper is printed dai ly a Panama Certificate. To get Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose at less than the usual cost of printing and binding, clip and present "luslralea ui sum ore than 600 magnificent illustrations VEdition including beautiful pages reproduced from water color studies in colorings that far sur- Amount of pass any work of similar character. Call and see this beautiful book that would eoil tnr ti -XpenSe . unaer usual conditions, but wbich is present- o O) pa or readers ror six certificates of con secutive dates, and only the Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, $1.59 and "Certificates Si IX Panama anc The Canal Greatly Reduced Illustration of the $4 Volum e--Exact Size 9x 1 2 inches. CUP TODAY'S PANAMA CERTIFICATE FROM PAGE 3 Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the $4 volume; bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproductions ana pxe color plates are omitted. This book would sell at $2 under usual conditions, but Is pre sented to our readers for SIX certificates of consecu tive dates and only the By Mail, Postage Paid, 67 Cents an5 6 - Certificates'. t MAIL ORDERS, ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, ORE. $2 OCTAVO EDITION Expense V: Amount of 48c V