Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 20, 1913, Image 2

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. . Yms boobs jmt JliMs fW :WM:WjS W V 1 U a
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Entered as second-class matter January 9, 1911, at the postoffice at
Oregon City, under the Act of March 2, 1879.
One year by mail $3.00
Six months by mail 1.50
Four months by -mail . 1.00
Per week, by carrier .10
WILSON'S Wilson has shown some of the spunk of which he is capable
SPUNK in emergencies, when he issued instructions that the battleships
of the United States woudl remain in the waters of the Mexican coast until
rhey received orders from him to leave them.
Huerta's demands that all foreign ships leave the Mexican waters within
the period of six months will be ignored by the American government, and
the chief executive will run his navy as he determines is best for the country
at large.
Neither Huerta nor any one else can boss the American navy, but that
navy's commander in chief. Wilson has determined upon the policy that he
will assume and he has given the Mexican authorities notice that his ships
will remain where they are as long as he sees fit to keep them there.
Such a declaration from the chief executive of this nation amounts to
throwing down the gaunlet at Huerta and his faction, and means that the
Mexican leader will either have to make good on his threat or back up on
his own statements. He is hardly likely to admit that he is the cause of the
strained diplomatic relations that exist between him and the United States;
but any move that he would make toward the exclusion of the American ves
sles would be but a declaration of war a declaration that even that piratic
murderer would hardly dare to make.
It is pleasing, however, to notice Wilson's prompt action in the matter
and his ready determination to brook no interferance from the Mexican chief
tain as to the management and direction of the American men of war.
So long has the United States tolerated conditions that the trouble-ridden
country assumes that it will dcf-so forever and that th eleaders of that state
may play freely with the Americans or American forces who are there. But
there is a commander-in-chief in the U. S. who has determination enough
in his make-up to put a quietus on any
state, and to say that he will assume
management of the navy of the United
that the Mexican president may impose.
There is also another feature to this declaration on the part of the presi
dent, and that deals with his announced policy of non-interferance. Should
the Mexican government, at the expiration of the period, declare that the
American vessels would have to leave
rest in the president's hands as to whether these United States could longer
brook the intolerable attitude of the pusillanimous chieftan and accept from
him the instructions as to the disposal of the navy at a time when the lives
and property of the citizens of the country are endangered.
From indications that have been forthcoming in the Washington dis
patches it is apparent that he will ignore the attitude of Mexico ,and that any
consequences that result will be upon the head of the leader who starts the
The developments in the situation
strained relations that exist between
have grown so tense that it seems but
the attitude of peaceful suggestion will
more definite will have to be done. What that is, of course, rests with the
president, and is a subject that has probably been discussed in the councils of
the nation.
MOLALLA'S Many of the visitors
CELEBRATION the Portland, Eugene & Eastern were astonished at the
metropolitan way in which that little city entertained the vast throngs that
had gathered there for the day's fun.
A program that was interesting and entertaining occupied the attention
oi the crowds throgh the morning and afteroon, and the thousands that were
fathered there from all parts of the section of the state found not a dull
moment from the time that they arrived until they left late in the day.
Molalla has started out to be a city. It has al lof the ear marks of one
now. It has a bunch of enterprising boosters who are constantly thinking
up new schemes for the improvement of tVe city and for the advertising of
its resources to the outside world. The center of a vast territory unexcelled
in natural resources, there is no reason why it should not, in time, become
one of the thriving communities of the state. '
Women Lag a
By Mrs. MARY ELIZABETH LEASE, Former President of the Kansas
Board of Charities and Corrections.
IF men will only recognjie us as human beings with the desire to live
out a human destiny we should have nothing further to wish for. A
. republic founded on sex is a bad thing. No form of government can
be called a republic unless ALL CITIZENS SHARE ALIKE in its
Thrpugh the centuries women have. LAGGED A STEP BEHIND
THE MEN. In opposing equnl suffrage the men and those poor de-
" pendent and mentally delinquent women who style themselves "antis"
are standing in their own light
Editor and Publisher
such feeling that may exist in that
the responsibility for the actions and
States regardless of the conditions
the waters of that country, it would
have come so rapidly of late; and th
this government and that of Mexico
a question of a little more time when
not fit the emergency and somethin.
to the celebration of the opening ot
Step Behind Men
-The way to wealth is as plain as the
way to market. It depends on two
words, "industry" and "frugality."
The Bank of Oregon City
Beaver Building 8
5 Phones: Main 1221 or A-193
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be inserted at. one cent a word, first
tions. One inch card. $2 per montti; bait
Inch card. 4 lines), $1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
insertion, half a cent additional Inser
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
LOST Lady's coat near Greenpoint.
Return to Enterprise office.
FOR SALE Good horse, buggy and
harness, cheap. Address Mlrs. We
Edwards, Route No. 5, Oregon City,
FOR SALE Six rooms of new furni
ture, complete; will sell in separate
pieces if so desired. House for
rent. Owner leaving town. Inquire
"J. G." care this office.
CHAIRS FOR SALE Straight backed
cane-seated chairs at C. S. Church.
A Bargain. Apply Main 2831.
FOR SALE SNAP Practically new
1913 Cole Automobile; fully equip
ped and extra equippment. For
particulars see Mr .Sullivan, room
300, Masonic building.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house-
keeping rooms. Enquire at 7th St.
Wood and eoai, 4-foot and 16-inch
lengths, delivered to all parts of
city; sawing especialty. . Phone
your orders Pacific 1371, Home
A126. F. M. BLTJHM.
FOR TRADE As first payment on a
small house in Gladstone, or near
by, any part of eleven lots in Crook
county, Ore. W. J. Wheaton, Sixth
and Water Sts , Oregon City. .
Boy of Sixteen, willing to work, wants
place to board and go to school.
Main 2574.
Notice is hereby given, that I- will at
- the next re'gular meeting of the City
Council apply for a license to sell
liquor at my place of business,
Fourth and Main streets, for a per
iod of three months.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance for making an improve
ment of High Street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the North line of Sev
enth Street to the North side of
South Third Street.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: Section 1. The proposed improve
ment of High Street, Oregon Cay,
Oregon, from the North line of Sev
enth Street to the North line of
South Third Street shall be made
according to' the plans and specifi
cations on file in the office of the
City Recorder, and approved by reso
lution adopted by the City Council
on the 19th day of September. 1;1S.
which said plans and specifications
are referred to and made a part of
this Ordinance.
The surface of the street shall be
cut down or fifled up the full width
thereof and so prepared and finished
-that for sub-grade of road-bed will
be 10 inches at the center and 7
inches at the curb below the pres
ent established grade of the street
and the said road-bed shall be com
pleted by placing macadam thereon
to a sufficient depth to bring the
same to true grade according to the
plans and specifications.
Sidewalks and curbs shall be of
concrete except between South Sec
ond and South Third Streets and
crosswalks shall be placer, as pro
vided by the specifications.
Catch basins shall be placed at
the following places in ordei to pvo-
- Vide for drainage.
And the whole improvement shall
be made and completed according to
- the plans and specifications which
are hereby j-eferred to ana made a
part of this ordinance.
Section 2. The improvement shall
be clased "Macadam" aud shall be
maintained by Oregon City for the
full period of ten years from the
date of the acceptance thereof by
the Council.
Section 3. The City Recorder is
hereby authorized to advertise for
and receive proposals for said im
provement but the City reserves the
right to reject any and all bits there
fore and the Mayor and Recorder
shall enter into a contract or con
tracts with each person, iirm or cor
poration to whom the contract or
contracts are let by the Cicy Coun
cil of Oregon City for the improve
ment or parts thereof as specified
in this Ordinance.
Section 4. Each contract shall
contain a stipulation to the effect
that where the cost of the improve
ment under the provisions of the
contract shall exceed one half the
value of the property assessed for
' the cost of the imfcVovement over
tne said one half of the property
assessed for the improvement, that
the said excess shall be paid out of
the General Fund of Oregon City
and as to the balance, each person,
flrnt or corporation to whom the
contract or contraccs are let shall
' look for payment only to the sum
assessed upon the property liable
to pay for said improvement and
collected and paid into the Treas
ury of Oregon City for such pur-
. pose and they shall not hold Ore
gon City by any legal process or
otherwise liable to pay the said sum
out of any other fund.
Section 5. Whereas the condition
of said street is and was danger
ous to the health and safety of the
public and its immediate improve
ment is necessary for the immedi
ate preservation of the health and
safety of the public in the opinion
of the City Council an emergency
exists; therefore this ' 0rdinance
shajl take effect and be in force im
mediately upon its approval by the
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council held on the 19th day
of September, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An Ordinance appropriating . $250.00
out of the General Fund of Oregon
City,, Oregon,-for the purpose of in
stalling toilets in Fire Houses No.
2, 3, and 5, Oregon City, Oregon.
Oregon City does ordain as fol
lows: "
Section 1. There is hereby ap
propriated out of the General Fund
of Oregon City, Oregon, the sum of
$250.09 or so much thereof as is
necessary for the purpose of install
ing toilets in Fire Houses No. 2. 3
and 5, and the City Recorder is
hereby authorized to draw a war
rant for said amount.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council held on the 19th day
of September, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
An Ordinance appropriating $600.00
out of the General Fund for the pur
pose of purchasing a Cart and 500
feet of Hose for Oregon City, Ore
gon. Oregon City does ordain as. follows:-
Section 1. There is . hereby ap
propriated out of the General Fund
of Oregon City, the sum of $600.00
or so much thereof as is necessary
for the purchase of a Cart and 500,
feet of hose for the Fire Depart
ment of Oregon City, Oregon, and
the City Recorder is hereby author
ized to draw a warrant for such
- Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
City Council held on the 19th day of
September, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
j Resolution and Notice for the Improve
ment oi uivision street, uregon ,
City, Oregon.
Whereas, Pursuant to an order of the
City Council of Oregon City, Clack
amas County, Oregon, heretofore
made the City Engineer of said city
has submitted hfs report and filed
in the office of the City Recorder,
plans and specifications for an ap
propriate improvement of Division
Street, said city, from the East side
of Molalla Avenue to the Fisher
Claim Line with a 40-foot improve
ment and along the Claim line to
16th Street with a 60-foot improve
ment and estimates of the work to
be done thereon and of the cost
thereof, and ,
Whereas, such plans, specifications
and estimates' are satisfactory to
the City Council of said Oregon City,
Oregon, therefore,
The said plans, specifications and
SEPTEMBER 20, 1913.
Do you want to have a nice
lawn around your 7-room house
located close to 7th street steps?
We have one you should be
proud to own. Sleeping porch
and bath room, 2 toilets. Full
basement, 8 foot high. Furnace
connected to every room. Long
10-foot porch. Hard wood floors
- down stairs. ' Corner lot 66x105
estimates are hereby approved, and
be it
Resolved, that it is the purpose
and intention of the City Council of
. Oregon City to make the said im-
provemfent being described as fol-j
1UW, IU-W1L.
The street shall be brought to
subgrade the full width thereof be
tween the property line from the
east side of Molalla Avenue to the
North side of Sixteenth Street. On
- the road-bed macadam shall be
placed, not less than six inches
thick at the curb and not less than i
nine inches thick at the center of
the street and when completed the
said road-bed shall be brought to
grade described in ordinances No.
638, passed by the City Council at
a meeting held June 4th, 1913, and
No. 641, passed by the City Council
held July 2nd, 1913.
Said street shall be properly pro
vided with all drains, catch basins,
and gutters necessary to preserve
the grades, embankments and sur
face of the street and to provide all
proper drainage.
Side walks shall be of concrete
except where upon application to the
City Council owners are permitted
to have wooden walks laid.
All sidewalks shall be six feet
wide and laid to the property line.
Curbs shall be placed on each side
of the macadamized portion of the
' street. Cross walks shall be four
feet wide and not less than three
inches thick and all of said improve
ment shall be made according to the
plans and specifications filed Septem.
ber 11th, 1913, and approved hereby.
The improvement shall be classed
as "Macadam" and shall be main
tained by Oregon City for the full
period of ten years from the date
of the acceptance thereof by the City
The City Recorder is hereby di
rected to cause this resolution and
notice to be published as required
by the cfiarter.
- L. STIPP, Recorder.
Notice of Filing Report of Viewers to
Assess Damages and Benefits for
Establishing a Street on the
Bluff Between Sixth and
Seventh Streets.
Notice-is hereby given that the view
ers of damages and benefits appoint
by the city council of Oregon City,
Oregon, to assess damages and bene
fits for the establishing of a street
on the Bluff between Sixth and Sev
enth Streets, have filed their report
on the 18th day of September, 1913.
that in said report said views fixed
the boundaries of the district to be
assessed for the payment of the dam
ages as follows: .
Beginning at the Southwest corn
er of Block 39, Oregon City, Clacka
mas County, Oregon, running theuce
westerly along the northerly line of
Sixth Street, to the line between lots
3 and 4, Block 25; thence Norther
ly along the line betwen lots 2, 3
4, and 5, Block 25, and Easterly
along the line between lots 1 and 2,
Block 25; thence Northerly along
the Westerly line of the Southern
Pacific Property and the easterly
line of Block 24 ,to the line between
lots 3 and 4, Block 24; thence West
erly along the line between lots 3
and 4, Block 24 to the line between
lots 3 and 6, .block 24 ; thence north
erly along the line between lots 1.
2, 3 and 6, 7, 8, Block 24 and the line
between lots 3, 4 and 5, 6, Block 23,
to the Alley in Block 23; thence
Westerly along the alley between
Block 23, and 7 to the line between
lots 3 and 6 of Block 7, thence South
erly along the line between lots 3.
4 and 5, 6, Block 7 and lots 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8 of Block 6, and
lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8 of Block
5, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 6, 7, 8,
of Block 4, to the Southerly line of
- Fifth Street;" thence easterly along
Fifth Street to the line between lots
4 and 5, Block 26, thence Norther
ly along the line between lots 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8 of Block 26, to
the Southerly line of Sixth Street;
thence Easterly to the northwest
corner of block 33; thence souther
ly along the Westerly line of Blocks
33, 32, and 31 to the line between
lots 1 and 2, of Block 31; thence
Easterly in a direct line along the
lot lines to Jefferson Street; thence
Northerly to Fourth Street; thence
Easterly on Fourth Street to Mon
roe Street; thence Northerly on.
Monroe Street to the Alley in Block
137, thence easterly on the alley
to line between lots 2 and 7, block
137; tlvnce Northerly along said
line to the Southwest corner of Lot
1, Block 137; thence Easterly along
the lot" line to J. Q. Adams Street;
thence Northerly on J. Q. Adams
street to Fifth street; thence easter
ly on Fifth Street to Jackson Street;
thence Northerly on Jackson Street
-to Ninth Street; thence Westerly
on Ninth Street to Jefferson Street;
thence Northerly on Jefferson
Street to Tenth Street; thence West
erly on Tenth Street to the top of
the Bluff; thence Southerly on the
Next Door to Bank of Oregon City
top of the Bluff to High Street,
thence Southerly .along High Street
to the place of beginning.
Said report will be considered by
the City Council of Oregon City,
Oregon, on the 1st day of October,
1913, at 8 o'clock P. M., and all per
sons interested in said report and
the said assessment are hereby not
ified to present their objections to
the said report, if any they have,
in writing to the City Council at
said time, said report and the ob
jections thereto, if any, will be heard
by the said City Council at said time.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Final Notice
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the estate
of Elbert L. Cantonweine, deceas
ed, has filed his final report as such
administrator in the county court
of Clackamas county, Oregon, and
the said court has appointed Mon
day, October 13, 1913, at 10 o'clock
a. m, of said day for the hearing
of objections to said final report,
if any, and for the settlement of
said estate.
Any persons disatisfied witlsaitf
report are notified to file their ob
. jections in said court on or before
said date.
Administrator of said estate.
Dated September 13, 1913.
C. H. DYE,
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate .of Eliza
beth Mundeu, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, J. E. Whitney, has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate
of Elizabeth Mundeu, deceased, by
the County . Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, and has
qualified as such:
AY persons- having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same with proper vouch
ers and duly verified to me at the
office of Geo. S. Shepherd, 825 Yeon
Building, Portland, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this no
tice. Dated and first published Septem
ber 6, 1913.
Administrator of the Estate
Elizabeth Miandeu, deceased.
Summons ..
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Lucien A. Thomas, Plaintiff,
Nellie P. Powers, Defendant.
To Nellie P. Powers, above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you, in the above named
suit, on or before the 8th day of
November, 1913, said date being
the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or
answer said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for
in the complaint, to-wit:
; For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. Thi3
summons is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, which order
was made on the -12th day of Sep
tember, 1913, and the time prescrib
ed for publication thereof is six
weeks, beginning with the issue dat
ed September 13th, 1913, and contin
uing each week thereafter to and
including Friday, October 25th, 1913.
. - 613-614 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Port
land, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Summons -In
the Circuit Court for the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Max Wecksler, Plaintiff,
Annie Wecksler, Defendant,
To Annie Wecksler, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
Pabst's Okay Specific
Does the worx. You all
know It , by reputation.
D. C. LATOTJRETTE, President.
CAPITAL $50,000.00
Transact General Banking Bualnaaa. Open from A M. to . w. .
filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause within six .
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit,
on or before the 3rd day of Novem
ber, 1913, and if you. fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
above named plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint herein, to-wit:
for a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and for such other, fur
ther and different -relief as to the
court may seem meet and equita
ble. This summons is published in
pursuance of an order of Hon. J.
IT. Campbell, Judge of said Court,
made and entered on the 12th day of
September, 1913, and the time pre
scribed in said order for the publi
cation of this summons is once
each week for six consecutive
weeks, and the date of the first pub
lication of this summons ' is the
13th day of September, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1524-29
Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Request for Bids
In the District Court of the United
( fatates, for the District of Oregon.
I In the - matter of Barde Leavitt.
bankrupt -
As trustee in bankruptcy of the above
enutiea estate, I will receive seal
ed bids for the following stocks of
. merchandise and fixtures formerly
the property of Barde & Levitt, sit-
- uated in the cities of Salem, Corval
lis, Hood River and Oregon City,
1. Stock of goods, wares and mer
chandise, consisting of shoes, men's
clothing and furnishings, hats
caps, suit cases, umbrellas, etc.,
together with fixtures contained
in the store room formeriy
occupied by Barde & Levitt at Sa
lem, Oregon, said merchandise be
ing pf the inventoried value of $17,
566.83, and said fixtures being of
the inventoried value of $1,313.40.
2. Stock of goods, woras and
merchandise of the same character
as above set forth, together with
fixtures contained in the store
room formerly occupied by Barde
& Levitt at Corvallis, Oregon, said
merchandise being of the inventor
ied value of $17,625.71, and said fix
tures being of the inventoried value
of $2,010.00.
3. Stock t goods, wares and
merchandise of the same character
as above set forth, together with
fixtures contained in the store
room formerly occupied by Barde
& Levitt at Hood River, Oregon,
said merchandise being of the in
ventoried value of $8,605.14,. raid
said fixtures being of the inveuior
ied value of $254.00.
4. Stock of goods, wares and
merchandise of the same character
as above set forth, together with
fixtures contained in the storeroom
formerly occupied by Barde & Levitt
at Oregon City, Oregon, said mer
handise being of the inventoried
value of $22,784.63, and said fixtures
being of the inventoried value of
2,147.75. . -
Total value of said merchandise
Total value of said fixtures $5,
725.15. ' Bids will be received upon said
property up to and until Thursday,
September 25, 1913, at. 12:00 o'clock'
noon, at my office, the same to be
received upon parcels as above set
forth numbered Page 1.
1, 2, 3 and 4, and for the pro
perty as a whole. '
Should the total of the. highest
bids for each of the parcels as above
set forth be greater than the high
est bid for the whole, the said bids
will be accepted subject to the ap
,. proval of the Court for said parcels;
but should the highest bid for the
whole be greater than the total of
the highest bids for each of the par
cels, the said highest bid for the
whole will be accepted subject to
the approval of the Court.
All bids must be accompanied b7
certified check for ten per , cent.
(10 per cent.) of the amount of
fered. Inventories of the above stocks
may be seen at the respective loca
tions of the stocks as to
each of said stocks, and in
ventories for all of said property
may be also seen at my office, and
the properties may be inspected at
their respective locations.
No. 7-lst-St, Room 8, Portland,
F. J. MEYER, Cashier..