(31 MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1913. 8pared the Trouble. i i m m -wm -if mil Reggy So Grace told you that you inicbt botie? Ferdy-She did. Reggy Well, you needn't bother. I'm going to propose to her myself tonight Chicago News. country and may prove popular to the farmers as it will produce 50 bushels to the acre on almost any sou, al though it is much batter for feed Uian Clour. . . ' i E. B. Anderson, the candy store man, motored out to Molalla Wednes- I dav. Mr Anriprfinn mada filft trin eo ing out in forty-five minutes, and the return in fifty. y. The Hon. G. B. Dimick has on ex hibit in this city displays of Kaffir corn and sorghum, which are six feat high. Both, seem to be unusually adapted to the a'.imate and soil con ditions of this section of the country and may prove to be a profitable crop for Clackamas county. The yield is heavy and the entire plant can be used for food. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earle Latourette gave a dinner party at the Portland hotel Wednesday evening for Miss Mary Harding, a visitor from New Albany, Ind. This was followed by a theatre party at the Orepheum. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Latourette of Oregon City, Mr. L. L. Steiwer and Miss Mary Steiwer of Fossil and Mr. J. R. Latour ette of Portland, were in the party. Local Briefs R. Fehnled Bergstrom is registered at the Electric- H. N. Smith, a dairy man of Board man, was here Friday. Mrs. Joe Lynch, who was ill with the typhoid, is much better. N. C. Westerfield, a farmer of Absr nethy, was in the city Friday. H. E. Cross and family, and Mrs. Mary Reynolds went to the Gresham Fair by automobifie. Mrs Minnie Mielke, of this city, has gone to Spokane to visit friends. She will be gone for a week. Mr. Steed, a breeder of fines horses and cattle from Central Point, came to the county seat Friday. Miss Adah Bedwell, of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company has started for Seattle to spend her vaca tion. You will find plenty of Elbertas, Crawfords and Lemon Cling Peaches at the Hub Grocery, 7th and Center streets. . Mrs. Booth, who was taken to the Sellwood hospital, is improving- rapid ly and will soon be able to lturn to her home. Marvin McDonald is beginning to take an interest in life after his ill ness and even at times complains of being hungry. Mlrs. E. G. Lamerton and son have returned to their home in Portland. William! Weosmandle has bought back his former shop from Mr. Hodge at the corner of Main and 12th Sts. Dell Cross was operated upon Fri day morning in a Portland hospital. Miss Pearl Harrington has returned from a trip to the Roun.-iUp and has resumed her position with the Willam ette Pulp & Paper company. George Mielke is expected back from a three months' trip to his home town in the east next week. He has worked for five years for a local butcher without a vacation or a day off, excepting this one trip. The Oregon Commission company have on exhibit a small amount of seven-headed wheat. It is new to this REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William R. Stokes and wife to Har ry C. Stokes, tract in section 26, T. 3 S., R. 4 E.; $1. Bertha P. Kenney and husband to Portland, Eugene, and Eastern, tract 12, lot. "A" of tract 13, tract 9, Wil lamette and Tualatin tracts; $10. Simon Gadoua to Oregon Iron & Steel company, lots three, block one, Lake View Villas; $10. August Koellermeier and Justine, his wife, to Henry Koellermeier and wife, south half southeast quarter sec tion eight, T .3 S., R. 1 E.; $8000. A. H. Akerson and wife to Akerson, Gooch & company, lots 4 to 10 inclu sive, block three, Willow Park; lots one to 12 inclusive, same, lots one to seven, inclusive; $2000. Thomas McManus and wife to Oa o.str Sohanhpl and wife. lot. three, block 16, Oswego; $10. Mark Beardsley and wife to Wesley ' B. Netherton and wife, tract in section 26, T. 3 S T. 4 E.;$1100. I A. T. Zanders and wife to Flora H. Kilgore, lot two in block 71, lot three in block 64, Oak Grove; $10. B. T. Honney and wife to Eulla Frank, tract in section 6, T. 5 S., R. 3 S.; $100.. price Demg noted. Tne egg supply and demand have been fluctuating I with differences of opinion as to the actual condition of the trade. . - Livestock, Meats- - BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and j 8c; cows 6 and 7c; bulls 4 to 6c. j MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6to 6 l-2c. POULTRY (Buying) Hens 12 and 13c; old roosters 8c; broilers 15c and 16c. " WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb. PORK 9 12c and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dreesec according to grade. . Fruits APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prunes on basis 4 for 3i to 40c. ONIONS $1 per sack. POTATOES 75c and $1.00 BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter 23c to 25c. EGGS Oregon raneh, case count 28c; Oregon ranch candled 30c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c. CORN Whole corn $37; cracked $38. SHEEB PELTS 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; feed barley $30 to $31. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY-(Buying) Clover at $8 and $9.00; timothy $12.00 and $13.00: oat hay best $10 and $11; mixed $9 to id; lttano ana eastern Oregon tim othy selling $20; valley timothy $12 to $14. OATS (Buying) $23.00 and $24; wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling $38; Shady Brook feed $1.3o per cent.; Yes, Swissco Will Grow Your Hair w I Prevents Baldness and Dandruff. Re stores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Natural Color His Hairs are Numbered. Are Yours? '7 Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and resores gray and faded hair to its natural youthful color. ' 1 Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair N or any hair or scalp trouble. - To prove that our claims are true ve will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c in silver or stamps to help pay cast of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments ev erywhere at 50c and '$1.00 a bottle. Jones Drug Co. Concrete work on the hew Dallas City bank building is completed. The building will be brick veneered and will be one of Dallas' most imposing business blocks: NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th St.. and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best -that can be done. Coma once and you will come attain. x cicpuuuc u WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Peat the Horse shoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. To hatch a chicken Dy noioing an egg for the allotted time in the left armpit Is believed in Servia to be a certain charm against violent de; th. more especially if the bird be swal lowed whole forty days after it comes to life. A robber who had devastated the district of Kolubara for many years was. writes a Belgrade corre spondent, known to have accomplished both these feats, which accounted for the apathy of the peasants in pursuing him. persuaded as they were of his in vulnerability.' He was Anally, how ever, killed by the curanted police, thus discrediting a time honored Servian superstition. EGGS DROP AGAIN . IN MARKET PRICE Further decline is noticed in the chicken market since the high price records of a few days ago. The re action has now fully set in and the tone is generally weaker than it has been for sometime. The spud, trade, too, is quite in the markets, a fractional reduction in YOU MAY HAVE STYLE BUT Have You the Stay? Which is the real foundation of a Corset? If Not, Try a Nu Bone Those thousands of women throughout United States who have worn this re markable fashionable garment say: "it is the first and only perfect corset," not only because of its many correctly ltylish models, but more important be cause of the correct construction of the Nu Bone corset, particularly the boning. No more permanent bends at the waist line, no cutting through cloth at top of corset, and an official guarantee with every corset. DO NOT CONFUSE NU BONE with 1-wire stay garments; it's dif ferent and the most corpulent get perfect support. It's a Pleasure to show you. NU BO NE (Not. Sold in Stores) IS A CORSET YOU HAVE LONG DESIRED MRS. S, E. PHILLIPS 213 Jefferson S Telephone, Home B-162 ANDTHE PRESENTED -BY THE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE PANAMA This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader CERTIFMffilNTATION CANAL See the Great Canal in Picture and'Prose mi m Read How You May Have It Almost Free Cat ont the above coupon, and present it at this office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking;, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books; PANAMA AND THE CANAL ! la Pictnrt tod Prist ILLUSTRATED EDITION This beautiful big volume is written by Willis J. Abbot, a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl edged standard reference work of the great Canal Zone. It is a splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 inches in size;. printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper; bound in tropical red vellum cloth; . t . ,1 1.1 i j i C A ILLUSTRATED siauiyeu iu guiu, wiui miaiu cuior panci ; contains vO. mm more than 600 magnificent illustrations, including beau tiful pages reproduced from water color studies in col orings that far surpass any work of a similar character. " Call I expense and see this beautiful book that would sell for $4 tinder usual I Amoanial conditions, but which is presented to our readers for SIX of d a the abov -Certificates of consecutive date, and only the Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificate 'Panama and the Canaf $4 OCTAVO 4 F.nmoM . T Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificates Regular octavo size: text matter practically the same aa the t ro- ume; bound in blue vellum doth; contains only luu photo- I ,... graphic reproductions, and the color plates are I "rEBSB fitted. This book would sell at $2 under usual condi- I Amount el tons, but is presented to our readers for SIX of the Jiove Certificates of consecutive date and only the 48c SPECIAL TRAINS TO THE Oregon State Fair FROM PORTLAND Monday, September 29 Thursday, October 2 Tuesday September 30 Friday, October 3 Wednesday, October 1 Saturday, October 4 Leave Union Depot 8:10 a. m. Leave East Morrison 8:20 a" m. Leave Oregon City 8:56 a.' ml' Arrive F!air Grounds 10:15 a m. Arrive Salem ..10:20 a., m! RETURNING Leave Salem 5:2o p. m. Leave Fair Grounds ." 5;4o p m.- Arrive Oregon City ! 7:12 p. mi Arrive Portland 7:5o p m. Portland Day, Thursday. Oct. 2 $1.50 Round Trip Other Sale Dates -September 25-26-27-28-29-30; October 1-2-3-4 $1.40 Round Trip from Oregon City Return Limit Oct. 8 All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds I ci 9iini - I mini . I06DEN 15HASIM I nil m. OlUl I V ROUTES I General Passenner Anvnt L Jk V. I " The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. On a machine that is rapid, full-sized and in fallible. The very latest machine, built by men who know, in one of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, to be placed on one's desk, close to one's books and papers. To take the place of the Central machine requiring skilled oper ators. It is also intended for office and stores where costly ma chines are a luxury, The price is due to utter sim plicity, and to our enormous output. Seven keys do all the work. Each copied number is shown up for checking before the addition is .made. The machine will add, subtract and multiply. With very slight practiee anyone can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the , machine never makes mistakes. - Countless . of f ices, large and small.are getting from these machines the high est class of service. Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. Ten Day's Test We will gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test. There will be no obligation, . and charges will be prepaid. Compare it with any non-lister even the costliest. Let anyone use it . See if any ma chine can serve better than this) Just send us this coupon and we'll send the machine. 5 S HUNTLEY BRO. CO. Main Stiet, S .Oregon City. S Please send us an American Adding Machine for ten days' free S trial. Name S Street Address S City 8 State Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY CHICAGO , Sold in Oregon City and Clackamae County by Huntley Bros. ..'J-.- Company. - . - fREE FREE FREE Public Demonstration Friday, September 19th THE WORLD'S GREATEST POWER PRODUCER carbon solvent and saver of gasoline ever produced, will be demonstrated at our garage Next Friday, Sept. 19th ,by P. W. Dannat and T. C. Sheldon, from the factory. THIS FREE DEMONSTRATION WILL POSITIVELY INCREASE THE POWER AND COM PRESSION OF YOUR MOTOR FROM 10 TO 25 PERCENT, providing you have run 1000 miles . since your valves were ground last; if used every 300 miles, you will never again be compelled to . have them ground to remove carbon. - Cost Nothing to Run Your Car Around and be Convinced The talk of Five Million People throughout America who are owning or operating Automo- ' biles, Motorcycles, Motor-boats, Aeroplanes, Tractors, Stationary Engines, Pumps, Cultivators, or any form of Internal-Combustion Motor; THE WONDERFUL POWER PRODUCER Has Been Successfully Tried and Tested By These Factories FIAT MOTOR CO. BUICK MOTOR CO. OAKLAND MOTOR CO. NORDYKE &.. MARMON CHALMERS MOTOR CO. THE STUDEBAKER CO. CADILLAC MOTOR CO. OVERLAND MOTOR CO. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. PIERCE-ARROW MOTOR CO. LOZIER MOTOR CO. THE FORD MOTOR CO. ALCO MOTOR CO. It is now indorsed and recommended by over 80 percent of manufacturers. OLDSMOBILE MOTOR CO. PACKARD MOTOR CO. PEERLESS MOTOR CQ-FIRESTONE-COLUMBUii CO. MAXWELL MOTOR CO. AND (MANY OTHERS. America's leading Automobile Read What Tetelaff, World's Champion, says: F. W. DANNATT, January 13, 1913. Manufacturer of CARBON-NIT, 1656 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Sir: The fact of the base of your CARBON-NIT being a light lub- ricating oil convinced me that it is absolutely harmless to use in the cyl inders of all gasoline engines. - After successfully" running your fluid through my Fiat, I am now in posi tion recommend CARBON-NIT to all owners of automobiles, motorcycles motorboats and stationary engines. Very truly yours, ' - TEDDY TETZLAFF. Teddy TeUlaff, Barney Oldfield And the World's Fastest Racing-Drivers All Use "CARBON-NIT" ' There are now 50,000 enthusiastic users in the State of California alone of this wonderful "Power Producer" and Saver of Gasoline. MILLER-PARKER CO. DEALERS IN Automobiles, Auto Supplies and Repairs BEST EQUIPPED GARAGE IN OREGON CITY Electrical Supplies; Contracts taken for all kinds of Electrical Work Sporting Goods, Bicycles, . Guns, Ammunition, Fishing - Tackle Convince Yourself Results Guarateed Gallon Size $2 Quart Size 75c NEW PRICES ON MAZDA LAMPS To Take Effect at Once 15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 20 " " 30c " " 35c 25 " " " 30c " " 35c 40 " " " 30c " " 35c 60 M " 40c " " 45c 110 " " u 70c " " 75c 150 " " " $1.05 " "$1.15 250 " 1.75 "1.60 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE ' '" Beaver Building, Main Street Tel-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115 i