AN v. MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1913. J.v & w' -'rv ' ----- ii tilt jr t ::k:;: i?. 4 z--- f-?V.-W ..i The accompanying cut is an exact picture of one of the largest as well as most comodious and well lighted business buildings in the state and one that Oregon City is justly proud of. We need not state that it is Here is the place, the mecca as it were, for the inhabitants of Oregon City and surrounding country, for to-day is OPENING DAY of the BIG TEN DAYS SALE which has been so thoroughly advertised through the columns of the Oregon City papers as well as thousands of full sheet colored posters that have been mailed broadcast throughout the adjoining country The spontaneous response, the great crowds, the hundreds of well pleased customers who availed themselves of this opportunity of supplying their Winter's wants speaks loudly of the success of their undertaking. .THEY GAME BY TEAM, MOTOR CARS, TRAIN AND BY STEAMER from every point of the compass. They came singly, in pairs and by the score until this immense store was filled, each determined to get their share. It was a jolly good natured throng with money to spend. Hundreds of unmatchable bargains systematically displayed and conveniently arranged, making it a pleasure to shop, proved too tempting so THEY BOUGHT, bought until our packing room is over crowded, making it necessary for us to beg patience on the part of our friends who ve must ask to give us a few days time for delivery. " T ML O HOUSES On several occasions we found it neccessary to compare prices with some mail order houses. We were able to SHOW THEM where we could not only duplicate their prices but save them the freight, which is an unknown quantity, as well as give them the satisfaction of selection thejr Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Wall Paper, Stoves, Heaters, Etc., from our immense stock which is now complete in every department. SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR TEN DAYS Giving every one ample time to attend this, Oregon City's greatest money saving sale. We urge you to come. Come and bring the poster that was mailed to you r 4! with you. It will convince you that we are not only doing just as we advertise, but are saving you money on every article you may wish to purchase. It's money we want, and are giving prices that will loosen the purse strings of the entire public. Come to-day. IF JR. E E A S LONG -A. T M E lf L A S T We have a few hundred Beautiful unframed pictures which we are giving free with every purchase of One Dollar or More, only one to a customer. Ask for yours. Is CFy - Iltllig Oil dal6; ITIVELY YES. Every article in this huge stock i timm In tfili gate, so 3o not tail to wraiire Mao