MORNING ENTERPRISE; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1913. spoiling a Good Thing. . , I iiiiK'' Mrs. Ayers I hear they are going to stop gossiping over the telephone. Mrs. Dayton What a way to spoil a practical invention! Local Briefs Abe Mille and wife, of Va.ncouver, Washington, are visiting here. A. Jack Baker and wife, of Cerrow, are stopping at the Electric hotel. Miss Eva Benson, of Portland, will organize her piano class October 1st. H. F. Brogdon and wife, of Shawnee?,' pkla., are registered at the Electric .liotel. C. L. Standinger, of Molalla, has business interests in the city Wed nesday. ' ,, Mr. ana Mrs. jester, or urants ess, are in the city on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howland. A new sidewalk is baing biult at MolaKa from the depot to the business section of the city. W. H. Hoskin of St. Johns, spent Wednesday in the city attending to matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Scranbell, who live between Mlolalla and Liberal, were in Oregon City Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs. Otto Moehnske, were in Oregon City from St. Johns on a visit to friends for a few days. Miss Eva Benson, well known in Portland and Oregon City musical, returned from Idaho where she spent the summer. Don't forget Nobel, 714 Main St., has on hand all kinds of cheess, Swiss Cream and Limburger, in quantities to suit. Randall O'Ueil and Milton Noble have returned after spending a few weeks at San Francisco seeing tba sights and enjoying a vacation. Miss Goldie Harless and Miss Maude Steininger, both of Molalla, passed through here Wednesday on their way to Portland, where they will live. Percy P. Caufielrl, clerk in one of the banks, has gone on his vacation while S. L. Stevens has returned from his trip and is again at his post in the bank. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Stevens and daughter, Miss Helen, of Powell River B. C, are in the city visiting Mrs. Louis Farr. Miss Violet Farr, who has been visiting the Stevens family at their home, has returned with them to Oregon City. T. F. Rowland and his son, John F. Rowland leave Thursday for Wales, where the boy has an estate that has been left to him by relatives. His presence is needed there at once to settle the accounts that are due him. Walter Jakson, of Molalla, was in the county seat on business Wednes day. The Man Who Put tbe EE s in F E E T Look for This Trade-Mark Pio. hire oa tbe Label when buyinsr ALLEN'S F00TEASE Wwifma The Antiseptic Powder for Ten. ' TraUe-MarK. der. Aching Feet. -Sold every, where, 25c. Sample FREE. Address. ALLEN S. OLMSTED, Le Boy, N. Y. GROWDS TO ATTEND SHOW ATj MOLALLA Large crowds are planning to leave the city Friday morning for the fair at Molalla and to spend the day in that city looking over the exhibits that have been gathered there from all ever the district. The progress of Molalla is exempli fied by the number of exhibits that will be on display this year and thj grounds that they will cover. The of ficers of the fair association have gathered in displays from a large ter ritory surrounding the city and have also brought in exhibits that show the growth and progress of the town in the last year. Molalla is also planning to send a portion of its own "fair to the state display at Salem, where it will be well represented in a wide floor space. The exhibit from that district will be one of the features of the Clackamas county show at the state fair. If" you have stomach or bowel trouble, heart, liver or kidney disease, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will, do you more good, in less time, than any other remedy because it re stores natural conditions. At all druggists, 35c. - Jones Drug Co. CHICKEN PRICES ARE BROKEN BY RECEIPTS With heavy receipts of supplies, the chicken prices broke yesterday in the markets after they had held firm for a number of days. The shipments that, came in were larger than usual andthe price dropped over what it hai been the day before. Eggs, however, held as steady as they ware on the last quotations with little change in the appearance of tbe market conditions. County veal is scarce in the trade although the de mand is good and the tone, as a re sult, firm. Hogs are lower than for several days. ' - . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . Joseph Woerndlen and wife to Ed win J. Myers, lots six to 11 inclusive, block B. Milwaukie park, and quarter acre in Georse Crow D. L. C; $10. C. A. Ingalls and wife to O. C. Graves and wife, 34.20 acres in T. 2 S,. R. 2 E., P. Welch D. L. C; $10. George Henry Sawtell . to Ida A. Hess, N. E. S .E. .section one, T. 3 S., R. 4 E.: $1. Henry Sawtell ami -wif to Ta A. Hess, lot three, section six, 1 S., R. 5 E.; $1. - Edna H. Baker to El'.en E. Clodfelt er, lots 15, 16, in block five, Milawukis park; $10. S. M. Goff and wife to Wadhams & Keer brothers, tots lii, 18, 19, 22, block two, In Morris subdivision; $244.99. . . A RELIABLE TONIC M(any of the people around hre know a good deal about this splendid remedy; to those who do not, we wish to say that Meritol Tonic Digestive is the greatest, strength renewer,' flesh builder and nerve tonic we have ever seen. For people in poor health, weak run down and played out, those not as strong and vigorous as they shou'd be, we recommend this tonic. Jones Drug Co., sole agents. OREGON CITY A GOOD TOWN Oregon City is a mighty good town. worthy of the best of everything. That's why we have joined the Am erican Drug and Press Association and offer to our people the Meritol line of preparations, made by the As sociation and so d only through its members. There is nothing like these goods, guaranteed in every way. We want Oregon City people to have the best' there is, so we offer you this line. Ask to see Meritol goods. Jones Drug Co. local agents. Twenty-five years ago, according to items resurrected from its files by the East Oregonian on September 12, wheat was selling at Pendleton at a high mark of 65 cents, the public school enrollment was 237, and F. R. Mitchell of the East Oregonion force was "constructing a new residence on his lots on lower Alta street." NOTICE TO HORSEMEN We have just bought the horse shoeing shop at the foot of 6th- St.. and are now ready to do scientific work. All work the best that can be done. Come once and you will come again. Telephone B Si WHEATON & SHINVILLE Better known as Peat the Horse shoer and W. J. Wheaton, formerly employed by J. F. Hodge. The classified ad columns of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. Meritol Rheumatism Powders The unusually large sale of this rem edy is the best evidence we could of fer you to prove its merit. It is made of effective ingredients and is guar anteed to give permanent relief for rheumatism. We will gladly show you the formula and explain its merit to you. Jones Drug Co., local agents Livestock, Meats BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7c; bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6 1-2; lambs 6to 6 l-2c, POULTRY (Buying) Hens 12 and 13c; old roosters 8c; broilers 15c and 16c. WEINIES 15c lb; sausage 15c lb. PORK 9 12c and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to 15c dreeset according to grade. " Fruits y APPLES 50c and $1. . DRIED FRUITS-Buying) -Prunes on basis 4 for 35 to 40c. ONIONS $1 per sack. POTATOES 75c and $1.00 , BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter 23c to 25c. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count 28c; Oregon ranch candled 39c. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: . HIDES (Buying) Green salted, 9c. CORN Whole corn $37; craclted $38. ' SHEEP PELTS 75c to $1.50 each. FEED (Selling) Shorts $27; bran $25; feed barley $30 to $31. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAY (Buying) Clover at $8 and $9.00; timothy $12.00 and $13.00; oat hay best $10 and $11; mixed $9 to $13; Idaho and eastern Oregon tim othy selling $20; valley timothy $12 to $14. OATS (Buying) $23.00 and $24; wheat 79c and 80c; oil meal selling $38; Shady Brouk feed $1.3o per cent.; Probably no industry will be "ruined," after all. Must seem rather dull up in Pen dleton this week. One thing that royalty as a rule, cannot be accused of is race suicide. .When your're ailing and don't know just what's the matter with you, the safest thing to tae is Hollister's Rocky Mountain T-ea, both because it's the greatest all-around systemic regulator, and because it cannot work injury in any case, being purely vege table. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. I Jones Drug Co. I This New Illustrated Book For Every Reader fH CertifjStatioN cAflAL PANAMA AND.THE PRESENTED -BY THE OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE See Hie Great Canal in Picture and Prose n? 1 1 raj Read How You May Have It Almost Free vm oui ui on novo coupon, and present it at thl office with the ex pense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the Hems ol the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive roar choice of these books: PANAMA This t,eaut;fuI bfe volume is written by Willis j; wbot, ( ruwii a writer of international renown, and is the acknowl- AND THE edged standard reference work of tbe rear Canal Zone TAN AT I is a. splendid large book of almost 500 pages, 9x12 J ralinxj inches m size: orintert frnrn now w 1 -r,A r-teir to Plctari mi Press on .special paper : bound in trooical red vellum cloth ; ' ILLUSTRATED title stamPed in gH with inlaid color panel ; contain? EDITION ,I.,urc ulan ""v magnmcent illustrations; including Deau- iui pages icpiuuutcu irom water color studies in coi- ; orings tnat iar surpass any work of a similar character. Call k ,,,,, A u:- 1 -.."r..t t i r . .1 KArENSE uiu sec iuis ucauuiui dook tnat wouia sen tor $4 unaer usual I Anient of ' conumuns, uui wnicn is presented to our readers tor SIX of 'a q the above Certificates of consecutive dates, and only the iplI Sant by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1.59 and 6 Certificates Panama and Regular octavo size; text matter practically the same as the $4 vol- I tn PnnaF graphic reproductions, and "the color plates are I ?'tNSE , uic vouoi fitted. This book wonM soil at ts niuW n.nal nmdL I Anuaatsl tons, but is presented to our readers for SIX of the JO Jcove Certificates of consecutive dates and only the " Ht'" tf OCTAVO EHTI0N Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for 67 Cents and 6 Certificates GRANDMOTHER DARKEN USED SAGE TEA TO f ADED m 1 Mixed With Sulphur It Makes Hair Soft, Beau tiful. Cures Dandruff The use of Sage and Sulphur lor restoring faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's time. She kept her hair beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair fell' out or took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But the brewing at home 1b mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays skilled chemists do this better than ourselves. By asking at any drug store for the ready-to-use produot called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" you will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. , Some druggists make their own, which Is usually too stloky, so Insist upon getting' Wyeth's, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair, and Is splendid for dandruff, 4ry, feverish. Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown drug gist says Mb customers insist on Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, be cause, they say, It darkens so nat ually and evenly that nobody, can tell It has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen, a sponge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Do this at night and by morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, It is re stored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. 85 CENTS ROUND TRIP Oregon City to Molalla Account opening of the SEPTEMBER 19 VIA THE lni SUNSET sV I fOGDEN&SHASTAl I I t ROUTES f I N$Cf "The Exposition Line 1915" All Other Points ONE AND ONE THIRD FARE Tickets will be sold Friday, Sept. 19th, good for return same day. Train No. 19, leaving Oregon City at 9:22 a. m.. will make connection with Special at Canby for Molalla. . Further particulars as tc fares, train service, etc., from any S. P. Agent. JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger . Agent The American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs But $35 See our exhibit-ask! for 10 days trial Here is a new price on a com petent Adder. On a machine that is rapid, full-sized and in fallible. The very latest machine, built by men who know, in one of the largest metal-working shops. It is an individual Adder, to be placed on one's desk, close to one's books and papers. To take the placa of the central machine requiring skilled operators. It is also intended for offic ' and. stores where costly ma chines are a luxury. The price is due to utter sin plicityf and" to our enormous . output. Seven' keys do all the work. Each copied number is shown up for checking before the addition is .made. The machine 'will add, subtract and multiply. With very slight practice anyone can compute a hundred figures a minute. And the machine .never . makes mistakes. Countless offices, large and small,are getting from .these machines the high est class of service. ? Name ... S . e Street Address S 8 ? City ... ? $ State S -$ 3 3 3 3 S $ $ Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO Sold In Oregon City and Clackamas County by Huntley Bros.. Company Now we make this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machine means to them. Ten Day's Test WtTwill gladly place in any office one American Adder for a ten days' test. There will b3 no obligation, and charges will be prepaid. Compare it with any non-lister even the . costliest. Let anyone use it . See if any ma chine can serve better than this) -Just send us this coupon and we'll send the machine. ' - . S S HUNTLEY BRO. CO. . $ Main Street, ' $ S .Oregon City. " . $ Please send us an American S Adding Machine for ten days' free $ trial. FREE FREE FREE Public Demonstration Friday, September 19th THE WORLD'S GREATEST POWER PRODUCER carbon solvent and saver of gasoline ever produced, will be demonstrated at our garage Next Friday, Sept. 19th by F. W. Dannat and T. C. Sheldon, from thte factory THIS FREE DEMONSTRATION WILL POSITIVELY INCREASE THE POWER AND COM PRESSION OF YOUR MOTOR FROM 10 TO 25 PERCENT, providing you have run 1000 miles . since your valves wera ground last; if used every 300 miles, you wtl never again be compelled to V" have them ground to remove carbon. - Cost Nothing to Run Your Gar Around and be Convinced The talk of Five Million People throughout America who are owning or operating Autonio biles, Motorcycles, Motor-boats, Aeroplanes, Tractors, Stationary Engines, Pumps, Cultivators, cr any form of Internal-Combustion Motor. CMB0MT THE WONDERFUL POWER PRODUCER Has Been Successfully Tried and Tested By These Factories- FIAT MOTOR CO. BUICK MOTOR CO. OAKLAND MOTOR CO. . NORDYKE & MARMON CHALMERS MOTOR CO. PIERCE-ARROW MOTOR CO. THE FORD MOTOR CO. THE STUDEBAKER CO. CADILLAC MOTOR CO. OVERLAND MOTOR CO. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. LOZIER MOTOR CO. " ALCO MOTOR CO. - , It is now indorsed and recommended by over 80 percent of manufacturers. OLDSMOBILE MOTOR CO. PACKARD MOTOR CO. PEERLESS MOTOR CO. FIRESTONE-COLUMBUS CO. MAXWELL MOTOR CO. AND iMANY OTHERS. America's leading Automobile Read What Tetelaff, World's Champion, says: . F. W. DANNATT, ' January 13, 1913. Manufacturer of CARBON-NIT, 1656 Winfield St, Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Sir: The fact of the base of your CARBON-NIT being a light Liib . . ricating oil convinced , me that it is absolutely harmless to use in the cyl inders of all gasoline engines. . . - After successfully running your fluid through my Fiat, I am now in posi v tion recommend CARBON-NIT to all owners of automobiles, motorcycles motorboats and stationary engines. Very truly yours, - TEDDY TETZLAFF. Teddy Tetslaff, Barney Oldfield And the World's Fastest Racing-Drivers All Use " CARBON-NIT v There are roU 50,000 -enthusiastic users in the State of California alone of this wonderful "Power Producer" and Saver of Gasoline. MILLER-PARKER CO. DEALERS IN Automobiles, Auto Supplies and Repairs BEST EQUIPPED GARAGE IN OREGON CITY Electrical Supplies; Contracts taken for all kinds of Electrical Work .. Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle Gallon Size $2 Quart Size 75c NEW ."PRICES ON MAZDA LAMPS To Take Effect at Once 15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c 20 " " f 30c " " 35c 25 " " " 30c " " 35c 40 - " " 30c " M 35c 60 " " " 40c " " 45c HQ " 70c : " " 75c 150 " " " $1.05 "$1.15 250 " " " 1.75 " 1.60 Portland Railway, Light & Power Company THE ELECTRIC STORE Beaver Building, Main Street Tel-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115 1 !