MORNING ENTERPRISE, Text Books Oregon City, Schools GRADE 1. - Re- Ex- tail change Wheeler's Graded Primer $ .25 $ .. Lessons in Writing, Pad 1 .15 Drawing Colors and Brush 25 Tablet medium size, good quality 05 GRADE 2. . Ra- - Ex- ' tail change Wheelef's Second Reader . $ .35 $ Lessons in Writing, Pad 2 . : .15 Drawing Colors and Brush 25 Tablet medium size,-good quality , -05 GRADE 3. - - - i Ra- Ex- tail change Wheeler's Third Reader . . . : '- . $ .45 $ . . Lessons in Writing, Pad 3 1 Numbers Step by Step 35 .21 Drawing Colors and Brush 25 New Ed. Music Reader, First Bk .30 Spelling Blank, Outlook -. 05 Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 Tablet medium size, good quality 05 GRADE 4. R3- Ex- tail change Wheeler's Fourth Reader ? -45 ? -20 Lessons in Writing, Pad 4 15 - Numbers Step by Step Elementary English, Bk. 1 -36 .18 Krohn's First Bk. in Hygiene 30 Drawing Colors and Brush -25 New Ed. Music Reader Bk 30 Spelling Blank, Outlook 05 Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 Tablet medium size, good quality 05 GRADE 5. Ra- vEx- tail change Elson's Grammar School Reader, Book 1 . ..$ .50 $ ... Lessons in Writing, Pad 5 15 Complete Arithmetic -58 Elementary English, Bk. 1 r.. -36 .18 Primer of Sanitation 45 2'J Geography (Oregon Edition) 100 .60 Introductory American History , ;60 .36 Spelling Book 23 .12 Spelling Blank, Outlook 05 Drawing Colors and Brush 25 New Ed. Music Reader, Second Bk -30- .. Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 GRADE 6. Re: Ex- tail change Elson's Grammar School Reader, Book 2 $ .50 $ .. Lessons in Writing, Pad 6 15 Complete Arithmetic - 58 .30 Elementary English, Bk. 1 36 .18 Graded Lessons in Phys. & Hygiene .50 Geography ("Oregon Edition) 100 .60 Introductory American History 60 .36 Spelling Book 23 .12 Spelling Blank, Webster 05 Drawing Colors and Brush 25 New Ed. Music Reader, Second Bk : 30 Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 GRADE 7. Re- Ex- . tail change Elson's Grammar School Reader, Bk. 3 ? .60 $ .30 Lessons in Writing, Pad 7 .15 Complete Arithmetic 58 .39 Elementary English, Bk. 2 , 45 .23 Graded Lessons in Phys. & Hygiene 50 Geography (Oregon Edition) 1.00 .60 School History of the U. S. (2d term) 90 .50 Spelling Book .23 .12 Spelling Blank, Webster - 05 Agriculture -70 Drawing Colors and Brush .25 New Ed. Music Reader, Third Bk 35 Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 GRADE 8. Re tail Elson's Grammar School Reader, Bk. 4 $ .60 Lessons in Writing, Pad 8 15 Complete Arithmetic . 58 Elementary English, Bk. 2 45 School History of the U. S 90 Civil Government (Oregon Supplement) 65 Spelling Book . ... .23 Spelling Blank, Webster . . . . 05 Agriculture 70 Drawing Colors and Brush .25 New Ed. Music Reader, Fourth Bk. 40 Composition Book Bank Stock 912 or New Crown .05 or .10 Retail Ex change $ .30 .39 .23 .50 .12 HIGH SCHOOL, FIRST YEAR. English Grammar by Kimball A. B. Co $ .45 English Classics: Scott's Lady of the Lake Lake Series .25 Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech, others Macmillan Co. Early English Ballads: (a) Cherry Case Macmillan Co. (b) Patrick Spens or Robin Hood Macmillan Co. Bryant's Translation of the Iliad Macmillan Co. Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal Macmillan Co. New H. S. Algebra by Wells and Hart D. C. H. & C 1.30 Physical Geography, by Hopkins B. J. & S 1,35 Essentials of Latin, by Pearson A. B. Co 81 Latin Grammar, by Bennett A and B 80 History of the Ancient World, by Botsford Macmillan Co. . . . 1.50 Advanced Physiology and Hygiene, by Conn & Budington S. B. & Co 1.10 Business Writing, by Palmer Palmer Pub. Co 25 Business Aritmetic, by Thurston Macmillan Co 76 Lab. Note Book No. 9108, with fillers by Irving & Pitt 50 Ex change $ .23 HIGH SCHOOL, SECOND YEAR English Grammar by Kimball A. B. Co. English Classics: Julius Caesar Macmillan Co. Silas Marner Lake Series. Marmion Eclectic Series. The Tale of Two Cities Macmillan Co. English Composition Book I., by Brooks A. B. Co New H. S. Algebra, by Wells & Hart-D. C. H., & Co. Plane Geometry, by Wen worth & Smith Ginn & Co .. Mediaeval-Modern History, Myers Ginn & Co Practical Botany, by Bergen & Caldwell Ginn & Co. . . Latin Caesar, by Gunnison and Harley S. B. & Co Bookkeeping Part I., by J. A. Lyons L. C. Co. ...... Bookkeeping Part I. Outfit, by J. A. Lyons! L. & C. Co. Commercial Law, by J. A. Lyon L. & C. Co BusinessSpeller. by Mayne L. & C. Co , Lab. Note Book No. 9108, with fillers by Irving & Pitt . HIGH SCHOOL, THIRD YEAR Re tail .$ .45 . .25 .60 .68 .41 .48 .90 .66 Ex change $ .23 .68 1.20 . .75 . 1.59 . 1.30 . 1.25 . .80 - 1.20 . .50 .. .30 . .50 Re tail .$ .45 English Grammar by Kimball A. B. Co English Classics: Fairie Queene Macmillan Co Macbeth Eclectic Series. Selection from Washington, Webster, Lincoln Macmillan Co. Milton's Minor Poems and Paradise Lost Lake Series. de Coverly Papers Lake Series. English Literature, by Long Ginn & Co. English Composition Book I., by Brooks Ginn & Co History of England, by Cheney Ginn & Co Elementary Chemistry by McPherson and Henderson Ginn & Co :.. Lab. Manual of Chemistry, by McPherson and Henderson Ginn & Co German Elementarbuch" der Deutschen Sprache, by Arnold Werner Spanhoofd D. C. H. & Co German Classics to be selected. Business Correspondence, by Altmaier Park Pub. Co. Typewriting Instructor, by Altmaier Park Pub. Co. . . . The Phonographic Amanuensis, by Pittman-Howard Pittman- Howard Co 1.00 Lab. Note Book No. 9108 with filler, including cross section .34 .60 .90 .78 .48 Ex change $ .23 TO P TO .25 1.35 .68 1.40 1.25 .40 1.00 .60 1.25 .81 .34. sheets, byi Irving and Pitt HIGH SCHOOL, FOURTH YEAR -A. B. Co. .55 Re tail .f .45 Ex change $ .23 English Grammar by Kimball English Classics: Carlyle's Hero and Hero Worship Macmillan Co Burkes Conciliation with America Lake Series. Hamlet Eclectic Series. Wordsworth selection Macmillan Co. Longfellow's Gold Legend and Others Macmillan Co. Gray's Elegy Macmillan Co. Carlyle's Essay on Burns Macmillan Co. American Literature, by Abernathy Merrill & Co. .7 . . 1.90 .50 American History, by James and Sanford Scribner's Sons.. 1.40 .70 The American Republic, by Forman Century Co 1.10 .55 First Course in Physics, Revised by.Milliken & Gale Ginn & Co : 1.25 .75 Lab. Manual of Physics, by Milliken & Gale Ginn & Co. .40 .,. Trigonometry, Plane, by Crockett A. B. Co. . , 1.00 , Academic Arithmetic, by Wells D. C. H. & Co. . . ......... 1.00 German Ein Sommer in Deutschland, by Manley S. F. & Co. . ' .90 . : German classics to be selected. Typewriter Instructor, by Altmaier Park Pub. Co. : 1.25 The Phonographic Amanuensis, by Pittman-Howard Pittman Howard Co. 1.00 Lab. Note Book No. 9108 with filler, including cross section sheets, by Irving and Pitt '. , .- ; , .55 Special Choice Songs and Practical Instruction in Public School Music, by Fullerton. Mechanical Drawing for High School by Spich, Sloan and others. THE ENTERPRISE wants every one of its readers to take a trip to the GREAT PANAMA CANAL and see the wonders of this mighty achievement. You say you can't -spare the time. All right, then we'll bring the Canal TO YOU all in one BIG volume, filled to the full with PICTURES of; ACTUAL SCENES never before published, described in words that hold you spell bound. Read on and learn how you may get this magnificient book this complete story of Panama in picture and prose Not merely a picture book, but an educational work of rare interest to every mem ber of the home. ftk 0) I.oI.S Art plates reproduced from water-color studies abound throughout the entire mag nificent volume. Every progressive man, woman and child is eager to know all about the Panama Canal and the remarkable country through which it passes. Realizing this fact, several hundred newspapers have ar ranged to take an enormous advance edition of the most elaborate and complete illustrated history of PANAMA AND THE CANAL, pub lished by the Syndicate Publishing Co. of New York City. This company is eminently fitted to issue such a work at a mini mum cost. It has heretofore supplied through daily: newspaprs millions of high-class dictionaries and other books. THE ENTERPRISE is the one paper in this section through which PANAMA AND THE CANAL IN PICTURE AND PROSE can be had. The plan outlined below tells you how to get this only complete Panama Book ALMOST FREE. The large volume is twice the size of an ordinary novel ; it is a most handsome book, stamped in gold, with beautiful color panel on front cover showing the famous Culebra Cut; it contains 450 large pages filled with interesting information of rare educational val ue to every reader. The illustrations are modern works of art, cov ering every important scene in the Canal Zone ; they include 1 6 water-color plates with more than 600 photographic studies. Presentation by the OREGON CITY ENTERPR1RE Willis J. Abbot, the. versatile writer on International subjects and author of many books of history and travel ; spent months in Panama and the Canal Zone in the preparation of this volume. He collected at first hands the complete history of the great Canal, with a wealth of historical data concerning Panama which has never before been written. The result is a human interest story of this beautiful land its people from the early days when Columbus tried to find a natural waterway' from the Atlantic to .the Pacific, down to the present time. Our Special staff photographers made the hundreds of beautiful viewa with which practically every page of this exhaustive book is illustrated. The well-known artist, E. J. Read, made the sixteen sumptuous water-color studies which are re produced by the latest color processes on specially made paper. - . rThe Panama Canal, the greatest engineering achieve-! raent of the world s history, cost more than $400,000,000 It links the two greatest oceans, and becomes the most important ractor in peace and war. So where is thi red-blooded Inhabitant f this globe that does not fee! vitally interested in it. Truly it is the wonder of thi.' progressive nge! PANAMA AND THE CANAL IN PICTURE AND PROSE The greatly reduced illustra tion printed below shows less than half the size of the large Illustrated volume. The Most Unusual Canal Scenes' Described in Word Pictures That Fill You with Astdnishment at the Wonders of This Great Undertaking. Learn How You Can Get This Volume Almost FREE It tells you of the people of Panama and the Zone their dress, their homes, their work and pastimes. . IB ; p $4.00 Greatly Reduced Illustration of the $4 Volum e Exact Size 9x12 inches. CLIP TODAY'S PANAMA CERTIFICATE FROM PACE 3 Compared to other similar standard books, it is Fully Worth and will be sold at that price after the present edition has been distribued. This unheard-of value to. our readers represents more than an 80 per cent saving. HOW TO GET IT In another column of this paper is printed dai ly a Panama Certificate. To 'get Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose at less than the usual cost of printing and binding, clip" and present v Certificates of Consecutive Dates to this office with the expense amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the it ems of the cost of packing, express from the fac tory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items), and receive your choice of these books : - PANAMA' This beautiful big volume is the acknow!edg3i and the sta'ndard reference book of the great Canal PAVAI zone. It is a splendid large book; printed from new type, large and clear, on special paper, In Picture bound in tropical red yellum cloth; title nd Prose stamped in gold, with inlaid color panel; con tA 'utted OT eum ore than 600 magnificent illustrations, V"Edition including beautiful pages . reproduced from water color studies in colorings that far sur- Amount of pass any work of similar character. Call and P see this bsautiful book that would sell for $4 J-lAFciJS unaer usual conditions, but which is present o oj pa ur readers for SIX certificates ot,con secutive dates, and only the r 1 Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, $1.59 and Six . . Certificates . . Regular octavo size; text matter practically Panama anc the sama as the $4 volume u bound in blue vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic 1 he Canal plates are omitted. This . book would sell at ?2 under usual conditions, but is pre sented to our readers for SIX certificates of consecu tive dates and only the By Mail, Postage Paid, 67 Cents and 6 Certificates. MAIL ORDERS, ADDRESS THE ENTERPRISE, OREGON CITY, ORE. $1.18 $2 OCTAVO EDITION Expense Amount of 48c