I ' '' THE WEATHER ' . Oregon City Fair, with rising temperature; northwesterly wind. Oregon and Washington Fair, with rising temperature except 3 near coast; northwesterly winds, - Idaho Fair, cooler In south- west portion. & ' i J . .CLACKAMAS COUNTY 4 FAIR 4 - ' CAN BY, OR. SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27. i S$S$?$.8.SK WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1866. VOL. VI. No. 59. OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1913. Per "Week, Ten Cents, CITY PUTS ON FINE FEATHERS MEN QUARREL; ONE IS STABBED RING CEREMONY PUFF IN MOLALLA UNITES TWO MAYOR AND COUNCIL QUIT NGINES SOON TO CHAKuCS UKUW IUU HUT A J MEETING AND (MEMBERS RE SIGN THEIR JOBS WOMEN TELL TAVERN'S STORY .Make Addresses Opposing the Grant ing of License to Grafton Regard less of His Many Prom ises Milwaukie, situated half way be tween Oregon City and Portland, to day has no official city government, because Tuesday evening Mayor El mer and Councilmen W. H. Counsell and F. R. Mitchell resigned. Council men King, Davis and Albee, who re main in office, do not constitute a quorum and cannot transact the city business. Discussions Lively The resignations followed a discus sion brounght on by the motion of Councilman Albee, in Tuesday night's council meeting, that the license of the Milwaukie Tavern be revoked. Councilman Mitchell amended -the motion to the effect that all proceed ings in connection with the atempt to grant Isaac Gratton a license for the tavern be expunged from the rec ord, contending that as only two out of three councilmen had voted for the license it could not have been legally granted, the charter providing that a majority of the counoil must vote for licenses. Uproar Follows In the discussion that followed there was a tremendous uproar. Petitions were presented by various citizens, women addressed the council, and the history of the old "tavern" as run by "Bobbie" Burn3 was rehearsed by those opposing the license, while those who favored it declared the Mr. Grat ton was going to turn the place into a resort similar to The Oaks, and would permit no more "rough stuff" than is permitted at that resort. Finally charges and counter charges became so warm that Mayor Elmer and Councilmen Mitchell and Coun sell resigned, the action to take place at once. This left the council with out a quorum, and the session came to an abrupt end. Position Embarrassing The resignations leave Milwaukie in an embarrassing positnon, as much public improvement work, i3... under way and still more was to have been ordered this week. A number of con tracts were ready for signing and the disappearance of organized city gov ernment will leave these things in a bad tangle. HOT BOX IN MILL STARTS SHALL FIRE : A small fire caused by a hoe box, broke out in one of the paper ma chines of the Willamette Pulp & Pa per company at 12:25 p. m .Tuesday and after burning the dryer felt and overhead timbers was put out by the mill hose. At 1:45 the machine began to smoke again, caused by unextinguished em bers, but was quickly flooded with water. The damage was very slight as the machine will be running again in a few days. WHOLE COMPANY OF HUERTA'S MEN KILLED BY FEDERALS PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico, Sept. 9. The execution of an entire com pany of federal soldiers, captured after a severe fight near San Busno Ven tura, was officially reported to con stitutionalist headquarters today by Colonel Villarel, in command of a large body of insurgents operating about Monclova. The manifestation which constitution alists claim is an attempt of the Hu erta government to gain recruits by intimiating that Mexico is in danger of invasion from the United States, was received here today. It calls on Mexico to arise and "sweep back the certain invasion from the north". Ii. is alleged to have been issued b7 the Huerta administration. BRAND WHITtOCK. Mayor of Toledo, O., Who Was Mentioned For Diplomatic Post. II; v : - SIDEWALK AND CURBING WORK GOES ON IN RESIDENT PART OF TOWN RAPIDLY " MANY NEW ROUSES ARE GOING UP Several Fine Homes in Process of Construction and Others are Being Con templated . Seldom before has the south-eastern part of the city seen such im provement as is going on at the pres ent time, according to the opinion of many residents. Houses are being built, others repaired, and streets are being graded and rolled in a way that will make that section one of the best in the city. The largest work under way is the grading and surfacing of Fourth street between High and Monroe streets where a steam roller, several teams and a large gang of men are at work. If the present rate is continued, the project will be completed within a week. It was necessary to grade the street for the entire distance to a depth varying from a foot or so to a number of feet. Concrete sidewalks have been laid all the way except for the last block and men are now at work there. Rock is being crushed and quarried at the quarry at the head of Madison street for tile improvement and an other large gang is at work getting out this material. i Houses Going Up Three large houses are being built in this part of the town, the largest belonging to Mr. J. E. Hedges, the prominent attorney. It is nearly fin ished and will be ready for ocupation in a few weeks. Mr. Hedges' new home is located oh the corner of John Ad ams and Sixth streets. Another resi dence is under way for V. H. Howell at the intersection of Third and Jef fersonfl It will contain six rooms and will cost about $3000. Mr. Hinchmau is the contractor and builder. Mr. Joehnke's new home on Jeffer son between Fourth and Fifth streets is well started and will be one of the most beautiful houses in the vicinity when completed. ELMHURST. Summer Home of Harry Thaw's Mother, Where Son Hoped to Stay. im'm 'I J. y L! BOOKS ON NURSING While there is a good deal of illness in town, it is not generally known that the public library has useful books oh home nursing. Sometimes the care of a patient falls to a person who has had little experience in the care of the sick. Then a book telling in plain words what to do and what not to do in a given case would be of great val ue. Even those who are most exper ienced would often be helped by a book written by an expert. In many forms of illness, and espec ially in typhoid, the nursing is quite as important as the physician's treat ment. The following books contain valuable information on various phas es of the care of the sick: Aikens, "The Home Nurse's Hand book"; "Care of Invalids"; " Gibbs "Food for the Invalid and the Conva lescent"; Harrison, "Home Nursing"; Hill, "Cook-book for Nurses"; Pope, "Home Care of the Sick"; Tracy, "In valid Occupation." . SEALS TAKE TWO At San Francisco San Francisco fr 3, Portland 2-2 ' At Los Angeles Venice 3-6, Los An geles 5-3. At Sacramento Sacramento 4-3, Oakland 3-2. - Coast League Standings W X.. PCT. Portland '. .... 87 64 .576 Venice 84 79 .515 Sacramento 7" 74 .610 San Francisco .78 84 .481 Los Angeles 76 90 .444 The classified ad colirinnd of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. IliiillliiiSS 7t 1 M ROAD PUSHES WORK ON RAIL LAYING AND WILL REACH POINT ON TIME ROAD WILL SOON BE ELECTRIFIED Line Plans to Make Changes and to Penetrate Rich Lands N.w Untouched. by Trans- portation Rails of the Willamette Valley line have passed Liberal and Monday morning will find the Portland, Eu gene & Eastern work trains at Mrf. lalla.- - Ballasting trains have been follow ing close on the heels of the rail lay ing crews and the engineers for the company announce that the new road will be in readiness to do its part in the official openinfg ceremonies which are scheduled to ocur next - Friday, September 19. Important Line The opening of this new line of connection between Oregon City and the rich Molalla country is consider ed of vast importance. Until the new road is electrified . the trade of the Molalla will pass through this city on the tracks of the. Southern Pacific company, and if any considerable por tion of it shall be diverted to find per manent anchorage with local business houses, the effort to capture the bus iness must be put forth by Oregon City men. Portland, Salem, Canby are all alive to the possibilities of landing the Mo lalla country as part of their trade territory and will be largely represents ed at the big celebration. -Special trains will come up from the south and it is anuounced that 10 cars will be on the Canby siding when the train from Portland and Oregon City reach es that place in the morning of cele bration day. Big Depot Facilities After the main line of the Willam ette Valley line is constructed and electrified the electric trains will pass through West Oregon City, where splendid depot facilities are promised and from which point Oregon ' City merchants can still command a large influnence in Mo'alla trade if the ef fort is made. The Commercial club of Molalla is preparing to entertain a crowd of 5,000 persons at the opening of the P. E. & E. It is asserted that every farmer between Cclton and Silver.on will be there, besides the hundreds who will ride on the first train over the new line. It will be an opportun ity for Oregon City men to come in closer contact with the people of the district and is bound to result in the establishment of closer and even more friendly relations than have hereto fore existed, it is believed. Cowboys Coming As the engine ahead of the first train pokes its nose into the city lim its of Molalla the old cowbovs from back in the hills will attempt to cap ture it with their lariats, and as it jsteams on into town hundreds of bal loon flags will be released, while massed bands turn loose with stirring music. Besides Robert E. Strahorn and oth er prominent railroad men there will United States Troops" In Texas Along Mexican Border Ready For Action Moment Call Comes. itirrir SSPJ "WW TUI-- 7 5:- itfI7 I J S :! A y SpV:-:-.. I t,l 4 I - ! ,,' . - V. x ill 7, Vl'-lilll 'v't-t Photos by American Press Association. 1 . " United States troops along the Mexican border were in readiness for any emergency during the negotiations be tween President Wilson and Provisional President Huerta of Mexico. In one of these pictures the Eleventh United States cavalry is shown on the march in Texas near the border line. A scene In one of the camps along the border is also shown. American troops have been patrolling the International line now for many months, expecting at any time to be orderifl Into the troubled country. . .' (g ; WillaburgJc. : (KOW . Robin8n ' bVy Milwaukie '. !patfArt. ; :, Bonita VjSioswEGd . : capato 0 Vx;to4y - : SjCoveOrchardW V9V ' .OREGON CITY . I S.'W7 Willamette AjjAPulp PVhit h MacksbuXiber!al Jjcolton I -. ' I 'Ay - uteI ' ' 5 Mo Coy JjU 'JrBi-ooks VnfMalxtUam A Crowley JryChemawa' . ' ' I CI O6 SILVERTOMNoble ierry f JJ VCV PratU" F" MAP OF . I C2T ceS- MOLALLA VALLEY LINE - I I Portland U VV Eugene & Eastern ll I ' ' V ' Ra,lway i ' ' AM0 C0NNECTm6 RAIL AND WA60M """ STUDENTS ASK FOR CHANCE TO WORK Oregon City peop'.e have a regula tion for their largeness of heart, at least this is what people out side of Clackamas county will tell one. The city superintendent asks that the peo ple of this city show this thorough ness in a way that is both practical and kind. ..''' Several young men and young la dies, realizing the beauty of. this cit? and the excelent qualities of its schools, desire to come here to get an education. As their financial condi tion is. not such as to pay their way without work, they are desirous of finding private homed that - ould be willing to let industrious joiing per sons work for their board and rooms. This is an unusual opportunity for Oregon City people to do practical good and at almost no expense, the superintendent believes. Those who can take up this offer are asked to notify the superintendent. be speakers from Oregon City and ad joining cities to express the gratifica tion of every resident at the accom plishment of the railroad dream of the old settlers. 1N T 7. S3S&"$-8$-3$-$$3S& Husband Orders Wife J 8 . s tn I ooiro Drnnopfir S Property IV LVUIV to Hospital Instructing his wife to will her property to a hospital in Barga, Italy, and giving one dollar to each of his children, Giovanni Lucchesi wrote pne of the most peculiar wills that has been filed for record in the county. 'After giving one dollar to each of seven children, he leaves the rest to his wife and instructs her to pay also "one dollar to each person not named, proving to be a child of mine." ENGINE PISTIN HEAD BLOWS OUT ON CALIFORNIA TRAIN The engine on the 9 o'clock train to Sa,n Francisco blew out the right piston head when it left the depot here and the train was stalled for two hours. Another engine was received from Portland to carry the passenger oh through to its destination. DIVORCE SUIT FILED Suit for divorce was filed in the circuit court Tuesday by Agnes J. Baijey against Oscar J. Bailey on he grounds of desertion. They were married in New York August 16, 1903. She asks that her maiden name of Agnes J. Bayton be restored. .,:TiX-jc2 'T MM " T.ve Twin amtr BUSINESS DEAL RESULTS IN STREET FIGHT BOTH ARE IN CITY JAIL E COSTS HIM JOB AT SHOP New Owners Drop Richard From His Place and Trouble Is Started Wheaton Draws Knife and Cuts ' After quarreling over a business transaction involving the ownership of the, blacksmith shop at Sixth and Wa ter streets, W. J. Wheaton stabbed "Irish" Richard in the hand, chin and chest with a small knife Tuesday ev ening about 6 o'clock on the corner of Sixth and Water streets. Monday morning Wheaton and Shin ville bought the shop and started to do business Tuesday morning. Mor ris Richard, better known as "Irish" who had worked in the shop for some time, was thrown out of work by the change, according to Wheaton. This caused Richard to become angry and he loafed around the shop for the most . Along toward, the evening, when the pardners started to close their shop, Richard and Shinville started to fight. 1Wheaton then pulled his knife, which fortunately had a small blade and went after "Irish". The latter then started to back up Water street, yell ing at the time, "He's pulled a knife", of the day of the fight. While Rjchard was backing up, Wheaton slit the chin, chest and hand of his - opponent. The two pardners then, turned and started up Sixth and then north on Main". Richard took after' Wheatot and when opposite the McLoughlin Institute, would have jumped on the latter if a massing citi-1 zen had not held him back. "Irish" then doubled back on his track and was taken to the offices of Dr. Guy Mount and his wounds dressed. None of the wounds are serious al- (Continued on Page 4.) Read the Following Comment from the "MOVING PICTURE WORLD" "A PRINCE OF EVIL" Here is a great story, portrayed in a manner that will make the picture remembered by all who see It. There are two reels of straight drama not a line of comedy in it. It would be difficult to overpraise . the acting of those who make this picture for it is in the interpreta tion of the script that the chief distinction of this film lies. There are five persons who do the brunt of the work; They are L. Rogers Lytton, Edith Storey, E. K. Lincoln, Harry Northrup and Anita Stewart. The second reel is a succession of big situations. The climax; where Miss Storey goes to her married sister, Miss Stewart, and, unaware that her brother . in-law, Mr. Northrup, is present in the room, asks how "it is all going to end" is one of unusual power. The appeal of the gambling but otherwise innocent wife for the forgiveness of her husband is a dramatic gem. The thought would not, - . will not, down: What possibilities there are in this play and With this cast for the stage? No man or woman concerned with the art of dramatic expression should miss seeing "A V Prince of Evil". , . Non-Believers in Motion Pictures are respect fully invited to attend TTlhe O ir'a im dL - Where this fine photoplay is to to be shown TO DAY 4 Yon will ijpj tliis year, Iff' that you K you nre thinking t f giving them a real gift, something from our large and varied slock cf jewelry will meet any require ment, whether it is just a birthday stone or . an absolutely accurate Ingersoll'Ir BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN ' Oregon City Jewelers : Suspension Bridge Corner .BOWERS OF FLOWERS ADD BEAU TY TO SIMPLE AND IMPRES SIVE MARRIAGE SERVICE PROMINENT IN SOCIETY CIRCLES Young People are Well Known Here and Have Many Friends In the1 City--Leave for Short Wed ding Trip Under a beautiful bower of . pink and white China asters and ivy Dr.; Clyde Mount and Miss Myrtle Parker were united in mhrriage with the ring ceremony by the Rev. P. K. Hammond, pastor of the Episcopal church at Eu gene. The ceremony took place at the beautiful home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parker, "Hillsdale Farm" at East Independence and was very simple and pretty. Rev. Mr. Ham jnond read the Episcopal ring service. The bride was , beautifully and charmingly gowned in white char- vmeuse, trimmed with Irish point lace ano pearls and she carried on her arm a shower boquet of bride roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Lorane Parker, who was gowned in (Continued on Page 4.) New Denver Meat Market 7th and Railroad. We Deliver' We handle first class fresh, salt, and smoked meats. WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EV ERY 10c PURCHASE. Highest market prices for stock - . . and poultry. . Phone Pacific 410 - Home A133 have a birthday so -will the ones love best. .