THE WEATHER ' 4 Oregon City1 Fair, with rising 3 temperature; northwesterly wind. 5 S Oregon and Washington Fair, S 3 with rising temperature except near coast; northwesterly winds. 3 $ Idaho Fair, cooler in south- 8 west portion. $ . . " ' , CLACKAMAS 'COUNTY FAIR CAN BY, OR. SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27. WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1868. VOL. VI. No. 58. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1913. Per Week, Ten Cents. b4 WON'T RELEASE HER BID OTHER v W0MANG0ES TOO TUJfl iHHMFM HA1F IHU ff UriLll ilHVL FIGHT OVER MAN Fire Chiefs From Many Parts'of the World Attend Big Convention In New York and See Auto Wonders. j woman on earth could ever again en tice him away from her or out of the place in the family that belongs to him. Jane Curry lost the fight Saturday and was released after the battle was nvpr. For 'fipvpral rlavs th rtffiri"? ! have had the case before the court.- WIFE WINS AFTER HUSBAND ASKS TO BE FORGIVEN AND MAKES PROMISES FORGETS AND DROPS HER CASE Refuses to Prosecute When He says That He Wants to Come Back Agrees to Leave Other Women Alone HILL INTERESTED DEEPER CHANNEL "I'll let him stay there in jail for ever before I '11 lift one finger to get that woman out too." With that answer, Mrs. Charles No len refused to get her husband out of jail when she learned that Justice John Seivers would not release him unless a bond was filed for the wo man, Jane Curry, at the same time. Though she' had kept the constables of two counties and the police of sev eral cities busy for a number of days until they found her husband, she v.;m knnk r. A u'ua uilu uain Willi upcii aims auu dropped the case that she had brought against him when he was arrested again and taken to her in Portland by the officials here. i After her refusal to- get her husband out if she had, at the same time, to release the woman who had caused her all of the trouble, the justice re leased both of them on their own re cognizance and the officers promptly rearrested the man on the charge of desertion and took him back to Fort-j Made Promises , When he arrived there, he made iron clad promises to his wife that no woman would ever entice him away from' her again and she welcomed him back and immediately declared that she would refuse to prosecute him un der the complaint she had brought. For 20 minutes in the justice court the two women eyed each other with all of the hatred of their sex as they listened to the proceedings in the court. Neither has said a word to the other since the trial began and neither would recognize the other in the room. "Doesn't she look the limit?" ask ed Mrs. Nolen after she had eyed her enemy for several seconds. "My, what a hard lot she must be." Wife Wins The battle for the possession of the husband came to a close Saturday when the wife tool;, him back and dropped the proceedings that she had brought against him. Though the po lice, the sheriff's offices, and the con stables of two counties have been hard at worK on me case tor several Jays the matter was dropped when the contrite husband begged his wife to take him back and promised that no PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 6 Pro foundly impressed by the importance to all commerce of the movement to deepen the channel over the Columbia river bar, James J. Hill has written to the chairman of the ports of Col umbia committee, Dr. Alfred Kinney, saying within a few weeks he will make a special trip to the mouth of the Columbia. Thus he will be enabled to deter mine whatt he can do to cooperate with the campaign and add strength to the organization which is alreday the largest west of the Mississippi river, drawing membership from the entire district drained by the Colum bia, and including five states. The mouth of the Columbia is now the ocean terminus of the Hill lines. i The Hill interests expect to operate I ships out of the port of the Columbia ! along the coats, and have also been ! preparing for the commerce of the Panama canal, which will be trans shipped from ocean vessels to the wes tern inland. TO L CLUB FOR BOYS An enterprise that bids to become very popular among the boys of this city is launched by Rev. George Nel son Edwards, pastor of the Congrega tional church, in the shape of a boys' club. Although the details of the plan have not been worked out as yet and a name has not been adopted the principal features are settled. A large and modern gymnasium will be fitted up in the basement of the church and an instructor will come once each week from Portland to work with the boys. Such a movement will do much good, it is said, not only in developing the boys but also in bringing them into closer touch with another, even though Oregon City now has a Boy Scout company. It is possible that this new society debating or litrary work but these may branch out in other lines such as points are far from settled. HUSBAND BEATS AND STABS HER WIFE ASKS FOR DIVORCE ON GROUNDS OF CRUELTY AND BAD TREATMENT Photugrapns by American Press Association. Over 1,000 delegates 1.200, to be exact made arrangements to attend the forty-tirst annual convention and ex position of the International Association of Fire Engineers In New York city during the week of Sept 1-6. They represented not only this country, but Europe, Africa and Australia. For the exposition were gathered many types of modern fire fighting apparatus, including the latest in auto fire engines, trucks and hose wagons. Fire Chief John Kenlon of New York had arranged to show the latest auto machines of his department to the visitors. According to the program, two features were considered especially interesting. One was the parade of 1.500 regular firemen and 2,000 volunteers, and the other was the unveiling of the Firemen's monument, erected at a cost of $100,000. . Pic tures of an auto truck and an auto fire engine used In the New York department are here shown, with a portrait of Chief Kenlon. New Denver Meat H Market 7th and Railroad. We Deliver We handle ' first class fresh, salt, and smoked meats. WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EV ERY 10c PURCHASE. Highest market prices for stock . . and poultry Phone Pacific 410 Home A133 L MAKES NICE PROFIT SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6. Re'.urns of the municipal railroad, the first in Me United states owned and operat ed hv the mihlic. shnwpH that Ano-nat receipts and profits eclipsed those or any montn since the road was first put in operation. In all the city road took in $50,570.50 in August, an increase of $3,793.10 ov er July, wnen tae recemts were $46,477.40. And July's receipts were uie Diggest up to tnat time. $ Wants to Marry and Buys Several Kinds of County Licenses v . As so many of my friends have 3 tasked for my recejpe for canning Scorn I have concluded to send it$ Sto the papers, so others may try it, as it beats the old way of cook-"- j,jMng in the jars, also saves workS :-$and fuel. '$ YiS To Can Corn t ' Nine cups corn, 2 cups water, $ When Dr. Clvde Mount secured his 1-2 cup sugar, 1-2 cup salt. Boil? marriage license Saturday from Coun-i tel1 minutes after mixture begins S ty Clerk Mulvey, he bougnt, at tns ilu occ" uuiiius uui. m ua--y same time, almost every kind of a n-K'Son jars (use new rubmers), and cense that the county has for sale. set away in a dark coo! place onS Among the list were hunting and: luelr tops.- jveep in tnac position. s fishing licenses, together with the ona ! waen wan-ea lor use pour out that arowed the minister to perform ; w contents oi jar in large aisn, pour the ceremony. The license was is- 0I1 .cld water, stir a few times, sued in the name of Clyde Mount and arsin on a couple ot times, pre- Mlrytle Parker. ' Pare as fresh corn, cook in gran- The clerk also issued other licenses V-3 ware auu uii jars to overnow-s to Edwin G. Roberts of the William- j lns- i nave us&u tne aDove recipe ette Pulp & Paper company to Miss ; rur years without losing a jar. V Margaret Gertrude Fairclaugh; Thorn-! 150 nt be alarmed if you see the as Henry Kirbyson and Miss Minnie ! salt gather around the edge of lid; Mae Clark; John Edward Sinclair and if it is not leaking it is all right. Miss Eva Hart. mks. JiVA La. tJKl l HiSJUS, Justice John Seivers performed the ; Canby.Ure. ceremony after the license was is-; v sued to Mr. Sinclair and Miss Hart. "S ' SAN FRANCISCO, Sapt. 6. Too many eggs' and not enough other kinds of edibles won Earl Power a divorce here today. Power told Judge Gra ham that- while he was employed in the Mechanic's fair" library in' San Diego, and later in 'the La Jolla Bio logical survey station, his wife, Fran ces, never gave him any lunch and nothing at his other meals but eggs, hastily scrambled. He also complainel that she annoyed him by flirting. A decree was gr'anted. WANTS HEAVY ALIMONY ORDER Requests Court to Give Her Fund and Temporary Relief Other Cases are Filed in Office 6f County Clerk Because he had unmercifully beaten her and had stabbed her with a knife, Helen Peters asked a divorce decree from Alphonse Peters Saturday in the circuit court. She asked in the decree $300o per manent alimony and $75 temporary alimony to cover the costs of the suit. They were married at Binghampton, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1901, and have four children as the result of the marriage, Jeanette, 10 years, Eleanor nine years, John, aged seven years and Rose, ag ed five years. The complaint recites several in stances of cruelty and inhumi treat ment with which the wife charges the husband and asks for a decree on the grounds that the life had become so unbearable that she could -no longer live with him. Margareti Haralampous filed a com plaint against Anastasious, her hus band, on the grounds of cruelty. They were married at Portland, February 5, 1913, and she asks her maiden name of Margareti E .Farrell. , BEAVERS TAKE ANOTHER At Oakland Portland 5, Oakland -2. At Venice Venice 1, San Francisco 0. ' At Sacramento Los Angeles 3, Sac ramento 2. W. L. PC. Portland 84 62 .575 Venice 81 78 .509 Sacramento 73 74 .497 Los Angeles . . . 75 80 .484 San Francisco . 76 82 .481 Oakland 72 85 .458 WINDSOR, Vt., Sept 6. Mrs. Wil son, wife of the president, announced today that the barriage of her daugh ter, Miss Jessie Wilson, and Francis Sayre will take place ot the white house, Washington, Tuesday, Novem ber 23. , , Legal Battle Finally Settled A long legal controversy came to an end on August 28 in the Clackama3 County court in Oregon City, when Judge Eakin awarded the custody of Gbert R. Hamilton to his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, of 1031 East Twenty-second street, North, this city. The case has been in court for the past two years. ENGINEER ASKS MAYOR n rn run OB LOSc NO TIME IN FILING THEIR APPLICATION FOR PLACE IF CITY BULDS. LINE WANT TO SUPERINTEND WORK Present Recommendations From Other Employers as to Ability in Hand- ling Large Construction ( Gangs Several Portland engineers have been pestering Mayor Linn E. Jones, since the city council of Portland de cided that Oregon City could have the Bull Run water supply. The engineers have been applicants for the position of consulting engineer on the work that will have to be done during the construction of the pipe line and they have all filed w'ith the mayor their recommendations for 'the place. It is generally understood that the construction of such a line with the engineering feats that it would involve will require the presence of a consult ing engineer. The Portland men have wasted no time in the matter and have their applications with the mayor for the place if the city decides to go ahead with the work. . ' Do You? Yes We Mean YOU Do you ride on a local train when you can get a fast express? Do you. write when the tele phone is at hand? po you walk when a fast street car is available? Do you light your house with, candles when you can use elec tricity? Certainly not. - But Do you know that the so called news of the day, the social events, the sports, the disasters are only one side of it? Do you realize that often the things of most immediate and per sonal interest to you are told in the advertising? The advertising columns of The ENTERPRISE are as much a crea ture of public service as the tele ohone or fast express. They bring Opportunity to your threshold Open the door and let him in. ' I I n ni 111 OTHER CITIES WANT BULL RUN WATER SUPPLY Should Oregon City decide to tap the Mount Tabor reservior and get water from the Bull Run supply, the other cities a'.ong the line would put in their applications to fill their city , mains from the same source. Milwaukie has already jumped into the lead in the demand for water ' from the Portland reservoir and plans j to help Oregon City pay for the ex- j pense of bringing the supply down from its mountain source to the people. With the other towns on the main line from Mount Taljor it is esMma.'ed that the cost of supplying the city with the water from the new source would be materially reduced. METHODIST PREACHER PLANS TO MAKE CHURCH HOMELIKE! Rev. Mr. J. R. Lan borough, pas tor of the First Presoyterian church, has returned with his family from a month's vacation at Olympia, Wash." Dr. T. B. Ford, pastor of the First Methodist church of this city, has re turned from wnat ne "considers one nf hie Trmct Tlaennt vgraHnna anil 1 is forming plans to make his church ' even more popular in the future than it Ixici Knnn in tho nnci- II Dr. Ford said yesterday that it was his ambition to make every one feel at home in his church and carry out the slogan "The Church of Cordial) Welcome" to the letter. Dr. Ford in vites all strangers and non-church goers to attend flis services . SATUR DAY AND MONDAY Dr. George Nelson Edwards will preach in the church's duty in solv ing industrial questions when he oc cupies his pulpit at the 7:30 o'clock D31HV.C iUiliSu- STCIGER& KERR'S OCCIDENTALS NEVER FAIL. m9 8& . K 4, wV f LARGE STOCK OF Just Arrived At DAYS ONLY Inli TER A D A M Department Store Oregon City's Busy Store Cash or Installments STEIGER & KERR'S SENSIBLE ATTENTIO DON'T YOU MISS THIS SALE Silk- Booted Hose Regular 35c . ... Ladies Knit Underwear Reg. 59c to 75c suit 'per garment Ladies Regular 15c Knit, Vests . . . . . 500 yds. Dress Goods worth regular up to 75c 25 Shirt Waists up to $1.50 .. 15C IOC 5C .156 48C Canvass Gloves i PA Regular 10c UU Mens Hose QA Regular 15c pair... UU Mens Work Shirts Extra quality full I Qf width, 36-in long I XI. a 65c Shirt ..UU Overalls 0CP Regular ?1.0o ..OuU Mens Silk Hose OTP Regular 50c L.JJ On Aluminum and Granite Ware and hundreds of other items too numerous to mention. Come, don't fail, it means money to you. ELLIOTT BROS'. Department Store 7tK at Madison St. On the Hill Buy a HEATER early and be ready for the cold weather when it comes