Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 21, 1913, Image 4

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A Guessing Game. -
j When your friends come, seat your-
' selves in a circle on your porch. The
host begins by mentioning four dis
. tinct characteristics of n person about
whom he is thinking at that moment.
; The game consists of the rest of the
, company, by questioning him, trying
"Some men never know how to let
well enough alone.x
"How so?" '
"Blunders the new department head,
decided to require a competitive ex
amination for every single. Job under
him, and, bless me. If his wife didn't
win the position of private" secretary
to him." Judge.
Get the uric acid out of your system
and your rheumatism will be cured.
Meritol Rheumatism Powders are the
most effective agency known for this
purpose. You can buy them from anv
to guess the person to whom these
member of the American Drug and
Press Association. Jones Erug. Co.
(Continued from page 1)
32 work days off, can haul) .$840.00
Sweeping Main St. (S1020x
t characteristics belone.
.$175) $1195.00
1 rr; "-
Spreading 2800 yards rock at
,12c 336.00
Additional cleaning streets of
derbis, etc 300.00
Total $2671.00
' Cost of team, equipment, sal
aries, etc $2312.00
Gain per year $ 359.00
' The number of hoboes furnished
Inrlirinsr in our nit.v iail durine the
year i3 very large, as high as 285 hav
ing been houssd at night and then
turned out to beg food from citizens
in the morning in a single month.
This is a problem that requires solu
tion; and while many of these men
are victims of conditions that ought
, to be remedied and would be willing
to earn their bread by labor, there
are those who require lodgings habiw
ally dasiring to beg or demand food
and clothing rather than- work for it.
who if given a sentence to break rock
would eitfier work for subsistence or
give Oregon City a wide berth.
There are a'so persons sentenced
for such crimss as refusal to support
or for cruelty to family. They would
be benefitted with many other violat-
. ors of the law by honest toil while
the municipality looks after the wants
of those dependent upon tftem.
For the purpose of security and
eocnomy of supervision, a stockade
should be built for such operations.
' Nothing in this plan should be per
mitted, however, to substitute for the
labor of free citizens, who would ol
fer to operate the crusher.
We believe that financially the em
ployment mentioned, sxtended to
cleaning of street gutters, etc., would
result in only a small net gain; biit
as the solution for a civic and socia'
problem it should be tried.
The necessity of, in the near future,
constructing a reservoir for the exten
sion and bettermant of the city's wa
ter service has already been express
ed by the board of watr commission
ers. When this shall be dona U is
obvious that the rock-crushing opra-
Liutis iuc pi cociib oilc LLiaj oii-
OUSly interferred with. In fact, the
commision now reports that tilers
should be very little if any, more rock
taken from the present quarry bed.
This will then necessitate soon the lo
cating of a different quarry bed or the
removal of the planfc to another site.
(1) We believe the city should
control a rock crusher plant; should
operate the same in connection with
street improvement and maintenance
and that for this purpose the city
should own team, dump wagon and
street sweeper; that the city should
work its prisoners on the crusher and
The committee believes the city
should exercise the same prudence in
this matter of purchase as should
characterize the actions of an indi
vidual and it must consider the wis
dom of purchasing this plant at this
time with little or no assurance of its
permanency of rock crushing. The
rights of the lessee we are' informed
are only reserved rights, and can op
erate no longer than permitted by the
commission. The city can exercise
no direct control over the acts or or
ders of the present commissioners.
Its recourse lies only in the legal
right to remove them and appoint otb
ers whom it believes would assist
in its desire in this matter. The les
see, however, maintains he has prior
rights. .
The committee recommends in view
of the foregoing considerations that
the city -Instruct the city attorney to
ascertain at once the legal rights of
both lessor and lessee and report the
same to this council at a special meet
ing to be called by the mayor next
Monday night at which time the com
mittee will recommend definitely.
No meeting called for Monday, the
Wednesday, August, 13, 1913. We
your committee, having been advis
ed by the city attorney that the wa
ter commissioners have the right to
at any time re-locate the site for the
said crusher on the land purchased
by them for reservoir purposes, a
having taken all other conditions
known to it into consideration, do
recommend thatin view of the pre
ceeding and in view of several other
Wujects affecting the finance and
progress of the city an effort be at
once made to lease a crusher terms
to obtained to report same promptly
to the council.
Two samples of Oregon City water,
one from the well of George A. Hard
ing and the other from the hydrant in
his yard, have been examined by the
state board of health and have been
found pure.
In the water taken from the well
were found 300 organisms to the cub
ic centimeter while in that from the
hydant the board found but five organ
isms to the same amount of water.
The life that was found in the water
was not dangerous and did not show
signs of a single . disease conveying
germ. In all water organisms are to
be found, according to the doctors,
but the difference between the num
ber in the two samples is accounted
for by the fact that the city water
passes through a fine filter and that
most of them are taken out before
they reach the hydrant of the consumer.
Did you ever try to guess whose
nose belonged to who? It is very fun
ny, and this is the way to do it: Hang
a cloth in front of a doorway and
place one-half of the boys and girls In
each room, only one of which is light
ed. Cut a V shaped hole in' the cloth
Rod let those In the dark room place
their noses through it, one by one,
while those in the light room ffuess
whose nose it is. When a right guess
is made the owner of the nose must
loin the guesaers, but should the guess
wrong the one making It mast Join
the players. The game ends when all
tre In one room.
The American Drug and Press Asso
ciation authorizes its members to guar
antee absolutely Mleritol Hair Tonic.
It has no equal; It is a wonderful rem
edy. A trial will convince you. -
NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 20 Sine
down with many of the other male pa
his father's vast estate is one of Am
social sphere.
This picture shows young Astor s
season's debutantes. Last summer
taken while she was in company with
Now comes the report that the at
man, Morgan Belmont, son of August
be made by the end of this month.
(Coyright by International News Service)
e the tragic death of John Jacob As tor when he died a martyr by going
ssengers on the ill-fated Titanic, Vin cent Astor, his son, having inherited
erica's greatest landlords, and is sou gat after by the young women in his
tanding beside Miss Margaret Andre ws, one of the most popular of last
Miss Andrews was reported' engaged to Vincent Astor. This picture wad
the young millionaire at one of the summer racing meets,
fections of Miss Andrews have been transferred to another wealthy youn&
Belmont, and society is expecting the announcement of the engagement to
To Take Effect at Once
Recess ,
Report of committees.
Annual report of president.
Annual report of the secretary.
Report of the national.delegate.
Unfinished business.
Nomination and election of of
ficers. Election of national delegate.
Selection of time and place of
next meeting.
Closing song, "God be with you
till we meet again."
All delegates and visitors take
special car to Gladstone park,
where luncheon will be given
to delegates at 1:30, under
the auspices of Oregon City
Commercial club.
Toasts and responses.
The standing committees are as fol
Arrangements D. F. . Whiteman,
Oregon City, Oregon; W. T. Smith,
Oregon City, Oregon; C. A. Andrus,
Oregon City. Oregon; Haymen Ber
nard, Oregon City, Oregon; E. M. Wal-
dron, Oregon City, Oregon; Otto JLy
man. Oregon City, Oregon; Orval C.
Johnson, Oregon City, Oregon.
Credentials W. H. Boyd, Beaverton,
Oregon; James O. Pitney, Junction j
City, Oregon; B. E. Selleck, Boyd,
Condolence James E. Loop, Mc-
Minnville, Oregon; J. E. Cutsforth,
Jarvis, Oregon; E. B. Cornett, Albany,
Oregon; E. A. Tower, Junction City,
Oregon; R. W. Smith, Springfield,
Good Roads J. A. Remington, Sa
lem, Oregon; W. E. Child, Boring, Ore
gon; R. B. -Boyd, Eugene, Oregon; An
drew M. Kennedy, Beaverton, Oregon.
Finance W. F. Eberhard, McMtnn-
ville, Oregon ; M. B. Grant, Dallas, Ore
gon; John M. Kessler, Banks, Oregon.
Resolutions Archie Parker, Inde
pendence, Oregon; Chas. R. Fifield,
Grants Pass, Oregon; Edgar E. Chip
man, Gresham, Oregon; John Chal
mers, Hillsdale, Oregon; Charlemane
Tower, Junction City, Oregon.
Organization C. W. LeVee, Corval
lis, Oregon; C. J. Howard, Kirby, Ore
gon; Stewart Grenfell, McMinnvule,
Oregon; Anthony F. Huber, Mon
mouth, Oregon.
Good of the Order James H.
Schram, Cleone, Oregon; Arthur H.
Rasmussin, Portland, Oregon; James
A. Remington, Salem, Oregon; Otto
C. Buff, Silverton, Oregon; J. T. Chand
ler, The Dalles, Oregon.
Boston's Heavy Hitting Third Base
man Recommended by Giants' Pilot.
Charley McDonald. the Boston
Braves' third teeman, who is Just
now leading the Rational league in hit
ting, is in a way a protege of John J.
McGraw. The Giant chief recommend
ed the slugging youngster to Garry
Herrmann of the Cincinnati Reds, who
bought him from the Dallas club of
the Texas league and carried him
along last year and part of this season.
Then George Stallings took the boy at
Enterprise classified ads pay.
Fifty-Second Annual
Oregon State
Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 1913
A whole week of pleasure and
. profit
$20,000 offered in premiums
on Agricultural, Livestock,
Poultry, Textile and other ex
hibits. Horse races, Shooting tourna
ment, Fireworks, Band Con
certs, Eugenics exposition, Chil
dren's playground find other
free attractions, including Boyd
and Ogle's One Ring Circus.
Free Camp Grounds. You are
invited. Send for Premium List and En-,
try Blanks
Reduced rates on all railroads.
For particulars address
Frank Meredith. Sec.
Salem, Oregon
Pabst's Okay Specific
Does the worK. Ymi all A A A
know it by reputation. 1 'UU
Prteo ......pJ
mm . -
v Mattel '4a
Photo by American Press Association.
the waiver price on a tip from the
newspaper men following the Giants
while the New York club was in Bos
ton a short time ago.
McGraw first saw McDonald a couple
of years, ago at Marlin, the training
ground of the Giants, when the third
baseman nnd another member of the
Dallas team named Tbebo Joined the
Giants to get into physical condition
for the Texas league season. McGraw
had three ball clubs playing exhibition
games In Texas that season, and be
used McDonald and Tbebo on one
team.- He had no permanent place for
McDonald himself, but bis strong rec
ommendation of the youngster to Herr
mann indicated that McDonald bad
made a good impression on him.
McDonald seems to be another Heine
Zimmerman In - point of hitting. In
1911. with the Dallas club, be hit .324
in 144 games, although he displayed no
unusual slugging ability with Cincin
nati last season.
Only Unwise
People Tolerate
Here is a sure way to get rid of
Catarrh; hawking, snuffing, and all
misery caused by te Catarrh germs.
Get a HYOMEI outfit today, follow
the instructions and breathe fire
times a day deep into your lungs the
germ killing air through the little in
haler. At night Just before going to bed
use the vapor treatment as directed.
This treatment is prescribed by the
best Catarrh Specialists in America
and Europe to destroy Catarrh germ a.
Booth's HYOMEI is Australian Eu
calpytus and other splendid antisep
tics. A complete outfit which in
includes inhaler is $1.69; separate
bottles, If the first does not entirely
cure, can be obtained for 50 cents,
and money back from Huntley Bros.
Co. if you are dissatisfied.
Just breathe it no stomach dosing.
HUNTLEY BRO&; Druggist
How to Massage.
The first point to bear in mind is the
proper movements. These are light
friction, delicate kneading, tapping
and finally the rotary movement
' To massage the neck the fingers
should be placed at the back of the
neck and the thumbs to front; then
the thumbs should work gently up and
down the veins in front
For facial massage the first move
ment consists of light upward strokes
to stimulate the circulation. The work
should start at chin and proceed to the
temples. The gentle friction should
be produced ail over the face, and the
touch should be firm. Care should be
taken not to crease the skin at the
corner of the eyes, as this is apt to
cause tiny wrinkles; also be careful
not to pull the flesh.
Knead gently to relieve the sagging
of the muscle, which runs from the
mouth to the eyes, and it will be found
a vibrating movement of the arm will
help to stimulate circulation when the
fingers are pressed into the skin. Fin
ish with a rotary -motion around the
eyes and temples, ' using the middle
fingers with a gentle vibrating motion.
In twenty minutes or half an hour
cold compresses and an astringent lo
tion should be applied to tighten flabi
ncss and erase the wrinkles.
Anything which benefits mankind
Is a treasure to you and me.
What a wondrous blessing to us all
Is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
Jones Drug Co. I
15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c
20 " " " 30c " " 35c
25 " " " 30c " " 35c
40 " " 30c " " 35c
60 " " " - 40c " " 45c
110 " " " 70c " " 75c
150 " " " $1.05 y " ' "$1.15
250 " " " 1.75 " 'i 1.60
Portland v Railway, Light & Power Company
. Beaver Building, Main Street
Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
Headquarters for -
Loose Leaf Systems