Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, August 19, 1913, Image 4

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Leaves Brothers and Sisters to Find
Amusement for Herself and is
Dead When Children
Search for Her
While her brothers and sistars were
playing in the yard, the three-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Goble
was drovwied in a barrel of .water at
. the family residence three miles out
i I C'iinhy "ii Sarnrlav night
Busy with their own play, the chil
dren did not miss their baby sister
for sometime and not for several
hours did they insittute the s;arch rs
sulting in the discovery that the child
had climed over the edge of he bar
rel and had fallen into the rainwatsr
collected there. Though every effort
was made by the physician who was
'summoned Immediately to revive her,
the child had been in the water too
lond and was dead when the children
found her.
During the day th? little girl had
been p'aying with her brothers and
sisters in the yard. Sometime before
the accident, she left tham and started
around the family home. So busy
were the others with their own play
that they did not notice she had gone
and it is probabte that she had been
in the water for sometime when they
at last began a search for her. The
parents were notified by the terror-
stricken playmates but the doctor
who was called was not able to re
vive the child.
The funeral services were held at
the residence at 12:30 o'clock Monday
afternoon in the presence of a large
number of the friends in and around
Canby. ,
Alberta Tennis Championships
EBMiONTON, Alta., Aug. 18. Th3
best tennis talent of western Canada
is represented in the Alberta provin
cial championship tournament, which
was opened today on the courts of the
Edmonton club. The tournament will
continue until Saturday. In addition
to the usual championship events, five
handicaps are included in the pro
gram, for which valuable prizes are
Grand Circuit at Rockingham
SALEM, N. H., Aug. 18. Everything
is in readiness at Rockingham Park
for the Grand Circuit races there
this week. The program calls for
; five days of racing. On account of
the hard trip from Detroit the horses
were given a rest today and the first
events will be held tomorrow. The
richest event on the week's card is
the 3-year-o'd division of the Ameri
can Horse Breeders' Futurity, for
which $G,000 is offered. Next to this
is the Granite State Stake of $5,000
for 2:12 class trotters.
K. of P. Encampment
DECATUR, 111., Aug. IS. Decatur
is entertaining this week a joint en
campment of Illinois and Indiana
bridges of the Knights of Pythias.
Thousands of members of the order
are in attendance. At the formal
opening of the gathering this after
noon addresses were delivered by
Governor Dunne, of Illinois, Union B.
Hunt, past suprsme representative of
Indiana and John J. Brown, supreme
representative of Illinois.
Organized Labor in Politics.
BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 18. The long
standing strike of workmen employed
in manufactories owned by Governor
Fobs, and the prospect that the gov
ernor will make a hard fight for re
nomination and re-election, has
prompted the Massachusetts Federa
tion of Labor to prepare to take -an
active part in the state campaign this
fall. Candidates for the legislature
and for the various states offices will
be questioned by the federation as to
their views on certain questions of
special importance to labor interests
and support will be given only to those
whose answers appear satisfactory.
Judge Grant B. Dimick will bring
to the Commercial club next week
Eome stacks of extra fine grain that
has bean grown upon his farm in the
southern part of the county. The
greater part of this grain will be used
in the Clackamas county exhibit at th3
state fair, though some of it will be
utilized at the county fair, and later
sent to the various land shows at
which the local booster organization
is going to maintain exhibits.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 18.
Unless an unexpected injunction is
granted fares will be reduced to two
and one-half cents tomorrow on the
lines of the Western railway of. Ala
bama and the Central of Georgia, with
in the state of Alabama. The resolu
tion follows a long and bitter fight
between the railways and the state
Our form of government does
not enter Into rivalry with the
Institutions of others. We do not
copy our neighbors, but are an
example to them.
It Is true that we are called
a democracy, for the administra
tion is in the hands of the many
and not of the few. But, while
the law secures equal Justice to
all alike in their private disputes,
the claim of excellence la also
recognized, and when a citizen
. la in any way distinguished he is
preferred to the public service,
not as a matter of privilege, but
as the reward of merit Neither
is poverty a bar, but a man may
benefit his country whatever be
the obscurity of his condition.
The American Drug and Press Asso
ciation authorizes its members to guar
antee absolutely Meritol Hair Tonic.
It has no equal. It is a wonderful rem
edy. A trial will convince you.
UMIlf 10
' OREGON CITY, Aug. 18. (To the
Editor of The Enterprise) I noticed
in your columns of August 17, where
we had finished the .first rscall.
Farmers seemed to have been lead
blindly to think our county court had
been wasting the taxpayers' money,
but this is gone and past, so let them
rest in peace.
Mr. Editor, I am not in favor of the
recall for it will drive good men away
from office seeking and give place for
tthe low down leaders of the move
ment; but now to get back to busi
ness, while things are hot, why not
finish up with the city council?
see where they are thinking of taking
Bull Run water from Portland when
our own water tests pure, though the
council and a few of our up-to-date
doctors who don't pay a cent of taxes
would like to see the poor home build
er burden himself with taxes to sus
tain the false statements and publi
cation that they gave Oregon City wa
ter to try to make themselves famous.
The state university, the state agri
cultural collage, the board of health,
and Dr. Hampton, of Portland, all
found the city water pure and then
our local talent still hangs on and
tells the people to boil the city water.
This matter will be watched closely
by the taxpayers.
Thanking you kindly,
Love In the
Stock Market
' About the clow of the last century,
when shares on the stock market were
rising and falling like the waves of
the sea under a storm, James Rigdon
was for a time a power in Wall street.
When it was reported that Rigdon was
selling a stock everybody rushed to
sell. When he bought the price would
rise like the thermometer on a July
Rigdon was a bachelor, and as soon
as it became known among his women
friends that he knew what stocks were
going up and what were going down
he received more attention than the
handsomest man in New York. One
of these ladies. Miss Martindale, he
wished to claim as his own, but despite
all he could do he couldn't find out
whether she had any use for him other
than to learn how to make money in
One evening while with her she Im
portuned hiin to give her a tip on
some stock that was about to be
"put up." He explained to her thai?
when he boomed a stock, if it were
known that he was booming it, it
would rise in value, but the trouble
was that, when he wished to unload,
the moment it was known that he hat!
begun to sell, down would go the mar
ket and'he- would be left with a lot of
"undigested securities" on his hands.
He was about to put up the market
price on a certain stock, but he could
not take her into his scheme, for if
it were known that she was buying
and selling by his advice it would re
sult disastrously for him.'
"But I won't tell," she said.
"Can 1 rely on you?"
"Very well. Buy Onarora Copper.
It is selling at 7 cents a share."
"How awfully kind of you!"
"I can rely on you?"
She gave his hand a special pressure
when he left her and, running to the
telephone, ordered him to purchase
1,000 shares of Onarora Copper. He
did so without disturbing the market
price of the stock half a point Then
she fell to thinking that her father
and her brother and her sister would
be delighted to participate in her good
fortune, so she told them she had
bought Onarora. There was no need
for them to ask her why, because they
knew she had for a long while been
endeavoring to get a tip out of Mr.
Rigdon. Surely there was no breach
of confidence in this.
So the Martindale family put what
spare money they had in Onarora Cop
per, and each told his broker his rea
sons for doing so. Each broker had a
number of speculators hanging about
his office who were given the tip. The
stock rose slowly and beautifully like
a balloon sailing up toward the sky.
Now and again it would fall back, a
few thousand shares being thrown
UDOII tht mprtrt
Fifty-Second Annual
Oregon State
Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 1913
A whole week of pleasure and
-$20,000 offered in premiums
on Agricultural, Livestock,
Poultry, Textile and other ex
hibits. t
Horse races, Shooting tourna
ment, Fireworks, Band Con
certs, Eugenics exposition, Chil
dren's playground and other
free attractions, including Boyd
and Ogle's One Ring Circus.
Free Camp "Grounds. You are
Send for Premium List and En
try Blanks
Reduced rates on all railroads.
For particulars address
Frank Meredith. Sec.
Salem, Oregon
Pabst's Okay Specific
Doe the wor. You all Any f(
knew It by reputation. V ,J)
Price Y
Huge Argentine Dreadnought 1
Biggest Battleship In World
W . --3wm Aw . l . -
Mtlr4 5s&- tSm flick ' '
Pnoto Dy American Press Association.
THIS is the biggest battleship In the world. It's. the Argentine Dread
nought Moreno Rivadavia. She was snapped at Quincy, Mass., where
she was launched. Aug. 26, 1911. Her sponsor was Senora de Naon,
wife of the Argentine minister to the United States. The displace
ment of the Rivadavia is 27,500 tons, and she has twelve twelve-Jnch guns, all
of which can be fired at one broadside. The dimensions of the Dreadnought
are: Length. 577.5 feet; width, 96 feet She was scheduled to start on her trial
trip over the government course at Rockland, Me., Aug. 12. A number of
United States officers will be aboard her.
-jnaillpulatron," said those in the se
cret "The price is rising too rapidly
for him. He hasn't got all he wants.'
Wait a bit"
By and by these sales grew smaller,
and for some time the stock ceased to
be offered. Miss Martindale asked
Mr. Rigdon if it were not time to sell.
He replied, "Not yet" And the stock
went higher. Then suddenly it be
gan to tumble. Every one who had
been speculating on the Rigdon tip be
gan to get "from under" except the
Martindale family. When Onarora
had sunk to the price they paid for it
Miss Martindale sent for Mr. Rigdon
and asked him If the boom was over.
"Yes. it is," he replied, "and I have
unloaded all I had. some 40,000 shares.
at a fair price."
Miss Martindale looked appalled.
"I supposed," she said coldly, "that
you were to let me know when to sell
as well as to buy."
"That would not have accorded with
my plans. I told you when to buy, and
you told others. I knew you would
and that your tips to others would put
up the stock. If I had told you when
to sell it would have spoiled my
scheme."- -
'In other words, you have used. me
to your own advantage. You have not
only disappointed me, but you have 'in
duced me to disappoint others."
"How have I Induced you to disap
point others?"
"Why, they knew I bought the stock
and surmised that I did so by your
advice." ;;.
"And you did not tell them the se
cret. "Well, you had no occasion to tell
them. I believe that, in all, you and
your family hold 3,000 shares. Am I
right?" J,
"You are." .
"Well, when the stock reached its
highest stage I sold 3.000 shares for
your account and also sold 3,000 shares
more for you to be delivered within
thirty days after the sale. You and
your family have made on the rise of
the stock $12,000 and as much more on
the fail."
Miss Martindale stood looking at Mr.
Rigdon with astonishment the cold
look on tier face breaking into a smile.
Then she pill out. her hand. Mr. Rig
don improved the. opportunity by put
ting the other hand around her waist
and. drawing her to him. kissed her, at
the same time proposing a new deal by
which sh should always profit by his
operations. .
Illustrations of gold on one side of a
scale and love on the other, gold out
weighing love, are very popular. The
above is an instance where gold was
used to entice love.
Only Unwise
People Tolerate
Here is a sure way to get rfd of
Catarrh; hawking, snuffing, and all
misery caused by the Catarrh germs.
Get a HYOMEI outfit today, follow
the instructions and breathe five
times a day deep into your lungs the
germ killing air through the little in
haler. At night just befor,e going to bed
use the vapor treatment as directed.
This treatment Is prescribed by the
best Catarrh Specialists In America
and Europe to destroy Catarrh germs.
Booth's HYOMEI Is Australian Eu
calpytus and other splendid antisep
tics. A complete outfit which in
lncludes inhaler Is $1.00; separate
bottles, if the first does not entirely
cure, can be obtained for 59 cents,
and money back from Huntley Bros.
Co. If you are dissatisfied.
Just breathe it no stomach dosing.
The librarian of the Oregon City
library has announced that the li
brary will not be open Sunday fore
noons, but open at 2 p. m. and remain
open until 9:30 p. m. until further an
NEWPORT, R. L, Aug. 18 Begin
ning today .and continuing for an en
tire week the attention of all devotees
of the game of lawn tennis will be
centered on that famous duelling !
ground of the racquet wieldars, " the
Casino courts of the Newport Lawn
Tennis club. For the thirty-third con
secutive year the ranking players of
th,3 country have gathered hare to
battle for the national championships
in doubles, singles and interscholastic
singles. The entry list promises the
best tennis in recent years.
During tha wwit itianv ninun
national and international reputation
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver BuUding, Main Street
Tel. Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CU RVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
, Headquarters for
, Loose Leaf Systems
will be seen in action, and more than
one former champion v will try to
"come back" and the competition
promises a noteworthy struggle for
the titles. Under the new ruling the
champion is required to play through,
and this insures the presence of Mau
rice E. McLoughlin, the present
singles title holder, on the courts
throughout the tournament.
After an absence of twjo years, form
er Champion William A. Lamed has
To Take Effect at Once
15-WattClear Glass 30c Frosted
20 " " 'f 30c "
25 " " 30c
40 " t" 30c "
60 " " " 40c
110 " " " 70c "
150 " " $1.05
250 " " " 1.75
returned to active competition and
will endeavor to. wrest the title from
the famous Californian. Heals C.
Wright, another former champion, is'
among the entrants. Other noted
players on hand include R. N. Wil
liams, William J. Clothier, Nat W.
Niles, Gustave F. Touchard, Dean
Mathey, Theodore R. P.ell, E. H. Whit
ney, Geaorge M. Chench, A. S. Dab
ney and William M. Johnston, the sen
sational young California player.
Ball 35c
" 35c
" 35c
" 35c
" 45c
" 75c