MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1913. This ad reaches jww Mm. mm a mm s' the whir . wind to o HUSH OF THE r3 T7 ' JLLi of the P. C. Ely Stock, 7th St., on the Hill, begins it might be called MIS IBIECSUKfllNdS F TEIIE EOT) With renewed energy, with literally thousands of Bargains upon Bargains, new Bargains thrown from every department piled out upon counters, in bins and stands we start for -the end. . . . . . . Warn in0 Fair tn All---This G?Santic Sale Positively Closes Saturday night, August the 24, at this time we are VV dllimg l ail iii determined to not have one single article of the Ely stock left. We can not quote you the thousands of articles we will close out by this time, but come and seeif it is in Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, Wire Fencing, Hardware, Imple ments, Wagons, Buggies, Etc., you can get it here. Come on now. Don't wait it may be too late. Come today, come every day. One Lot Ladies' Sailor Hats Girl's and Children's Hats up to $2.00 Sc Ladies' Hats Choice of any Dress Hat in stock, regular up to $10 98c WOOLEN DRESS GOODS One Lot up to $1.00 38c Ladies;' Waists One Lot up to $3.50 98c One Lot Wash Silks, Silks and Fancy Summer and Early Fall Dress Goods Regular to $1.00 One Lot Silks, Voiles, etc. Regujar to 50c One Lot Ladies' Wash Skirts Up to $2.00 48c Belts 100 up to $2.00 5c Baby Caps One Lot up to $1.50 10c Shoes andOxfords 200 pairs Ladies' and Misses' Shoes and Oxfords . 2.50 to $3.50, per pair One Lot Wash Goods ' Regular 50c 2c 25c 48c Hosiery Silk Lisle and Mercerized Lisle, Regular 35c to 50c 14c In this lot you will find most anything you want. Hundreds of articles, many worth tip to $2.00. Come and get in on this lot 25c Hosiery Silk Booted, in black only, Regular 50c ...... 22c AUCTION Hon. and Tiies., Aug. 18 and 19 Beginning at 10:30 A. M. we will sell to the highest bidder several Wagons, Buggies, Spring Wagons and Harness. These have been taken in on new goods and many are as good as new Besides these we will sell many other piicles left on hand at that time, Kitchenetts, Flour Cans, Pictures and hund reds of other articles. Don't Miss This Auction Goods at your own price Every article put up will be sold at what ever it will bring during Auction. At private sale you will find Bargains after Bargains for quick clean-up. COME. English SERGES Regular 25c 12 Laces, Ribbons Cp Embroideries Ulr Thousands of yards worth up to 50c per yard. Remnants . There has been ac cumulated a lot of Remnants in the clos ing out of this stock. Here you can find hundreds of yards of piece goods from one to ten yards in a piece at prices next to noth ing. Don't overlook this counter. lit Bros Pepa n n U UINIO U U Store 7th St. at Madison on the Hill Oregon City