OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. THURSEAY, AUGUST 14, 1913 WMD 'i 66 o&Die C c c o C o o o o o o JUST TWO MORE WEEKS OF THIS c c o o o o ( ) o GREEN ADING a .am - OF THE CELEBRATED A"ir S o () O Stein-Bloch Clothes from Robinson & o 8 PPO ID UP D ghter Sale i SA Mr JRMY ALL DAY s. Providing you bring Coupon below CUT OUT THIS COUPON DOUBLE "S.&H." on all purchases COUPON GOOD SATURDAY ONLY MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. OREGON CITY, ORE. O 8 Company's Bankrupt Stock of Portland O We are of f ering this high-grade stock at 60 cents on the dollar, g less than the wholesale cost. Get busy, come and investigate this O GREAT BARGAIN EXPOSITIONl $15 Suits $9.95 $3.50 to $5.00 out o Douglas Shoes 95C o $1 Monarch Shirts, each 35c 50c Underwear R?S. 20c H Straw Hats at Half Price 8 ' O lrunks and Bags 25 ,SX ! ( c o 8 25.00 Stein-Bloch Suits $15.75 827.50 " " " $16.95 30.00 " " " $17.95 8 35.00 " " " $22.75 Q Blacks and Blues included O ; : Great Reductions in out Boys' Department 8 S. & H. GREEN STAMPS with Every Purchase f o - - . . Double Stamps with Bovs' Suits i o o o o o o o 3P3RIOE. Frr Mn and Rnvt c CLOTHES OF QUALITY Established 1895 r gCLO J ccococooocccocccocococccoccoocccocccoccoococccc! SIXTH & MAIN STREETS FsFysfl9 Homily JKinniedl5s 11 3 ma Are not Patent Medicines, but reme dies scientifically compounded from doctor's prescriptions, the ingred ients for which have been carefully selected from the best and purest quality of drugs and chemicals, and prepared fresh under the inspection of one of the best chemists in Amer ica, and in the chemical laboratory of that old reliable manufacturing company, Fredrick Stearns & Co., Detroit, Mich. They make a reme dy for nearly every ill that flesh is heir to, and our guarantee is back of every bottle. If not satisfactory, your money will be returned as cheerfully as it is received. Erom this date till the first of September will be NYAL DAYS in our store, and on every purchase of Nyal goods we will give free double 5. & H. green trading stamps. USE NYAL'S P)R chappe A skin, cracked lips, tan and .unburn use Nyal's Face Cream, there's nothing quite so good. It is greaseless ana peroxide. Nyal Face Cream is exquisitely perfumed. You should prefer it above all others. It is sold in two sizes of ornamental jars. 25 and SO cents. For your com plexion sake use Nyal's Face Cream. We have the agency for this ideal face cream. Buy a jar at our store and take it home to night. This surely is the Cream Supreme. Try it and you'll always buy it. - Nyal's Stone Root for the Kidneys F? 3 ?Z7r 50c. aneSl.OO " Blood Medicine, a splendid '1 ffil alternative 50c and $1.00 " Liver Salts for the torpid liver 50c Liver Pills, pleasant and effective 25c Blackberry Carnimative for di arrhoea and summer com plaint . 25c ane 50c Tooth Paste we all use it 125c Beef, Iron & Wine-4,The Tonic" 75c Hair Doe-will do the woek 25c, 50c Iron Tonic Bitters.-an excellent tonic and certain appetizer $1.00 Tasteless Castor Oil 25c you all u 111 11 11 1 II II it Cascara Aromatic know it 25c Dyspepsia Tabs-..sure relief 25c, 50c Headache Wafers hard to beat 25c Figsen you'll like the taste - 10c, 25c, 50c Jomes Oirog Gommpaiiy Oregon City, Oregon A U wauiao m.sosnu.ui OMKMuaunM .TinflsniiiiM i --'"TrinfM II