r. 1 1 'M-:noy CITY, OREGON, THUKSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1913. Five Queens. Wifey (pouting) But I don't see why Is you find poker so fascinating. Hubby It's the queens In tbe deck, by dear. They remind me so much of ou. St. Louis Globe-Democrat LOCAL BRI EPS Mrs. Charles Lane, of Pendleton, is siting her sister, Miss Bidwell, for ew days. Joseph Palmer, of Corvallis, was a sitor on business in this city Wed- esday. C. J. Martin, a. business man of Eu- ene, was in this city looking up old iends and acquaintances. E. W. Mithews, of Newberg, was a sitor on business in this city Wed- esday. Mr. Mathews made the trip ' motorboat. C. E. Jenkins, a resident jof Spokane, adj a business trip to this city Wed ;sday. C. L. Lewis, of Salem, was in this ty on business Wednesday. Mr. bwis made the trip by auto and re- brts that the roads are in a fair con- tion. Mrs. Wm. Pope, of Aberdeen, ar- vad in this city Wednesday to spend few weeks visiting with friends. J. Y. Beach, of Albany, was in this ty on business Wednesday. G. M. Allen, a business man of resham, was a visitor on business in is city Wednesday. Start the "Old M&n's" day right, ve him Harris' Old Homestead Cof- 3 for breakfast, fresh roastea at arris' Grocery. Oscar Hatton, of Pendleton, was a sitor on business in this city Wed- sday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Anderson and son buglas, accompanied by Miss Iva nson, made a pleasure trip up the l)lumbia river on the Bailey Gatzert far as The Dalles Tuesday. , G. E. Parkhill, of Portland, was in regon City on business Wednesday. Oral A. Welch has gone to San ancisco, where he will attend the edical department of the University California. Trafton and Everett Dye left Thurs- y morning for Seaside where they 11 spend a week. J. C. Cook and family have returned kjm San Francisco attar a month s sit with friends. John C. McCue, of Portland, was a Istior on business in this city Wed- sday. Mrs. J. Y. Humphrys, of Mfarmot, s returned home after a few days bit with Mrs. Joe Robinson, of Cane &h. The ladies of Zion Lutheran church 11 give an ice cream social at happ's hall, Thursday evening, Aug- t 14. Ice cream, cake and coffe will served.' Charles Freeman, of Elwood was a tutor in this city on business Wed- sday. C. L. Willard, of Salem, was in this y on business Wednesday. Fred Schafer, of Molalla, was in the nuty seat on business Wednesday. r. Schafer is the owner of a large w mill at Molalla. E. D. Glaker, of Los Angeles, was Visitor on business in this ctiy Wed- sday. IM. Frarberger, of San Francisco, as a county seat vistior on business ednesday. R. Waddle, of Lebanon, Kansas, is iiting in this city for a few days. EH. Felton, of Lebanon, Kansas, is in p county seat visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alldredee left Seaside Wednesday to spend three sks. John Halston mpde a trip to Port id Tuesday to welcome home the avers. Mr. and Amos Richards, of Seattle, re in Oregon City vistnng with ends Wednesday. Ft. M. Hemstock, of Tacoma, was an egon City visitor on business Wed- sday. After spending a few days th friends here he will go to Sea- e. E. P. Preble was host to Oregon City friends Wednesdav fening. TO SEA! To sea, to sea! The calm is o'er. The wanton water leaps in ' sport And rattles down the pebbly shore; The dolphin wheels, the sea cows snort. And unseen mermaid's pearly ' song Comes bubbling up the weeds among. Fling broad the sail; dip deep . the oar. To sea, to sea! The calm is o'er. To sea, to sea! Our white wing ed bark Shall, billowing, cleave its wa tery way And with its 'shadow, fleet and dark. Break the caved Triton's azure day, Like mountain eagle soaring light O'er Rntelopes on Alpine height Tbe anchor heaves; the ship swings free; Our sails swell full. To sea, to' sea! v Thomas Lovell Beddoes. NEW CURE FOR RHEUMATISM fet the uric acid out of your system your rheumatism will be cured. rltol Rheumatism Powders are the st effective agency known for this pose. You can buy them from any mber of the American Drug and ;ss Association. Jonee Drug. Co. IT CURES WHILE YOU WALK TJss Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes. It instantly takes the sting out of coma, itching feet, ingrowingnails, and bunions. It's the gseatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-ase makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Ladies can wear shoes one size smaller after Using. It Is a certain relief for sweating, callous anil swollen, tender, aching feet. Try It to. day. Sold everywhere, 25c. Trial package 1'BEB. Address. AUea a. uimstea, u aoj, n. x. NOTICES (Continued from Page 2) naver be p'aced in an unventilated room or compartment, an ' exterior window that can be opened will b considered sufficient Section 27. Waste water from fixtures in bouses wher-3 public sewer is not available may b3 con veyer! to cess-pool. Such cess-pool shall no.: be. located within twenty feet of any dwelling or factory. Section 28. No steam exhaust, blow off cr drip pipe 'shall connect directly with tue sewer, house drain soil, waste or vent pipe, or with any drain water conductor. Steam shall be discharged into a blow-off or con densing tank with two-inch vents, t!je waste or over-flow of which shall be connected with the house sewer outside of the cellar walls Section 29. Where special fix tures are required for which there are no provisions in these rules and regulations, or -' when conditions arise that demand the descretion of the inspector of plumbing, upon ex amination the said inspector may recommend, in writing, to the city council, such deviation from these rules and regulations as in his judg ment, the conditions demand ; there upon he may, in his descretion, is sue a permit in duplicate for such work, one to the plumber and one to be filed with the city recorder, to gether with his said recommenda tions. Section 30. In all cases where a building is used as a hotel, tene ment, boarding house, or restaurant, the owner or occupant shall provide a properly constructed grease trap, through which all slops of a greasy nature sha;l be drained; said grease trap shall be constructed of sheet lead, cast iron or vitrified clay or cement, and shall be of a capacity of not less than seven gallons, and. if of sheet lead shall have a screw top of sufficient size to allow the re moval of grease ; if of cast iron the top shall be bolted down, and shall in all cases be sealed so as to pre vent the escape of sewer gas into the, building, and shall be distant not less than one foot from any building. The inspector of plumb ing shaft have authority and he is hereby authorized and directed to compel any person or persons, firm or corporation, to provide and use a grease trap, as aforesaid, when in his judgment same is necessary. - Section 31. All plumbing in pro cess of construction, alteration or repair shall be under the supervis ion of the inspector of plumbing who is hereby empowered to stop further work when he shall decide that it is being done contrary to these rules and regulations. Section 32. All master plumbers shall be held responsible for all acts of their agents or employes. Section 33. All excavation made in any street or alley shall be pro tected and guarded by said contract or both day and night, with the proper display of signals and lights, and the said contractor shall be held responsible upon his bond for all accidents caused by negligence in this respect. ' The street must be opened and the paving and plank ing and earth deposited in a man ner that will occasion the least in convenience to the public, and to provide for a free passage along the gutters. One half of the street must be kept clear for the p'assage of vehicles, and bridgeways must be provided on sidewalks for foot pass engers. As soon as any such sewer or drain is completed and after the inspection, the paving or planking and sidewalk must be restored to as good condition as previous to the excavation, and all rubbish and sur plus earth removed. All work with in the limits of any street or alley must be prosecuted to completion with due diligence, and if, in the judgment of the inspector of plumb ing, any excavation, is left open be yond a reasonable time, he shall cause the same to be filled and the street or alley restored forwith at the cost of the contractor in charge of such work, which cost must be paid before any further permit is is sued to such contractor. If any Hair A 25c Bottle of "Swisco" Hair and Scalp Remedy to be Given Away. Coupon to Any of the Druggists Mentioned Below and They Will Give You a 25c Bottle Free "Swisco" Grows Hair, Brings The free 25c bottle of "Swissco" Hair and Scalp Remedy, if used as di rected will astonish you. It is a NEW REMEDY, the latest and best preparation before the public. It is the result of years of investigation - and research into the reason whj' so many of the hair preparations have . failed in the past to do the work de manded of them. It is marvelous ia its action and thousands nave receiv ed amazing results just from the free bottle we gave them for the asking.;1 . Because you may not have received any relief from something you have , .tried, don't be foolish -enough to con demn everything else You will be greatly benefited by the free bottle we . give you. - - - "Swissco"j 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle is for sale and recommened by all druggists. Those outside of ... Oregon City who cannot call at Jones " Drug Co will receive .' a free bottle prepaid, on receipt of ten cents in stamps or silver, to help cover -ex Free Coupon work, done in pursuance of the per mit granted as heretofore prescrib , ed, be not constructed and complet ed in accordance with the plan filed, and to . a 3 acceptance of the inspect or, an.l the contractor shall refuse j to pro'ierly construct and complete i said work, notice thereof shall be j idven to t-ie owii;r of the property; iur wiium aiu wura is ueiug uuue, and the inspector shall proceed to complete and connect said sewer in a proper manner, and the full cost . of the work and any material neces sary therefore shall be charged and become a lien against said property and shall be collected according to lav. v . . . - Section 31. Te inspector shall be notified when any work is ready l for inspet; ion; all work sall be' left Tincovere::! and convenient for j examination until inspected and ap-; proved. No notice shall be sent for ; any inspection unti'. the. work- is j readv for insect?f.n.' . i Section 35. The inspector of , plumbing shall examine tue work within two working days, after re ceiving notice that it is entirely ready for inspection. Section 36. Plumbing work shall be tested by the water or pepper mint test In the presence of the in spector of ' plumbing. Such test shall include all sewers, soil," waste and vent pipes, the lead branches and ferrule joints within the bui'.d ing, weather conditions or construc tion permitting; the choice of the tests may be made by the plumber, but otherwise the test shall be de cided by the inspector of plumbing. Section 37. When the work is complete a final inspection shall be made by the inspector of plumbing. No plumbing work shall be used until this inspection shall have been made, and a certificate in duplicate that the work has been approved has been issued by the inspector of plumbing, to one of the master plumbers doing the work, and one to be filed with the city recorder. ' FRANK BUSCH, Oregon City ' f Special ofjron We are overstocked on Iron inducements to interested like cut with heavv cable spring and good serviceable SAGE TEA BEAUTIFULLY DARKENS THE HAIR WHEN FADED AND GRAY Mixed7 With Sulphur Makes Hair Soft, Lus j trous and Cures Dandruff. The use ef Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its natural eoler dates back to grandmother's time. She kept her half beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew ef Sage Tea and Sulphur When ever her hair fell eut or took on that dulij faded er streaked ap pearanee this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays skilled chemists do this better than our selves. By asking at any drug store for the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy" you will get Grower Free Back Its Original Color, and Scalp Diseases penses of packing, etc., by addressing direct to the Swissco Hair Remedy ' Co., 2524 P. O. Square, Cincinnati Ohio. " ' FREE BOTTLE COUPON Good for one 25c- bottle only, at Jones Drug Co., when name and addrsss is properly filled, in on dotted lines below. , w . Those outside of Oregon City will get a free botle by sending di- rect to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 2524 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O., to help cover expenses of packing, etc. ' , I have . never tried "Swissco" Hair and Scalp Remedy, but if ' you wi'l supply a 25c bottle free, ' as above,. I will use it . . . . , Give full address, write plainly. Good at JONES DRU.G CO. Section 38. All water pipes used to supply hot or cold water to fix tures must be so placed that they will have a fall of at least, one-eighth of an inch to ii;e fcot to a s.op or waste cock, placed either ia the basement or outside the building. If in supplying fixtures with water, 'it is found' impossible "to drain the pipes by use of stop and waste cocks, then a pet cock shall be plac ed at the lowest point in such pipe so that the pipe may be drained to prevent freezing. Section 39. . All stables having wash racks for washing vehicles and having said racks connected with city sewers, shall havs catch basins to prevent sand, or heavy matter from entering the sewer. The-bcttom cf the catch basin shall be eighteen inches below the invert of the outlet of the sewer. - Section 40. Tie mam drain of any house or building shall b3 pro vided wifh a main or horizontal trap placed immediately inside the " cellar wall or nearest the sewer or outside in the yard, as is most con venient. If placed inside the cellar it must be of iron.. Section 41. There is hereby cre ated the office of plumbing inspect or, which office shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, with the consent of the council. It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to examine and inspect all the plumbing hereafter done in the city of Oregon City, and see that it con forms to the requirements above set forth.- The engineer shall also issue a permit to any one desiring to in stall any plumbing in any building in the city of Oregon City, and it shall be unlawful for any person to install any such plumbing without first having applied for and received a . permit from said engineer. The plumbing inspector 'shall receive as full compensation for each fixture (25c) cents, the same to be paid from: the city treasury as for other municipal services. Beds and offer special parties. Bed fA woven wire m mattress at J f a large bottle for about 50 cents. Some druggists make their own, which is usually too sticky, so in sist upon getting "Wyeth's," which can be depended upon to . restore natural color and- beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and falling hair, A well-known downtown drug gist says his customers insist on Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, .be cause, they say. It darkens so nat urally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. Do this at night and by morning the gray hair disappears; after an other application or two, it is re stored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. HUNTLEY BROS., Druggists Ta ke th and Removes Dandruff The GRND 7n niifi A PHENOMENAL WILD ANIMAL SENSATION IN TWO REELS A vivid, gripping and all-enthralling romance of the dan gerous, animal-infested jungle lands of Africa A magnificent production dealing with life of Mary Stuart, Q ueen of France and Scotland and pre tender to the throne of England, one of the most dramatic chapters of history. Gorgeous costumes, lav ish staging and an especially strong cast, make the film a real masterpiece. It is historically accurate I in every detail and represents months of study and preparation. This is the picture about which Louis Reeves Harrison said in the Moving Picture World of May 31st: "A beautiful spectacle, characterized! by exhaustive attention to detail and splendid acting, this photo-drama ranks with, the best of its kind, j The settings are admirably chosen; the Throne Room interior crowns the designer with glory, and the! hanaling of those taking part m i Section 42. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordin ance shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in any sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 and costs of prosecution or by imprisonment in the city jail not to exceed 15 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 43. The inspector need not be an inhabitant, of Oregon City. Section 44. All master plumbers before doing directly or indirectly' any work in Oregon City shall be authorized, approved and licensed by the city council. For each such license there shall be paid to the city recorder the sum of ten dollars, the receipt for which shall be pre sented to the city engineer' before the issuing of the permit to do any work. Section 45. No person shall be authorized or' licensed by the city council to do the work of making connections with any of the public sewers or drains, or their lateral connections, until he has furnished said council with a satisfactory cer tificate, signed by at least two rep utable masons, if he be a mason or sewer bui'der, or two reputable plumbers, if he be a plumber, to the effect that the applicant is known by them to be a person regularly educated to the business and quali fied to perform the duties which he undertakes; and previous to being - authorized or licensed by said city council the party applying shall file a bond in the office of the city re-, corder in such sum as may be designated by the said city council, not less however, than five hundred dollars, with two or more sureties to be approved by said city council; conditioned that he will indemnify and save harmless the city of Ore gon City from all loss or damage that may be occasioned in anywise . by accident or the want of care or skill on his part in the prosecution of such work or that may be occa sioned by reason of any opening by him made or caused to be made in a street, lane alley or avenue, mar ket place, or public ground in the making of any pub'.ic or private sewer or drain as aforesaid; and conditioned also that he will prompt ly at the proper time replace and store the street and pavement over such opening to as good state and condition as he found it previous to opening the same, and that he will conform in all respects to the rules and regulations which may from tim to be established by said city council in relation to putting in junctions and tapping of the sewers .. and drains. Section 46. It shall be unlawful - for any person, so authorized by the city council to make connections with sewers and drains, to allow hia name to be used for the purpose of obtaining said permits, or of do ing any work under his authority, under the penalty hereinafter pre scribed. It shall be the duty of each and every person so authorized ' or licensed by said city council, to record his name and that of the firm, in case of partnership, to gether with the place of business, in a book or record to be kept by the city engineer, and also to im mediately notify the engineer of any change of either thereafter by record ing the name, firm, and place of business as theretofore in said rec ord. - Section 47. All ordinances or parts cf ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Read first time and ordered published at a special meeting of the city council of Oregon City, held on the 13th day of August, 1913. and to come up for- second reading and - final -passage at a special meeting of the city council to be held on the 27th day of August, 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. L. STIPP, Recorder. SUMMONS In the Circuit court of the State of " Oregon, for the county of Clack 'amas. - - .-..(.., Charles L. Quinting, Plaintiff, vs. : 'I -Dollie Quinting, Defendant. To Dollie Quinting, the above named defendant: . In the name of the State or Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap- - pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication-of this summons, which first date of publication is July 24, 1913, " and if you fail to so appear and an swer, for . want thereol, plaintiff will apply to the court for the re- . lief prayed for in ; his complaint : filed in this suit, to-wit: For a de THE YEAR'S MOST EXTRAORDINARY FEATURE PICTURE P IN THE MARY STUART Edison Three Reels jl om o r r o w the large ensembles reflects great credit on the director. cree that the marriage contract heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and the defend ant be forever dissolved. This -summons is served upon you by publication thereof for six (b) successive weeks in The Enter- j upon the integrity of Judge J. A. Ea prise by order of Hon. R. BBeatie, ! kin should not be al'.owed to pass un- judge of the County Court, which order is dated the 23rd day of July, 113. ALLEN & ROBERTS, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Date of first publication, July 24, 1913. Date of last publication, Septem ber 4, 1913. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County -of Clack amas. John E. Coulodon, Plaintiff, vs. Henrietta Coulodon, Defendant. In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or be - fore the 12th day of September 1913 said date being after the expiration of 6 weeks from the 1st publiscation of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer such com plaint for want thereof plaintiff will apply to this court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein to-wit: A decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other relief asSo. the court seems equitable and just. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Morning Enterprise, a newspaper, printed and published, and having general circulation in Clackamas county, Oregon pursuant to an order of the Hn. R. B. Beatie, judge of the County court duly - made and entered of the 29th day of July, 1913. Said summons will be pub lished for six consecutive and suc cessive weeks from the date of the first publication, July 31st, 1913. W. A. BURKE, Attorney for Plaintiff. 202 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Ore. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the members of the Loyal Order of Moose for the splen did financial assistance during the last illness and death of my beloved husband. I feel in particular grateful and consoled about the conduct and funeral arrangements carried out by the lodge, in a very noble and unfor getful manner. I also thank my good-hearted neigh bors and friends for kindness bestow ed upon me. MARY ROETHE AND CHILDREN. War Decalred Catarrh Germs Must be Conquered or , Health Will be Destroyed If you have Catarrh you must van quish an army of persistent, destruc tive microbes before you can be healthy. You might as well choose your weapons, declare war and destroy this army of Catarrh germs rght now. Booth's HYOMJEI, a pleasant germ destroying air breathed over the en tire membrane will kill Catarrh germs. BotJi HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) is guaranteed by Huntley Bros, to end Catarrah or money back. It surely is fine for coughs and croup. If you own a little HYOMEI hard rub ber pocket inhaler get a separate bot tle, of HYOMEI for only 50 cents.. -If you haven't an inhaler secure a com plete outfit for only $1.00. Just breathe it no stomach dosing. For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. The Latest Hour. "What time Is it. my lad?' asked a traveler of a small boy who was driv ing a couple of cows home from the fields. "Almost 12 o'clock, sir." replied th boy. . "1 thought it was more." "It's never any more here," returned the lnd in surprise. "It Just begins at 1 again." Lustige Blatter,, . - An Alibi. " i Suffragette 1 am looking for some thing fancy In a man's suit . The Hibbon Clerk-Not me! Life. Jones Drug Co., association members! As rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the system, the only sensible, rational treatment is . one that removes this poison. That is what Hollister's Rocky. Mountain tea does. That's why it cures for good. Jones Drug Co. - - r The GRftND Teeming with blood curdling indidents and exciting situa tions. A master piece of fascinating realism. Read the trade journal re views. The Picture With out Precedent or Parallel JUDGE EAKIN PRAISED OREGON CITY, Ore, Aug.13. (Edi-. tr of The Enterprise) An article in the local i.os by reputable mem ber of the bar of this ciiyToaactine-' : challenged. The undersigned has had a few euity cases before Judge Eakin since he has been sitting upon the circuit bench of this district and perhaps has had quite as good an opportunity to take notice and make estimates of the character and attainments of Judge Eakin, and while differing wide ly, in politics, it affords me pleasure to commend Judge Eakin as an able, impartial sincere and pains-taking judge a gentleman' of high breeding and culture, far and away above the school of politics as taught by the writ er of that unjust, if not scurrilous criticism. . - It is doubtful whether there is any Circuit Judge of the state of Oregon who has greater respect from the members of the bar for conscientious ness and errorless administration- of !tne Iaw and Bucn a man canton at- tack but proves there is too much li cense of free speech. As a matter of law, a writ of in junction is very often applied to pre vent an unwarranted criminal prosecu tion where property rights are involv ed or legitimate business is threatened to be interferred with by police authorities. This jurisdiction is very often exercised and in this particular case the better opinion is that Judge Eakin was right in his decision, but whether he was right or wrong in such decision, it illy becomes a de votee of advanced thought and pro gressive views to so far forget himself in the matter of common propriety as to jump on an upright and righteous judge of a court of general jurisdic tion. It might not be altogether im proper to exercise the supreme "re call" on the author of such ill-advised charges. ' . C. D. LATOTIRETTE. A SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Modern science has produced no such effective agency for the relief of indiestion dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness or impure blood as Meri tol Tonic Digestive, the result of the best minds of the American Drug and Press Association, composed of drug gists and newspaper men all over the country. Try this great remedy. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The Glenmorrie company to Lillian B. Clark and N. E. Coe, block 1 Glen morrie; $3500. James P. Ryan and wife et al to El len Ensminger 7.05 acres in T. 1 S., R. 2 E.; $1. The Reierson Machinery company to C. Rhodes, lots 31 and 32, block A, I Kerr and Shindler first addition to Miilwaukie; $1,200. Lida R. Comstock to Emma E. Van Ness, all of tract 8 in J. D. Miller D. U C; $3500. Lena Werner to H. E. Werner, lots 3, tract G, Willamette Falls Acres tracts; $10. ' J. P. Warinner and wife to W. E. Shaw and wife, S. W. of S. E. Sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 1 E.; $8000. Alexander Bolle and wife to "Henry Bolle 10 acres in T. 2 S., R. 2 E.; $1. Eastern Investment company to Z. T. Trulove, lots one to 12 inclusive, lots 31 to 40 inclusive, block 83; lots one to 38 inclusive, block 84; lots one to 15 inclusive, block 85; lots 27 to 42 inclusive, block 85; Min thorn addition to Portland; $1. Frederick Zimmerman to same, lot 38, block 84 Minthorn addition to Portland; $1. - Julian Leroy Paul and wife to Flora ' Daniel, tract nine Clackamas park;' $6000. ' A Successful Method.' - Diogenes, at length convinced of the npeiessness of his lantern, went on his Hewn without it. He returned trinm phiint. - "Eureka!" he shouted. "I have fonno honest men by the score!" ' "How?" questioned his cynic com pnnlons "By direct inquiry." answered th great philosopher. Judge. ' k The Horizon at Sea. At an elevation -of 100 feet. at sea tbe horizon Is a little more than thir teen miles afvay. a PabsTs Okay Specific Does the wor. You all hn Aft know It by reputation. .UU Price , . . : FOR SALE BY JONES DRUG COMPANY JUNGS