00 FREE - ' . . A A 00 Read the Announcement oeiow ana seethe FREE ot yaor cltk 0P chttfch no canvassing o solicting neccessary ?- 75 4 ' 4 Save Yotff Sales Checks ON ALL PURCHASES MADE at OUR STORE present them to the Enterprise office and re ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST B annon & Co MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all sizes to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE When You are in a Rush for Printing Remember The Enterprise -s Special This Week: - - - - 3 GUNPOWDER MEYUNE 45c I BASKET FIRED JAPAN 45c ! CELYON, the great favorite among all black teas LI PTON'S TETLEY'S HORNI MAN'S ...65c Phone 74 H. IP. BRIGHTBILL HANSEN'S HOME MADE BREAD MAIN 33IB.39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding and Birthday Cakes a Specialty ! i 4 Nomination Coupon Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest $75.00 in Gold for Saving Cash Checks 'or Add lre$s (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant. Good Any Time During Contest. For the benefit of the large number of shoppers using The Morning Enter prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00 in cash will be given to the individual or any form of organization or institution turning In the greatest amount of money shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores on this page. To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. To the third, $10.00 in cash. EXPLANATION. To secure votes in The Morning En terprise's Refund Bargain Contest make your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter prise's office, where votes will be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash . check, receipt of monthly bill. This vote is to be deposited in the voting box at this office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly . bills . must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1000 votes. . The only ex ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. ; - - Don't Forget! You get a STEIN-BLOCH Suit for sis Price Bros. Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN STS. We give S & H Green Stamps. VEST POCKET KODAK $6.00 Right as a watch in adjust ment, small enough for the vest pocket, yet takes pic tures of such perfeci defina tion that enlargements may be made to any reasonabb size.. As small as your note book, but tells the story bel.ter. HUNTLEY BROS. CO The Rexall Store Let us do your Kodak work. Leave your films today and get your pictures tomorrow. The Essence of Efficiency OREGON CITY, OREGON oons Good, Substantial . Ones from$1.00 Up FLY TRAPS 'SURE CATCH" 15c and Up Adjustable Window Screens and Fly Screen by the Yard j Each month our businesss increases, and - -. - THERE IS A REASON Come here for your Groceries and you will learn the REA SON. If you can't come, send the children. They are welcome and will be treated with the same courtesy as yourself. THE HUB GROCERY CO. T.VrV.". M. E. BUNN C. H. DICKEY i GARAGE -t i We have the best equipped Garage in Clackamas Comity Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their lines and we are prepared to give the service and to do any kind of work on all kinds of cars in a mechanical manner. GIVE US A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. 6TH AND MAIN STS. 4 -- mm mm MeatS QatityQualforsh frfeg Home Sugar Cured Hams and Bacons, Kettle Rendered Lard Gives satisfaction. A trial will convince you. 7TH STREET MARKET 7th and Center Sts. You Wear Good Clothes BECAUSE you know that you owe it to yourself to make a good appear ance. It increases your self-respect and the respect of your neigh bors. For That Reason You should buy your clothes of us; -we sell better clothes for the same money as others or the same clothes for less money. ? - Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueter's Varnishes VONDERAHE & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wall Paper 207 Seventh St., Oregon City Phone Main 4082 Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment' extended to alL THE ONE PERFECT GIFT In Fact We sell at workingmen's prices. Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE BELL THEATRE IT - WILL - PAY - YOU To Get Our Prices on Summer and Sporting Goods We have a complete line of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits and sporting goods MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It A jeweled ring means love be tween parent and child, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. We sell W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings, because they give satis faction. We sell them because they are. better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Ring3 are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. THEY COST FROM $2.00 UP BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers Q THL PEN OOIR HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED Both Phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER STREETS )fj NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MULINO. Tom Fish and family left for East ern Oregon last week where they ex- pest to engage in farming on a more extensive scale than they could here. Mir. and Mrs. Evans, Clarence Mal latt and family and Otis Dix returned yesterday from a trip to the coast. Fred Wallace, Henry Fischer and Albert Erickson spent last week in the mountains hunting and fishing. Mr. Park Wallace has been on the sick list for a week. Dr. Strickland is attending him. Frank Manning's little daughter is reported to have typhoid fever. Dr. Mount was called out there Saturday. - , Bert Wallace is hauling lumber to . build a barn on his place. Mulino continues to improve. Arthur Mallatt has moved into the house vacated by Tom Fish. There was a lawn social held in the grove near the church Thursday evening. An enjoyable time was re ; ported. A special school meeting was held here Monday evening to elect a direct or to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of T. Fish. R. H. Snod grass was elected. I Charley Daniels is helping Lewis Churchill saw up his oak wood, pre , paratory to hauling it. to Oregon City. . This community was greatly shoek ; ed Monday afternoon to hear that George Ogle of Canby was drowned in the Mo'alla at Wright's bridge. We do not know the . particulars of the drowning, but it seems he was ! either swimming or wading and drop ' ped off into a deep hole and sank and never came- up again. Search was made for the body by a large crowd of old neighbors and friends but was not recovered until about 8 P. M. A professional diver was sent for from Portland but did not get there until the body had been found, not ten feet from where it sank. His family have the deepest sympathy of the whole community. his sister, Miss Mabel is improving. P. O. Schiewe is giving his house a new coat of paint. Miss Alice Holman is enjoying a two weeks' stay in the mountains. Miss Martha Tolens returned to Col ton after spendipg a week with Mrs. Milton Chindgren. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Larkins, daught ers Ruth and Alma, spent Sunday at O. F. Johnson's of Union Mills. . R. L. Oref and son, Robert, are build ing a house for Mrs. Bird Lamb, near Colton. . Phi and Gillia Nordling spent Sun day aftsrnoon with Glenn and Allen Larkins. WILSON VI LLE. MARQUAM. MEADOW BROOK. I ' Haying is about over with now. The j farmers will soon be cutting their grain. 1 The Davis Bros, finished hauling logs on A. L. Larkins place last week. Mr. Milton Chindgren returned from Hot Springs Saturday, reporting that One more early settler gone, Mi. George Birtchet, who lived near here, died Saturday, August 2, and was buried Sunday in the Miller cemetery. Rev. Mr. Spencer, of Silverton con ducted the funeral services. A large crowd attended the funeral. He was the father of Charley Birtchet, an en terprising hop raiser of this place. C. K. Quinn, of Oregon City, was in town shaking hands with his old friends last week. Quite a lot of grain is already cut and thrashing will soon commence. Clover hulling will commence soon. Mrs. Jewell Night is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marquam. Mfr. Will,, who owns the Parven place has old it for $125.00 per acre. - The Earth Brothers ara com mencing threshing this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Young and fam ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Young are' spending a week at the coast. Mrs. Nuerer and daughter and son arrived on Saturday from the east, to visit with Mrs. Nuerer's daughter, M;rs. Wm. Baker, for a time. Ray and Roy Baker went to Port land on Sunday to visit their brother, Clyde and incidentally have a family portrait taken. - Mrs. Chas. Wagner was hostess at her ranch home, near Wilsonville, on Thursday, to the parent-teachers' as sociation, of which she is the much esteemed president. Mrs. Badwin, of Salem, has been vis itng Mrs-. W. W. Graham for a week. Mrs. Draper and daughter, Louise, who have been visiting Mrs. Draper's brothers, Norman and Harry Say, left for California, on Thursday. Don't forget the basket social on Friday evening, the 8th of August, at the German Reform church, at Frog Pond. - The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Crissell was buried in the Butteville cemetery on Saturday, having died of whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney and chil dren and Mf. and Mrs. Wall, left for Oswego on Monday where Mr. Mcr Kinney and Mr. Wall will go into the grocery business in - partnership. These friends will be greately missed in our little village and the good wishes of the community will be theirs in their new venture. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Aden returned to the store last week, much refreshed after their outing at the coast. The ice cream social, given by the Mothers' Club at Corral Creek school on Saturday evening, was well attend ed and was a very enjoyable time for all present. The school grove was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns, games were played, and the ice cream was Portland's best. The sum of twenty dollars was taken in during the evening, which will be used tor school improvements. STAFFORD. Harvest ts on in full blast, and the binders are heard on every hand. Mr. Nussbaum is hauling wood to Willamette for Mrs. Gebhardt. Otto. Peters and a force of men are working on the new hop house, get ting it ready for the two yards, which promise a big yield. Buyers have been visiting the differ ent hop men trying to contract hops. Harry Gebhardt started to dig a well Saturday, thinking he could could dig a few feet down alone. In about four feet he came to rock and Monday drilled through it to put in dynamite, when water bubbled up, but he put it in anyway, and when the smoke cleared away found he had tapped a good flow of water. Mrs. Keckel, Mrs. Ida Delkar's moth er who was in the neighborhood visit ing a couple of days a short time ago, was taken suddenly ill at her home in Portland last week and taken to the hospital for an operation, but on ac count of a weak, heart, had not been operated upon on Monday, and her husband met with an accident Tues day and was taken to the hospital with a broken shoulder and arm. The daughter had not heard the particu lars yet. - Mrs. Powell is to have her oats, which are late and still green, cut and baled for hay. It is reported that one of the girls got a ducking. A party of young people had a pic nic at the dam Sunday, nine girls and as mahy boys. There rs some doubt about whether Kay had any authority to arrest Ed Pomperine and take his keg of beer away from him and subject him to mortification, inconvenience and ex pense, as it appears he was not found drinking or selling it, but had merely left it in cold storage until called for. and was no more evidence found of any intent to break a law than if the keg had been filled with molasses. Homer Nussbaum, we hear, got his left hand- into a feed cutter in his father's barn on Tuesday afternoon, and broke one finger and a bone in his hand and cut it severely in several places, necessitating several stitches Dr. Mount said he made the run from his office in 15 minutes. Dr. Myount put Mrs. Nemec's broken leg into a plaster cast on Mon day. . What Every Womanly Woman Wants One of the fondest desires of mil lions of women is to have beautiful hair. This desire can be gratified without the slightest risk, for druggists ev erywhere, and Huntley Bros. Co., sell a hair tonic called Parisian Sage for 50 cents, that will turn dull lifeless, unattractive hair into lustrous and at tractive hair in two weeks, or money back. , Put the name on your shopping list right now, and be sure and get the genuine. Every package has the girl with the Auburn hair upon it. Since its introduction in America, Parisian Sage has won unstinted praise from women of refinement who have learned what a delightful- and refreshing hair tonic and dressing Parisian Sage is. Just because the makers are abso lutely certain that Parisian Sage is the only preparation that kills the pernicious dandruff microbes, they are willing to guarantee it to banish dand ruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. For Sale By HUNTLEY BROS. Co. The classified ad columns of The Enterprise satisfy your 'wants. .