Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 31, 1913, Image 3

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No Wondor.
Cannibal Chief (smacking; his lips)
What kind of a minister was that we
had for dinner?
Servant-Your excellency, that was
a prime minister. Comic Cuts.
M. G. Munly, an attorney of Port
land, was a visitor in this city on leg
al business Wednesday.
S. L. Meyers, a business man of
Tacoma, was in this city Wednesday.
W. B. Wells, a lieutenant in the
United States regular army with
headquarters at Vancouver Washing
ton, was visiting with local friends
D. E. Campbell, a real estate dealer
of the capitol city, was in the county
seat on business Wednesday.
C. J. Graves, a hop raiser of Inde
pendence, was in the city for a short
time Wednesday moraing. Mr. Graves
reports that a bumper crop of hops
is expected and he will require much
F. R. Beals, a dairyman residing
near Tillamook, was visiting with re
latives in this city the first of the
Mrs. Coorsue. of Dayton, was visit
ing with friends and relatives in this
city Wednesday. "
L. S. M. Buchman, a pioneer resi
dent of Gresham, made a business
trip to the county seat Wednesday.
P. M. DeBok, a logging man of Al
hfny,' was in Oregon City in his auto
Wednesday afternoon for a short
time. Mr. DeBok, after visiting with
friends, continued on his way to Van
couver B. C, where he will Bpend a
few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. J.
J. Mallory.
A. V. Daniels, of Portland was in
the city Tuesday.
C. A. Jackson, a fisherman of As
toria, was in this city on business
Wednesday. Mir. Jackson spent some
time looking tin o'd friends and ac
quaintances while here.
Mrs. A. C. Meyers, of Topeka, Kan
sas, was in this city Wednesday visit
ing with friends and relatives.
W. M. Bird, a rancher of Wilhoit,
was a visitor in this city Wednesday.
Mr. Bird reports that the crops in
that ssction are excellent.
"J. H. Millar, a business man of
Portland, was in this city calling on
old friends Wednesday.
J. H. Mullin, of Portland, was in
this city on business Wednesday.
John French and family, of The
Dalles, werf in the county seat visit
ing with friends Wednesday. Mr.
French has not visited this city for
many years and was surprised at the
great gain he noted.
C. H. Phillips, an rancher of Miv
lino. was a counv seat visitor Wed
nesday. Mr. Phillins reports that all
the crops are in fine condition.
Miss June Charman. who has been
visiting in Cordova. Alaska, for the
last month, returned to her home this
Mir. and Mrs. E. O. Morris, resi
dents of Portland were visiting with
friends in this city Wednesday.
J. Armstrong of Portland, made a
"business trip to the county seat Wed
nesday. Peter Nelson, a merchant of Clear
field, Iowa, was in this city visiting
with friends Wednesday. Mr. Nel
son is making his first trip to the
Pacific coast.
P. W. Johnson.' a wheat raiser of
Baldwin, North Dakota, was in this
city on business Wednesday. Mr.
Johnson visited the large wheat
ranches near Pendleton en route to
the Willamette valley.
Miss Maud Anderson, sisiter of
Mrs. Kate Shannon, left Tuesday
night for a visit with her nephew,
Fred Shannon and family, of St.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pape left Thurs
ny morning for an outing at Seasiew,
J. L. Kruse, of StafCord, was a coun
ty seat visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Kollermeier, of Sherwood,
was in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer left
Thursday for Newport to spend the
summer. Upon their return to Ore
gon City they will go back East to
spend a few months.
Mtr. and Mrs. J. R. Humphreys and
son Edward, returned the first of the
week from a two weeks' visit in
Mrs. C. A. Nash and sister, Mrs.
Derore, of Eugene, returnld Tuesdar
from a vacation trip to Everett and
Seattle. They report there was no
hot weather during their stay at
these places.
Iiss Ida Williams of C'ackamas,
was a county seat visitor Wednesday.
Miss Nellie Todd motored out from
Portland Wednesday afternoon to
visit her sister, Mrs. H. A. Jones. '
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sanderson and
children, and Mart Hastings, of Pas
co, Wash., are visiting with relatives
y in this city and Gladstone.
Miss Bertha Kimsey. who has been
visiting her brothers, W. E. Kimsey,
of Portland, and Ed. Kimsey. of this
cir since the first part of the year,
returned to her home at Lebanon.
Kansas, Tuesday evening. .
News has been received by friends
from John Ross, nenhew of James
Wilkinson of this city, who left for
his old home in Ireland some weeks
peo. of his safe arrival in Country
Anthrim. Ireland. It was with him
like it was with the man who asked
"is that the cat that was a kitten
when I went away," because .his
young friends of former years "had
grown so much he hardly knew them.
Mrs. Mfrrearet G'eason, who fell
and injured her leg a .week ago is
recovering slowly and is able to be
around again. '
Mis Helen Gleason was In Port
land Tuesday, the gwst of Mrs. Erl
1n So'md. who ntertined some of
"her college friends at "500."
Mrs. Lou Hickey, of Willamette,
ws quietly married at Vancouver,
Wash.. Tuesday to Mr. John Patter
son of Tillamook. After the cere
mony th! harvpy cou"1e returned to
Wil'amette where a dinner was given
to a few close friends a honor of the
bride. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson ' will
make their home at Tillirnook, where
the1 groom has business interests.
Te Allen'i FootrEe, tlte antiseptic powder to
be ahaken Into the Bhoas. It instantly takes the
ting out at eorne, itching feet, ingrowiugnaUp, and
bonlona. It'a the greatest comfor l discover j of the
age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes
feel easy. Ladies can wear shoes one size smaller
after using. It is a certain relief for sweating,
callous and swollen, tender, aching feet. Try it to
day. Sold BTerywhere, SSc Trial package i'EBE.
Address. Allen 3. Olmated, Le Koy, N. Y.
A Military Suggestion
Has This Nifty Frock.
Decidedly new is this belt arrange
ment, which should be particularly be
coming to a slender, girlish figure.
Alternate straps ou skirt and bodice
button upward and downward over a
sash of bright colored futurist silk, the
gown being of neutral colored mate
rial. A Clover Party.
The hostess who has a clover dot
ted lawn should not let the opportunity
slip by to entertain with a "clover par
ty." The Invitation should be done in
water color, or real pressed leaves may
be pasted on The hostess may receive
her guests on the veranda, which has
been prettily decorated with large
wicker jardinieres tilled with quanti
ties of the long stemmed clover blos
soms. Over the main porch entrance
suspend a large horseshoe made of the
pink and white clovers.
Partners for the clover hunt may be
found by matching numbers on little
brown twig baskets.. On the lawn or
in the adjoining orchard, wherever the
clover patch happens to be. swing
seats and cushions should be in evi
dence. At a given signal from an old
time dinner horn the hunt for four leaf
clovers should start. Naturally the
little baskets are for holding the finds
During the counting of the good luck
emblems lemonade may be served. At
6 o'clock a supper served at small
tables on the veranda or under the
trees could carry out the clover Idea.
On each table have quaintly shaped
white wicker or pink baskets filled
with the long stemmed clovers and
plenty of the foliage around them.
The supper might consist of cold meats
prettily garnished with the clovers,
and the salad could be molded to rep
resent a large four leaf clover. The
sandwiches could be cut clover shape,
and also the little cakes, while the ice
cream might be the individual pink
blossoms or the green . leaves. The
prizes given for the lucky clover hunter
might be a silver picture frame, with
the clover design engraving. The .con
pies with the empty baskets might be
rewarded with a corsage bouquet and
boutonniere of clovers.
Activities; of Women.
New 5fork now has a women's walk'
France has over 4.150.000 women
Baltimore is the latest city to pro
vide for women police.
New York actresses are going to
Nothing is more disagreeable than
eczema, or other skin diseases. It is
also-dangerous unless speedily cheek
ed. Meritol Eczema Remedy will af
ford instant relief and permanent re
sults. We have never seen a remedy
that compares with it. Jones Drug
Am living on homestead in Cen
tral Oregon. Been there three
years. We have large valley, good
schools, Sunday schools, etc., two
mails each day, cheese factory,
sawmills, small towns, etc. The
Vale-Crescent (Oregon and East
ern) Ry. is now building, right-of-way
runs lengthwise our valley.
This is a good grain, dairying, hog
and poultry country not just a
theory but are raising these
things and have them to show for
themselves. If you want a GOOD
homestead In this tried-out locality
(No deposit on locations fee. You
pay only if you file.)
tiuve a ciurj wren a onaara ruum amm
h bar.
Despite the vote of the women,
Phoenix. Ariz., will continue to be
Schoolteachers In Cincinnati will
soon receive an Increase of 10 per cent
in their salaries.
. Miss Hazel Scbtnoll has been ap
IMiinted. assistant instructor of biol
ogy at Vassnr college.
It is estimated that over. 200.000
women voted at the recent election for
mayor in Los Angeles.
A $100,000 contract has been let for
the first buildings of the new Allen
town iPa.i College For Women.
Woman Champions Man.
Miss Beulah Kennard. a member of
tte to!ird of education of Pittsburgh,
proved that women will not always
vote for one -another when suffrage is
granted them by her speech for the su
perintendent of schools. Women teach
ers had borne testimony before the
board against the superintendent, im
plying that he had flirted with them.
Miss Kennard bravely faced the ac
cusers and declared the whole thins
a political plot.
The harvest of grains and fruits is
not more regular or abundant than
the yield ol human affections, sym
pathies, fellowships, but here also
there are differences of seasons and
of soils. We must improve our
sointual husbandry ; we must enrich
the ground from which good quali
ties spring; we must expose our in
most lile lo th? quickening sun.
Charles G. Ames.
Her Recipe.
Tall Blond What do you do for fall
ing hair? Short Brunette Pick it up
&li?:mi. - YmmirMtmvti rIVlmi rn
"Nature's Playground," as these beaches have been call-
ed, are now open for summer visitors. New hotels, with
all modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds
Double Doily Train-Service
Leaving Portland daily . 8:45 A. M.
Leaving Portland daily except Sunday . .1:20 P. M.
Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive
beach points in time for dinner, spend the evening and
Sunday with the family and return to Portland Sunday
night without loss of time from businsss.
Season Tickets on sale daily $.00
Week End (for return Monday) . .$3.00
.'Equally low fares from other points
Call "for. our brand new folder "TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES
, Folders and full information from any S. P. Agent or at
I Iogden&shastaI I
I. C. S. An Ethical Power
Now, gentlement, just for a moment, I would speak to you, not as
an educationalist, but as a preacher of manhood and a lover of his
kind. The question of the use of alchohol by the student when study
ing, has carried me back to the thought The International Correspond
ence Schools are not simply educational, they are ethical; they not
only make foremen and craftsmen and draftsmen, but they make
MEN in capital letters. For you can never awaken any one to his
commercial possibilities . without stirring up all other possibilities so
cial, patriotic, philanthropic, intellectual, moral. The moment you suc
ceed breaking up one area of inertia you set vibration moving through
every part of the being and all kinds of dormant and stagnant powers
are set into healthy motion. When a man's mind gets engrossed with
an intellectual occupation and he finds that he has a grip upon the
laws and forces oi the universe, the saloon, the vulgar and degrading
sow, the curb-stone loafing, and the hours of inane and ribald waste
all seem to be unworthy of him and his self-respect clothes him in a
protective armor which helps to keep his entire manhood inviolate. A
great American preacher used to speak much about "the expulsive pow
er of a new affection," and, having as your life work the duty of both
supplying and developing this "new affection" the love cf the best, by
which the unworthy and base will be expelled, perhaps unconsciously
but surely, from many and many a man. Success to you in your work!
The Trained Man
When the chiefs put their heads together to hire or "fire," the
trained man doesn't worry. He knows that there is always a place for
him. - . ,
You can look your job and every man in the face if"you possess the
training so much m demand everywhere today. The International
Correspondence Scnools will go to you in your spare time, whereever
you live, and will train you to become an expert in your chosen line
of work. Such a training will forever take you off the "anxious" seat.
ft costs you nothing to find how the I. C. S. can help you. Mark
the coupon opposite the occupation for which you have a natural lik
ing, mail the coupon today, and the I. C. S. will send you facts showing
how you can earn mora money in the occupation of your own choice.
I H. H.-HARR IS," Local Mgr.
jj 505 McKay Building, Portland, Oregon.
Explain without, further obligations on my part, how I can qual
ify for the position before which X mark X. .
Electrical Engineer
Electric Lighting Supt,
Telephone Expert
- Building Contractor
Architectural Draftsman
Structural Engineer
Concrete Construction.
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Draftsman
Civil Engineer
Stationary Engineer
Plumbing and Steam Fitting
Gas Engines
Present Occupation
Street and No.
-City ,
All enterprises to be under
taken should be for the honor of
God and the general good will of
the country.
In well constituted govern
ments the citizens fear more to
break their oaths than the laws
because they esteem the power
of God more than that of men.
Even in war but little glory
is derived from any fraud that
involves the breaking of a given
pledge and of agreements made.
It is impossible to believe that
either valor or anything praise
worthy can result from a dis-.
honest education or an Impure
and Immodest mind.
Money Back From Huntley Bros. If
Catarrhal Misery Does Not
Leave You
Try the sure way. Breathe Booth's
Listerian antiseptics. . -
When the bottle of HYOMEI that
comes with your outfit is gone you
can get another for 50 cents. Just
breathe it no stomach dosing.
HYOMEI over the sore, germ infect
ed membrane, kill the germs and heal
the sore spots.
' Use the little inhaler that comes
with each $1.09 outfit five times
through the day. At night use the
vapor breathing treatment as. direct
ed. .
Booth's HYOMEI does not contain
any harmful drug. It is Australian
Eucalyptus combined with effective
For Sale By -HUNTLEY
John M. Scott,
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Never Worries
Civil Service
Stenography and Typewriting
Show Card Writing
Letter and Sign Painting
Commercial Illustrating
Industrial Designing
Commercial Law
Automobile Running
English Branches
Poultry Farming
Teacher Spanish
' Agriculture - French
Chemist ' German
Dressing Up the Summer Tailormade.
Is your crash or linen suit too se
verely plain for afternoons? If you
think so don't despair. There's an
easy way of smartening it All you
need is a yard of linen with which to
make a deep and' wide chemisette
which can be slipped on over any plain
lingerie blouse that Is collarless. The
chemisette should be hand embroidered
at each .side of the row of crystal but
tons fastening its scalloped edged
fronts, and its neck should be finished
with a wide turned over collar, also
hand embroidered and scalloped edged.
This4collar. coming over that on the
suit's jacket will extend almost to the
arm eyes and effectively p'-iish the
upper portion of the costume.
Some persons believe that. In addi
tion to ejecting venom through their
fangs, rattlesnakes have the power to
throw off poisonous dust. Some per
sons, it is claimed, are able even to
smell a snake some distance away.
When Mrs.
' Frank
The baking lectures and dsmonstrations by Mrs. Nevada Briggs, at the Frank Busch Furniture
store this week have been largely attended; in fact, the lectures are o far superior to anything of.
the kind ever seen in Oregon City that all who attend are very enthusiastic and are .urging r their
friends to take advantage of the course. ' '
Mrs. Briggs has the distinction of being the most "practical and economical, lecturer-demonstrator
doing this kind of work.
Th3 methods applied are so simple that every one is delighted to find out how easy it really is to
be a successful pastry baker.. Mrs. Briggs attributes her success to the perfect leavening power of
K. C. Baking Powder and it is easy to sse that it is a great improvement over tha old-fashioned
Every woman in Oregon City Is invited to attend thes3 lecturss. There is no charge whatever.
Program for TODAY at 2:30:
- Lady Baltimore Cake Pure Apple Cake, Jelly sauce
Apple Fritters with Bacon Muffins
How To
The Cook's Book used by Mrs. Briggs in her lectures contains over 80 of Mrs. Janet McKenzie
Hill's best recipes. It is illustrated to show how the finished baking looks and it is undoubtedly
the most vaiuabla , Cook's Book on patsries, pudding, breads, ca kes, etc., ever given out by any
facturer. This beautiful Cook's Book is given, to any one who purchases a large can cf K .C. Baking
Powdsr from their grocer and brings the colored certificate found in the. can to the lectures. Don't
fail to secure a copy of this unusual Cook's Book. ' , . ,
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
- Beaver Building, Main Street
TeI.-Home, A228 Pacific, Main 115
How Long Have You Been Married?
If you have been married
One year Celebrate with cotton.
Two years Paper. -Three
, Four Fruit and Bowers.
Five Word.
Six Sugar '
Seven Woolen.
Eisht India rubber. '
Nine Willow.
Eleven -Steel.
Twelve Silk and fine linenT
Thirteen Lace. .
Fourteen I vory.
Fifteen -Crystal.
Twenty China.
Twenty-five Silver
- Thirty Pearl.
Forty Ruby.
Se venty-fi ve Dia mood.
-Artist I paint only for pleasure.
Fair Critic And "only for your own. I
presume.-Kiegende Blatter.
is Very
Briggs Shows You How at
Busch's furniture Store
. Comfortable seats have baen
provided where you may see evary
detail of the baking and mixing.
Samples are served to all, and, as
many recipes are served with",
sauces," etc., it is well to bring
fork for sampling. . ,
Get The "Cook's Book
0 N
To Take Effect at Once
15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c
20 " " u. 30c " " 35c
25 " u " 30c " 35c
40 " " 30c " " 35c
60 a " " 40c " " 45c
110 " J " " 70c " " 75c
150 V u $1.05 " "$1.15
250 u " " 1.75 " " 1.60
' Horse Show at Long Branch
LONG BRANCH, N. J., July 30.
The annual horse how, of the Mon
mouth County Horse Show associa
tion opened at Hollywood Park today
and will continue until the end of the
weak. The event is one of the social
attractions of the summer season,
and has attracted large number of
well known people.
BUFFALO, N. Y., July 30. Many
residents of Buffalo and vicinity
crossed the river today to attend the
first celebration to be held on Can-
adian soil in commemoration of the
passing of 100 years of peace between
tha two English-speaking nations,
Great Britain and the United States.
Ths celebration was held at Fort
Erie beach, within a stone's throw of
the ruins of old Fort Erie, which fig
ured prominently in the war. of a i
century ago. The day's programme
included addresses by prominent men
of tha United States and Canada,
among the representatives of the lat
ter being saveral cabinet officials and
members of the . Dominion parliament.
- C