HUSBAND SAVES WIFE IN RIVER LEON DALY LEAPS INTO WILLAM ETTE AS SPOUSE SINKS i FOR SECOND TIME WOMAN TRIES TO AID LAUNCH PARTY Guests of Mrs. Daggert, of Naef Sta tion, Witness Thrilling Rescue , Off Eleventh Street City Dock , While pushing a log away from the Eleventh street dock Tuesday noon, so that a motorboat could land, Mrs. Leon Daly lost her balance and fell into the Willamette river. Mxs. Daly sank undsr the surface for the second - time before she was rescued by her husband, who plunged into the gtream from the porch of a houseboat nearby. Ths Dalys have made the houseboat their home during the summer weather. The launching party, which was in directly responsible for the accident, consisted by Mrs. Maris Daggert, of Naef Station, Mrs. H. H. Emmons, Mrs. G. F. McPherson and Mrs. Will Grsgon, of Portland, Mrs. Collins, of Chicago, Mrs. W. N. Leyman, of Cin cinnati. and Mrs. H. Ml T.amlsrinwne i All had been out on the river as the guests of Mrs. Daggert, who owned the launch and whn hart oar-Mar In the day cruised up from Naef Sta tion. ' Mrs. Daly was revived with some difficulty, but later in the day recov ered completely from her sudden plunge into the river. MORNING ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. MAKES FEET FEEL GOOD Are your feet wearv? .Rexnll Vnnt Powder will help to make them rested and comfortable. To relieve the ef fects of tight shoes, excessive perspi ration, long standing, rough or long walks, changing from pavament to the ground and vice versa, clothing me reet too warmly in winter, imper fectly tanned leather, use Rexall Foot Powder. When we say - that Rexall Foot Powder will relieve . foot" troubles, we go farther. We don't ask you to take a chance. Rexall Foot' Powder costs you 25c, if it proves, after use, to ba what you want. If it doesn't satisfy you, it won't cost you a red cent, be cause we will refund your 25 ' cents. Sold in this community only at our stora. The Rexall Store. , HUNTLEY BROS. CO. NOTICE! Homesteads Worthwhile Am living on homestead in Cen tral Oregon. Been there three years. We have large valley, good schools, Sunday schools, etc., two mails each day, cheese factory, sawmills, small towns, etc. The Vale Crescent (Oregon and East ern) Ry. is now building, right-of-way runs lengthwise our valley. This is a good grain, dairying, hog and poultry country not just a theory but are raising these things and have them to show for themselves. If you want a GOOD homestead in this tried-out locality see me at ELECTRIC HOTEL, SATURDAY, AUG. 2nd. ALVIN S. HAWK. (No deposit on location fee. You pay only if you file.) "THIS IS MY 70TH BIRTHDAY" William H. Mann William Hodges Mann, governor of Virginia, was born in Williamsburg, Va., July 30, 1843. His education was received in an academy at Browns burg, Va. His first public office was that of deputy clerk of Nottoway county, to which he was appointed in 1859. At the beginning of the Civi! War he resigned his position and en enlisted as a private in a Virginia regiment of infantry. Soon . after, however he. was obliged to retire from active service on account of an injury he had received. During the latter part of the war he acted as a scout in the operations around Peters-J burg. When peace had been declared ! he took up the study of law and in 1867 was admitted to the bar. Three years later he was elected county judge of Nottoway county. His serv ice on the bench laster twenty-two years. In 1899 he was sent to the Virginia senate and in 1910 he was elected governor of the state on the democratic ticket. Congratulations to: Henry A. DuPont, United States senator from Delaware, 75 years old todav. Robert J. Burdette, noted humorist and lecturer, 69 years old today. John Sharp Williams, United States senator from Mississippi, 59 years old loaay. Julius Kruttschnitt a leading factor in the management of the so-called Harriman system of railroads,' 59 years old today. Rear Admiral James H. Watmpugh, the oldest officer on the retired list of the United States navv. 91 old today. Wilson & Cooke Carry a Complete Line of Braiders' Hardware, Tin and Granite Ware, Stndebaker Wagons, Bain Wag ons,' Oliver Chilled Plows, Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators, Thomas Drills, Superior Drills. Our Prices are RIGHT. CALL AND SEE US. Wilson & Cooke END DISGUSTING CATARRH Money Back From Huntley Bros. If Catarrhal Misery Does Not Leave You Try. the sure way. Breathe Booth's Listerian antiseptics. When the bottle of HYOMEI that comes with your outfit" is gone you can get another for 50 cents. Just breathe it no stomach dosing. HYOMEI over the sore, germ infect ed membrane, kill the germs and heal the sore spots. Use the little inhaler that comes with each $1.00 outfit five times through the day. At night use the vapor breathing treatment as direct ed. Booth's HYOMEI does not contain any harmful drug. It is Australian Eucalyptus combined with effective For Sale By, HUNTLEY BROS. CO., DRUGGISTS It's not best because it's largest in sales-but largest in sales because it's best. There are six Fords sold to one of any other car. Twould be hard to find a more convincing reason why you should own one. Here's the test: 300,000 Fords now in service. Runabout $525; touring car $600; town car $800 f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. Get catalogue and all particulars from' Pacific High way Garage, Busch Bldg., Main St., Between Eleventh and Twelfth. SUN., 2 AND 8 P.M. RAIN OR SHINE POSITIVELY ARLINGTON & BECKMAN'S Instructive, Educational Pageant Oklahoma Ranch d t Will be in Oregon City Scores of Indians, Cowboys, Cowgirls, Rough Riders, Cossacks, Mexican Vaqtieros, Bronchos Frontiersmen, Plainsmen, and other Representatives of the Far West U o -T ' ' j When You Buy a Couch Ask to know all there is to know about a couch. Ask about the upholstering, the springs, the general construction, the wood used in the frame. We'll gladly tell you all that we know assist you to buy just the kind of a couch you want and we'll guarantee that when you get through you will have made a, purchase that you will be entirely satisfied with. We have a lot of couches here more than you probably think and it's a certainty that you will find what you want. And, the price well they are yours from $5.50 up Good Wire Fencing Means , Fence Economy First it is durable. Think of the time you have spent in ' the last five years repairing and rebuilding fences of other kinds. And the price, well we do not claim to make a fortune on fence sales, but we do claim that you cannot 'buy fence as good as ours at the wire works east than what we ask right here at home Our 40 in. fence weighs 7.81 pounds to the rod and sells for ' 33c ' MiyiicArTiiDrn at .nai i . u, r, . u Made or the best hard steel wire, thoroughly -galvanized. The locks will not slip, they are not driven down on the wire.hence not a wire is injured . 16 cross bars to the rod.Tne heaviest woven, wire standard farm fence on the markeu A Word or Two About Iron and Brass Beds The kind of a business deal you get now-a-days when buying iron beds depends a whole lot upon the reputation of the store you are trading at. There is much talk, and counter talk of lacquers, of fin ish, of design and of workmanship. There is enough of it to confuse the layman. We do not buy iron and brass beds unless the manufac turers will stand back of us, and we do not sell you an iron or brass bed unless we can stand back of the sale. Many beautiful designs here and you are welcome to inspect th em For $1.95 We will sell you a very substantial iron bed. 5