6 MORNING ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. local BRiers E. S. Tweed, of Eugene, was a vis itor In this city Tuesday. A. R. Libbey, of Corvallis, was a county seat visitor Tuesday. ' C. E. .Reynolds, of Salem was a county seat visitor Tuesday.. E. M. Anderson, of Turner, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday: J. E. King, of Jefferson, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. H. D. Taylor, of Latourelle, was an uregon city visitor Tuesday. E. P. Dodge, of Dodge Mills, was in this city on business Tuesday. M. L. Harck, of Springfield, was a local Dusiness visitor ruesaay. M. J. Kiuensting, of Gresham, was in this city on business Tuesday. Roy Elliott, of San Francisco, was in this city on business Tuesday. . M. A. Smith, of Gervais, was in the county seat on business Tuesday. - Neal Goode, of Gladstone, has left for.Wenatchee, Wn., for the summer. Mrs. O'Connor, of East Clackamas, was in this city on business Tuesday. Miss Flora Brown, of Salem, was visiting with friends in this city Tues day. Lewis Pitts, of Portland, made a business trip to the county seat Tues day. Oral Welch Is acting as deputy In the county, clerk's office during the rush. A. A. Baldwin, of Aurora, was a vis itor in the county seat on business Tuesday. ,( Miss Elsie Gold, of Albany, was vis iting with friends and relatives here Tuesday. t ' Miss Estella Crlswell, of this city, is spending a fe days visiting with friends in Eugene. A. 1. French, a real estate dealer of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor on business Tuesday. E. R. Robinson, a business man of Salem, was a county seat visitor on legal business Tuesday. George Harrington, of Gladstone, is acting as deputy in the county clerk's office during the rush. O. D. Eby and family and a num ber of friends are camping on Clear Creek for about a month. N. L. Finlay, of Oakland, Oregon, made a trip to this city Tuesday. Mr. Finlay is a fruit-grower of that sec tion. F. E. Phillips, of Stoverson, Mon tana, who is making a tour of the Pacific Northwest, was in this city for a short time Tuesday. R. C. Stroud, of Independence, ac companied by L. H. Gralapp, made a business trip to this city Tuesday in M)r. Stroud's new motorboat. Mr. Travis, of Portland, was in this city Tuesday. Mr. Travis will have charge of the construction of the new Seventh street elevator. A. L. Morell, of Willamette, brought his first load of cucumbers to Oregon City Monday, to ship to Port land. He brought 1261 pounds, fne Big Ben Makes it his Business to get people up in the world he makes it his business to get them up in time. , He does it loyally, steadily and promptly there's a true ring to his morning greeting that makes early risers sit up and take notice. And every morn, America over, Big Ben awakens men who are get ting up in the world men who are setting the pace for the rest men who strike their stride at the flash of the gun. Big Ben Is a thin, beautiful and punctual sleepmeter. He is easy to read, easy to wind and pleasing to hear. He calls you every day at any time you say. He's absolutely the finest sleepmeter made, the first one we have felt like displaying in our window alongside of our cut glass and silverware. Look at him when you walk by. Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers. Suspension Bridge Corner. LARSEN & CO. Wholesale and Retail .... Groceries, Produce and Commission JJJJgstand most complete stock in ourTine in Clackamas County. We Pay Cash For country produce. All goods sold on MONEY-BACK Guarantee. ; 1001-1003 Main St. OREGON CITY, OREGON TRY "SALT-EM" with YOUR STOCK 30 DAYS make better gains on and get your they don't feed come in money back ! Stock will show improved appear ance and make more milk or butter fat. Saves waste of feed and danger from indigestion. Save lots from Worms and Disease. Not a food but a medicated stock salt saves trouble of salting and "doctoring," as the animals " take their own medicine. Money back i f Test doesn't Satisfy. Bock en "SALT-EM" Free. .100 lb. $6. Smaller 90c, 1 and : Oregon Commission Co. 11th and Main Sts. . Oregon City, Ore;. AGENTS FOR CON KEYS POUIJW i STOCK KMfOIES first picking.- Mr. Morrell reports a bumper crop. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ramala, of Bos ton, were in this city Tuesday visit ing with mends. Mr. and Mrs. Ra mala are making a tour of the United States, an! after stopping for a few hours continued on their way to San Francisco. FIRE DESTROYS HOME Fire late Tuesday afternoon com pletely destroyed the home, of -Elmer Lightbody, at Willamette. The only thing saved was a bureau. Lighbody's wife and two children escaped unhurt from the blazing building, which was a small shack, valued at about $200. There was practically no insurancs. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Board of directors, Oak Grove school district No. 93 to Portland, Ev gene & Eastern, rigt-of-way over part of James Officer D. L. C. No. 39; $10. Thomas P. Randall and wife to same, lots 5 and 6,- block 26, Bolton, also portions of lots 3 and 4, block 26, Bolton; $10. Mary Alice Wittenberg, Pearl M. Hoyt, Gaorge M. Shaver, Delnuer Shaver and C. Earl Shaver to same right-of-way in Hugh Gordon D. K C. No. 40, $10. Minnie Epply and Owen Epply to MUrgaret L. Torgler, west half of N. W. V of N. W. of N. K. , Sec. 32, T. 2 S...R. 7 E.; $:i00. Laura Baker Dollar and Clem Dol lar to Fred Baker, lot 12, block 13, Wilamette Falls; $300. Ward B. Lawton and wife to M. B. Skene, tract 21, Lawton Heights; $10. United States to William W. Mars, lota 1 and 2 Sec. 18, T. 4 S., R. 3 E.; p g X en . Sjli rf ' j i 1 1 c IT AUTOMATIC TO it mix. o o o CO H o PI G The only practical water system for the farmer, it pumps the water while you are cooking your meals. We make a specialty of work in the country come and see before you buy. Straight & Salisbury Court House blk. Both Phones. TO OVERCOME BODILY ODORS We take pleasure iu recommending Rexall Nice to all women and men who wish to reach perfection in bodi ly cleanliness, who wish to attain to their air of perfect personal cleanli ness so much desired by anyone who is at all sensitive and particular about their person. Rexall Nice is designed especially to remove body odors. It is to be used after the bath, is very convenient, and its delicate fragrance will please the most fastidious. It will add to your mental comfort by insuring your free from unpleasant odors. Its subtle odor will delight those aroun-t you. It is the last touch. In the fin ished toilette. Please remember, if Rexall Nice fails to please you, we will cheerfully refund your money. Price, 25 cents. Please remember . also that Rexall Nice is sold in this community only at our store. The Rexall Store. HUNTLEY BR03. CO. Dry Goods Used Cars at attractive prices If you are contemplating the purchase of a good sec ond hand car now is the time to investigate and buy. In order to get our stock cleaned up for the season and to get ready for the new cars we are offering used cars, which are thoroughly overhauled and in good run ning order, at exceptiontally low prices. You Cannot Go Wrong on These Bargains 1910-40 H. P. Overland, 5 passenger Touring Car, fully equipped. Cash and terms, $400.00. 1910-20 H. P. Buick, 5 passenger, detachable ton neau. Has been run very little. Has three of the orig inal tires, fully equipped. Cash and terms, $350.00. 1912- 30 H. P. Overland Roadster, electric side and tail lights. Prest-O-Lite head lights. In perfect run ning order and fully equipped in the best manner. Cash and terms, $800.00. 1913- 40 H. P. Buick 5 passenger touring car. Extra tubes and tires, fully equipped in the best possible man ner. Cost $1900.00 three months ago. Run about 2000 miles. Price, cash, $1350.00. Compare these prices with other cars of a like na ture and value and you will be convinced. You will have to make haste if you want to buy at these prices. See us at once. We can still furnish a few New 1913 Overland Cars, but the stock is getting low. Millei-PafcesCa OREGON CITY, OREGON. Lifting Made Easy Enables one man to shift an engine or change a wagon box without help. Saves time, labor; cuts out dangerous lifting and straining. Lifts Load and Holds It Automatically Heavier the Load Tighter the Grip! There is a Hall Safety Hoist to fit every lift and every pocketbook. Nine sizes 400 lbs. to 4 tons capacity $1 to $7. Fully guaranteed. Call and See One la Action For Sale By C. W. FRIEDRICH 7th and Center St. Oregon City, Ore. STAFFORD'S Comer Sixth and Main Sts. LIDS FOR KIDS Summer Clearance Sale of many lines to make room for Fall Stock. MILLINERY at very low prices. Ladies Hats 75c to $4.50 Children's blue OVERALLS with white stripe, only 25c Children's MID DIE BLOUSES piped in blue and red, 6 to 12, 50c, now at 35c Children's SWEATERS Fall line now in 50c and up. Ladies' LINENE SKIRTS, with lace insertion, $2.25, now $1.50 Fine assortment of wide RIB BONS, big val ues, 10c yard. And many other bargains, also staple dry goods at popular prices. Call on us when in town. C f ct AirnvDn corner sixth . 1. OlATrUKU, AND MAIN STS. hogg biros. Will IMIo-ve TO THEIR NEW LOCATION Opposite County Court House about August 1st, where they will have a much larger stock of Furniture, Hardware, Paints and Building Material. You are invited to inspect their stock when in town. Do You Kiow That ROBINSON & CO. was Portland's finest clothes shop, and catered to the finest trade in Portland? DO you you realize that we bought those Stein Bloch clothes of Rochester, America's foremost clothes makers? DO you realize that we bought those Stein-Block Suits and are selling them at Sixty Cento on the Dollar? And we ask you in all fairness to yourself as well as your pocket book, Can You Paoo Up Such a Money Saving Event? $25.00 Stein-Bloch Suits $15.7 5 $27.50 Stein-Bloch Suits $16.95 $30.00 Stein-Bloch Suits $17.95 $32.50 Stein-Bloch Suits $19.95 $35.00 Stein-Bloch Suits $22.H Every garment fitted to you and maintained free in our own tailoring room. Special Bargains in all Departments 20 per cent off on all Boys' Wear. 15 per cent off on Manhattan Shirts. pmoE BROS. Where Clothes Fit Established 1895 Sixth and Main Streets