Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 30, 1913, Image 5

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    I . J I 1 1 I ' I -r.
500 YARDS 100 Yards Galitea Indin Linons Ladies' Waists Ladies' Waists Ladies Waists 150 Yards Silks
OfWMhSood,fo,'Summer.ndr!yF.UwOT.Regu- , ReIar price, 15c to 25c. About 100. Regular $1 to $2. One lot $1.50 to $2.50, to eo ' About 25, regular $4.00 to $5,
lar 25 to 35c per yd. Togo Regular 20c. Togo Togo Togo to go Regular 75c to $1.00. To go
45c each
12c Per Yard 11c the yard 6c the yard 25c each $1.98 35c the yard
Muslin Underwear Henriettas, Cashmeres, Com Ladies' and Men's Sweaters
j nr l - i iy ran unit underwear, vests
and other Woolen Dress (aoods , , cnn . so, regular $1.50 to $2.00, to inn wguw n ti nn n
Skirts, Chemise and gowns. Regular $1.50 to $2.50. and drawers. 500 garments. . 1UU, regular o5c to $1.00, all . Mnn, t T
i ; . , , so 100 Sweaters, regular price, $2.00 to $2.50. lo go
Togo most all colors, regular price, 75c, $1, $1.25 the yard. Togo Regular 25c to 35c, to go e g
78c the Garment 38c per yard 15c each 75c each 25c 98 c each
Ladies Hats Hand Finished Muslin Drawers ., Neckwear isa La"Silk Emb Ladies' and Men's Sweaters
, t , , About io dozen, ranging in Ladies' Silk Gloves i-aes Long ailk .
200, ranging in price from $3.00 to $7.00. Come and One lot about ! 00, regular pricefromS0clo$I.50.Com GloVtS Hundreds of yards, regular to . : . $ (
gettbem 75c to $1.50, , go - , ' arj pick' em. All go a. Regular 75c to $1.00. 25c U,e yard. To go 200 Sweater., regular pr,ce $2.50 to $3.50. To go
Regular $1.50 to $2.00, to go ' '.
98c each 35c each 18c each 28c the pair 88c the pair 2c the yard $1.48 each
Low Shoes and Oxfords Laes Broad Brim Men.;straw 200 Pair Hose Biader Twine Shoes Shoes Heating Stoves
OailOrS : Cloth HatS Regular 25c to 35c the pair in Standard ' '
Men'. dLadiea- regular $3.00 to $4.00 to go Regular, 75c to js Ladies' and Children'. Togo . Entire Shoe Stock Buy now and half. You U1 heed one in
98C the pah" 25c each . YQch 1 4C the Pair ' Goe.inS.1.. ju.. a UUle While.
Sewing Machines , Men's Hats , MenVS-er c. Me, Pan,, sh,,, Boy, wiremg, ; Hardware
Don't overlook these. The best made at prices that Regular $2.50 to $3.00. I ' Lids. The best regular $1.25, Clothing, etc. Gates and Steeples, v;
will save you from , Regular 50c to 75 garment. Shelf Hardware, - Roof ing, Paper, Builders' Material,
. v Xv' " 98c oc 78c EVERYTHING GOES. Buggy and Hack Wheels Pitchforks, Rakes, Hoes, and all garden utensils to go.
$25.00 to $35.00 : 6bc
i Mowers, , . ' "" ' . , J 7 Quatt Disk Pan ENAMELED PINT DRINK-
All II' 1 117" , ' btoves and Ranges. Bed Comforts, ' , nti
jUlCl HlCKOry WagOnS Rakes, Tripple coated enameled roll ING CUPS 700
- Sulkey Plows ' Kitchenettes and Blankets rims, white coated1 inside. Will f
' ; and Quilts not turn black, regular $1.25, Regular 15c each, tripple
We wffl sell at cost 10 JOHN DEER BUGGIES. We Harrows Kitchen utensils too numerous aII go to go coated, to go , Pieces of enameled ware. Tripple coated, the best and
' Discs etc
will sell at cost ' to mention, all go in this sale. NOW 0 all kinds of them, at practically 50c on the dollar.
.. ah go at cost. . . .,. . 7oc . 2c each
There will be extra salespeople to serve you and
we will1 put forth our every effort to give you prompt
This sale will positively open and close as adver
tised. Nothing sold before or after sale at prices quoted
here. Arrange to attend and come early.
There are literally hundreds and hundreds of other bargains we have not the time or
space to qaote that await yoti. ENTIRE STOCK IS TO GO, Nothing Reserved
j y
Ks, - Come and Get These
Don't wait fou' cr five days er a week and then come around asking for tkem. Tkey may be kere and they may
not, but when t his advertisement reaches yoti we will kave plenty, and we are setting the opening day far enough
ahead that everybody will have an equal chance, as we are anxious for everyone to share these bargains.
' 7th "St. a the Hill.
It is against the law to advertise a thing not so in
the state of Oregon.
Besides we will pay $50.00 in cash to any charit
able institution in the county named by the finder of a
single wilful mistatement in this ad, or we fail to pro
duced every article in quantities as advertised.