T in r-iif tiagriii flCi' Tim 3 EeMire or the 3 : fi 4 - i When we purchased the stock, grounds and buildings of Mr. D. C. Ely we had to accept all of his future orders for merchandise, comprising much merchandise of all kinds both for immediate use and new fall and winter goods WE HAVE WAITED for the finish of this sale until all goods were in. They are here making over TWENTY-FIVE THO ASAND DOLLARS in this stock yet to be sold. Now We Don't Afant a sngk dollars worth of his stock as we intend buying entirely new stock out and out for our Big New Department - : Store and the prices we are going to sell it at, a few quoted below, is evidence to you we mean business. Wow for the Crowning Event, Unprecedented, Unrivaled Finish of the Sale of This Large Stock NEVER BEFORE SUC H A MAMMOTH, SLAUGHTER OF MERCHANDISE These at e no better goods than offered in this stock, and stock is of fered in its entirety, nothing reserved. Crisp, new, snappy merchandise piled high all goes . ' " . ......! . . 1 1 - ; - - ! ' This Gigantic Finish Sale Starts Friday, August the 1st at 9:00 o'clock A. M. ; , , POSITIVELY CLOSING SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 6th, AT 9:30 P. M. .1 Fourteen Solid Selling Days of Slaughtered Merchandise. Not One Single Dollar's Worth of This Stock Must be Left Over at the Closing Hour.1 1500 YARDS - Lawns, Swisses and other Summer Wash Goods, regu lar price, 12c to 20c per yard. To go 5c Per Yard 1000 Yards DIMITIES, MULLS, ETC. Regular price, 25c to 35c. To go 1 2c per yard Foulards and Silks 300 yds., regular price, 75c to $1. To go -v 35c the yard One Lot of Summer Dress Goods OF ALL KINDS, REGULAR PRICE RANGES FROM 15c to 35c per yard. COME AND GET THEM. 7c the yard Amoskeg A. F. C. Ginghams m 1000 yards. Regular price, 12 J cents. To go 6c per yard J !