OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By-Gross pHEHRY JR. SAYS f ok; PcwoeitBrl ' f t j -nc e.e) I open up vt.p. oceej -mrs ouSr 4e doe, n oup tAy ' jfeg UiTTue MAtBtTp Her Ipiinrw I1 wj eec-fwe V'l' I' f- tnl'HT OVBRto her MoTKEEjSi To XAV ooT uATE liS ,r THK WTRy N - - - C!T" KT fc"H""'' ' "-- pgCK . ' ; of o ...... MORNING ENTERPRISE I OREGON CITY. OREGON. E. Brodle, Editor and Publisher. ! "Entered as SPPond-rlats matter Jan nary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March t. 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, by mall $3.00 Six Months, by mall 1.50 Four Months, by mail 1.00 Per Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER SELL OR TRADE Good six-room house and lot In Oregon City, situated in fair lo cation; is bringing rent of $10 per month. Will sell or ex change for property in Glad stone of equal value. Price $1000. Dillman & Howland Weinhard Building Wants, For Sale, Ett Notices under these' classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first tions. ' One inch card, $2 per month.; half Inch card. ( 4 lines), $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one insertion, half a cent additional inser has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c city in Kansas for rooming house or Oregon City real estate. What have you to offer? Inquire 311 J. Adams St. WANTED Contracts for water wells in -Oregon City and vicinity. H. C Painton, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. HELP WANTED FEMALE the county has been financially bet- j tered by many thousands of dollars; ANSWERING In this issue of The J but the present administration has taken steps throug the county cruise, THE CHARGE Enterprise is printed a reply by County Judge R. B. Beatie and Commissioner Blair to the charges preferred against them by those who are backing the recall to benefit the district over which thsy have charge to a still greater extent. Results obtained from this cruise al ready indicate that the increase in as- movement. Judge Beatie and Com- sessed valuation and the taxes on missioner Blair completely ignore per- timber land levied thereupon will sonalities in the matter, as is right and proper, and deal solely with the facts at issue. They even take the the comparison of the years 1910 and 1912 in their reply instead of making a more favorable showing by utilizing other years and comparing them. In doing this they are going more than half way to meet their detractors, and are answering their flimsy allegations of wrong conduct by the very evi dence which they have themselves submitted as the grounds for their ac tion. In a mild, clear ar-tl concise state ment the judge and the commissioner take up the record the county court has made and present it to the peo ple for their judgment. Replying to the charge that the present county ad ministration has been an expensive one for the tax-payers, they submit figures that connot be disputed to show that any Increase in taxation is not dua to the actions of the county commissioners, but is the result of an increase in mandatory state tases, and in taxes voted by the people them selves. Taking into consideration the growth and development of the coun ty, it is show a that while the increase ; of taxes regularly, levied in 1912 is j 25 percent over the .faxes of 1910; the j taxes specially levied by the people show an increase oE 50 percent for -the same period. Figures are quoted to bear out . these facts. The figures are a part of the county records, and they are also a. part of the report made by a special accountant who experted the county books. The figures do not lie ; and any right-thinking man who reads them, and who understands the mean ing underlying them, cannot fail to see that any charge of extravagance, based upon them and levelled at the county court, is a gross misrepresen tation of affairs as they actually are. Judge Beatie and Commissioner Blair also point out I hat under the present administration the county has- not only been freed of debt and placed upon its feet iti a sound finan cial condition, but that there has al so been accumulated in the county treasury a healthy surplus. Surely there can have been no extravagance, nor mismanagement, nor wrong-doing, if such results have been achieved. Not only does the comparison be tween the years 1910 and 1912 show this advance, and prove that under the present management of affairs mpre than pay for the cruise, and will add to the county funds further thous ands of dollars annually. In some in stances the cruise has increased thr valuation of timber land to as mucr as four times the former figures, and in nearly every sectiou substantial ad vances are shown. This does not looV like extravagance, or seem to be grounds upon which to base a recall. In short, it must appear to the cit izenWho thinks of this matter that the present county administration has dona well in office, has had at heart the interests of the county, and has, in the last assay, given an econ omical rule. It has lifted the county from debt and provided it with a sur plus, and while doing this it has found ways to also provide and maintain many needed improvements. It mln.kes a showing on the credit side of the ledger, instead of upon the debit side and if this is extravagance and misrule, there must be something radically wrong with the man's mind who sees it in such a light. Words of Praise For Mayrs Wonderful Stomach Remedy. now inanKtui wc are to you for getting a hold of votir Won derful Remedy. My could not have hod but a short time to live if she had not I;: km your Wonderful Remedy when she did. One more of those paroxysm pains she was having would have killed her with out a doubt. Now she , ( is free from all pain, , ' ' free from heart trou ble and free from that disturbing Neu ralgia all the results of five treatments and the expulsion of five or six hun dred ttall Stones. Now she is able to eat anything she wants and her apbetitie is pod and before taking your medicine she had no appetite and when she ate any thing she would suffer death for so doing- and could not sleep at night; since taking your treatment she sleeps well all night long. T. A. Neail, Roanake, Tex as." The above letter should convince you more than anything we could say in "be half of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem edy. Sufferers shouid try one dose of Ihis Remedy one dose should convince them that they can be restored to health. Nearly all Stomach Ailments are caused by the clogging of the intestinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal accretions al lowing poisonous fluids into the Stomach and otherwise deranging the digestive system. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem edy painlessly removes these accretions without a surgical operation and puts an end to Colic attacks. Gases in the Stomach and Intestines and all of the usual symptoms of Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments. Ask your druggist about Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Rem edy or send to Geo. H. Mavr, Mfg. Chem ist, 154 Whiting St., Chicago, 111., for free booklet on Stomach Ailments and many grateful letters from people who have been restored. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Automobiles for Hire PHONES: MAIN 77; A 193 Miller-Parker Co. The safest man is the man who has a bank account, it establishes and lends confidence in him. Start one today. - . The Bank of Oregon City ". OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON - CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Busines s. Open from 1A.IH.tiJP. M. WANTED Fresh Jersey cow, Ameri can Jersey Cattle Club" Registered, three or four years old; muse pass veterinary examination. Send ped igree with quotation. Box. C, Ore gon City. GIRL WANTED for genera1, house-i work. Call Main 1501. ! FOR RENT. WANTED Experienced housekeeper, ' good wages. Mrs. Frank Busch, City. 1 BOY OR GIRL WANTED To take pictures of the baby, the house, the livestock, the family and hundreds of other equally interes'in things with a Brownie Camera. I cost $1 to $10. I am now at Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Write .hem for a free catalog. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Four rooms. Inquire 114 Eighteenth street. Come and see the3e. FOR RENT Two' clean rooms nicely furnished, with sleeping porch, pat ent loilet, electric lights, hot and cold water. Mrs. Henry Shannon, 395 Division St., back of Eastharo o-l FOR REIvif Furnished downstairs room for rent. Close in, 1007 Main -St mainder 5 years at G percent. the Bank of Oregon City. F. B. over ANY ONE or all at a" Sacrific! four houses and two lots, each . smal'. payment down and balance like rent or will Irade for arcreage. See own er, R. H. Rogers, Willamette, Oregon. FOR SALE House and corner lot. 724 Eighth and Jackson Streets, City. FOR SALE Or will trade for lot of equal value, a piano as good as nan. Dillman & Howland. FOR SALE Furniture of six-room house, three rooms rented steady. A bargain If taken at once. 604 Wa ter street. NOTICES rOR RENT Modern . 7-room house; 16 High street, telephone Main 2214. SITUATION WANTED Place in good family to do all the coo'ung, baking, roastinj, stewing without fire or any att' nrion. Guarantee better cooking than you ever enjoy- ed before. Addres Caloric Fireless Cooker, care Huntley Bros. Co., Ore gon City. WANTED To trade lots in first-clas3 FOR SALE. I FOF? SALE 13 acres In the Molalla j Valley, a fine Uttle tract -of ri6h ? . I-'.vel land. Portland, Eugene & ' Eastern electric line,. (Southern Pa-1 cific) running ou, of Canby is grad ed wit i ;n 2V- miles, trains t: oper ate in September, line runs right j through the place. Price $1350; : very easy terms; $450 down, . re- SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the S'ate of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. John E. Coulodon, Plaintiff, vs. Henriet'a Coulodon, Defendant. In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of plainMff filed herein against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the 4:h day of September, 1913, said date being-after the expira.ion of 6 weeks from the 1st publiscation of this summons, and if you fail vO so a;;p:-sr and answe-r such, com plaint fr want fiereof plaintiff wil. apply to th'.s .court for tie relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein to-wit: A decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant-and for such other relief as to the court seems equitable and just. J This summons is served upon you by publication in the Morning Enterprise, a newspaper printed and published, and having general circulation in Clackamas county, Oregon pursuant to an order of the Hon. R B. Beatie, judge of the County court duly . made and entered of -,h3 29th day of . July, 1913. Said summons will be pub lished for six consecutive and suc cessive weeks from the date of the first publication, July 30, 1913. -W. A. BURKE, Attorney for Plaintiff. 202 Fsnton Bldg.. Portland, Ore. NOTICE At a special election held in Sunny side precinct, Clackamas county, ' Oregon, on tha 28th day of July, 1913, on the question of stock run ning at large ia said precinct, and a majority of all the jotss cast thereat being against stock running at large. Therefore, after sixty days from this date, it shall be unlawful for stock to run at large in said pre " cinct, under penalty of ten dollars for the first offanse and twenty dol lars for each and every subsequent offense to be recovered from the owner of the stock. Date of this notice July 29th, 1913. . W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF J. d ADAMS STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given that an assess ment for the Improvement of J. Q Adams street, Oregon City, Oregon trom the soutn side of Eighth stree to the south line of Fourteent street has been levied and declare according to Ordinance No. 643 Oregon City. The whole cost of said improvemea is $l4,u8b.b8 and the assessment! are now due and payable and sha bear interest from and after the 5t day of August. 1913, at the leg; rate arter wuicn time tne propertf against which this assessment levied may be sold for said asses mcnt and a further penalty of fi teen per centum added. The property assessed for said iri provement lies on both sides of Q. Adams street proposed to be ia proved and tne line of lots abuttiri upon eaid part of J. Q. Adams streJ fartherest from said part of said Q. Adams street ana said part said J. Q. Adams street. U STIPP. Recordar. NOTICE Sealed bid3 will be received at tl office cf the county clerk of Clad amas county, Oregon, until Augu 5th, 1913, at fiva o clock p. m. f seventy cords of wood to be delivd ed- at the court house. Bids will be considered by the cod for this number of cords in No second growtn ana also in q . growth fir and to be cut from gre timber. By order of the county court, W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk. Dated July 23, 1913. XHE R-C-H car for 1913 carries along logically tlie factory policy which made possible its initial success. It is not a belter car for R-C-H materials and construction have from the start been of the highest grade obtain- able. But it has seme additional refinements vh ich place it a little farther in the lead. And it is the most completely equipped car in the country. , " Just a word about this matter of equipment. Everyone knows that there are certain accessories which are. as es sential to the enjoyment of a car as pneumatic tires. The general practice hitherto has been to make the car buyer pur chase these as extras. This made it possible for the car manufacturer to advertise a price $200 or $300 below what the complete car actually cost the owner. And where equipment was furnished by the manufacturer, it was too often on the basis of price alone, which tended to a sacrifice of quality. We do not believe in either of these methods. So when you buy an R-C-H car, you buy with it everything that is essential to your motoring comfort and satisfaction. A glance at the list of equipment items will demonstrate this con clusively. And every one of these equipment items has been carefully selected because of a national reputation for high quality you will see the names of well known makers all along the line. One thing more the R-C-H is not an assembled car. We make every essential part in our own great plants; and every detail of construction from the selection of the raw materials to the final O. K. on the finished car is in the hands of experts whose positions depend upon the' maintenance of R-C-H quality in their respective departments. We ask your consideration of the R-G-H on this basis : . First: What do you need in a carj both in the car itself and in accessories? Second: What does the R-C-H off er you ? Third: What more can you get that you really need at double the R-C-H price? iff Look at this Equipment: R-C-H Cars are sold fully equipped ready for the road. The equipment is as follows : Electric Lights 12-in. Bullet headlights, 6-in. Bullet sidelights, tail light. Warner Auto Meter The most reliable speed and mileage indicator made. Jiffy Curtains Can be put up or down in a few min utes time from the inside of the car. When closed, makes car nearly as rain proof or cold proof as a limousine. ' Bosch Magneto Very. few cars under $1500 are equipped with this high grade magneto, which is used on most of the best known and highest priced cars in the world. Demountable Rims Makes it possible to change tires in three or four minutes time. Extra Rim and Holder Attached to the rear of the touring car and on running board of roadster. Rear View Mirror Giving driver full view of the traf fic behind. , Top, Top Cover, Windshield, Tool Kit, Jack, Tire Re pair Kit, Pump, Robe Rail, Floor Mat, Tally-ho Horn. REMEMBER WE REPAIR All makes of Cars None but the BEST of help employed in our GARAGE TIRES and PARTS always on hand Autos for Livery Service :- Always Ready HUGHES HUGHES Pacific Phone Main 119 Home Phone A-72 4th & Main Sts, Oregon fity