Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 27, 1913, Image 4

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, TOLEDO, O., July 26. The name
of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry,
whom Toledo adopted years ago as a
sort of a patron saint and in memory
of whom she has named buildings,
streets and suburbs, will be further
honored the coming week by a great
celebration of the , centennial of the
battle of Put-in-Bay. Those in charge
of the arrangements believe the fes
tivities here will eclipse all of the
similar celabrations to be held in the
Great Lakes cities this summer. One
of the principal attractions will be
- the reclaimed and rehabilitated Ni
agara, the ceniury-old flagship on
which Commodore Psrry rode to vic
tory in the war of 1S12.
Distrct. Nc. 45.
Walter Cox , $ 13.00
M. Rydzenoski 8.09
Ernest Vallen .". 6.0 J
Joa Powers 6.A0
Jesse Cox 8-00
Otis Vallen 4.00
Al Vallen .-. 4.00
John Scott 4 00
McCurdy Lumber & Hdwr3. Co. 2.20
Jesse Cox 2.00
District No. 46.
Chas. Westlund $ 8.50
Mattoon Lumber Co 8.0G
C. R. Livesay 29.50
Scripture & Beauliau 2.40
Coast Culvert & Flums Co 43.80
Frank Groundkind 1.25
Jacob Martin 22.00
Hans Craft 12.00
D. H. Watts 42.50
Orvel Watts 29.00
Emerson Watts 20.50
Fred Groundlund 15.00
Melvin Leach 8.00
Bert Heighten 22.00
Irwin Hauk 4.00
Newton Moak 27.00
Delmer Heighten 18.00
Chas. Hattan 16.50
Owen Hattan . . . 10.50
H. Berger 10.50
L. D. Mumpower 4.00
J. J. Hattan 9.00
Elton Hattan . 8.50
Victorine Hattan 5.25
Carl Mumpower 8.50
Alfred Guarier 7.00
.1. Watts 6.00
R. Croner 3.00
D. Shea: 3.00
District No. 47.
California Trojan Powder Co. .$ 69.50
Wilson & Cooke 25.92
H. E. Sharrow 3.35
Ira Hart 38.00
Wm. Cook 28.00
D. O. LaCure 38.00
H. Lubben 20.00
M. Rose 34.50
R. F. Stover 34.50
P. S. Losey 2G.00
Sam Roberts 22.00
J. S. Roberts 20.00
Tom Evens '. 12.00
R.M.Richardson 18.50
W. B. Barkstate 8.50
O. P. Roethe 55.00
E. E. Roethe 110.40
L. Vittitoe 148.80
W. L. Jones 83.60
Roethe Bros 91.20
J. N. Spurvey 49.50
T. Worthington 40.80
Distrct No. 48.
Henry Koch $ 5.00
Willard Bosholm 32.00
Walter Alt 18.00
Dewey Alt 18.00
James Lamper 20.00
Godfried Stucki 20.00
H. Wendlund 4.00
Henry Keisecker 12.00
Antone Malar 8.00
Carl Alt 8.00
W. L. Winkins 8.00
J. G. DeShazer 38.00
P. R. Meinig ' 23.50
Straus Lumber Company . . .". . 24.86
District No. 50
T. L. Johnson Lumber Co. 5.40
O. C. Anderson 27.00
Geo. Anderson 17.00
Henry G. Hinson 32.00
Fritz Hinson 2.00
A. A. Conklin 4.00
J. W. Townsend 10.00
Adolph Schmit 12.00
Evert Hulard 27.50
F. M. Townsend 40.00
Frank Ott " 63.00
A. A. Conklin ' 8.00
J. W. Townsend 44.00
Sam Stalldeine 21.00
District No. 49.
Coast Culvert & Flume Co ? 65.76
Estacada Mercantile Co. ....... . 3.20
Beall & Company 3.30
F. H. Davis 54.00
A. J. Irvin , 62.00
W. W. Porter 6.00
Tom Carter 27.00
J. J. Honebon" 4.00
E. Krigbaum 4.00
Otis Wagner ." 41.00
E. Wagner 29.00
H. E. Huxley 16.00
F. Sanford . , 16.00 L H.
G. T. Hunt . 74.00
H. H. Anders 20.00
Geo. Hathaway 32.00
Ben T. Rawlins ' 15.00
Grover Krigbaum .... ..... 2.00
G. H. Sanford . 10.00
H. O. Sanford 2.00
H. G. Hunt 14.00
N. Elling 1800
C. E. Johmson 4.00
Distrct No. 51
R. Nothnagle ? 22.00
W. Nothnagla 19.00
T. Metzger 4.00
Richard Witzel 20.00
Will Witzel 7.00
A. Welch 12.00
E. Johnson ,4.00
Mv R. White 20.00
R. W. White 16.50
A. M. Sundsrland ..
A. T. Long
J. C. Elliott &-Co. .
Metzer Bros.'
C. Wolfhagen & Son
Ed Osburn
Jonsrud Bros. ......
A. L. Heacock
Will Teevin ...
Edd Teevin
John Tesvin ...
Gus Lingle
Earl Lingle
John .Hoffmeister ..
Fred Hoffmeister . .
John D3 Young
Jake De Young .....
H. Henningsen
C. W. Hupp
E. Shedin '.
Auf. Olson :
Albert Hoffmeister .
A. Samuslson
A. Forsythe
O. Gran
Chas.' Proebstal
J. E. Mitts ...................
C. Christner
L. Moshberger . ,
O. Bergstrom .
C. W. Scramlin
Carlton & Rosenkrans Co
District No. 58.
Paul Kleim -.
0. Smith v 10.00
T.E.Brown... 8.00
J. C. Miller 23.75
V. Blust ..' 4.001
C. Dix . ... 8.00
B. L. King 10.00
C. D. Regan 17.50
Elmer Alberg 24.25
Distrct No. 53.
O. L. Hammond ....$ 22.00
Nick Beer 20.00
Geo. Palmer 28.00
Jacob Schnack 4.00
A. Neuenschwander 2.00
Joseph Conrad 12.00
Ernest Conrad 3.00
C. A. Beugli , 33.00
District No. 54
O. Mahler $ 4.00
W. H. Burkert . 16.00
J. L. Stanton 24.00
W. F. Stanton 29.50
V. G. Calvin 12.00
B. Clavin 12.00
Oliver Yoder 8.00
Claude Kunze '4.00
W. G. Wolfe 20.00
S. M. Long 20.00
Harry Barnes 12.00
R. F. Watts 14.00
George Waif ,.. 8.00
P. J. Samson 16.90
Peter Esch 16.00
C. C. Wiser 11.00
Wesley Long 12.00
District No. 55
California Trojan Powder Co..$ 48.00
H. H. Mattoon 74.25
J. A. Tidyman 54.00
Ed Ficken , , 54.00
C. Jubb 46.00
James Hamilton 24.00
James Craft 27.00
A. H. Meyer v. 27.00
B. White 27.00
Joe Lacroy 15.00
H. F. Meeker ' 16.00
Frank Cockerline 2.00
Jim Severe 23.00
H. W. Creason 14.00
District No. 56
Beall & Company ..: ".$105.00
Wilson & Cooke .50
Frank Busch 8.70
California Trojan Powder Co. 163.00
Frank Shube 4.00
Brady Rambo 4.00
Fred Hellman 28.25
D. F. Moehnke 5.37
Jesse Mayfield 32.50
Harvey Holland 17.00
Fred Brunner 57.00
John Wallace 59.00
Fred Hettman 16.25
E. J. Swank 41.50
Nat Scribner 86.75
D. Mclntire 25.00
O. Fellows 35.00
James Beeson 18.75
Frank Rees : . 38.50
Clay Long 24.75
C. MT. Garde 18.00
Robert Rutherford 22.59
Dan Fellows 16.75
Fred Vohs 25.75
District No. 57.
P. L. Schamel 23.00
P. T. Smith 12.00
Jess Hepler , 8.00
Will Dworshak 14.00
Lewis Helgerson 5.00
Wm. H. Stuwe 25.00
David Westberg 2.00
J. F. Bradbury 6.00
Aug. Rothenberg 3.00
J. Williams 4.00
City of Estacada .'..$411.81
Robert Mattoon 12.00
Standard Oil Company - 20.16
Dix Brothers 58.45
Henry Meldrum 7.50
G. W. Owings 1... 2.00
N. Blair 23.80
W. H. Mattoon 39.40
Coast Culvert & Flume Co. . . . 40.56
Beall & Company . 345.00
California Trojan Poder Co. ...11.00
Stefani Lumber Co 18.84
Coast Culvert & Flume Co. ..." 52.60
Budd Lay ... 30.00
Billy Lay 32.00
Clay Hungate -. 32.00
L. Dickey .. 32.00
A. Engle 45.00
Jack Freyer 27.00
Lee Jones 20.00
Geo. Crandell 28.00
Frank Vaughan 20.00
Clay Engle .". 54.00
G. Hungate .' 36.00
Bert McArthur , 30.00
H. Robbins 20.00
Billy Freyer 20.00
Joe Freyer 7.50
The stronger and rougher
whiskey tastesthe more
harm it will do.
Why take chances with your
nerves, your stomach, your
general health.
Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable
Bottled at drinking strength.
Sold all over the world.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
J. H. Powers 16.00
Geo. Baty 12.00
Niel Jackson 12.00
Bob Daniels 18.00
M. M .Jameson 18.00
F. J. Painter 32.00
C. Dickerson 18.00
G. Freyer 25.00
California Trojan Powder Co. 145.00
Frank Busch 9.00
Larkins & Robbins 74.48
Frank Busch 14.80-
R. Haag 36.00
P. F. Putz 18.00
Fred Baurer, Jr 36.00
A. F. Buche -. 14.00
R. A. Putz 50.90
Ed Grace 24.00
Lawrence Grace 16.00
Carl Stromgreen 28.00
Fred .Baurer 20.00
H. C. Wolfsen 12.00
A. F. Freeman 14.00
W. H. Wettlaufer 6.00
Chas. Grace. 6.00
Olie Hanson :.. 4.00
J. Putz 35.00
A .Nielsen 5.00
Ed Wanker 7.00
J. L. Stanton 30.50
W. F. Stanton 32.50
V. G. Calvin 14,25
B. Calvi n 14.25
T. Leffler 4.75
Delbert Howell 3.25
Oliver Yoder 13.25
O. Mahler 25.59
Clyde Kunze 14.50
S. M!. Long .' 4.00
W. H. Burkert 26.50
Silas Yoder 6.50
W. G. Wolf 20.50
Gaorge Wolf 11.25
W. Flaegle 2.00
A.v S. Kent 9.50
Lowell Kent 2.00
P. H. Kliewer 2.00
Coast Culvert & Flume Co 26.10
W. F. Stanton .99
N. H. Smith 9.00
Gustav Fischer . ... 7.65
H. E. Gill 154.32
W. W. Cooke 15.60
Earl Shearer 33.0
C. W. Johnso 12.50
L. W. Warner 15.50
Joe Pilster 2.50
Jonsrud Bros 90.26
J. C. Elliott & Co. 10.68
Wm, Casedy 24.65
C. Naegli 1.00
Chas. Rider 2.50
Reynolds & James 70.54
M. Groshong 40.00
W. Wheeler 12.00
Ed Wyland 16.00
Loyd Vorheis 16.00
Ed Crite 11.00
Ben Wade 16.00
W. N. Chilcote 77.00
M. Groshong 44.00
W. Wheeler 15.001
Ed Wyland 16.00
Loyd Vorheis 16.00
Ben Wade 16.00
Ed Crite 11.00
A. J. Hodge 13.00
A. Koellermeier 21.00
H. Koellermeier 42.00
Henry Toedtemeler 38.00
Firwood Lumber Co 127.00
V. Thompson ' 40.00
C. C. Schroeder .. 40.00
R. W. Shatz 49.00
A. H. Borland 38.00
R. W. Oldenstadt 32.00
H. Elligsen 36.00
E. Rabick 6.00
J. Bushbaum .. 30.00
R. Bushbaum . . , 29.00
E. Athey 28.00
G. Saum 23.75
L. Schaber 16.00
C. W. Larsen 14.00
J. A. Miller . 4.00
C. Elligsen 3.00
C. Thompson , 1.00
R. deNeui . .. 42.50
Glenmorrie Quarry Co 45.00
Larson & Co."... ... 69.75
P. H. Tucker 33.00
.... 20.00
; 9.50
..... 16.00
..... 28.75
..... 47.24
i .-. . . 33.65
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(Copyright by International News Service). ,
Col. F. S. Cody, the famous Anglo-American aviator, who is at present at work in England on a new ty pe of hydro-aeroplane in which he
asserts tie will attempt to fly across the ocean from London to New Yor k. Col. Cody has had extensive exp erience in flying over large bodies of
water, and is thoroughly familiar with flying in high altitudes. The photo graph shows Col. Cody in his somewhat remarkable aviation costume, in
one of his hydro-aeroplanes. The colonel adopted his costume with a spe cia! view to sudden immersion in water. In addition .to carrying pon
toons on his flying machine he wears a life belt guaranteed to keep him up in the water for days. Attached to his costume is also a small store
houss of food and water, protected in rubber bags and easily reached.
Should, by any chance, the avi ator land in the ocean, he would be able to sustain himself for days. In asmuch as he plans to follow the
trans-Atlantic steamer route in his flight, should he be forced to descend, or even. should he fall and be compelled to rely upon his life belt, it
would be a practical certainty that he picked up by some passing steamer within a day or so. Col. C ody. estimates that he will make an
average speed of 90 miles an hour and complete his journey within twenty hours. It is probable that arrangements for several cruisers or tor
pedo boats will be made for the flight. It will be the object of the war vessels to keep the aviator continually within sight so that assistance may
be at hand in the event of accident.
"The only danger is," said the Col., "that in a mist or fog, I might lose the convoy. Then if anything happened I should be up against it."
BERLIN, Conn., July 26. A patri
otic celebration that can have no dup
licate was held today in the near-by
village of Kensington in honor of the
semi-centennial anniversary of the
erection of the first monument tiat
rose from -American soil to perpetu
ate the memory of those in blue who
died in the Civil War.
The monument! stands in the little
graveyard at Kensington, and here
the exercises of today were held. The
memorial is a simple shaft of Port
land stone, and was set up in mem
ory of the village, who one by one
had been picked off by Confederate
bullets while fighting for the Union.
The shaft was delivered July 4, 1863,
just as the North was cheered by the
news from Gettysburg and Vicksburg.
The dedication took place on July 28.
The names of the six Kensington
boys who had died in the war were
was dedicated. Soon afterward an
other name was added, and at the
end of the war the names of sixteen
fallen soldiers had been chiselled on
the stone.
The anniversary exercises today in
cluded the unveiling of a memorial
bowlder set up in front of the monu
ment. The mowlder is surmounted by
mounds of cannon balls. The prom
inent participants in the exercises in
cluded Governor Simeon E. Baldwin
and his staff, Judge Alfred B. Beers,
of Bridgeport, commander in chief or
the Grand Army of the Republic, and
inscribed on the monument when it James R Sloane of Meriden; depart
ment' commander of the Connecticu
Grand Army of the Republic.
GALVESTON, Texas, July 26.H
With many high-powered cars entei
ed and wijh the speediest, pilots
America to man them it is expscta
that some new world's straight-awt
records will be set up at the automd
bile race meeting to be held on Ga
veston beach the first three days
next week.
Leonard Whener
Jesse Hepler
Willie, Gelbrich .....
Andy Gribble
John Graves ........
Chas. Gelbrich .
J. P. Cole ...
E. Mertz
Ed Graves
Hepler & Walch Co.
G. A. Ehlen
Unqualifiedly the Best
The De Luxe Steel Back
New improved CURVED HINGE
allows the covers to drop back on the desk
without throwing the leaves into a curved
Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches
Headquarters for
Loose Leaf Systems