L OREGON CITY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1913. COLLEGE TO AID PASTORS, IS PLAN Cookery points i ; Cherry Delights. Cherries served fresh and cold on :beir own stems for breakfast are so EUGENE, Ore., July 22 A further extension of University Extension work was proposed today by Rsv. P. Stata Conference of Ministers which ! began today in connection with the Summer school of the Universtiy of Oregon, and which will last all this WOOL' All HiMAmlnotinna n sented. Mr. Gaselbracht pointed out ! leliclolls thaK " other way of serving the high cost of those books which :uem at iai meal could be better. But are necessary if a preacher is to ' Ditted and sprinkled with sugar and a rLnn!tl,ftlle bCSt ""'nShtit of ,enlou juice they serve as au ap. of matters of government, sociology,' , , ... history, philosophy, econmcies, and -'tI!'-t'r ilutl !It t"e same time lose none literature. i )f their delicate flavor. Another way It is ou.. of t ie question, he said, preparing them for breakfast is to lor me avera?a clergymen to buy sucn docks with any regularity. The i.niversi.y is already loaning bocks all over the state in connection with correspondence courses, but he pro posed that spscial accommodations ie offered ministers because it was a matter of importance to the state that the clergy, who address thous ands every week, be afforded every advantage for the obtaining of sound information. frcf.O- IT. Patterson, oC Willam ette uiuversty St Sah-m, also tol' UP the "conditions for lie heat ineBrC' productiveness in iho intellectual life! vl 'ie minister." "Tne minister of TOd.1V" ',.B pnntiniicl 1,.... r j . ,. t , . ..wii.iou, una luuuu iliac ! llu, ( , , he must iriun, mnn : ,. , ' Weill ti Tw activities and relations with all the prouiems ct everyday life in th ir so- cid.i ana poiitcal aspects, and these very conditions constitute a challenge to his intellect and draw forth its very best activities. He closed with a reference to the extreme value to the clergymen' ot participating in a professional insti tute occasionally for the study of problems. preparing them for pit tueiii and mix them with sugar in the proportion of half a cupful to a pint of cherries and cook them until they are just tender.. Then pour them aver buttered toast. Cherry sou;) has been ,made. but it :ou!d hardly bo more than the result of an effort to serve cherries in a new and unexpected way. However, at every :oiirse gave tiie soup course cherries ;an be legitimately served. C hurry cocktails are made in this way: Stone ripe cherries, chop them add a tablesp wuful of lemon juice li cupiul or cliernes. sweeten e a ml serve them either in or else m lemon skin part of one ber of lemons. the other juice ! til fv L-ocktail gla'SWs, :-uis made by ovini: side ot a sulHcient until. j cutting a bit of the rind fro side, removing all the nnlii !in 1 and washing and chilling the shells. ! Cherries served with French- toast can be used as an entree. To make them cut rings half an inch thick from bread and soak them in beaten egg yolk, milk, a little sugar and a pinch of salt. Roll the bread rings in crumbed bread and macaroons and brown them in butter. Stew ripe cherries with sug- for three days the i . 7 eeien tnem. arain ana tj- 1 l"c uuuuie ol a uisn. surround Postmasters- lep-,, a tnem Wltb the fnea bread rinSs and State Xk" tv AT 'Berve thera wIth the uice of th cher attendanc e markel the opening of the ; rieg thickened with a little cornstarch FILTERS FAIL TO r KEEP GERMS AWAY According to a report just issued by the United States Geological survey, filters are useful mainly to clarify water of sediment that discolors it, and not to remove germs or minute organic matter from it. Commentin; upon the use of filters in connection with cisterns for the storage of water, ;he reports says: Cisterns that are properly con structed and receive rain water from roofs generally afford water of good sanitary quality but if water of doubt ful quality is stored in citstarS tb.3 supply is of course not safe for do mestic use. Filters used in connec tion wi n cisterns are or value in making the water clear but are gen erally of no value in removing dis ease germs. Many cisterns are divid ed into two parts by a brick wall, the water being admitted into one .com partment and drawn irom the other. In such citsterns the water passes through the brick and in that way is improved in clearness and color, but generally unsanitary in quality." Interest attaches to .his report lo cally in view of the discussion recent ly as to the effectiveness of filters in purifying the propose; and present water supplies of the cit; . Alice Crispell Murder Mystery Reveals Girl's Love Escapades. Voman's World Mrs. Guilford Plans Suf frage Roller Chair Parade. Postmasters in Session COLUMBUS, Ind., July 22.- ous is entertaining uai convention of the -Cohim- gathering tt day. I i UMPIRE fiiutB STUDY jESN'T ... i URAL HISTORY. Cy Elgler of the National league staff of mil -ires is not a student of nntur: toiy. Earl Blackburn, utility .... her of the Reds, on the other baud, is. and , as a result the Cincinnati team is telling a capital story on Rig ler. While loafing on the players' bench during a game at Ebbets field, Brooklyn, recently, Black burn opened a book and started to read a story of the African rhinoceros. Becoming interested, he read aloud to the other play ers: "The rhinoceros is a beast of low intelligence and insatiate appetite. Its hide is three inches thick and is impervious to any bullet or shock, however power ful." He got no further in his read ing, for Rlgler turned with a frown and" said: "That will do for you. I heard every word you said and will stand for no per sonalities from the bench." The Lost Leader Writer. The story is told that when the new proprietor of the London Times first went over the building in Printing House square he saw a door covered - with cobwebs which wouldn't open. After they had waited a long time an aged caretaker was found burdened with enormous keys, one of which fitted the rusty lock, and after great straining turned It Inside were dust and ashes and cobwebs and a skele ton! It was leaning over a table with a pen In Its bone fingers. "What on earth Is this?" they asked. "Oh, I re member hearing that in my great-great-grandfather's days they lost one .of their leader writers." said the old key bearer. "He must have got locked ln!"-London Sketch. ! and flavored with orancro inip. 4-sSsx j cheery friiters can be served with - & nAn.irfitA course or as dessert. I To make them prepare a batter of a ! cupful of flour, a teaspoonful of salt j and half a teaspoonful of baking pow ! der mixed with a tablespoonful of melted butter, a well beaten egg and j enough water to make a thin batter. Stew ripe, pitted cherries until they i are just tender but do not cook them to pieces and sweeten them. Drain them and add them to the batter. Drop I it in spoonfuls into deep fat and fry brown. The juice drained from the cherries can be substituted for water to moisten the fritter batter. Sour cherries are needed for cherry sherbet Stone a quart of them. In the meantime boil together a quart of water and a pound of granulated sugar for fifteen minutes. Add the cherries to the hot sirup just as it is taken from the stove and stand aside until It is perfectly cold. Strain through a fine wire sieve and freeze. When you take out the dasher stir in a meringue made of the white of one egg sweetened with a tablespoonful of granulated sugar. Pack in ice for an hour or two. til trj - t - i 4 i , -- --- ----- "I r" -r ; I IMW,W5wteJWr----w a . . X I . i'..''rfiHfc. " ' 1 1 11 1 ' S OLD PROVERBS. Tbe tirste vertue, soue, if thou wilt Itra -Is to restreine and kepen wel thy tonge. Chaucer. AH is not golde that outward shewith bright. Lydgate. Of two evils the less is always to be chosen. Thomas a Kern pis. Moche crye and no wull. John Fortescue. There is nathynge that - dyspleaseth Gkd Than from theyr children spare the rod. -John Skelton. more to A hard beginning maketh a good ending. John Heywood. Rather to bowe than breke Is profitable. ', Humylite is a thing commenda ble. - Crystyue. TRAMP CALF FOLLOWS MAN TO EUGENE HOTEL "Tt only needs determination to nve a hundred years," says a well known health writer. A great many people have determined to live a century or die in the attempt and they have died in the attempt New Orleans Picay une. ... EUGENE, Ore., July 22. A tramp calf who picked up a friendship with whomsovere would permit of the fam iliarity and followed Fred Fisk into the lobby pf the Hotel Osburn at Eu gene one day last w&ek, caused some what of a commotion. Bossy had at tempted to follow several other peo ple but had baen driven off. Mr. Fisk did not know that the young bovine was following him until one of the employes Informed him that he would have to leave his pet at the door. The animal strenuously objected to being separated from his' newly found friend, but after consid erable moral and other persuasion he was finally induced to occupy a stall at a livery barn until the owner should call for his property. THIS MOUSE SiNiGS " GOLCONDA, 111., July 22. J6hri V Fulkerson cf Lusk, this county, rel cently captured what he very appro pnately calls a "singing mouse" It is a great wonder to all who have seen it, and it certainly is something very much out of the ordinary it sometimes makes a noise like a dove makes with its wings when flying; then again it will maka a noise like' a martin sineinar: then .no-sin ; .,u make & noise exactly like a quail call ing to its young after being disturbed. The classified ad columns of The Enterprise satisfy your wants. - SUMMERING AT TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES "Nature's 'Playground," as these beaches have ben call ed are now open or summer visitors. New hotel's with all modern conveniences, cosy cottages, camping grounds Raspberry Tarts. Raspberry Tarts. Delicious raspber ry tarts can be made by cooking paste in patty tins, filling the shells with rice or beans in waxed paper to keep the paste from bubbling and filling the shells with fresh raspberries covered with sugar and whipped cream. Raspberry Ice Cream. This ice cream calls for three pints of raspber ries. Cover and mix them with a cup ful of sugar and let them stand for an i hour. Mix three pints of cream with a cupful and a half of sugar and two tablespoonfuls of sherry. Freeze and when stiff take out the dasher. Put the berries and sugar in the cavity where the dasher was and set away in ice and salt for an hour and a half. Moving a Billiard Table. Probably tbe most remarkable jour ney ever made from Cattaro to Ce tiuje, in Montenegro, was that of ah English billiard table Fifty sturdy porters were required to carry the ta ble over the mountain, and a pilot stood astride it to shout directions as to how best to get round awkward cor ners The building in which it was boused retained the name of "Big liardo" when converted into govern ment offices and parliament bouse many years later. --. i Clever Conundrums. How is- it that summer passes so quietly? Because there is so often an evening mist. What is that which is Invisible, yet never out of sight? The letter S. Why is an umbrella like dried fish? Because it isn't often seen after lent Why Is a fly taller than most men? Because he stands over six feet Boiled Sweet Apples. Take five nice, ripe, sweet apples, halve and core them, place in a kettle, sprinkle with four teaspoonfuls brown sugar. Add water enough to boil well over the apples. Cover and let them cook until tender and the juice is be coming thick. Then with a silver fork or spoon lift the bottom pieces, letting the top ones down Into the sirup. Cook from twenty to thirty minutes longer, being careful not to burn them. These are much nicer than baked ap ples. mmmm?, MIIS. ELLA GUTLFOBD. Suffrage on the board walk! Yes; it has reached even that stage You simply can't get away from the yellow banners with their inscriptions "Votes For Women" nowadays. Coney Island was invaded long ago. So has been the solemnity of baseball fields all over the country, and it is really not surprising after all that the cause" has popped its irrepressible head up on the board walk of Atlantic City. Devoted to pleasure and fatal to thought as this same board walk Is, it has responded with delightful courtesy to the presence of an alien. In a land- where nothing grows but taffy, an oc casional mosquito, rolling ehairs and moving pictures a little touch of a serious nature is as welcome as a black velvet bow on a light summer frock. The invader of the board walk this summer will De tue sunrrage roner chair parade, which is to take " place in a few weeks. Mrs. Ella Guilford, an ardent New York suffragist, was the instigator of this very novel idea. No speechmaking is permitted on the board walk at Atlantic City, but the uuperlnteudent has promised permis sion for a "voiceless parade." Just see what women can suffer for a great cause! Fifty chairs, with'women gowned in yellow and white, carrying yellow ban ners, will make the historic board walk sit up and take notice, thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Guilford. Pan Dowdy. Pie crust, apples, two cupfuls of sug ar, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one cupful of cider. Line the sides of a deep taking pan with common pie crust fill it with apple:!, pared, cort.-d and quartered. Add the Sugar, cinna mon and cider. Cover it with rather a thick crust. Bake it slowly four hours, then break in the crust and mix it well with the apples. Eat with cream. - The classiTled aC columns of Enterprise satisfy your wants. The The murder mrsterv of i 'SS AC CrisPe11- tbe attractive eighteeu-year-old J wETlK&Sd in .HarIeJf e; ? csbarre Pa after a Fourth of July outing with her love., He'betr , JIns' bld ? b cult to solve. Johns was held, but denied ;hat he had caused the girl's death. He had been courting her for two years, bttt sh had bad other admirers. They spent the entire day at the lake on the FoQib' a"f 4JobDa dsnmed he left the girl about 11 p. m. to go home. He was afrJla t0. accompany her to her house because he was not in the good graces of the C1 atner- Evi dence showed that the girl -was wayward and had given hei" itner a lot of worry. The victim is here shown- with' Johns, and the boathouse Hi1' SMcn the body was found Is also shown. DR. STRICKLAND NAMED BY RAILROAD WORKERS Members of the Employees' Bene ficial association of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power company, sta tioned at the Oregon City power house, have voted to secure the serv ices of Dr. M. C. Strickland as their physician and surgeon, and have ask ed him to accept the care of any of their members who may be injured or taken ill. The members of the asso ciation, at their annual ' meeting, se lect for themselves some physician to care for such- as may need medical attention throughout the following year. The election just passed re sulted in a vote of 77 per cant in fa vor of Dr. Strickland.' lAst year Dr. H. Mount was the physician and surgeon for the mem bers of the association employed at the local power plant. Pennsylvania Democrats HARRISBURG, Pa., July 22. Dem ocratic leaders of Pennsylvania are rounding up here for the annual meet ing of the state central committee to morrow. Interest in the meeting cen ters chiefly in the election of a new chairman to succeed GeprgeW. Guth rie, ambassador to Japan. The state chairmanship will be an important of fice next year, because candidates for governor and United States senator will be nominated. Doubie Daily Train Service Leaving Portland dally' 8-45 A M Leaving Portland daily except Sunday. .'l :'20 p. li. BEACHES REACHED IN 5 HOURS Business men can leave Saturday afternoon and arrive beach points in time for dinner, spend the evening and JJf thf faffli and returato Portland sfnday - night without loss of time from business. ROUND TRIP FARES FROM PORTLAND Season Tickets on sale daily $.0C Week End (for return Monday). .$3.00 . Equally low fares from other points Call for our brand new folder "TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES Folders and full information from any S. P. Agent or at CITY TICKET OFFICE 80 SIXTH STREET, COR. OAK f 1 SUNSET I lOGOENftSHASTA I I I ROUTES I I John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. 6 Restored to Health. Miss Jane Addams. who went to Egypt because of a breakdown. Is com ing back to Chicago in July and Is said to be quite recovered. She will spend a few days 1 with friends at Newport and will make a speech there. Does Your Stomach Trouble You? Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy Is Successfully Taken in Cases of Stomach, Lver and In testinal Ailments And One Dose Has Often Dispelled years ot sunering. The drunkard will have none of me. The heavy drinker says "no" when my name is mentioned. The man who craves rough strong whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should be as I myself would wish it. I am not for them. Cyrus Noble W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents ' Portland, Oregon . v 1 j rt.'Stj: its h A r V-) Wonderful will change that Long face) Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy can really be termed a wonderful remedy and the benefits that it elves In many of the most chronic cases of Stomach Trouble has spread its fame from one end of the country to the other. No matter where you live you will find. people who have suffered with Stomach, Liver and Intes tinal Ailments, etc.. and have been re stored to health and are loud in their praise of this remedy. There is not a day but what one hears of the wonderful results obtained from this remedy and the benefits are entirely natural, as it acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, removing the poisonous catarrh and bile accretions, taking out the in flammation from the intestinal tract and assists in rendering the same antiseptic. Sufferers are urged to try one dose which alone should relieve your suffering and convince you that Mayfs Wonderful Stomach Remedy should restore you to good health. Put it to a test today the results will be a revelation to you and you will rejoice over your quick recovery annce again know the joys of living. E-en-1 'or looklet on Stumach Ailments to Ge. w. Mayr, mig. cnemist, ido wnning St., Chicago, or better still, obtain a Dot Unqualifiedly the Best LEDGER: The De Luxe Steel Back ' New improved C U R VED H I N G E allows the covers to drop back on the desk without throwing the leaves into a curved position. ' Sizes 8 1-4 to 20 inches OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Headquarters for Loose Leaf Systems tie from your druggist. : V- 7 ' ' 77' 1