Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 19, 1913, Image 3

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    4 ' ' KG O X CITY, OREGON," SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1913.
Busch's prices cannot be overlooked. You owe it to yourself and to your family to look
over our stock before you pay out your cash. You cannot afford to overlook our big
stock at home that saves you money;
Mr. Blourd I've contributed a pile
of money to my borne town.
Mr. Candid In the way of fines, I
uppose. Chicago News.
Stmday Services j
At the
Congregational Church
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. j
Morning service at ....10:40 a.m.j
Rev. George Wilkins, of Portland, J
will occupy the pulpit.
There will be no evening servic;
Mrs. Arnold, of Grcsham, was a
visitor in this city Friday.
Joseph Fosicr, of Vancouvar, was in
the county seat on business Friday.
.G. B.' Johnson, of Tacoma, was in
the city calling on old friends and ac
quaintances the latter part of tiie
Today O'Csdar Mjp Huntley's,
H. Mailer, of Ssattlo, was in this
city on business Frdiay.
John Allrich, of Salem, was a coun
ty seat visitor Friday. I
D. E. Moore, of Albany, made a
business trip to this city Friday.
Hot? Get that O'Cedar -Mop its
made housework easy. Phone Hunt
ley's. Harold Smith, of Fortland, was in
this city on business Friday.
Samuel H. Hunsaker, of McMinn
ville made a-business trip to the
county seat Friday.
Miss Mabel James, of Newburg,
was in this city visi;ing with friends
over Friday.
A. Burns, of Corvaliis, was. in the
city Friday.
Free Trial O'Cedar Mops. Phone
us now; free delivery. Huntley Bros.
Ed. P. Caldwell, of Estacada, made
a business trip to this city Friday.
M. C. Cave, of Portland, made a
business trip to this city Friday.
was in this city on business Friday.
G. J. Charrington, of Dallas, made
a business call in this city Friday.
Mrs. W. R. Sauner, of San Francisco
was in the county seat Friday, i
Is your wife worth $1.50? Yes.
Prove it today by getting her an
O'Cedar Mop. Huntley's.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Frail, of
Laler, Oregon, were in this city Fri
day, visiting with friends and rela
tives. .
E. E. Ferringan, of New York, was
in the city on business Friday.
Uo rt 1- A Tt A ri'Ci -woo in QnOtO
Thursday on business.
Fred Brace, of Manhattan, Nevada,
is visiting in this city on his way to
the mines in Baker, Oregon.
Dr. and Mrs. Weist, and daughter,
of Portland, were visiting in this city
and Gladstone Thursday.
R. N. Townsend, of Portland, was
in Oregon City on busniess Friday.
Dusts, cleans and polishes better
results with half the work O'Cedar.
Joseph, Edward, Marie and Louise
Sheahan and Louise Huntley will
leave for Powell River, British Co
lumbia Saturday, where they will
spend the summer. .
nr: i : .. c. e mi i .. 1 1
iviisd Alumna. oit:aiit;r ul lus i-Aiit3s,
is visiting with Miss Marion Pickers.
Mffss Emma Quinn, one of the pop
ular deputies in County Clerk Mul
vey's office, leaves for Spokane Mon
day to spend her vacation vsiiting
with Mrs. Louise Nerob.
The following is a list of unclaimed
letters at the Oregon City P. O. for
the week ending july 18, 1913.
Women's list Garner, Mrs. Mary;
Hunter, Miss Elizabeth; Klinger,
Julia; Loney, Mrs. E. H.; Stromgreen,
Mrs. C; Stix, Mrs. John L.; Smith,
Mrs. F. H.; Stanley, Mrs. Nancy I.;
Wasson, Mrs. J. J. (2) ; Wasson, Miss
Men's List Hughes, Mr. Alber;
Kleshbamn, Mr. J. W.; Larson, Carl;
Larsen, Mr. L.; Loney, E. H.f Nichols,
Mr. Chester; Nichols, Mr. H. C;
Shilioter, Mr. Geo.; Tunzi, Ralf; Wau,
Mr. A. G. -
Mexico Remembers Juarez
CITY OF MEXICO, July 18. The
anniversary of the death of Benito
Juarez, who led the Mexicans in their
successful struggle against the Max
imilian empire, was appropriately ob
served in this city and throughout
Mexico today.
Nothing is more disagreeable than
eczema, or other skin diseases. It is
also dangerous unless speedily check
ed. Meritol Eczema Remedy will 'af
ford instant relief and permanent re
sults. We have never seen a remedy
that compares with it. Jones Drug
rDOEsfjc An A PUC9I
lYOURl llttAdT 11-4 i
It WIU, NOT if w take
They will cure ny kind of Headache, nT j
natter wnat tne cause, rertecuy narnueaa.
We have a large stocky
d ( these remedies, justj
resk .from " the 1 abor-;
From 45c yd
We can sell you a first
class warranted Steel
Range for
Iron Child's Bed $4.75
Iron Beds from $1.95 up
ill1-! P
Solid Oak
Roll Top Desk
Up-to-Date Dressers
In Style and Work
manship '
Heavy Plate Mirror
$ 7.7 5
On cash sales we give our well known trading stamps as premiums, but you can also sup
ply your wants on easy payments by taking advantage of our installment plan.
The .Oregon City Cash Market
I now offer my home-rendered VWhite
Clover Leaf" Lard compound at
Single pounds - - - - 12 l-2c
5-pound pail 65c
10-pound '5 ------ $1.25
Special prices on larger quantities. This is a fine home-made prod
uct and contains, nothing hut the purest of hog fat and a very small
amount of pure beet fat, 'from our choicest cattle. It is superior to
any steam rendered packing house lard, as it is all strictly kettle
Constipation . Headache,
Muiiini h Troubles, Teething
. - .1 nH nntlv
' , Worms. They Break up Colds
TraaemarK. in 24 hours. At all iruggiBts, 3icts.
Don't accept Sample mailed FRB&. Address.
ny substitute. A. S. OLMSTED, La Roy, N.Y-
The whole valley needs to get togeth
er and consider the question of the
right varieties and of improved meth
ods of nandling the soil. Prices of
apples this present year were far
from satisfactory, but it does not fol
low that such conditions will continue
"The Willamette Valley can pro
duce certain varieties of apples to the
finest degree of perfection. There
are other varieties that the growers
should leave absolutely alone."
Thursday evening the young ladies
of the. Middy club of Oregon City de
lightfully entertained a number of
their friends with a campfire party at
Gladstone park, where they have been
throughout the Chautauqua session.
The camp was beautifu'Jy decorated"
with ferns, Japanese lanterns and
hanging baskets, and several ham
mocks were stretched between the
trees. The time was enjoyably spent
with camp-fire songs and stories. In
the course of the evening fruit punch
was served and many brilliant toasts
were given. Gerald Bath, of Tacoma,
presided as toast-master.
The latter part of the evening was
spent in an old fashion taffy pull.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Among those who were present
were: Miss Anges Harris, Miss Ester
Harris, Mtss Dorothy Hedges, Miss
Roberta Schubel, Miss Patricia Turn
er, Miss Marion Lawrence, Miss Nor
ma Holman, Miss Freda Martin, Miss
Helen Painton, Miss Alena Phillips,
Miss Evangeline Dye, Miss Alice Hes
ter, Everett Dye, Ray Mbrris, Elbert
Charman, Gerald Bain. Hugh Olds,
Ralph Smith, Alvin Wieversick, and
Mrs. Ward, of Portland, acted as chap
erone. -
Jack Moffatt, of th.j Oregon Engi
neering & Construction company, is
looking for men. He has been to Port
land to find them, but all theunem-
I ployed there seem to be having too
I much fun watching or assisting the-
; I. W. W s. and the socialists in taeir
I efforts to speak on the street. Mr.
j Moffatt's company is bulding a rail
iroad at St. Helens, Oregon, and is of
fering good wages for common labor,
dui, can i get any.
Friday members of the firm made
automobile trips in all directions in
search of workers, but were unable to
secure any.
- 'Apples ;.in rte Willamette VftllSy
have been grown largely as a side
line,, and as a diversified crop, and in
many years they hava'not proved
very satisfactory .-"-said Professor. - C.
I. Lewis of the Oregon Agricultural
"College in addressing the Sate Horti
culture society. ' v - ' - :ir
i .'This la rln a in manv cases to a lack
I U, 1 1 1. A J ..1 v
I the choice of the wrong .- varieties.
Knights and Ladies of the Macca
bees of Oregon City went to Portland
on a special car Thursday evening to
assist in installing offices, of Tent
No. 1, taking with them the K. O. T.
M. band of this city. The installation
was in charge of the ladies of Hive
No. 7. Following the exercises there
was a watermelon feast, 'after which
dancing was the order of the evening,
the Oregon City musicians furnishing
the tunes. . .
STE DBENVILLE, O., July v18.
Elaborate plans are nearing comple
tion for the three wars' celebration
to be held here next week. The cele
bration is intended primarily to com
memorate the day the -Confederate
flag was carried through this city by
a part, of Gen. Morgan's command.
Steuben ville was the most northern
point reached by the Southern colors
during the civil war. The . Morgan
celebration will be combined with
that of the George Rogers Clark ex
pedition and the explorations of Baton
Steuben, in honor of whom the city
was named. Survivors of Mbrgan's
command and their former foes will
take part in the celebration. Many of
the famous old military organizations
of the East have also been invited to
attend the festivities.
Fire Chiefs in Convention
NEW YORK, July 18. New York
city is preparing to entertain early in
September the greatest gathering of
fire-fighters ever held. The occasion
iwll be the forty-first annual conven
tion of the International Association
of Fire Engineers. Fire chiefs from
nearly every large city of the United
States and Canada will be in attend
ance. In addition there will be pres
ent representatives " of the fire de
partments of London, Paris, Dublin,
Edinburgh, Frankford, Melbourne,
Cape Town, Honolulu and a number
of other foreign cities.
H. B. Beckett to the Eastren Invest
ment company, limited, S. E. of N.
W. , Ses. 8, T. 6 S., R. 2 E.; $1.
O. L. Ferris and wife to T. E. Reid
11 acres ni Sec. 22, T. 2 S., R. 2 E.;
B. T. Hinzda and wife to Paul Leit
ner, lots 30 and 31,- Orchard Homes;
- John Lauveszins and wife to Eva
L. Moulton, all of fractional lot 3,
block 107, Oregon City, known as
block 7 ef County addition to Oregon
City, and also all of fractional lot 6
in block 13, Falls View addition to
Oregon City; $1.
Eva L. Mouiton to John Lauveszins,
same property; $1.
United States to Andrew Hood and
wife, one section, being a part of
Sees. 19, 15 and 16 in T. - S., R. 2
E.; . .
"Grand Old Man of Cricket"
LONDON, July 18 Dr. William G.
Grace, known throughout thd English
speaking world as the "grand old man
of Cricket," received the congratula
tions of a host of admirers todays on
the occasion of his sixty-fifth birth
day, anniversary.
-Commission Coming Home
LONDON, July 18. The American
commission appointed", to investigate
agricultural finance, production, dis
trbution and co-operation in Europe,
has completed its tour and today the
commissioners 'sailed for home.
Shooting Tourney at Green Bay
GREEN BAY, Wis., July 18. Many
well-known shots are taking part in
the annual tournament of the Wiscon
sin and Upper Peninsula of -Michigan
Trapshooters' association, which
opened today on he grounds of the
local gun club at Bay View Beach.
Governor Reviews Militia
ALEXANDRIA, La., Julyl8. A gen
eral holiday was in effect here today
in- honor of the presence of Gov. Luth
er E. Hall, who came to 'review the
stale mi'itia which is in encampment
here. Special maneuvers and drills
were executed and a programme of
athletic sports given.
To Take Effect at Once
15-Watt Clear Glass 30c Frosted Ball 35c
Fascinating Hair
. ' - !
Easy to Stop Hair Falling Out, and j
"' Dandruff Also '
Ainopg the instruments filed in the
office of County Recorded Dedmen
Friday was a photographic copy of
the deed conveying' to Andrew Hood
and wife one section of land in Clack
flmas county from the United States.
The original deed was signed by An
drew Johnson, as president of the na
tion', and bears the date of 'January
24, 1866. - ,
Vote on Amendments "
AUSTIN, Texas, July 18. At a gen
eral election tomtarrow several pro
posed amendthents to the Constitution
of Texas will be suDmmea to toe vot
ers of thg state for their adoption or
rejection.- The amendment of great
est importance is one authorizing tta
provement districts to issue bonds by
a majority -Tote instead of twothirds
as at present," and permitting bonds
to be issued for the construction : of
public warehouses. -
No one doubts that it is the duty j
of every woman to look as charming
as possible. Every woman knows
why she wants to be beautiful and at
tractive'. A woman with scant hair, dull and
lifeless, has lost half her charm. How
many times have we heard the expresr
sion "thexrowniug glory of a woman
is her hair." - -
Nowadays, thanks to Parisian Sage,
almost every woman can have hair so
radiant and so glorious that it at
tracts, fascinates and compels admir
ation. ' 1
" Parisian Sage, the scientific and
ideal hair rejuvenator and tonic, will
cause hair to grow. It will turn
harsh, withered hair into lustrous and
bewitchingly luxuriant hair in a few
days. , .
It is a most delightful hair dress
ing that kills the dandruff germs,
stops fa'ling hair, and eradicates
dandruff in two weeiis, or your money
back. . ' - -
-- A, large 50 cent bottle is." sold by
Huntley Bros. .Co., and dealers every-
wnere oa the money back plan.
20 " " ". 30c " " 35c
25 " " " 30c " " 35c
40 " " 30c " 35c
60 " u " 40c " " 45c ' X
110 w - " " - 70c " 75c :
150 " " $1.05 " ?$1.15
250," " " 1.75 " " 1.60
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street
TeL-Home, A228 ' Pacific, Ma'in 115