OREGON CITY, OBEGOKJBIDAY, JTTLY 18, 191. 00 FREE 00 Read the Aanoimcemeat bslowaacl sectoffe FREE $5.00 fo yow clttb or chofch no canvassing or solicting neccessary A. Save Yottt Sales f f ON ALL PURCHASES AJieCKS MADE at OUR STORE present them to the Enterprise . office and re ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST Bannon & Co. MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all sizes to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Fin in Phone 74 HANSEN'S HOME MADE BREAD MAIN 33. B-39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding & Birthday Cakes a specialty - ' We have the best equipped Garage in Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their to give the service and to do any kind of work on all kinds of GIVE US A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE MfifltS Quantity and Quality for Home Sugar Cured Hams 7TH STREET MARKET NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MACKSBURG. Harvest days are hastening on and the grain seems likely to be ripe in good time. Wheat and oats are ma turing fast and corn is beginning to tassel. The pasture, owing to the fre quent rains, maintains the freshness of Spring, Dairy products are not on ly larger in quantity but are richer in quality, the cream yielding a high er percentage of butter-fat than is usual. Poultry, too, seems as, if re- - sponding to the better prices and eggs are more abundant than they have been for years. Most of the small fruit is ripened and gone, the wild blackberry, however, still holds ' it own and furnishes the incentive for " many a woodland picnic from which the parties return laden with the tempting fruit, far too much for pres ent use. Thus adding materilly to the winter store. A number of social gathering havs taken place in the past week. The friendsand neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. . Will Roth gave them a surprise at the home of Mrs. Roth's father, Mr. John Heppler, on Saturday evening. Mu- ' sic and dancing were the principal amusements and were enjoyed until GUNPOWOER MEYUNE 45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN ........ .45c Special This Week: c KS-r4 favorlte r LIPTON'S TETLEY'S ' HORNI MAN'S 65c H. I3. BRIGHTBILL Nomination Coupon $75.00 in Gold for 'or . Add res (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant Good Any Time During Contest. GARAGE 6TH AND MAIN STS. and Bacons, Kettle Rendered A trial will convince you. a late hour. A tempting supper add ed to the pleasure of the evening, and all appeared to have a genuine good time. The music was furnished by the Messrs. Abe Heppler, Frank Hil ton and Carl Boesche. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. F.- Hilton, M)r. and Mrs. Geo. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boesche, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Heppler, Mr. and Mrs. Marshberger, Mr. and Mrs. Rothenberg, MJr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitts. Miss Lillie Mitts. Mr. Henry Schwanzara, Mrs. Vorse and Lon, be sides a large number of children. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Eby, also en tertained a number of friends on Sat urday evening. Mrs. Wesley Eby is enjoying a visit from her father who came from Ne braska last week. - The Eby school board have elected a young lady from Hubbard to take the place of Mr. Harry Sherwood as teacher for the coming year. Mr. John Nofziger has bought a first class wood saw and is ready for orders. Mr. Nofziger is well known as a superior workman, who can'not fail to give satisfaction to all who may choose to patronize him. Mr, C. Grimm, who received quite When You are in a Rush for Printing Remember The Enterprise i -$ I Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest Saving Cash Checks Clackamas Couuty lines and we are prepared cars in a mechanical manner. SATISFIED.- Cask lyifaQ-f-C Lard GiTes satisfaction. 7th and Center Sts. a serious injury on the Fourth of July is recovering. Mrs. Geo. Walsh and Mrs. Henry Nofziger drove to Molalla, on Thurs day. Residents of R. F. D. No. 4 are pleased to have their familiar carrier back again. Mr. Marsh seems to have entirely recovered from the accident mentioned in the Enterprise at the time of its occurrence. Rev. Mr. Morenz Oeser, of the Lu theran Church, is intending to resigp his pastorate to take charge of a Ger man colony in California, Mt. Mor enz Oeser and his family have great ly endeared themselves to the people of Macksburg in the two years they have spent with them and their leav ing will be regarded with heartfelt re gret. MEADOW BROOK. Everybody is trying to get their hay cut and in between showers. Miss Mabel Chindgren and Miss Es ther Hult of Colton left for Hot Springs Tuesday morning. Miss Chindgren went for the benefit of her health, we all hope she will be great ly improved by her two months' stay. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larkins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Larkins, Mtiss Echo Lar kins, of Marquam, spent Sunday at A. L. Larkins. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Orem and family left Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Orem's father, Mr. Huff, of Mult nomah Station. The Misses Boyles, of Silverton, are For the benefit of the large number . of shopper using The Morning Enter prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00 In cash will be given to the individual or any form of organization' or institution turning in the greatest amount of money ,. shown on the cash checks or receipts end monthly bills secured Et any of the stores on this page. To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. To the third, $10.00 in cash. - EXPLANATION. 'To secure votes in The Morning En terprise's Refund Bargain Contest make your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter- prise's office, where votes will be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash check, receipt of monthly bill. This vote is to be deposited in the votin? box at this office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly bills must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. , Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1009 votes. The only ex ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. Mr. Workingman! t - We have your summer clothes at prices that will keep yo't cool. . Stylish find serviceable clothes and shoes at workins men's prices. Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE BELL THEATRE visiting their sister, Mrs. Chas. Shep herd at present. Mrs. Wm. Kerns returned Sunday after a week's visit with her mother MJrs. Brodwell. of Dundee. Miss Pauline Hofstetter returned to her home last wek from Salem and Gladstone, where she has been prepar ing herself for a teacher. We wish her much success. R. L. Orem is burning his brick kiln.. Mrs. Geo. Hofstetter and daughters Katie, Clara, and Beulah, spent Friday with Mrs. A. L. Larkins. MARQUAM. Clover is good this year, although about one-fourth will be cut for hay and three-fourths threshed for seed. Grain of all kinds is looking fine. Hops are looking exceedingly good, and with a larger acreage the hop men should do well if prices still remain favorable. Ed. Young, of Prosser, Washington, was in town Monday looking after his property. " Several people from here attended the Chautauqua at Gladstone last Sun day. Roy Ridings has finished the roof on his house and will soon have the windows and doors in. Guy C Larkins has been engaged to teach the Scotts Mills school. He taught at Stafford last year. Mrs. Mary Jackson wa3 taken to Sa lem hospital last week for a surgical operation and from last reports the Don't Forget! You get a $25 STEIN-BLOCH Suit for At Price Bros. Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN STS. We give S & H Green Stamps. .$ Each month bur businesss increases, and -' THERE IS A REASON Come here for your Groceries and you will learn the REA SON. If you can't come, send the children. They are welcome and will be treated with the same courtesy as yourself. THE HUB GROCERY CO. Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueters Varnishes VONDERAHE & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wall Paper 207 Seventh St., Oregoa City Phone Main 4082 s- IT - WILL - PAY - YOU To Get Our Prices on Summer and SportingGoods We have a complete line of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits and sporting goods MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It CHOENBORrW HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED lf Both Phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER was doing as well as could be expect ed. - Born, to Mrs. Henry Barth, a son, last week. REDLAND. Herman Fischer had the misfortune to loose his house by fire the 15th. Neighbors helped to gat most of the household goods out. The house, cel lar, storehouse and wood shad were built close together and all were burned. The store house is the old dwelling house built by Albert Wright in the sixties, another old land mark gone. . . Little Alice Funk will come home from the hospital this" week. Lester and Manual Gill have the measles. George Gill came home with a new wagon. Grading and other wrv is being done on the Portland road between the Fischer road and the Baker bridge. ALSPAUGH. Quite a number of people of this vicinity attended the Firemen's picnic at Estacada Sunday. Mrs. George Morrow and children spent a few days visit Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dowty this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hieple were en tertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitching Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Full were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Githens Friday. BROWNE BROWNIE Cameras $1 to KODAKS $12 to $65 Free Instruction OREGON CITY, OREGON liisjIJi -s Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment extended to alL Misses Ellen Erickson, Echo and Hazel Githens, spent a few days at Chautauqua last week. Mrs. E. E. Erickson and Mrs. H. H. Yonts are camping at Gladstone. Hazel Githens mads a business trip to Barton Monday. Mr. Iver Erickson and Noel Sarver spent Saturday evening at the home of John Githens. 1 My. and Mrs. C. W. Schuld and j daughter went blackberrying near the Clackamas river Sunday. Miss Edna Johnson, the champion i runner of Eagle Creek, won several 1 valuable prizes at Estacada Sunday. Mrs. Dick Ultnens is attending Chautauqua Mrs. J. W. Dowty left for Portland Sunday evening to see her daughter, Emma, who was very ill. Miss Ethel Hale is visiting with her a,unt, Miss Ella Currin at Salem. CLARKES. Buol Bros, purchased two horses from H. C. Wolfson last week. Mrs. William Marshall came home from "Portland where she has been ii a hospital, last week. W. H. Bottemiller is cutting his hay. Rudolph Haag hauled a load of wheat to town last Tuesday. . Archie Cumins has the chicken pox. Mr. Bottemiller and son, , Edwin, were in town last Thursday. Miss- Laura and Ruby Gard spent Sunday with Miss Dora and Elda Mar quardt. Harry Gard and his brother, from Kodak Your Trip Kodak pictures make a permanent record or your jolly good times and telL the story better than a note book. We have three capable instructors to show you how easy it is to get good pictures. ' Get that Kodak today and be ready for your trip; Huntley Bros. Co. The Rexall Store Try our Kodak finishing department just once you will come back. 24 hour service. $12 Good, Substantial Ones f"m$1.00 Up FLY TRAPS "SURE CATCH" 15c and Up Adjustable Window Screens and Fly Screen by the Yard SEVENTH AND CENTER STS. M. E. B U N N C. H. DICKEY THE ONE PERFECT GIFT A jeweled ring means love be tween parent and child, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. . No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. We sell W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings, because they give satis faction. We sell them because they are better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. THEY COST FROM $2.00 UP BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers STREETS Eastern Oregon, were in Clarkes on business. Miss Ida Haag spent Sunday with Miss Emma Grossmiller. Mrs. Glick and daughter, Minnis, from Portland, are out visiting G. Hof stetter for a short time. Miss Emma Grossmiller visited Miss Ida Haag last Wednesday. H. C. Wolfson had an auction sale last Friday. Miss Hansen from the East is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Hannah Mudgett at Highland. - Mr. and Mrs. Mpxson left last week to pick Loganberries at Salem. Lea Parrish, of Highland, purchased a reaper from Mr. Wolfson. Miss Ellen Mclntyre visited Miss Irene and Erma Lee last week. Carl Stroragren and Mr. Buche help ed Mr. Wolfson move last week. NORTH LOGAN. J. G. Cumins, of Madras, Ore., is vis iting with his son, J. B. Cumins. Mrs. Wm. Johnson and daughters are visiting at the home of Thos. L. Sagar, at Clarkes, canning strawber ries and cherries. Mrs. J. B. Cumins and children are visiting at the home of her father, -Thos L. Sagar, at Clarkes. T" " ""V"tt and wife were visit ors nere monaay. Geo. Sagar is playing ball at tne Chautauqua this week. He is playing with " Fred Fisher is building the convey or at the Cumins spur. .