00 Read tlie Announcement feelow and secrae FREE $15.00 for yo f clb o chtif ch no canvassing o solicting neccessar y FREE 1 Save Y 1 Check present them to the Enterprise office and re ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all sizes to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Phone 74 ?- HANSEN'S HOME MADE MAIN 33. B-39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES ! BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding & Birthday Cakes a specialty We have the best equipped Garage in Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their to give the service and to do any kind of work on all kinds of -GIVE US A MILLER-PARKER CO. 6TH AND MAIN STS. : ti Mltc Quantity and Quality for Cash MwiO I !f KLOOSTRA's mm M Home Sugar Cured Hams and Bacons, Kettle Rendered A trial will convince you. 7TH STREET MARKET CLARKES. Miss Elsie Elmer, from Portland, was visiting her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Sam Elmer, over the Fourth of July. Miss Anna Larsen, from Oregon City, is visiting Miss Mary Marshall , for a short time. Miss Dora and Elda Marquardt spent the Fourth in Portland. . Miss Mary and Elizabeth Marshall and Anna Larsen and Hazel Ringo spent Sunday with Ida Haag. A Fourth of July picnic was held at Clarks. W. H. Bottemiller is cultivating his - ' potatoes. . ' Mr. Wolfson is moving from Clarkes. -" Mr. Sullivan and brother, from Port . land, were in Clarkes last Sunday. Miss Vick, from Molalla, was visit- ing her uncle and family, Sam Elmer, last Sunday. " Christ Schuble, of Oregon City, and C. E. Spence, of Beaver Creek, made t ' speeches on the Fourth at Clarkes. The .Prager's band furnished the ' music. . , owing to bridge wreck on the River road. The glorious 4th is past and gone ' . once more. While the weather looked i threatening in the morning it was after all an ideal day, and despite the morning clouds a crowd soon collect- i ed and enioved the da v. The nrrv. gram was as follows: Band concert, Redland band; "America," by chorus and everybody; Chorus of "Liberty," by sextette, Mr. and Mffs. A. J. Johnston, Sales ON ALL PURCHASES S MADE at OUR STORE c 9 kS. - Special This Week: H. IP. BRIGHTBILL. Nomination Coupon $75.00 in Gold for 'or Add ress (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant. Good Any Time During Contest. GARAGI TRIAL. YOU WILL BE B. Corless, Mrs. W. P. Kirchem, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce; recitation, "Young America," Alma Boss; song"Red. White and Blue," Marie Fredericks; recitation, - "The Day After the Fourth," Irene Kirchem; "Star Spang, led Banner," Mrs. Lindborg with band acccompaniment; recitation, "The Americas," Mahala Gill; oration by Hon. G. B. Dimick, of Oregon City. His entire address was up-to-date and dealt with the present and future. Many said it was the best aMdress they had ever listened to on that day. In the afternoon a game of base ball consumed most of the time, between Price Bros, and the Logan boys with the score in favor of the former. The crowd was orderly and quiet, except the noise of the "rooters," of course, that and firecrackers don't count. In the evening the young folks 'tripped the light fantastic toe" till the wee small hours, and report a most en joyable time. Miss. Hazel Sprague, of Corvallis, was a visitor over the Fourth. Mr. Peter Wilson attended Grange Saturday. He looks well and sas be likes it fine in San Francisco, in the saloon to J. Churchill. Nearly everyone went to Canby to celebrate the Fourth. M)any came here from Canby also to celebrate. Frank Stollings has sold his saloon to Joe King. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse returned noma from Spokane Tuesday. Mrs. Andrews' mother, Mrs. Smith of McMinnville, is visiting her. Mrs. Wm. Keebaugh is ill. . Mr .and Mrs. Mew and MUss Gert When You are in a Rush for Printing Remember The Enterprise i- -5 GUNPOWDER MEYUNE 45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN ..45c CELYON, the great favorite among all black teas LIPTON'S TETLEY'S HORNIMAN'S 65c Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest Saving Cash Checks 8 -3 Clackamas Couuty lines and we are prepared cars in a mechanical manner. SATISFIED. - LardGives satisfaction. 7th and Center Sts. rude Evans, of Portland, were visit; ing their parents July 4. Mrs. Wurfel has been visiting rela tives since July 4. She returned home Tuesday. NORTH LOGAN. The Eagle's scream, at Barton was very faint Friday, as Portland had to help Barton with the celebration. G. Strahm has sold out and gone to Portland to try city life. A Tschopp bought him out. He has hired George Christiansen to work for him. Harry McMurry and Will Christian sen and his friend were guests of S. G. Hamblets Sunday evening. They have made a big improvement on the New Logan road between Logan and the Clackamas river. - The dance at Miss Maria Christian sen's Friday night was well attend ed and all reported a good time. Ed Eaden spent his Fourth in Wash ington this year. Alioe and John McMurry were in Barton Monday. J. Arnold and Mr. Lines have taken the contract of driving the ties down the river that J. B. Cumins sawed last summer. - Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Portland, were -visitors of J. P. McMurry's Sun day and Edwin Stanton, Elmer Ham blet, George Christiansen and Otis and their plans will be to spend three mpnths in the east and at various Canada lake resorts. MJr. Robinson will probably join them at St Paul on their return home. . Mrs. Clara Collins and grandson, cf For the benefit of the large number of shoppers using The Morning Enter prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00 in cash will be given to the individual or any form of organization or institution turning in the greatest amount of money shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores on this page. To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. To the third, $10.00 in cash. EXPLANATION. To secure votes in The Morning En terprise's Refund - Bargain Contest tnalce your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter- prise's office, where votes wiH be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash check, receipt of monthly bill. This vote is to be deposited in the voting box at this office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly bills must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1000 votes. The only ex ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest "are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. Mr.Workingman! We have your summer ciotaes ) at prices that will keep yo". cool. Stylish and serviceable clothes and sfioes at workins men's prices. Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE BELL TUEATRE Chicago, are .visiting at the H. H. Em mons home. The E. A. Sanders family have re turned to the Lodge and are domiciled in their cottage for the summer months. The Misses Elsie, Carrie and Ruth Birch are spending their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. A. . F. Russell. The little girls arriving on July 1st from their home in Walla Walla, Wash. Mrs. Cora Shook, of Kalamath vis ited on Sunday with the Roy Hinds family. Work has commenced on the six room cottage of Hugh Roberts. The house has been planned by Walter Beckner, of Newberg, and 'will be ready for occupancy by September 13. Rev. Ira Bowen, of the Church of the Nazarene will preach at the Blue Front Hall every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Dr. C. L. Haynes will have charge of the song services. The services have been well attended and a cordial welcome is extended to all. Sunday school is held each Sunday at 2 P. M. at the Grace Chapel. - L. Wilcox is the superintendent Twice a month at 3 P. M. the Rev. Horn schuh of the Evangelical faith will oc cupy the pulpit Mir. and Mrs. McMonigal received word that a new grandson had arrived at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Brigga at Grants Pass, Oregon, on July 2. A baby son arrived at the-H. C. Painton home on July 5th. Many con Our Clean-Up Sale Now in Full Force Entire Stock at 20 to 25 per cent re duction, except a few contract articles Price Bros Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN STS. - We give S & H Green Stamps. Each month our businesss increases, and THERE IS A REASON Come here for your Groceries and you will learn the REA SON. If you can't come, send the children. They are welcome and wm De treated witn the ! THE HUB GROCERY CO. Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueter's Varnishes V0NDERAHE & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wall Paper 207 Seventh St., Oregon City Phone Main 4082 IT - WILL To Get Our Prices on Summer and Sporting Goods We have a complete line of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits and sporting goods MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It CHOENBOR HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED Both phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER gratulations are being received as it is the first son of the family. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Rainer, of Marshfield, was a week-end visitor at the A. C. McFar lane home. Mrs. Gus Warner and Miss . Ruby spent the day on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Russell. Mrs. Merritt and Miss Frances, of Portland, are spending a visit at this place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Redmond. Mrs. James McMonigal returned on Wednesday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Howerton at Salem. Mrs. Wm. Gregan spent a few Tlays in Portland witn Mrs. Comstock. The Parent-Teachers' Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Ca! Morse on Friday and on Monday, July 14th, the members of the association will attend the chautauqua.- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. L. Clark and wife to Northwest Co., S. E. 14 of S. W. Vi and the S. W. of S. E. , Sec. 32, T. 6 S., R. 4 E.; $10. Wm. B. Felts to S. W. and A. A. Harris, 23.77 acres in S. W. , sec tion 19, T. 3 S., R. 1 W.; $600. Chauncey Coffman and wife to Ja cob H. Cook, west half of S. W. , Sec. 8 and south half of S. E. , Sec. 7,.T. 3 S., R. E.; $10. Glenmorrie company to Elizabeth L. Lomax and Agnes S; Tucker, tract 20, Glenmorrie park; $3720. 1 1 - . . Frank Bu.scln. same courtesy as yourseir. Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment extended to all. Board of directors, school district 36, Clackamas county to Portland, Eu gene & Eastern, right-of-way in Ssc. 32, T. 4 S., R. 2 E. ; $10. James Downey to same, right-of-way in tract 36, Willamette & Tualatin tracts; $19. W. J. Patterson and wife to I. C. Un derwood, 50 acres in George Graham D. L. C. No. 48;. $10. - J. A. Kilmer and wift and Edward Kinzel and wife to Chas. L. Foster and wife, 30 acres in N. W. See 36, T. 2 S., R. 2 E. ; $2,250. Ella and W. B. Ham to Barney A. Gilaasan, five acres in Sec. 15, T. 2 S., R. 3 E.; $1. . Missouri Full Crew Law ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 14. The so called full crew law, which has been opposed so bitterly by the railroads, will come into effect throughout Miss ouri tomorrow. The law provides that an additional- braeman shall be placed on every freight train made up of more than forty cars, and that there shall be an additional brakeman on all passenger trains. It is under stood that all the roads affected are planning to join in concerted action to test the constitutionality of the law. Holiday in New Orleans NEW ORLEANS, La., July 14 An extensive celebration in commemora tion of tit fall of the Bastile was held in New Orleans today by The French colony. PAY Caloric Cook Stove It bakes brsad, pies and cakes. It roasts meats and cooks vegetables without previous heating. -It cooks without fire and cooks Tar better than any stove can possiblj do. Saves fuel savss time, aa-J gives yon better food. For cale only by Huntley Bros. Co. The Rexall Store Furniture Hardware English Breakfast Table very substantial jJ2 .75 SEVENTH AND CENTER STS. M. E. C. H. B U N N DIOKEY THE ONE PERFECT GIFT A jeweled ring means love be tween parent and child, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. . We sell W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings, because they give satis faction. We sell them because they are better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. THEY COST FROM $2.00 UP BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN . Oregon City Jewelers STREETS Kills Every Catarrh Germ Balsamed Aid; Natures Own Remedy That is Guaranteed to End Catarrh. If you could only take one good look into your nose and throat and see the raw sore spots that are caused by germs of Catarrh you would secure -a HYOMEI outfit this very day and start at once to destroy the cause of nose and throat troubles. Booth's HYOMEI is a germ killing air which when breathed through a small Inhaler or in vapor form begins at once to drive out all mucus and bring the membrane back to a normal, clean, healthy condition. Complete outfit includes inhaler, $1.00. Extra bottles if later needed, CD cents, and money back from Huntley Bros. If dissatisfied. Just breathe it no stomach dosing. ' For Sale By " HUNTLEY BROS. CO., DRUGGISTS Longshoremen in Session BOSTON, Mass., July 14. The an nual convention of the Internationa) Longshoremen's association began in this city today with delegates in at tendance from many parts of the Unit Ad Stjlfpa ftTirt f!nnftrift