OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1913. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross HENRY JR5AY5 . . - , - - - . - I I ( STBMS6 ITS rtocKreeN feeoortp TMf CoRrtre - JT Spss ReMEMSee. TO -PUFF- I 1 1 seen .LeEPin w Vv 4l3"Jfr rt j-0CK. Sowe Jayj- I Jf 1 1 ' 1 ' .... ; ; " MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON. E. Brodle, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March , 1879." TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear, by mail $3.00 Six Months, by mail 1-50 Four Months, by mail 1.00 Per Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER July 15 In American History. 177(5 "Mad Ant bony" Wayne's force captured the British post at Stony Point, on the Hudsor. 18G3 Riotingagainst the Federal con scription law reached a violent stage in New York and Boston. In the latter city it was checked by ' canister and bayonets. 1883 Charles naywood Stratton (Tom Thumb), famous dwarf, died; born. 1833. 1910-Z. B. Knight, who is said to have named the Republican party in 1854. died; born 1821. 'A ACRE AND 6-ROOM HOUSE On improved street; house newly papered and painted; wood shed; land all improved, 45 bearing trees, apples, pears, cherries, prunes, peach plum, and English walnuts, fine gar den including potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, cabbage, bests, onions, carrots, etc. $1850. 00; cash balance on monthly pay ments. Will trade in good team and cows. Dillman & Howland dramatic critics, 77 years old today. Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, presi dent of f.ie University of California, 59 years old today. , Bishop Thomas Bowman, the old est M(3tliodist bishop in the United States, 96 years old today. which will help Astoria and Vancou ver a whole lot more than it will help Portland. Still again it is to be re marked that consistency is a great thing. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Evening stars: Jupiter, Mercury. Morning stars: Saturn, Venus, Mars. Arcturus, shining brilliantly southwest of zenith,' is the brightest sun of night in summer evenings and has been call ed King Arcturus. CONSISTENCY When Gov. Oswald AS A JEWEL West cam? to Oregon City to look over the local labor situ ation, and to put a restraining hand, if need be, upon the activities ot Fort land agitators who were trying to run this town, Portland newspapers chron icled the fact in large letters upon the front page, but made no adverse com ment. In fact they rather seemed to like the idea. When Governor Oswald West went to Portland, and did the same thing, only more so, Portland papers sat up on their hind legs and howled to the effect that the governor's intrusion was uncalled for, improper, and had generally made the situation worse. It seems to mal.e a difference where the governor goes when ho takes an interest in things. Consistency is a great thing. When various and sundry gentle men were preparing to convene in Portland as what was known as the World's Second Christian Citizenship conference. Portland papers "lauded PERHAPS A Attention is called to BOOMERANG an article printed elsewhere in these columns regarding the action of Pomona Grange, of Tualatin precinct, and its resolutions anent the county books and finances, and th,e high cost of living. The En-, terprise, along with these resolutions, prints a statement from County Judge Beatie that is" somewhat illuminating. The resolutions are aimed directly at the county court, and The Enterprise has afforded the county court an op portunity to answer them. These are the first definite charges that have been made against the county, court, and the answer thereto ought to be sufficiently definite to satisfy any person of reasonable mind. It is not denied that taxes are higher, but it is shown why they are higher and it develops that the major part of the increase was beyond the control of the present county administration. This should be interesting to those who are dissatisfied, yet who do not know where the blame' lies. Appar ently it lies with the honorable solons up at Salem, who so blithely order public monies appropriated for thj3 and that, and then leave the public to raise money wherewith to pay the piper. "THIS IS MY 49TH BIRTHDAY" Franklin K. Lane Franklin Knight Lane, who holds the post of Secretary of the Interior in President Wilson's cabinet, was born in Prince Edward Island, July 15, 1864, and was graduated from the Uni versity of California in 1886. Three years later he began the practice of law in San Francisco, and was corpor ation counsel of that city from 1897 to MAIMONIDES' TEACHINGS. Fear the Lord, but love him also, for fear only restrains a man from sin. while love stimu lates him to good. The perfection of the body is a necessary antecedent to the per fection of the soul, for health is the key that unlocks the in ner chamber. Measure your words, for the more your words the more your errors. -Ask for explanations of what you do not understand, but let it be done at a fitting mo ment and in fitting language. Keep firmly to your word. Let not a legal contract or witness be more binding than your .verbal promise even privately made.' ' Eat not excessively or raven ously. From a man's behavior at a public meal you can dis cern his character. The total abstinence from wine is good, but I will not lay this on you as an injunction. Yet break wine's power with water and drink it for nourishment, not for mere enjoyment. Dress lis well as your means will allow, but spend pn food less than you can afford. Honor your wives, for they are your honor. Withhold not dis cipline from them and let them not rule over you. NOTICES NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL. ACCOUNT In the courty court of the state o"f Oregon, for Clackamas county. In the matter of the estate of James E. Underwood, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Lizzie M. Underwood as ad ministratrix of James E. Under wood, deceased, has filed in the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, her final account and do ings as such administratrix of said estate, and that the 31st day of July, nineteen hundred and thir teen (1913) at the hour of 10:00 -a. m., of said day has been fixed and appointed by the above entitled court at the county court house in said Clackamas county, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing the objections to .the said report and the settlement thereof. LIZZIE M. UNDERWOOD, Administratrix of the Estate of James E. Underwood, Deceased. J. A. STROWBRIDGE, Attornev for Administratrix. Turkish Names. On our visiting list are Mrs. Hya cinl. Mrs. Tulip. Mrs. Appletree and Mrs. Nightingale. I am also happy enough to possess the acquaintance of Mrs. - Sweetmeat. Mrs. Diamond. Mrs. Air though some know her as Mother Eve Miss May-She-Laugh and Master He-Waited This last appellation seemed to me so curious that I inquir ed into it and learned that my young gentleman waited to be born. These are not surnames, you understand, for no Turk owns such a thing. To tell one Mistress Hyacinth from anoth er you add the name" of her man. And in his case all you can do is to tack on his. father's you could hardly say Chiistian name. H. G. Dwight in Atlantic. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT In the counts? cojirt of the state, of Oregon, for Clackamas county. In' the Matter of the Estates of Con rad Yost and Johanna Yost, widow of Conrad Yost, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Jacob F. Yost, administrator of the above entitled estates, has filed in said court his final report of the admin istrator thereof, and any and all persons whomsoever having any ob jections to said final report, or any reason why the same should not he approved by the above named court, are hereby notified and required to appear in said court and present the same on or before the 26th day of July, 1913, at ten o'clock a. m.. at the county court house in Ore gon City, Oregon, This notice is published by virtue of an order made by the Hon R. ' B. .Beatie, county judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 16th day of June, 1913. JACOB F. YOST, Aministrator. WESTBROOK & WESTBROOK, Attorneys for Administrator. Suite 307 Journal Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication, June 17, 1913. Date of last publication, July 15, 1913. cessive weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and an swer said complaint, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in said complaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree disolv ing the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between the plaintiff and the defendant, and that the plaintiff be divorced from the defendant upon the grounds of desertion. This Summons is served upon you by publication in accordance with an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above en titled court, made and entered in said suit on the 28th day of June. 1913. Date of first publication July 1, 1913. Date of last publication August 12, 1913. ' E. E. HECKBERT, Attornev for Plaintiff. Automobiles for Fiire PHONES: MAIN 77;. A 193 IVIiller-Parlcer Co. . ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance appropriating $7S2.00 to bulid fire house Mt. View Hose Com pany No. 4, Oregon City, Oregon. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby ap-r- propriated out of the'gener.al fund of Oregon City,. Oregon, the sum of . $782.00 .or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for building Mt. View Hose Company No. 4 house, and the city recorder is hereby athorized to draw a warrant for said amount. ' Section 2. Whereas it being necessary for the immediate protec tion of the peace and safety of the people of Oregon City that the said fire house, be completed and appar atus be installed, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its ap proval by the mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at a special meeting of the city "1913. council held on the 9ch day of July, L. STIPP, Recorder. Willamette Pulp and Paper Com pany; thence in a northwesterly di rection to the place of beginnog. And an election will also be held in the territory described, on the same date and for the same purpose. Each of said elections will begin at the' hour of 8 o'clock A. Ml and continue until 7 o'clock P. M. of said day. The election in the town of Will amette will be held at the school house in Willamette and the judges will be J. R. Bowland, Mrs. M. A Ross and D. C. Garmire, and the clerks will be R. A. Junken, Mrs. Hyatt and Mrs. Fromong. - The election in the territory pro posed to be annexed will be held in a tent on Lofb, Tract 11 Willam ette and Tualatin tracts, and the judges of election will be E. Reed T. J. Gary and Silas Shadle, the. clerks, Ernest LeigMon, Ernest Le May and George Volpp. By order of Common Council of Willamette. C. B. WILLSON, Mavor. H. LEISMAN, Recorder. their coming and their motives, and " iae .ar ,ear ue wu, gave them column after column of publicity. After the aforementioned gentlemen had' come and gone, Port land papers got out their little ham mers and knocked to beat the bani. Once again it is remarked that con sistency is a great thing. When Astoria showed an inclina tion to get for herself a deep water harbor, Portland papers laughed, arxl said it would be ridiculous. Just at present Portland papers are boosting the proposed "port of the Columbia," a year later received toe Democratic party vote of the legislature tor uniteu States ssnator. In 1905 he was ap pointed to the interstate commerce commission and last January, shortly before he entered the Wilson cabinet, he became chairman of the commis sion. Some years ago Mr. Lane was appointed a member of the Perman ent International Railway Commission representing the United States gov ernment Congratulations to: Marie Tempest, the well knowo act ress, 47 years old today. ' William .Winter, dean of American Are Philippines Ready For Self Government ? By SAMUEL FALLOWS, Bishop of Reformed Episcopal Church, Chicago Si TV K Tin the Pliilinninos! I - r rr Such a thing is not to be thought of. It would be gross insanity, and, even more, it would be cowardly. WE DID NOT GO OVER TO THE PHILIPPINES TO PLAY; WE WENT THERE FOR A PURPOSE. TO LEAVE OUR WORK HALF COMPLETED WOULD MAKE THIS NATION APPEAR LIKE A CHILD WHO HAD GROWN TIRED AND THROWN AWAY THE OBJECT WHICH A MOMENT BEFORE HAD ATTRACTED IT. " : ? ? . Exploitation was not our reason for devoting time and energy to. the upbuilding of a remarkable country. It is our MORAL AND RE LIGIOUS DUTY TO CONTINUE the work we have undertaken. To begin at the beginning, we came into possession of the islands by conquest and purchase. We paid $20,000,000' for them. At that time there was an insurrection going on against Spain headed by Aguinaldo and some of his generals. Neither our army nor the government gave the revolutionists the slightest ground for believing that we were GET . TING' THE PHILIPPINES FC-i THEM, so when we came into pos session of the islands the whole field was before us. , But we 'did not deal in reprisals. That is an erroneous idea which was carried to this country in wild rumors which were without founda tion. It is no more true than that we have oppress! the natives, which certainly is not the case. . In a measure this feeling may be responsible for the ignorant reason ing of some people that self government should be extended to the Phil- FORMED OF PAST CONDITIONS, BUT AXSO OF THE PRES ENT STATUS OF AFFAIRS. Wild Schemes of Dinocrates. The "most remarkaole proposal ever made about Mount Athos was that of the architect Dinocrates. His plan was to cut it into the shape of a gi gantic statue of Alexander the Great, holding in the right hand a city, in the left a tank that was to receive all the waters of the region. Alexander was much taken with the scheme. But it was eventually rejected on the ground that the neighboring country was not fertile enough to feed the inhabitants of the projected city. Another of Dinoc rates' plans was a temple to the wife of King Ptolemy of Egypt, with a roof of loadstones that would keep an Iron statue of her floating in the air. . One Good Quality. "Is she a good musician?" "Very. She knows when to quit." Detroit Free Press. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS its forty -fifth school year September 19. 1913. DEGREE COURSES in manyphasesof AGRICULTURE. ENGINEERING, HOME ECONOMICS, MINING, FORESTRY, COM MERCE. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES in agricul ture. HOME ECONOMICS, MECHANIC ARTS. FORESTRY. COMMERCE, PHARMACY TEACHER'S COURSES in manual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including piano, string, band instruments and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "The Enrichment op Rurai, Life" and a Catalogue will be mailed free on application. Address H. M. Tennant, Registrar, (tw-7-l5to9-9) Corvallis, Oregon. NOTICE TO ALL WHOIV. IT MAY CONCERN: The city council of Oregon City, Ore gon, has directed that all persons shall clean up from the parking, sidewalks and streets on all im prove streets in Oregon City, all rubbish, weeds, brush, briars and - brambles, and unsightly and unsan itary matter of all description. By order of the city council of Oregon City, Oregon. L. STIPP, Recorder. SUMMONS Red Cross Tansy Pills rOR Tiia Izim Msnstruaiisn PAINFUL Menstruation And a PREVENTIVE tor FEMALE IEREGuXARITJ.es. Are Safe and Reliable. Perfectly Harmless Purclj Vege- Rail! In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clack amas. Charles Wood, Plaintiff, vs. Rena Wood, Defendant. To Rena Wood, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, your are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled court within six (6) weeks from the date -of the first publica tion hereof, and on or before the J 29th day of July, 1913, and if you i fail to so appear or answer, for wanf J thereof plaintiff will apply to the j court for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled court ! dissolving the marriage contract ; heretofore existing between this 1 plaintiff and yourself, and for such j other and further relief as the court j shall deem equitable. You are hereby further notified that this ( summons is served upon you by j publication pursuant to the order of j the Honorable R. B. Beatie, judge; of the county court, in the absence j of the judge of the circuit court, ! which order was duly made and en-1 terted of record therein on the 16th day of June, 1913, directing the pub lication of this summons once a week for six consecutive weeks, and you are further notified that the first date of publication of this summons is the 17th day of JuTie, 1913, and the date of the last publi cation will be on the 29th day of July, 1913. - W. H. BARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. 225 Abington Building, Portland, Oregon. , if PRICE $1.00 Sent postpaid on receipt ot price. Money refunded 11 not as we ay. Booklet sent tree. ViU de Cinchona CO., Ues Moines, Iowa Take adantage of our new Parcel Post and order a bottle of us today THE JONES DRUG CO Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of ;he state of Orggon, for the county of amas. ... H. F. Chapin, Plaintiff. Clack- ' Jessie M. Chapin, Defendant. To Jessie M. Chapin, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon, "you. are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of j '" the plaintiff filed against you in ; the above entitled court and cause, j on or before the 13th day of Aug-; ust, 1913, which said date is six sue-! NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that an elee- - tion will be held in the town of Will amette, in Clackamas County, Ore gon, on the 6th day of August. 1913, to determine whether the boundaries of said Willamette shall be extended to include the follow ing described territory, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is the southwest corner of Willametce Pulp and Paper Company's ground . on the wesfc tianl: of the Willamette river in T. 2 S., R. E. of the Will amette Meridian, the point of begin ning of the description of School " District No. 105, being the point in tended and running thence North westerly on the boundary of said School District No. 105 to the c ea ter of the Willamette Falls Ry. thence following the center line o said Railway in a southwesterly di rection a distance of sixty chains to the right bank of Tanner Creek; thence northwesterly following the line of said School District No. 105 to the north line of the present County road from Oregon City to Willamette; thence in a westerly di rection following the north line of said County Road to the northeast . corner of Tract 33 of Willamette Tracts; thence west along the north line of said Tract 33 to the North east corner of Tract 34 of said Will amette Tracts; thence south along the east line of Tract 34 to tne Northeast corner of Lot B of said Tract 34; thence west along the north line of said Lot B of Tract 34 to the Northwest corner of said Lot B of Tract 34; thence nortiT aloTig the east line of Lot A Tract 35 of said Willamette Tracts to the Northeast corner of said Lol A thence west following the north line of Tracts 35, 3G, 37, 38 and 39 of Willamette Tracts, and Tracts M, I. and D, Qf Willamette Falls Acre age Tracts to the Northwest corner of said Tract D, thence south along the west line of Tract D of Will amette Falls Acreage Tracts to the north line of the present Town lim its; thence- east along the present town limits to the northeast corntr of the present town cf Willamette, thence in a southeasterly direction along the east line of Tracts 60 and fit of Willamette Tracts to the southeast corner of Tract 61 of Will amette Tracts; thence in a south westerly direction along the souta line of Tracts 61, bZ, bd ana b4 anu the prolongation thereof to the east line of Twelfth Street; thence southerly along the east line of Twelfth Street in Willamette to the center of the Willamette river; thence northeasterly along the cen ter of the Willamette river to an intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the northeasterly line of Tracts 14 and 15 of Willara ette and Tualatin .Tracts, thence ia a northwesterly direction following the northeasterly line of Tract' 15 of Willamette & Tualatin Tracts to the Southeast corner of Tract 14 of Willamette & Tualatin Tracts thence in. an easterly direction fol lowing the couth line of Lots C ana D of Tract 6 of Willamette and Tualatin Tracts to the west line of 1 Tract 1: thence North along the west line of Tract 1 to the north westerly corner of Lot C of Tract 1 thence east along the north line of Lots C and D of Tract 1 to the south line of Section 36 of T. 2 S R. 1 E. Willamette Meridian, thence east along the south line of said Section 3G, to the center of the Willamette River; thence in a north easterly direction following the center of the Willamette River to an intersection with the southeast erly prolongation of the southwest erly line of the said ground of the HOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about that bargain you. have in real estate. Use the Enterprise. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED by a girl general house work in -small family. Address B. D., this office. WANTED MKddle-aged woman would like housework. Address "A. B." Care Enterprise. WANTED To trade lots in first-class city In Kansas fcr rooming house or Oregon City real estate. What have you to offer? inquire 311 J. Adams St. YOUNG inaji wishes room mate; also board near business district. Ad dress "G. H. C." Enterprise. WANTED Contracts for water wells in Oregon City and vicinity. H. C. Paintpn, Jennings Lodge, Oregon. WOOD AND COAL COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12t"n and. Main Streets. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR CON STR'JCTING ROAD SOUTH OF MILWAUKIE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of tie county clerk of Clackamas county, Oregon, for furnishing all labor and material and doing the work in constructing road as fol lows: On the Oregon City and Milwau kie road, known as the "River Road.'' 1. Beginning at a point on said road at station 12 plus 70 and end ing at station 30. 2. Also commencing at station 30 and ending at station 68. I All work is tp be done acording to be had at the office of the county i ' clerk and bid must be for each en-! FOR RENT Furnished bed room, tire section complete. ; lady preferred. Phone Main 2651. Each bid must be accompanied with a j certified check to the amount ot lu i FOR RENT A seven-room nous-e; an per cent of the bid to insure enter-! improvements, concrete basement, ing into the contract by the bidder j Main street, one door from 14th should the contract be awarded to i Street. Enquire at Earris Grocery. him, which check will be forfeited j : . to Clackamas county, should bidder i FOr rent 5-rooi house and barn, refuse to enter into contract after! w Yoder, Molalla Ave., Tel. Main the same is awarded to him. ! ikss Each contractor to whom contract is . let will be required to OREGON CITY WOOD & FUEL CO. Wood and coal, 4-foot and 16-inch lengths, delivered to all parts of city; sawing especialty. -Phone your orders Pacific 1371, Home A120.- F. M. BLUHM. FOR RENT. furnish a suitable undertaking to guarantee completion of the work as provided in contract and also to guarantee the fulfillment of the law respect ing the hours of labor, material fur nished by material men, etc. Each bid must state the time within which the contract will be complet ed, and contractor will be required by his contract and bond to save the county harmless in respect to damages accruing to any one dur ing the prosecution of the work. The county court reserves the right to reject any and "all bids. The bids will be received until the 19th day of July, 1913, and will 1913. By crder of the county court. W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk, be opened by the 21st. day of July, FOR SALE. iVants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will oe Inserted at one cent a woid, first Insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half Inch card, ( 4 lines), $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed tor patron. Minimum charge 15c. Anyone that is nt 5f employment and feels he cannot afford . to ad vertise for wort, can have the use t)f our want columns free of charge. This places no - obligation of any sort on you, we simply wish to be of assistance to any worthy person. RANGE FOR SALE Cheap. Tele phone Main HOG. Oregon City. FOR SALE Well matched blacV. team, weight about 2200, age thre -and four. Two miles from Oregon City, one mile south of Mt. Pleasan" school. Address N. T. Andrews, Rt. 1, Box 45-B. FOR SALE Or will trade for lot of equal value, a piano as good as new. Dillman & Howland." FOR SALE OR RENT 9-room house in Gladstone. Will not refuse a reasonable offer. Inquire at this office. FOR SALE 5-room house and filled 'lot, $1500.00, or house and half lot for $1200.00. Inquire 724 Eighth street, on Jackson. SUB-CONTRACTING, repairing old . roofs and shingling a specialty. . Strictly first-class work only, rea sonable prices. W. M. Price, 112 Seventeenth street. Green Point, Oregon City. Pabst's Okay Specific $3-00 JONES DRUG COMPANY Does the worx. You all know it by reputation. Price FOR SALE BY You cannot be count you can pay your bills by check. The canceled check is a legeal receipt for payment. With a bank acmade to pay the bill twice. The Bank of Oregon City! OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MEYTSR, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,1)00.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A.. M. to 3 P. M J