00 Alfll Read the Announcement below and seethe FREE $00 for yof club ot church no canvassing of solicting neccessary FREE X 5 Save Yottf? Sales f ON ALL PURCHASES UlieCKS MADE at OUR STORE present them to the Enterprise office and re ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST Bannon & Co. MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all sizes to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE TEAS Phone 74 HANSEN'S HOME MADE BREAD MAIN 33. B-39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding & Birthday Cakes a specialty $ S We have the best equipped Garage in Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their to give the service and to do any kind of work on all kinds of -GIVE US A FJcatS Quantity and Quality for Home Sugar Cured Hams and Bacons, Kettle Rendered A trial will convince you. 7TH STREET MARKET Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. : The celebration of 1913 will long be remembered as one of the best and most successful celebrations Estaca da has ever had, and the Ladies' Civ ic Improvement club is responsible. The weather was not as favorable as it might have been, but Old Sol show ed his face occasionally throughout .the day and eyerybody'was happy. The program started with a con cert by the band in front of Hotel Estacada, at ten o'clock, followed by the parade, which would have dons credit to towns much larger than Es tacada. First in line was the band, then came an automobile with the present mayor, Dr. Aden and wife and ex-mayor McCurdy and wife. The next car contained the president of the Civic Club, Mrs. A. E. Sparks, the speaker of the day, Rev. Simpson and Rev. Browne and wife. Another auto conveyed the Civic club's officers. Then there wefe other cars, a large float with Miss Gussie Givens, the ' carnival queen and a number of little girls, a float containing just little tots, fire department with hook and ladder and carts, squad of lady and gentlmen horseback riders, represent ing Indians, and other nations, cow boys and girls, decorated buggies business houses floats, consisting of the Estacada State Bank, McCurdy Special This Week: CJ hi. F. BRIGHTBILL Nomination Coupon $75.00 in Gold for 'or . Add: ress (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant. Good Any Time During Contest. GARAGE TRIAL. YOU WILL BE 6TH AND MAIN STS. Hdw. and T.iimhAi Ha Dn!ort - ... . w., x oiavc meal Market, etc. The exercises at the park after the parade consisted of music, "Red, White and Blue" by ' the band and voices, prayer by Rev. Browne of the Methodist church, oration by Rev. Simpson, of Portland, and the sing ing of "America." In the afternoon there was dancing in the pavilion, minor sports and the ball game. Dancing commenced at 2 o'clock, preceeded by the grand marc'a in which over a hundred couples par ticipated. The dance continued until a late hour and was a most orderly and satisfactory part of the day's fes tivities. The Brooklyn Greys, of Portland, and the local team furnished two ball games. In the morning game, Esta cada won by a score of 2 to 1. The afternoon game was hotly contested in twelve innings, finally resulting in favor of the home team, the score being 2 and 3. . s The prizes awarded to those taking part in the parade, were as follows: Most unique, float, MbCurdy Hardware Co.; best decorated autompbile, Dr. Adix; best appearing lady rider, Miss Wagoner; best decorated bicycle, Morley Browne; best rough rider, Paul Morrow; best comic float, Thos. Yocum; best decorated baby and bug I . T When You are in a Rush for Printing Remember The Enterprise ..... GUNPOWDER MEYUNE 45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN.... 45c CELYON, the great favorite among all black teas PTON'S TETLEY'S HORNIMAN'S 65c Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest Saving Cash Checks Clackamas Comity lines and we are prepared cars in a mechanical manner . SATISFIED. - Cash Mooto LardGives satisfaction. 7th and Center Sts. gy, Mrs. Stubbs; most attractive lit tle girl and doll buggy, Lillian Dales. The new city council were sworn in Monday evening and Tuesday even ing held their regular meeting, bu. not very much business was tran sacted. The council is now composed of the following: H. V. Adix, Mayor; C. W. Devore, recorder; Mrs. Jesse Barlett, treasurer; W. S. Pyle, "It. Marchbank, O. E. Smith, W. E. Straight and J. A. Somer. Mrs. Adaline Mdller, of Vancouver, visited Estacada friends last week. Next Sunday the firemen of Portland have an excursion to this place. They will bring a band and have plans for a display of their ability to extinguish a fire. Among the out of town visitors here the Fourth were: Miss Bernice Will- inmH rf Vanmnirw I . . ; ' . ( itjiob i txi i j L L-, Edgar Williams, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Rob erts and Harry Williams of Portland, I who were guests at the Frazler home. miss Alice wens and friend Miss Woster of Boston and Dr. Wells were guests of Mrs. A. K. Morton last Fri day. " A jolly picnic party composed of the Frazier family and their company and Mrs. Morton and her guests with "Bobbie" Morton went to Garfield the day after the Fourth and had a grand time. ' "Bobbie" Morton left today for the mountains to try ranging for a while. His brother Tom joined the rangers several "weeks ago. Ed Olds, of Oak Grove,, was an Es tacada visitor Saturday. For the benefit of the large number of shoppers using The Morning Enter-" prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to Its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00 in cash will be given to the individual or any form of organization or institution turning In the greatest amount of money shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores on this page. To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. ' To the third, $10.00 in cash. EXPLANATION. To secure votes In The Morning En terprise's Refund Bargain Contest make your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter prise's office, where votes will be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash check, receipt of monthly bill. This vote is to be deposited in the voting box at this office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly bills must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1000 votes. The only ex ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. Mr.Workingman! We have your summer clot hen at prices that will keep yo: cool. Stylish and serviceable clothes and shoes at workins men's prices. Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE SELL THEATRE Some of the Estacada boys went to Gladstone Wednesday to assist the ! Logan boys in a game of ball. Prof. B. Ford is at Gladstone this week attending Chautauqua. The tennis club were on nana Mon day evening for their first practice. The dancing school, which was eon ducted by Phil Standisa at this place, closed a series of lessons last Satur day night. Mrs. Carl Cary left on Sunday To? Victoria, to visit relatives- for a cou ple of weeks. Mr. Cary joined her; Wednesday to be absent ten days, j Miss Tressie Hicks, one of Esta cadas popular telephone girls, left for Raymond, Wash., Sunday for a f aw days' vacation. The fat and lean men's ball game last Wednesday evening was a rather a "drawn out" affair, as the score board showed 18 to 19, in favor of the leans, at the end of the fifth inning. There will be another game in the near future, if the "boys" get suf clently recovered from the effects or the preylous contest. Thegame of ball advertised .. for Sunday afternoon was not pulled oft on account of the Oregon City' club failing to put in an appearance. A permanent Rod and Gun Club has been organized at this place, starting out with a membership of 28. The officers are: ,J. R. McCurdy, . presl-. dent; W. A. Hyleman, secretary and Fred Jorg, treasurer. Avery Kirchner visited in Portland Tuesday. Our Clean-Up Sale Now in Full Force Entire Stock at 20 to 25 per cent re duction, except a few contract articles Price Bros. Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN STS. We give S & H Green Stamps. 3 Each month our businesss increases, and THERE IS A REASON Come here for your Groceries and you will learn the REA SON. If you can't come, send the children. They are welcome and will be treated with the same courtesy as yourself. THE HUB GROCERY CO. '. t Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueter's Varnishes VONDERAHE & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wall Paper 207 Seventh St., Oregoi City Phone Main. 4082 IT - IV ILL - PAY - YOU To Get Our Prices on Summer and Sporting Goods We have a complete tine of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits . and sporting goods MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It CHOE NBQfe rW HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED zT Bth Phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER W. F. Cary transacted business in Portland Tuesday. Nearly five hundred members of the K. of P. lodge and their familes, from Portland, enjoyed a picnic in our beautiful park last Sunday. Notwith standing a little shower, they all seemed to enjoy the day. Mrs. Adix was hostess to the bridge club Tuesday afternoon. J. I. Bunker returned Friday from a visit in Iowa and Missouri. The $50 in gold, given away by the MfcCurdy Lumber and Hardware Co., was won by Frank P. Wilson of Lo gan. ' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hul man, June 26, a boy. Atty. Devore was in Oregon City Monday. Fred Bartholomew, brother of Mes dames E. E. and C. C. Saling visited here the first of the week. - B. R. Kimmel, who has been work ing at the carpenter trade at Clover dale, spent the Fourth with his fam ily. E. D. Bartlett was in Oregon City on legal business Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Haviland entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Cole and family of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Heiding er, of Spokane, last week. KELSO. The farmers here are working over time to get their hay cut. The hay is very heavy and is not damaged. Joel Jarl is on the jury at Oregon Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING .. - - V , ' - Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment extended to all City and George Roberts of Dover is cutting hay in his place. - Mrs. Victoria Carlson and family visited with her parents, the Lind holm's on the Fourth. V David Jarl of California spent the Fourth in Portland and is expected here soon. Some of oar residents spent the Fourth at Estacada and Gresham and others at Sandy and Portland. Wa'.ter Kiser had the misfortune to lose on9 of his large tie horses last week. There is little or no spraying done here1 and the writer thinks Mr. Frey tag will find all of the old orchards in the same condition as the one he condemned June 14, and ordered it cut down. Robert Jonsrud and family spent Sunday in Portland. EAGLE CREEK. We are again enjoying fine weath er. . Mrs. Viola Douglass and Miss Ed ith Chapman spent the Fourth with M)r. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass were Estacada. visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell were the guests of H. S. Gibson Sunday. Mrs. Viola Douglass spent a pleas ant day with her daughter, MrB. James DeShazer, Sunday. Caloric Cook Stove It bakes bread, pies and cakes. It roasts m?ats and cooks vegetables without previous heating. It cooks without fire and cooks far better than any stove can possibly do. Saves fuel : saves time, and gives yon better food. For sale only by Huntley Bros. Co. The Rexall Store Furniture Hardware English Breakfast Table very substantial jJ2. 75 sVCMTH AND M. E. BURN C. H. D I O K EY INTER STS. THE ONE PERFECT GIFT A jeweled ring means love be tween parent and child, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. We sell W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings, because they give satis faction. We sell them because they are better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Ring3 are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. THEY COST'FROiyi $2.00 UP BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers STREETS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Portland Railway, Light & Powar company, to Bertha P. Kanney, tracts 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 of Willamette & Tualatin tracts; $1. John W. Loder and wife to L. G. Clayton and wife, lot 8, block 81, Ore gon City; $10. M. E. Kandle to Emma I. Kandle tract in S. E. section 10, T. 4 S.. R. 3 E.; $1. P. W. Howlett "to Gust Blackstrom and wife, 172,000 squars feet in Min thorn addition to Portland, commenc ing at northeast corner of block 50; $3,000. , C. B. Woodworth and wife to A. M. Applegate and wife, 13.80 acres in lot 5, Sec. 17, T. 3 S R. 3 E. ; $800. Oscar Holden and wife to Ole Lar sen and wife, S. E. of N. E. Y. Sec. 10, T. 5 S., R. 3 E.; $2,700. ' C H. Dye and wife to E. W. Eby, lot 2, block 4, Mt. Hood View addition to Oregon City; $175. ; James W. Boggees'et al, heirs of Henry M. Boggees to W. W. Jess a and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 1, Beal'a addition to New Era; $10. Selena Gantenbein to Ulrich Gan tenbein, east half of the east half of N. E. Yt of Sec. 7, T. 2 S., R. i E.; $10. George M. Shaver et al, trustees of the estate of Sarah Shaver to Collins James, lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 1, The Shaver Place; $10. H. A. Kayler to Katherine B. Rit ter, lot 2, block 2, Molalla; $350. 1