MORNING ENTERPRISE. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913. li : ........... ,., ,. , u v;: "1 you f tots Arrange:For, Yo ''Book -Tickets" 'rati Once '; and Save 50c on your Purchase. Books of 10, $2; Otherwise $2.50 GLADSTONE PARK TWENTIETH YEAR annua CAMP LIFE IDEAL ' I : 1 Valley . i s , i . ; J .- r y. . , ' ;- fc?-rj ' - ii CORNER OF TENT CITY Half-boas? Cai Ser vice to .. " ". - --V- 'f-5' ' ' - i - " (' r I, V i . ; r ii J i frr GREATEST IN ..YEARS -. EVERYBODY WILL BE THEkE-M AKE YOUR PLANS TO-DAY 0NGDREfSI CM i I- l-,..u..ll,.lm..ul,,l. jmi 111... ' vjJtls I'"""--w-.j5: PW-WW " ..MW...... ...uw.' ., . --.. -,. .jrffti. ' ! v;' , k ,5 .- . s x ! Xf , . . .'-"-'-; 7-r -r:':f:i rjfh ulr, r ' - pj- - V - - ; PORTLAND LADIES' BAND MEMBERS ARTISAN LODGE EXCEL LENT MUSICIANS 24 CONCERTS I 0 E .G. LEWIS Lecturer Founder of University City, Mo. 4 - . ! " ' ! J 'i. v", , if - , 'V THIRTEEN BIG DAYS Tickets Now On Sale PROF. F. T. CHAPMAN Head of Music Dept uii.ii.. JIH wmw- .- - : - - . f.v Mr ...i iMMiii.. )irii -ii - - ill - - tiBIMBMMriMiaMM FRANCES CARTER Head of Elocution Department 1: - "- j MAUDE WILLIS COL. BAIN Reader Lecturer I V " MATT S. HUGHES, Lecturer - s. ; ' . ; - DR. W. B. HINSON, Pastor Portland White Temple Head of Bible t)epartment - ' " . -r v TYROLEAN-ALPINE SINGERS. Partial List of Features . . r-V ' a r t -sir! t if if ' i-? --' ffc: ' . -" S s?ji - r:;". , ,a ? - 1. j 'i'4 ' vJi- . --' ; j,v , - is - -ioi I l ''y . ! . jryaiL r M i ft a i ... ;. ? i'2j7f7rr7777T7v 1 Summer School Oasses o ;In trcst To AH V GRACE LAMKIN Mrs. "Supervised Play" S. V. Hutchinson A Great Novelty. Soloist ' V' -: DR. FLETCHER HOMAN President of the Chautauqua WALT HOLCOMB Lecturer There Are Many Others MAIN AUDITORIUM NG. POON CHEW Chinese Statesman-Lecturer - -JK - . 2 ' "f1. , PAULINE MILLER-CHAPMAN Mezzo-Soprana I - ; I i x . r L. - fc- j PAMAHASIKA and His Pets. .ft f 1 V- BAUMGARDT, Scientist-Lecturer GREATEST ARMY OF PLATFORM TALENT EVER ASSEMBLED ON THE PACIFIC COAST . , f rA "p 1 a Kv The Southern Pacific stops all local trains when patrons desire fare for the round trip from all points in Oregon touched by their lYrt iKr A HlTIICCIATl " 1 C 1 jCdSOIl llCKClS " hZjU such stops, from all Willamette Valley points, within a hundred line, providing the patrons use the certificate plan, getting the certif- Udiij AUlllloMUll'. . Y yards or so from the gates. The Portland Railway, Light & Power icate from their local agent and having it signed by the Chautauqua , TP-' d A A Co. run their half-hour car service from the station at First & Alder, secretary at the grounds. ' ' - Cv11Cirkn Do top rr All IiOOkS OT IPT1 - AZlMl Portland (OREGON CITY CAR) directly into the gates of the park, ' Baggage is shipped to, the park in the usual manner, freight CALuI MUll idlC3 Ull illl VVU VI 1V" rV, haying a branch line from the main road at Gladstone a great cars on the electric making daily trips into the park. The S. P. de- , . '" , convenience for patrons. From Portland the fare is 25c for the posits the baggage of the patrons at a point within 200 yards of the T . A C(JQ 11 TlflTPT 1 y round trip, rom Oregon City 5c each way. The Southern Pacific park gate, where it may be hauled cheaply into the grounds. Thus KQd.QS " LilllU O kjLd. 11 llCJVvl J 1 J grants a Chautauqua rate during the assembly of one and one-third easy access to the grpunds is provided over either line. FuW Information Tickets, Tents, Reservations, etc.. Address H. E. CROSS Sec'y, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oreaon