MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913. Back to the Woods. . The Bug Whither goest thou, broth er? The Cricket Well, you've heard of the cricket on the hearth? There ain't no more hearths around here, so I've got to emigrate. LOCAL BRIEPS Enterprise advertising pays. - Rev. Lucas is visiting friends in the county seat. - Charles Gates leaves for the Co lumhia river Thursday. " . H. Boaidtnan, of Canby, was in th; county seat Wednesday. C. W. Elliott, of Portland, was in the county seat Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green, of this city, or visiting in Seaside. Miss Naterline. of this city, is in Portland visiting with relatves. W. L. Bradley, of Tacoma, was a county seat visitor Wednesday. - E. H.,Bair of Portland, was a visit or in the county seat Wednesday. Lorraine Ostrom, of Meldrum, was a county seat visitor Wednesday. . J. James, of St. Johns, was a visit or in the county seat Wednesday. Wm. Atcheson, ot Vancouver, was in this city on business .Wednoaday. ..W. Howell, of Portland, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. S. Ruffner, of Portland, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. H. N. Ringley, of Albany, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. HEADACHE? It WILL NOT tall KRAUZE'S HEADACHE CAPSULES They will cure any kind of Headacheiio matter wnai ne cause, rci ic-hj . Price 35 Cents LWORMAH L1CHTY KFG. CODes Moines, Is- i FOR SALE BY TO SELL THE JONES DRUG CO. 1 e have a large stock I of these remedies, just I fresh from the laborv , son nnn nnnnnn ninnnn nn nn n nnnnnn Li J ll u J UljIL j L 0 Ul UU w Uu U l U J 3lJ T. McClancy, of Portland, was - a visitor in the county seat Wednesday. M. Sprague, of Portland was in the county seat on business Wednesday. H. Malory, of Woodlawn, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. L. Summerfield. of Tacoma, was R visitor in the county seat Wednesday T. Williamson, of Gresham, was a visitor in the county seat. Wednesday. J. Badger, of Molalla, was in the county seat on business Wednesday- Everett Loftus," of Portland, was a visitor in the county seat Wednesday. L. Wilcox, of Portland, made a bus iness trip to the councy seat Wednes day. Raymond Howell, of Portland, was a visitor in tne county seat v wiccs- day. J. W. Partton, of Portland, was in the county seat on business Wednes day. I. B. Rhoads, of Portland, was in the county seat on business Wednes day. C. Wilson, of St. Johns, made a business trip to the county seat Wed nesday. Wm. Schusltbraken, of . Molalla. was a visitor; hecouaty-seat Wed nesday. .. Ernest Lehman, of Gresham, made a busines trip to the county seat Wed nesday." Miss Mayfield,- of Beaver Creek, made a trip to the, county seat Wed nesday. J. N. Frants, of Portland, made a business trip to the county seat Wed nesday. James B. Krause, of Portland, was in he city calling on relatives Wed nesday. Allie Levitt and Gilbert Morris have gone a trip to the head waters of the Willamette. Leonard Williams, of Gladstone, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. James Waltson, of Beaver Creek, was in the county seat on business Wednesday. Miss Tillie Krause and Miss Gwen doln Trudell made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Henry Livingston, a Portland real estate dealer, was in Oregon City on business Wednesday. - R. L. Finlayson and wife, of San Francisco, were in this city weanes- i day visiting with friends. Ray Gibson, of Eugene, was in the county seat Wednesday visiting friends and old acquaintances. Miss Lois Copley, of The Dalles, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harrington, of Gladstone. J. W. Loder and wife attended the graduation exercises in the Washing toon high school, Portland, Wednes day evening. ' ' .- Nothing is more disagreeable than eczema, or otaer smn diseases, it ia also dangerous unless speedily check ed. Meritol Eczema Remedy will af ford instant relief and permanent re sults. We have never seen a remedy that compares with it. Jones Drug Co. Commencement at Oberlin. OBERLIN, O., June 25. George E. Vincent, president of the University of Minnesota, spoke before the grad uating clas of Oberlin College today on "A PhilosoDhv of Life." President King presented diplomas to one of the largest classes in the history of the college. ' ' U n AT ONCE-We Mast Have the Building Empty at Once-Look for big circular ELLIOTT OREGOil CITY GIRL WiltS HIGH HONORS When Harold Bauer, the pianist, was making up his program for the tour of the British Isles, competitive trials were given in London and Paris and many English and American sing ers entered the contest for tha honor of vocal soloist. Miss Mary Adele Case won the prize and made the tour with Bauar, and by her splendid gifts added luster to the fame of the re nowned artist, and gained for herself distinction that few enjoy. Since this Miss Case has, by study and Dractice in the great musical cen ters of the old world, under famous masters, and in New York, developed the range, quality and power of her voice until she is now recognized as one of the leading contraltos of this coast. - Miss Case resides in New York, where she ranks high and is. popula: as a teacher, and is in demand for concerts and church choirs. She has hspn sineine recently in one of the leading churches of that city. It will be a rare treat tor tne peo ple of Oregon City to hear this Ore gon girl, winner of distinguished hon ors at home and abroad.' She will ap pear in the Shively Opera house Wed nesday evening, July 2. The announcement of her appear ance, in a home recital, assisted by some of the best home talent, Prof. Fletchner, and Mrs. Dr. Reed, is awakening much interest. UNREST OF TIMES TO BE DISCUSSED Hon. W. S. U'Ren has been invited tay Dr. T. B. Ford, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, to speak in his church next Sunday evening at the usual hour for service, 7:45., and has consented to do so. The subject of the address, at the request of Dr. n ... i i.mi. . 1 .5 1 .,1 : ;'' 7 XX v"" T" JTr. trial Unrest.' Mr. U'Ren is a well known attorney of the city, is especially interested in this question, is a pleasant speaker, and the announcement that he is to speak on a question so important to capital and labor and so pertinent at this time will attract a large audi ence; especially so since Mr. Ford imposes no restrictions, it is me purpose of Mr. Ford to put on a ser ies of Sunday evening addresses upon popular subjects by men representing many views upon living question of the 'day. Don't feel lively as you "uset" Bones getting stiff losing juice, Brace up tackle it again. Rocky Mountain Tea will help you win. Have you pains in the back, rheu matism fainting spells, indigestion, constipation, dull, sick headaches, poor appetite your stomach's out of kilter take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea (or tablets) at least once-a-week for a month or two and see how different you'll feel. 35c Tea or Tablets. Jones Drug Co. Enterprise classified ads pay. COME-This SEVENTH TKE LATEST FASSI23I K3TE Says: It u a wise precaution against getting boles in delicate hosiery to powder the shoes before patting them on."' ir-.;ny people sprinkle the fsmons antiseptic powder, Allen's Foot-rase into the shoes, and find that it saves it cost ten times oyer in keeping ho es from hosiery ss well ss lessening friction and conseqneut gmsinng and aching of the feet. BASEBALL SERIES SCHEDULE READY The Chautauqua baseball schedule, which is one of the features of the Willamette Valley assembly, was com pleted Wednesday at a meeting of the Chautauqua baseball committee. The games, as in . former years, will be played on the Gladstone athletic field in the lower corner of the Chautau qua park, and will begin at 3.30 each day. Wm. Burnside of Portland, is to umpire the series, which will be played as follows: July 8th Oregon City Commercial club vs. Price Bros. (2nd O. C. team). July 9th Clackamas vs. Logan. - July 10 Oswego vs. Price Bros. July 11 Commercial club vs. Clack amas. July 12 Logan vs. Oswego.. July 14. Price JBros. vs. Clackamas. July If Oswego ;rs.; Commercial club. July 16 Logan vs! Price Bros. -July 17ClackamaS vs. Oswego. July 18 Commercial club vs. Lo gan. - July'10 Playing off championship of two-leading teams. As the opening day of the session is to be the official Oregon Cay -day, the Oregon City teams will try con clusions for the first event of the series. The ' five teams comprising the Chautauqua league this year are all Clackamas county nines. The classified ad columns of Enterprise satisfy your wants. The GRAY HAIR TURBS COLOR AFTER Mixed "With Sulphur It Dark ens Beautifully and Takes Off Dandruff. Almost every on knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur properly compounded, brings back the nat ural color and luster to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also cures dandruff. Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Tears ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, "which is xnussy and troublesome. Nowadays skilled chemists do this better than ourselves. By asking at any drug store for the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy" you wiir .-get a large bottle for about 60 cents. Some druggists make their own, but it's Moening Ijn Id k tatccssson's to AND MADISON, EGG QUOTATIONS STILL GOING UP " Industrious boosting in Portland has forced the quoted price of eggs to 26 cents a dozen. However, eggs can be purchased from 20 cents up by those people who are not particu lar as to the kind they get Incident ally it may be said that the Portland quotations on eggs are giving an ample profit to dealers, as poultry men are being from 18 to 20 cents for their stock. For this reason many poultry fanciers are continuing to sell their eggs direct to consumers. n.ggs in Oregon City localities are ranging from 22 cents a dozen up. The ten-cent advance in sugar, prophecied some weeks ago, has come to Dass. wholesalers all along the coast having tacked on the extra dime Willamette valley currants are in the local and Portland market in con siderable plenty. They t are being sold to dealers at 75 cents a crate, and are of good quality and well ripen ad. Gooseberries are selling from 4 to a cents a pound, but the demand is not clearing the market. Spring weather has not been favorable to the crop. Strawberries are still holding on the market at all sorts of pr'.cas, from 60. cents a crate up. Some of the fruit is of excellent qualify, and some cf it is not. Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) stcrs 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6; lambs 6 to 6MiC. VEAL Calves 12c t0 13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb; sauage, 15c lb. PORK 9 and 10c. Poultry (buying) Hens 11 to 12c; stags slow at 10c; old roosters 8c; broilers 20 to 21c. . Fruits. APPLES 50c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (buying) Prunes on basis 4 for 35 to 40c ITS NATURAL APPLYING SAGE TEA usually too sticky, so insist upon getting "Wyeth's," which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is the best remedy for dandruff, dry, feverish, itchy scalp and to stop falling hair. Folks like "Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur" because no one can pos sibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does so naturally and evenly, says a well-known down town druggist You dampen a sponge or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This re quires but a few moments, by morning the gray hair disappears and after another application or two is restored to its natural color and looks even more beauti ful and glossy than ever. r - For Sale by - HUNTLY BROS. CO. at 9--C ON THE HILL YOUR HAIR IS TURNING GREY i YOU LOOK OLD This is Not the Time When Old Age is to be Desired TO KEEP POPULAR KEEP YOUR APPEARANCE OF YOUTH a -vem-ntr man was surDrised to have his application for a position "turned down." He was better equipped for the position than the fellow who got it He discovered that his grey hairs did It He was "too old" looking. It's the same everywhere. There is no doubt but that grey hair does make a man look old. There is no use waiting another minute don't lose your po sition or fail in getting a better one FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED ONIONS $1.00 per sack. POTATOES Nothing d0ing. BUTTER (buying) Ordinary country butter. 20 to 22'Ac. EGG3 Oregon ranch, case count nVic; Oregon. ranch candled lSVic. Prevailing Oregon City prices are as follows: CORN Whole c0rn, $32. HIDES (buying) Green sr1ed, 9c to 10c; sheep palts 75c to $1.50 each, WOOL 15 to 16c. MOHAIR 28c. FEED (Selling) Sborts $28; barn $zo; process oaney, ly $oj...iu j pf r ton. I FLOUR $4.50 to $5. ' j OATS (buying) $28; wheat 93c r I oil meal selling $38; Shay Brook1 dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds, HAY (buying) Clover" at $8 and $9; Dat kay best $11 and $12; mixed;. lO flii 1UUUU OUU mpiri u vice .u i umomv senium u.uu lu ?o, vanc timothy, $12 to $15. Meet in Mormon Tabernacle. SALT LAKE CITY,. Utah, June 25. The local committee in charge of arrangements for the annual conven tion of the National Education Asso ciation here next month is in daily receipt of advices indicating that tha atteendance will establish a new high figure in the record of the associa tion's meetings. The convention will be held the week of July 7. The gen eral sessions will take place in the Mormon. Tabernacle, famous for hav ing the most wonderful acoustic prop erties in the world. A GOOD INVESTMENT There is no better Investment than a fifty cent piece in a bottle of Meri tol White Liniment. Muscular and rheumatic pains, swellings, lameness and soreness of the muscles are promptly relieved. Meritol White Liniment is especially recommended as a general pain killer of unusual merit. Connecticut Golf Tourney. NEW HAVEN, Conn., June 25. The annual tournament for the cham pionship of the Connecticut State Golf association was opened under fa vorable conditions today on the links of the New Haven Country club. JUL3 OME because you are old looking use Hay's Hair Heaitn now. Those who are using Hay's Hair Health recommend it to their friend3, because it is genuinely good, always restores grey hair to its natural color; destroys dandruff, keeps the scalp clean and healthy. You begin to note the difference at once. The few grey hairs disappear and never return. lrtir nA vnn are vouneT Get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health at once, start using it and see what a difference a few applications make. Free: Sign tais aav. ana iase u u following druggists and get a 50c. bot tie of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. cake cf-Harfina Soap, for 50c; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25c. cakes of Ilarfina Soap Free, for $1. BY HUNTLEY' BROTHERS CO. . ONE ACRE, GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. j FULL BASEMENT. HOT AND COLD '. WATER, bath, nice barn and garags. ! All vir.rU nt trait, frees. Beaches, ao- pies, prunes, cherries and pears, a'l i two years; nica strawberry patch, al- so grapes set out last spring. TMs ' place is sacrificed on account of other ; business. If sold in ten days will take $1,850.00. One thousand cash. This on main line of Portland, Eugene & i Eastern R. R.; in Willamette, Oregon. I Balance at 7 per cent. i w p gCHOOLEY & CO. !612 Main St. Oregon City SheHhorn Lady Suaered a Great Deal,ButlsMRihtNow. Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short time ago, 1 commenced to have weak spells and headaches. I felt bad all . the time, and soon grew - so bad I ' couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. i At last my husband got me a bottle j of Cardui, and it helped me; so he got some more. Alter l naa uiKen mo second bottle, I was entirely welL I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try CarduL It is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardui is a woman's tonUs a strengthening medicine for women, made from Ingredients that act spe cifically' on the womanly organs, and thus help to. build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills, it has a successful record of over 50 years. Your druggist sells It Please try It N. B Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chatts noojh Medicine Co., Chattsnooea. Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. 'Home Treatmcat for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. JONES DRUG COMPANY in mail this A.M. FELT BAD All THF TIE j B b33 Sfl ummm, m - - - ELY