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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
r. m 1 MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. eaa me .innotmcemenr oeiow ana secure Opnpp $75.00 fo yoa clab or chch -no canvassing or solictmg neccessary FREE 00 avc Yoti Soles 4 1 ON ALL PURCHASES LSCB.S MADE at OUR STORE present them to the Enterprise office and re ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST 3 fS . MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. c ! . j SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all sizes to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE THEATRE Where You Get a Quarter's Worth for a DIME Fine Program Today and Tomorrow TEAS Phone 74 GUNPOWDER MEYUNE 45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN 45c ChvmaI TLS,, HJsvsvl. CELYON, the great favorite among . Special This Week: . u--w - HORNIMAN'S 65c H. IP. BRIGHTBILL HANSEN'S HOME MADE BREAD MAIN 33. B-39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding & Birthday Cakes a specialty Nomination Coupon $75.00 in Gold for Saving Cash Checks Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest 'or . Add Iress. (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant, must be used within five days of date below.) JUNE 3; 1913. It For the benefit of the large number of shoppers using The Morning Enter prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00 in cash will be given to the individual or any form of organization or institution turning in the greatest amount of money shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores on this page. ' To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. To the third, $10.00 in cash. " EXPLANATION. To secure votes in The Morning En terprise's Refund "Bargain Contest ' make your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter prise's office, where votes will be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash check, receipt of monthly bill. This vote is to be deposited in the voting box at this office. , Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly bills must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. 'Every contestant entering the con test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1009 votes. The only ex ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. Watch for the standing of contest ants, which will be published else where in this paper daily. The Re fund Bargain page appears Tuesday and Friday for a period of ten weeks. s- The Hercules 0VS MM Is as Strong as its Name Double Stamps with every Boys Suit from now till 4th of July I $- PROPER CAREof theTEETfi is of prime importance. Did you see the Toothache Film? Start your children right when they are young insist oh the toothbrush habit. A 35c Tooth-brush and Your Choice of any 25-c Tooth powder or Paste 9QV This week only vV, A 60c Value for 39c Huntley BrOS. Co., The Rexall Slore ! Price Bros. Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN-STS. We give S & H Green Stamps. Furnitiire J Hardware English Breakfast Table very substantial J24 75 SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEKSPECIAL Large 3-pound can Pork and Beans, ID regular 20c size, per can, only ltlC THE HUB GROCERY CO. IVT: Come here for your groceries and ask for sales slip. You may be the lucky one to get a cash prize. AND STS. M. E. B U N N C. H. DICKEY Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueter's Varnishes VONDERAHE & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Wall Paper 207 Seventh St., Oregon City , Phone Main 4082 GARAGE We have the best equipped Garage in Clackamas Couuty Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their lines and we are prepared to give the service and to do any kind ef work on all kinds of cars in a mechanical manner. GIVE US A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED.- 6TH AND MAIN STS. P2B.t!S Quanty anc QuaKty f or Cash -4 Meats Home Sugar Cured Hams and Bacons, Kettle Rendered Lard Gives satisfaction. A trial will convince you. , 7TH STREET MARKET 7th and Center Sts. WORKING MEN Want Clothes IflL! that are built for service as well as for looks. We make a special study of the needs of workingmen QUALITY and PRICE Considered, We Have the BEST Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE BELL THEATRE Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment extended to all. 8 4 IT - WILL - PAY YOU To Get Our Prices on Summer and Sporting Goods We have a complete line of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits and sporting goods MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It THE ONE PERFECT GIFT 1 A jeweled ring means love be tween parent and child, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. We sell W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings, because they give satis faction. We sell them because they are better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. ; THEY COST FROM $2.00 UP BURMEISTER flANDRESEN Oregcrr-v ity Jewelers (QiHO ENBOR HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED Beth Phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER STREETS Irv NOTED MINISTER FOR CHAUTAUQUA . In the program of great lectures, and the schedule of great lectures, to be heard and seen at the coming Chau tauqua, probably no event is looked forward to with more genuine inter est than the appearance of Dr. Matt S. Hughes, of Pasadena, Calif., who is booked for three lectures, July 11, 15 and 16. Dr. Hughes'' subjects are to be: "The Penalties of Progress," "Abraham Lincoln" and "The Dimen sions of Life." Dr. Hughes is one of the leading platform men of the country. As pastor of the leading Methodist church in Kansas City, he established a great reputation for himself several years ago as a man of untiring energy and ceaseless activity in municipal betterment. At present he is pastor of the "First" church of Pasadena, Calif., and is widely known through out the West. .He possesses rare or atorical ability and at times during his impassioned lectures becomes in tensely dramatic. Dr. Hughes' talks will undoubtedly be - Chautauqua treats. ' Dr. T. B. Ford of this city is an ar dent admirer of Dr. Hughes, and speaks in glowing terms of the lafe teis power. "I have heard him again and again," DR. MATT S. HUGHES finest orators in the country. I have met Dr. Hughes, on several occasions and respect and admire him as a man who has done wonderful things amon? Chiistian people." Dr. Hughes is a fervid young South erner, and his great lecture of the 15th on "Abraham Lincoln" is await ed with keen interest. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bowers, of Uma tilla, have returned to their home af ter a short visit with friends in this city. AINBERRY GETS NOT TRUE BILL (Continued from Page 1.) came to Oregon City as a witness in the preliminary hearing against the union men arrested at the same time he was first taken into custody at Oswego. While sitting on the courthouse steps, awaiting being called to . the stand, Ainsberry was again arrested by Sheriff Mass on a telegraphic war rant from Wyoming, charging him with burglary and penitentiary break ing.. Governor West again refused to grant extradition papers, and once again habeas corpus proceedings were brought to get Ainsberry out of jail. Following the returning of a not true bill in his case by the grand jury, and the release of Ainsberry from his bonds, Wyoming and California offi cers were notified of the status of his case, and it is believed that both will seek his arrest as a fugitive. At the time of Governor West's visit to Oregon City during the socialist troubles at the mills here, the state executive said he would not refuse to grant extradition papers in Ainsber ry's case from either Wyoming or Cal ifornia following the conclusion of the case then pending against htm here. . GREY HAIR RESTORED TO YOUTHFU L COLOR Why Have Grey or Faded Hair That Makes You Look Old Why lose your good looks that youth ful, natural colored hair always helps you to keep? There is absolutely no need for it. A few applications of Hay's Hair Health will restore your grey hairs to their natural color and beauty, almost immediately and it will look even more beautiful than ever your money back if it doesn't. Get a bottle today prove it to your own sat isfaction. . - Always ask for Hay's Hair Health. Don't take chances with any others. Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the following druggists and get a 50c. bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. cake of Harfina Soap, for 50c; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 25c. cakes of Harfina Soap Free, for $1. BY HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. G. J. Taylor editor of the Molalla Pioneer, and booster for Molalla in general, was in this city on business Monday..-- W. A. Clear, of Tualatin, and his sister, Mrs. Winters of Newberg, are visiting with their father John Clear, of Canemah, who is very ill. ROSE SOCIETY ELECTION WILL BE HELD TUESDAY The annual meeting of" the Oregon City Rose Society will be held Tues day, June 24, at 2:30 o'clock in the parlors of the Commercial club. This meeting is for the purpose of electing the officsrs for the ensuing year and for such other business as is usual at the annual meeting, and a large at tendance is urged by the officers of the society. For Southern TennJs Titles, Follow Washington's Route. NEW ORLEANS, La., June 23. With the cream of the Southern ten uis talent on hand to compete for hon ors, the annual Southern champion- ship tournament opened this morning on the courts of the New .: Orleans f Lawn Tennis club. Larga delegations ..V of players and enthusiasts are here from Atlanta, Memphis, Dallas and a number of other cities of the South. Only preliminary games were played 7 today. ' - PHILADELPHIA, Pa., June 23. A party of members of the National so ciety, Sons of the American Revolu tion, left this city -today on a pil grimage over the route followed by George Washington 139 years ago when he went from Philadelphia to Cambridge, Mass., to assume com mand of the Continental army. At various points along the route in Pen nsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts tab lets and other memorials will be erect ed, marking the stopping places of Washington and other points of liis toric interest. Alleged Slayer on Trial. Mt. Vernon, Ind., June 23. The cas-s of Walter Bocail, indicted on a charge of first degree murder, was called for trial here today. The case was brought here on change of venue from Princeton, where .Bocail is alleged to have killed Policeman Hitch, last May. c ross Tansy Pills The Lsiiss' ' roR-.".' .. Suppressed PAINFUL Menstruation And a PREVENTIVE for FJMALE 11 ' IRREGULARITIES. Are Safe and Reliable. r" Perfectly Harmless Purely Vege table! Never Fail Am 4 j jm PRICE S1.CO Sent nostDaid on receipt of mice. Moner refunded if not as we " " ' - ,, Vin ae Cinchona Co.. Moines, iowa Take adantage of our new Parcel Post and order a bottle of us today THE JONES DRUG CO. Beaver Bldg., Oregon City, Ore.