MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913. FREE $7500 T cltifc of chtifch -no canvassing or soHcting neccessary FREE i Save Yotit Sales Ctf f ON ALL PURCHASES lieClCS MADE at OUR STORE present them to the Enterprise office and re- ceive your votes for CASH PRIZE CONTEST L JHL 30, 0 jOL & G o MASOxNIC TEMPLE BLDG. s SECTIONAL POST BINDERS CANVAS AND CORDUROY Made in all size to fit any sheet OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE The BELL THEATRE Where You Get a Quarter's Worth for a DIME For the benefit of the large number of shoppers using The Morning Enter prise as a medium in which to find exceptional purchasing opportunities, this paper offers the following induce ment to its readers and friends to carefully read the advertisements of the progressive stores on this page. A grand prize of $50.00. in cash will I be given to the individual or any form of .organization or institution turning in the greatest amount of money I shown on the cash checks or receipts and monthly bills secured at any of the stores on this page. ' The Hercules Boys Suit Is as Strong as its Name To the candidate securing the next largest amount, $15.00 in cash. To the third, $10.00 irt cash. i Fine Program Today and Tomorrow, Special This Week: ) GUNPOWDER MEYUNE : 45c BASKET FIRED JAPAN... 45c ELYON, the great favorite among all black teas PTON'S TETLEY'S HORNIMAN'S 65c Phone 74 M. F. BRIGHTBILL HANSEN'S HOME MADE BREAD MAIN 33. B-39 7 Tickets 25c TWO BAKERIES BRANCH 7th and Jefferson MAIN 24 Wedding & Birthday Cakes a specialty Nomination Coupon J $75.00 in Gold for Saving Cash Checks Good for 1000 Votes Oregon City Enterprise's Bargain Contest 'or. Add res (Only one nomination coupon is allowed each contestant, must be used within five days of date below.). JUNE 3; 1913. It EXPLANATION. To secure votea in The Morning En terprise's Refund Bargain Contest make your purchases at the stores ad vertising on this page, and call for a sales check for every purchase made. Turn these checks into The Enter prise's office, where votes will be giv en for the amount shown on each check. Five votes will be given for each five cents shown on the cash check, receipt of monthly bill. This ' vote is to be deposited in the voting box at this office. Sales checks must represent cash purchases. All cash checks and monthly bills must be turned into this office within ten days of the purchase date. Every contestant entering the don test is entitled to one nominating cou pon good for 1000 votes. The only ex- ception to contestants entering the Bargain Contest, are employees of this office or the stores advertising on this page. Watch for the standing of contest ants, wnich will ba published else where in this paper daily. The Re fund Bargain page appears Tuesday and Friday for a period of ten weeks.' Double Stamps with every Boys Suit from now till 4th of July F YOU Are Going Away, you had better be coming to Us-FIRST. We are making a special showing of new' all-leather suit cases, and traveling bags, suitable for your vacation trip. Also feather weight matting suit cases and Reed-woven bag3, especially adapted for ladies very light in weight, but pleasing in styls, durability ard . price. NEW LADIES LEATHER HAND BAGS An express shipment of New York's latest styles in Sadies' hand bags. These new models are small in size and price. ""See Window Display. , . - Huntley BrOS. Co., The Rexall Store I I Price Bros. Where Clothes Fit 6TH AND MAIN STS. We give S & H Green Stamps. 4 IF' Furniture Hardware English Breakfast Table very substantial 75 On Saturday, June 21, we will hold a demonstration and special sale of National Biscuit Co's. Cookies and Crackers These goods are the very best possible to be had, and you should. not fail to visit our store on Saturday of this week. ON THE ABOVE DATE WE WILL SELL 3 10-CENT PACKAGES OF THESE GOODS FOR 25 CENTS A Special demonstrator will show you the goods. J- I P" U mm V-ft "4. f n f -f SEVENTH AND M. E. BUNN i CENTER STS. C. H. DICKEY t t Bass-Hueter Pure Paints Hueter's Varnishes VONDERAHE" & BOOTH Paints, Oils, Varnishes Wall Paper 207 Seventh. St., .Oregon City Phone Main 4082 GARAGE We have the best equipped Garage in Clackamas County Our mechanics are acknowledged to be the very best in their lines and we are prepared ' to give the service and to do any kind of work on all kinds of cars in a mechanical manner. GIVE US A TRIAL. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED. - MILLER-PARKER CO. 6TH AND MAIN STS. KiGcltS Quantity and Quality for Cash JgJg Home Sugar Cured Hams and Bacons, Kettle Rendered Lard Gives satisfaction. A trial will convince you. 7TH STREET MARKET 7th and Center Sts. WE ARE HERE TO STAY We Don't Expect to Get Rich On honest goods you cannot make big profits. Our aim is to work up a good, steady trade. We give dependable merchan dise, and our prices are right. That's why customers come back to us. We have already hundreds of satisfied customers, but we want more of them; that's why we are having A Trade Building Sale In . order to build up a larger trade .we are selling everything in our store at decidedly reduc ed prices. Try us once and we wonlt have to advertise again: the quality of our merchandise will do it for us. Remember us: Workingman's Store NEXT TO THE BELL THEATRE Geo. A. Harding WILLAMETTE BUILDING Drugs and Medicines and Toilet Articles NOTHING BUT THE BEST Courteous treatment extended to all. YOU IT - WILL - PAY To Get Our Prices on Summer and Sporting Goods We have a complete line of hammocks, porch settees, lunch outfits and sporting goods " MILLER-PARKER CO. We Fix It - THE ONE PERFECT GIFT 5 A jeweled ring means love be;, tween parent anafthild, brother and sister, lover and sweetheart, husband and wife. No other gift conveys such af fection or gives such life long pleasure. We sell W, W. W. Guaranteed - Rings, because, they give satis faction. We sell them because they are better than other rings and cost no more. W. W. W. Guaranteed Rings are solid gold, set with the var ious birthstones. THEY COST FROM $2.00 UP -.; BURMEISTER v& ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers HAS GOOD GROCERIES CORNERED Bth Phones AT SEVENTH AND CENTER STREETS Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA. Miss Grace Browne went to Myrtle Point Sunday to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. E. F. Surface, a former resi dent "of this place, but now of Flor ence, Ore., has been visiting old friends here for several days. Mrs. J. W. Reed gave a dinner party in her honor Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncomb, of Portland, arrived last Thursday to vis it Mr. Duncomb's parents in Garfield township. Ed and N. Allen were delegates to Masonic grand lodge at Portland tie latter part of last week. The building which E. W. Bartlett occupied as a law office, located across the street from the drug store and owned by Mrs. Evans, was moved Monday to a lot north of Mrs. Evans' residence and will be occupied by Bob Standish and family. Frank Demming of Portland was here last week visiting his sister, Mrs. U. S. Morgan. . Dr. and Mrs. Adix entertained the duplicate whist club Friday evening-. The guests partook of a sumptuous dinner at 7 o'clock and afterwards enjoyed, several hours at cards. The doctor and wife are considered royal entertainers. ''- A. E. Sparks and wife and Mrs. N. B.' Ecker attended the Rose festival at Portland Saturday,, staying for th electrical parade in the evening, which closed the week's festivities. Mrs. C. C. Saling was among the large number of visitors from this place to Portland Saturday. Miss Hat tie Belfils accompanied her. . . There was a very good attendance at the Firemen's dance Saturday night in spite of the stormy weather, lb is said that the music was exception ally good. M'rs. A. Morrow and daughter, Gert rude, who were visiting in Missouri, returned home last Sunday. The residence of F. W. Bates at Garfield was the Bcene of a most pleasant family, reunion last Sunday. The following relatives were in at tendance: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bates, of Estacada; Mr. and Mrs. E. W.How ell, of Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. E.'N. Bates and two daughters of Barton and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bates. A splendid dinner and a most enjoyable time had. , " M. H. Boyle returned Tuesday from his trip to -Montana. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pile, who went to Seaside Saturday from Portland, were joined by W. F. Cary and Miss Val Ecker Saturday and all enjoyed an over Sunday outing on the beach. The two latter returned home Mon day evening. . Miss Elizabeth Reld returned last week from the University of Wash ington where she completed the jun ior year. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holder received a telegram Wednesday conveying the sad news of the death by drowning of their only son, who resided at Nevis, Minn. He was boat-riding and the boat capsized throwing him into the water which he could not swim out of. On account of the long distance to the home of their son, Mr .and Mrs. Holder were unable to attend the funeral. The sympathy of the en tire community is extended to the bereaved family. " The Clackamas County Teachers' Training school secured F. B. Guth rie, of Estacada, to teach agriculture for three weeks. Mr. Guthrie left for Gladstone Monday. Neil Taylor has been appointed art ministratcr for the M. H. Taylor, de1 ceased, estate. Claud Devore is at torney. Prizes awerded for the best gard ens at the sc'iool grounds were an nounced last Saturday, and are as fol lows: In class A (6th, 7th and 8th grades),- first, William Oberstaller; second, Elmer Sutterfield; third, Hel ena Frazier; fourth, Nattle Woodle. Class B, (4th and 5th grades) first, Joseph Woodle; second, . Elmer Han nah; third, Albert Hannah; fourth, Fred Sutterfield. A series of protracted meetings are being held at the M. E. church under the directions of Rev. T. L. Jones. Quite an interest Is shown. J. C. Jatey, representing the Ore gon "Out to Win" Prohibition cam paign, spoke at the Christian church last Sunday evening. '...-- The Civic Improvement Club hare accepted an invitation from the Cary Mercantile Co. to hold their meetings on the balcony in the store. J. B. McCurdy and wife attended tae Rose festival in Portland last Friday. Dr. Adix and family autoed to Port land Friday afternoon to take in the Rose festival and visit relatives. They, re'.urned Sunday. Miss Rachel Reed has been acting as substitute in the telephone office this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ml H. Kruse, of Port land and Hood River, were in this sec tion last week looking over Garfield land. The first law sociaL of the season will ba held on the town hall grounds Saturday evening. Strawberries, ice cream and cake will be served. A queen of the carnival will' be elected for the Fourth of July. The candidates are' Estacada, Misses Al va Adams, Gladys Carpenter and El len Hicks; Springwater, Miss Sadie Wilcox; Currinsville, " Miss Gussie Githens; Garfield, Miss Mable Tracy. Tiiere are three voting places in town. Bob Standish moved to his new home on Main Street Tuesday. Mrs. Bartlett and daughter, Helen, visited friends in Portland Friday. Mfss Williams, of Vancouver, ar rived in Estacada Tuesday to spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fra zier. - . Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hartson, of Eu reka, Cal., uncle and aunt of L. IS. Belfils, Mrs. L. A. Heist and J. Schone, of Portland, sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Deeley, of Portland spent Sunday with L.. E. Belflls. The most enthusiastic school meet ing Estacada ever had was that of - - - - - - - - v ; " , ;' ...... " ' 7 Monday nigLt. Tie" contest was ov er one of the directors and A. Demoy won over F. J. Harkenrider by three votes. W. H. Holder was - elected clerk over J. A. Somer by three votes. The present board now consists of L. E. Belfils, chairman; J. W. Reed, A. Demoy and W. H. Holder. Mrs. Bates is th-a retiring clerk and gave excellent satisfaction. KELSO. Most of the farmers here will be gin haying as soon as the weather settles. " . Jerger Bros, have their fine large dairy barn all completed. It is up to date in all respects and is a credit to the community as well as a con venience to them. Victor Johnson has also purchased a new auto. Many auto were pur chased for this neighborhood this spring. A number of our residents attended the rose show in Portland last week. Mrs. Nelson, who has been visit ing relatives in Washington, returned home last week. Jarl Bros, sold a large logging team of horses to Nelson & Nickelson. Mrs. Rob. Jonsrud was elected as director; Mr. Spooner re-elected clerk and Mr. Purcell and Miss Lam eroux have contracted for the follow ing term of school. - Gusta Netzel and Henrietta Gold ensop are home from Portland for the summer. Mrs. Joel Jarl has imported a third registered Jersey for her herd. The last one being a young male calf, "Jarls Arden Fox," a . very fine indi vidi'al with many prize winning an cestor. Sired by "Flying Fox," im ported; first prize winui r ia a terse r'ng of aged animals at Pan-Americaa Exposition, 1907. . Ths dam of this calf is out of forty pound cow, testing 6 per cent., by "King of Arden ' alsa a winner of many prizes. Her dam being a daughter of "Champion Fly ing Fox" imported. "King of Arden" or (Egytian) is sjre of "Golden Maids Prince," one of the best Jersey sires of recent times. The calf is an inbred ."Flying Fox,' . with an out cross to "King of Arden," and is prob ably one of the best individuals that has been brought into the State. Mrs. Jarl purchased him from A. Ruland, of Lockport, 111., at a large price and be came through in four days by ex press. Mrs. Jarl has a small select herd of registered J;rseys that ought to make their mark. Born, to Mr. and Mfc-s. Monroe, a son, Sunday, June 15th. Mother and child doing well. " s - Miss Carrie Lamoreaux and her brother, of Oregon City, also Curtis Lamoreaux, a brother, who recently arrived from Pennsylvania, were vis itors in Kelso last Sunday. At the annual school meeting held last Monday, P. C. Spooner was re elected clerk to serve for one year and Mrs. Robert Jonsrud director to Serve for three years. The other mem bers of the school board are O. Li id holm, and T. B. Milan. ' The Neighborhood Club will hold its next meeting Sunday evening, June 22nd, at 8 o'clock. All are welcome. Sandy is to have a big Fourth of July celebration. Will it also be a sane Fourt, withy:t the noise and surely draw a crowd, v,-Ha jts splen did band and fceaucif'.:! picnic grounds. Liet a'l help to farther the idea of world peace by celebrating an up to date Fourth without the neisa and smoke which reminds of battle. Boost your home town' by reading your home paper. " Red Cross Tansy Pills The Ixfiss' ena Sappressed nensirosisoa PAINFUL Menstruation And PREVBNTTVB tor riMAlE ISKEGDXASITIES. Am (Safe anH Roliahllt. Eg" Perfectly Harmless Purely Vege table! Neret PRir.e si.oo xjumiJ Sent postpaid on receipt of 5f 1 price. Money refunded it not u weT jay. Booklet seat free, .JSJ Vlll ttfi UuCnona tO.. I Moines, Iowa Take adantago of our new Parcel Post and order a bottle of us today THF JONES DRUG CO. Beaver Bldg Oregon City, Ore.