Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 20, 1913, Image 3

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    C I
An Expert.
"Weren't you surprised that the dia
toms Inspector didn't find those things
you smuggled in?"
"Oh. no; my wife stowed them away.
She can pack things in a trunk where
she can't even And them herself."
Enterprise classified ads pay.
R. Rainey, of Twilight, was in the
city Thursday.
H. N. Graves, of Canby, was In Ors
gon City Thursday.
W. A. Beck, of Molalla, was in this
city Thursday.
E. May, of Hubbard, was an Oregon
City visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Wm. Cannon will make a trip
to Hood River Friday.
R. B. Fsh, of Woodburn, was a busi
ness visitor Thursday.
Edmond Holman will make a trip
up the Columbia Friday.
H. Hansen, of Aurora, was an Ore
gon City visitor Thursday.
Nelson Barrow, of Eugene, was in
the county seat Thursday.
Miss Sophia B. Bohlander is visit
ing in Salem for a few days.
Miss L. Blumn was a mid-week via
iter with friends in Portland.
James Robbins, of Portland, was a
county seat visitor Thursday.
Mitchell Storey, of Greenpoint, was
visiting in Canemah-Thursday.
C. C. Main, of Vancouver, Wn., was
a county seat visitor Thursday.
Ralph Smith, of Boardman, is visit
ing friends at Cape Horn, Wn.
J. P. Weeks, of Corvallis, was call
ing on local friends Thursday.
Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson
are visiting friends in Corvallis.
Mss Winnie Powell, of Salem, was
a county seat vsitor Thursday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Muralt, of Homedale,
were in Oregon City Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Herman, of Molalla, was
a county seat visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Ethel Ryan, of Albany, was
vsiting friends in town Thursday.
A. L. Hollendae, of St. Louis, was in
Oregon City on business Thursday.
Miss Edna Taylor, of Salem, was
visiting friends in this city Thursday.
George H. Gregory, of Molalla, was
a mid-week visitor in the county seat
Joseph G. Mumpower, of Carus, was
in the county Beat on business Thursday.
Modern 9 -Room
House for Rent
1 210 Eighth St
Phone Main 1321
It WILL MOT If jots WK.
They will care mmy kind of Headache, na
matter what the cauaa. Parfcctly HaraUaaa.
' WOEMAl LICKTT KJ6. COSea Kaiaaa,!.
We hare a large stock
of these remedies, just
fresh from the laboratory.
R. Newberry, of New Era, made a
business trip to the county seat Thurs
day. Miss Elva Smith, of MicMinnville,
Uas been visiting Oregon City rela
tives. -
W. F. Shields, of Brownsville, was
a business visitor here the middle o
the week.
The Mothers' club of Canemah, will
meet Friday afternoon in the school
building. ,
Rev. E. A. Smith has moved into
his new residence at Sixth and J. Q.
Adams streets.
"Mr. fend Mrs. Lightbody, of Willam
ette, were in the county seat on bus
iness Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Spraugue, of
Portland, were visiting friends in the
city Thursday.
Mrs. D. C. Latourette and Kenneth
Latourette are spending an early va
cation at Columbia Beach.
Clarence L. Eaton, a prominent
Portland attorney, was in the county
seat on business Thursday.
John Kirk and family, who have
been visiting friends in Salem, have
returned to their homes in this city.
John Clear, of Canemah, has been
visiting his son in Tualatin and liis
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Winters, of New
burg. .
C. R. Fleming, of Ritzville, Wn., has
arrived here to enter the employ of
the Clackamas Abstract & Trust com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown and son,
of Corvallis, who have been visiting
friends in Oregon City, have returned
to their home.
State examinations for teachers are
being held in rooms in the Masonic
block, and over 77 applicants for cer
tificates are taking the tests.
Miss Helen Rehorst, of Milwaukee,
Wis., arrived in Oregon City Thurs
day morning to be a guest of her sis
ter Mrs. M. Raber for several months.
Miss Eva Benson,, will present a
number of her pupils at a compliment
ary recital, Saturday evening at 8:15
o'clock at the Congregational churc'i,
this city.
J. C. Bell, of the Bell theatre, has
bought out the interest of his partner,
and henceforth will have entire
charge of the popular amusement
Charles H. Heynemann and wife,
of San Francisco, are the guests of
Mrs. Robert Potter. Mr. Heynemana
is a well known attorney of the Cali
fornia metropolis.
W. D. Chapman, of Hudson, Wis.,
who taught W. P. Hawley, of tha
Hawley Pulp & Paper company his
trade in the East, and a close friend
of Councilman Beard, is a guest at
the Hawley residence.
P. F. Gore, of Texas, is in the city
making this his headquarters while
looking for a ranch upon which to
make his home. Mir. Gore has settled
upon Clackamas county as his future
abiding place after touring the North
The city of Gladstone Thursday
closed all details of the purchase cf
its miunicpal gravel pit on the south
side of the Clackamas river, and re
ceived a deed for the property. At
the same time the new road leading
irom the pit to the county highway
was completed. The possession of
the gravel pit and the road will en
able Gladstone to lay hard-surfacing
material upon its streets at a net cost
of 60 cents a yard, dumped and ready
to roil.
As the entire cost of the pit and
road making was but a trifle over
$1,900 Sl.oOO being paid for the
property Gladstone will soon be able
to repay itself this sum from the sav
ing in road construction. Thia plant.
together with the manuicpal road-
oinng plant that is now practically
ready for service, will give the young
and progressive city the most com
plete and economical outfit for street
work in the county. The ability to
aenver gravel on the streets for 60
cents puts Gladstone in a class by it
self, as other cities are forced to pay
from, $1.15 a yard and up for this
same service.
It cost Jim Deves five dollars
Thursday to try and hammer Gus
Potofdus to pulp in a dispute over a
bill. The little fuss started on Tenth
street between Main street and the
railroad tractks, and wound up before
Recorder Stipp. Chief Shaw made
the arrest.
Summer Vacations
Season Tickets on Sale
Daily Until Sept. 30
3-Day Tickets on Sale
Saturday and Sunday
Season fares from the principal stations to Newport or Tillamook .
Beaches are as follows:
Portland -Oregon
S 6.25
. 3.75
Tillamook Beaches
17.75 1
Corresponding low fares from other points. Weekend tickets on sale
from various points.
Leaves Albany at 7:20 a. m., Corvallis 7:50 a. m. and connects with
- the S. P. trains 16 and 14 Northbound and No 13 Southbound
Excursion Fares East
Tickets will be sold from all main and branch line points in Oregon
to Eastern destination one way through California or via Portland.
Stop-overs within limit.
For beautiful illustrated booklet "Vacation Days," and booklets de
scribing Tillameok county Beaches, Newport and other points, as
well as information about Eastern Fares routes, stop-overs, etc., call '
on nearest Agent or write to
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
Keep It and Restore It to
Its Natural Color
Hay's Hair Health always Brings
back the natural color of youth, to grey
and faded hair. Druggists everywhere
say that more people are buying Hay's
Hair Health than all others combined,
and that they come back for it again
and again as they find it really does
keep their hair dark, glossy and nat
ural colored gives new life and growth
to thin, dry hair and stops falling out
If you have Dandruff, there's nothing
that will remove It bo quickly that
will keep it out so effectively, as Hays
Hair Health. It is not a dye and it's
perfectly harmless to use. Will not
soil your skin or linen, and besides, no
one will, know you are using it The
first application will convince you that
after a fair trial, you'll have no more
grey hair cr Dandruff.
Don't wait to think about It act
now. Start using Hay's Hair Health
today. You'll never regret it The fol
lowing druggists guarantee to refund
your money if you are not satisfied with
Hay's Hair Health after a fair trial.
Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the
following druggists and get a BOc. bot
tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c.
cake of Harflna Soap for 50c; or $1.00
bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two
25c cakes of Harflna Soap Free, for $1.
Members of the King's Daughters,
of the Episcopal church, are grateful
for the patronage of the public at
their two presentations of "The Clack
amas County Fair," the musical com
edy so successfully presentey
Shively's hall Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings. A liberal balance re
mained after all expenses of the pro
duction had been paid, and this will
be devoted to making the Sunday
school work of the church more ef
fective. The second performance of the
sprightly comedy was even better
than the first, the actors, and act
resses having gained in experience
and familiarity with the clever lines.
Large audiences greeted both per
formances, and applauce was enthusi
astic. Particularly was the dancing
of the younger members of the cast
appreciated, while the comedy of Mr.
Wilson, as the "ballyhoo'' man of the
sideshows, and the leading of the barn
dance by Judge Grant B. Dimick
brought" forth round after round . of
encore-demanding applause.
Pioneer days were recalled to Chief
of Police Ed Shaw Thursday night
when three redskins sneaked in over
the hills towards his abode, evidently
"off the reservation." Two of the In
dian braves were Flatheads from the
Montana reservation, and the other
was a member of the one powerful
Blackfeet tris.
The chief sallied forth valiantly and
took the invaders into camp, later
locking them in the city bastile for
safe-keeping. There they gave their
names as Andrew Minsinger and
Charles and Paul Andrews. The first
two said they were, fourteen years
old, and the last of the tribe admitted
that 18 summers had pased over his
The boys were members of a party
of five who escaped last week from
the Chemawah Indian Indian school,
and were taken at Hubbard early in
the week. The Mtontanans were mak
ing their way overland to their an
cestral home, and showed the effects
of hard travel. The Chemawah school
has been notified of their capture.
Fruits. .
APPLES 50c and $1.
DRIED FRUITS (buying) Prunes
on basis 4 for 35to 40c.
ONIONS $1.00 per sack. .
POTATOES Nothing d0ing. -
BUTTER (buying) Ordinary
country butter, 29 to 22 c.
EGGS Oregon ranch, case count
17Hc; Oregon ranch candled 18c.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are
as follows:
CORN Whole c0rn, $32.
HIDES (buying) Green saled, 9e
to 10c; sheep pelts 75c to $1.50 each.
WOOL 15 to 16c.
FEED (Selling) Shorts $28; barn
$26; process barley, $30.50 to $31.50
per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.
OATS (buying) $28; wheat 93c;
oil meal selling $38; Shay Brook
dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.
HAY (buying) Clover at $8 and
$9; 0at hay best $11 and $12; mixed
$9 to $11; Idaho and Eastern Oregon
timothy selling $20.50 to $23; valley
timothy, $12 to $15.
Nothing is more disagreeable than
eczema, or other skin diseases. It is
also dangerous unless speedily check
ed. Meritol .Eczema Remedy will af
ford instant relief and permanent re
sults. We have never seen a remedy
that compares with it. Jones Drug
A Great Talk Machine Offer
Which Will Bring Entertainment
and Music to Many a Home
Fifty-two latest talking machines,
hornless type, of course, ordered spe
cially for Rose Festival week, came
too late. -
We intended to offer them, with 52
records of latest songs, recitations,
etc., including some of the greatest
artist records buyers selection and
including also, two elegant albums to
hold them, also free oil can, oil sup
ply, complete assortment of needles,
all to go for the unprecedentedly low
price of $31.45.
We meant to do this in order to let
every visitor know of the Eilers money-saving
methods to have every vis
itor call and see the elegant talking
machine salesrooms of the Eiljrs
house, said to be the finest to be found
Lots of visitors came, too, but the
machines did not.
And now the Festival is over, and
the machines are here. No matter
we offer them as originally intended.
Write us to send you one or come in
and get one simply, or telephone us
and we 11 ssnd a complete equipment
out to your home on free trial.
These complete combinations of ma
chine, reocrds and all extras, as stat
ed, will be sent on free trial to any
home in .the state. If found satisfac
tory, and found to be the biggest mon
ey's worth ever expected, arrange
ments can then be made to pay us the
price, $31.45, either in cash or time
Order one at once. We believe that
this is not only the greatest money's
worth of talking machine merchandise
ever offered by us, but is positively
the greatest offer that ever can be
made in the talking machine business.
Terms of sale Cash or on the new
Eilers partial payment plan, $5.40 cash
and balance at the rate of $i, or more
if you like, each week.
tion's largest, Eilers' building, Broad
way at Alder street, Portland, Ore.
Strawberries are plentiful and very
good quality.
A number of our residents are seii-
ina; berries from new yards.
M. A. Gage has returned from a
month of traveling, sight-seeing and
visiting with friends during which
he attended State Grange at Albany,
went to Corvallis and Eugene, and
to the coast in Tillamook County, at
tended the Rose Festival the past
week, and went down the river as
far as St. Helens. As the papers have
told us before, he saw Savvies Island
nearly all under water, which must
entail a great loss to owners of prop
erty" upon that productive island. On
Saturday he attended the children s
day exercises at Oswego Grange,
which were very good. The Oswego
Grange is one of the progressive kind.
They have recently moved their hall
upon a corner of their lots, re-paiit-ed
it, and made many inside improve
ments at an expense of about $1200,
'and have nearly one hundred mem
bers. On Monday the people of Stafford,
men and women turned out in force
at the annual school meeting to elect
a new director and clerk. Mr. Kel
ler and August Delkar were re-elected
the first as director, and the last
as clerk, Mr. Weddle resigned as
director, and Dick Oldenstadt was
elected in his place, and as the three
directors are of one mind in regard
to the education of the young, we un
doubtedly will have a united board
for the coming year. There has been
quite an improvement in and about
the school grounds, owing perhaps to
outside forces, the lot obtained from
the A. O. U. W. has been improved,
stumps blown out, debris burned and
the land plowed, harrowed, seeded
and fenced, a number of loads of
crushed rock put around the school
house, where boys and girls were ob
liged to wade in mud during play
hours, all of which is a pleasure and
a credit to Stafford, but there is ' a
lot more needed in the way of fenc
ing ' and beautifying the grounds
which we hope will be accomplished
in the near future.
A number of people of Stafford have
been at Woodburn attending the an
nual camp meeting of the Church of
God. 1
Mrs. Wiseman has returned from j
Newport, where she has been visiting
There is no better Investment than
a fifty cent piece in a bottle of Meri
tol White Liniment. Muscular and
rheumatic pains, swellings, lameness
and soreness of the muscles are
promptly relieved. Meritol White
Liniment is especially recommended
as a general pain killer of unusual
Otto H. Miller, of Hubbard, made a
business trip to Oregon City Wednesday.
Unseasonable rain ; has begun to
show its effect on the strawberry
market, and while an" abundance Jf
fruit is being offered, very little of
it is of prime quality; This has. caus
ed prices to go up again, and "cheap
fruit now is almost certain to be poor
grade stuff. Berries are selling whole
sale at from 75 cents to a dollar and
two-bits per crate. Indications point
to an early close of the season.
Imported cantaloupes are appearing
in local markets, and seem to be
ready sellers. They are to be had at
the best stores. Wholesale prices
are lower, the melons bringing $3.39
and $4 a crate.
Cherries are also becoming plenti
ful, and seem to be of good quality.
Bulk offerings are ranging from 7
cents up, and in 10-pound boxes select
ed fruit is selling at $1.25. Retail
prices are from 10 cents a pound.
Contracts on hops are still being
sought at 15 cents, but growers for
the most part do not seem interested
in the figure. In Clackamas county
fields of hops ore doing exceptionally
Eggs are hovering about the same
prices as earlier in the week with a
tendency to drop owing to importa
tion of Eastern eggs.
Vegetables are being offered plenti
fully, and at prices that have prevail
ed for some time. New potatoes are
easier. Green peas, while selling at
the same price as formerly, are much
better in quality.
Grant Ashby, of Shaw, MaAon
County, is again a Mullno resident
for a few days, working on his farm
which he is slimmer fallowing.
Helen and Jerrie Parker, who have
been spending a couple of weeks with
their grandmother, Mrs. Churchill,
left for their home In Linn County
last Sunday.
Mulino s population is growing rap
idly, a new daughter arrived at Al
bert Erickson's on June 12th, and a
son at Bert Wallace's on June 16th,
making four babies born within the
last month.
Children's day exercises were heM
at the Grange hall last Saturday and
a good program" was rendered, .after
which cake and ice cream was served.
Quite a large crowd was in attend
ance. A rousing school meeting was he)
in this district Mondajy evening at
which seventy-five votes were cast.
Who says Mulino is not enthusiastic
in school matters. Oscar Hult was
elected director and Vesta Churchill
Mrs. Seward is staying with Mrs.
Bert Wallace for a few days.
Quite a crowd of Mulinoites went
to Wilhoit Sunday.
Fred Churchill went to Portland
Sunday to witness the ball game be
tween Los Angeloe and Portland.
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and
! 8c; cows 6 and 7c. bulls 4 to 6c.
MUTTON Sheep 5 to 6; lambs
6 to 6c. .
VEAL Calves 12e to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb; sauage, 15c lb.
PORK 9 and 10c'
Poultry (buying) Hens 11 to 12c;
stags slow at 10c; old roosters 8c;
broilers 20 to 21c.
Barton Jack and family and G. W.
Bentley are to go this week by auto
mobile to Cottage Grove Lan County,
to be gone a week or ten days. Mrs.
Minnie Avery Is to keep house for
them while they are absent.
. The Ladies' Aid are .to have an ice
cream social and entertainment in the
hall Friday night, June 20.
The school meeting came off har
monious here Monday, June 16, ex
cept in voting a special tax, which
failed.. The newly elected officers are
MJr. Asbo for director and Mrs. Sea
man for clerk.
Miss Bell Gray is spending a few
days in Oregon City. .
Parisian Sage an Invigorator that
Makes Hair Grow Abundantly
or Money Back
If your hair is thinning out gradu
ally it won't be long before the bald
spot appears.
The time to take care of the hair
is when you have hair to take care of.
For thin falling hair the best rem
edy Known to mankind is Parisian
Sage. It is compounded on scientific
principles and furnishes to the hair
root a nourishment that acts quickly
and promptly and causes the hair to
. But remember this: It kills the dan
druff germ, the pest that appropriates
all the natural nourishment - that
snould go to the hair root.
Parisian Sage is sold oy Huntley
Bros. Co. under a positive guarantee
to banish dandruff, stop falling hair
and itching scalp in two weeks or
money back.
It give to women's hair a lustre and
radiance that is most fascinating and
causes it to grow abundantly.
Parisian Sage is sold by druggists
in every town in America.x A large,
generous bottle costs 50 cents, and
the girl with Auburn hair is on ev
ery bottle.
When Your Trip to the
Francisco Exposition in
Can be Had for Less than ONE-THIRD of
this Amount if Attended to NOW
Deposit the small amount of $10.00 in the'
local bank and we will make reservations
for hotel and transportation
For Full Information call Pacific 269,
personally, at COMMERCIAL CLUB
VanfJ San Francisco Exposition Tours Co.
Pabst's Okay Specific
Dees the worK. " Yu ill An va
knsw it by reputation. VSvV
Price PU
The Superiority of ElectricToast
to the charred, or brittle, or soggy kind made in the
tedious old-fashioned way, is relatively ihe same as the
superiority of grilled steak to fried steak.
For one-tenth of a cent a slice the General
Electric Radiant Toaster makes Perfect Toast faster
than you can cat it. It is Perfect Toast because the
radiant heat forces the necessary chemical change
in the breads This insures delicious golden Toast that
fairly melts in your mouth.
" You can operate the General Electric Radiant Toaster on the
finest damask table cloth. Its neat porcelain base and cheerhi
glowing coils add grace and charm to any table.
This little toaster u en display at our store in the Bea
ver Building on Main Street.
Portland RrJway, Light & Power Company
Beaver Building, Main Street '