Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 13, 1913, Image 2

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E. E. Brodle, Editor and Publisher.
"Entered as second-class matter Jan
uary 9. 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Act of March
S, 1879."
One Year, by mail $3.00 ;
Six Months, by mail 1.50
Four Months, by mail 1.00
Per Week, by carrier 10
June 13 In American History.
1786 Birth near Petersburg, Va., of
General Winfield Scott, noted in the
war of 1812 and Mexican war; died
18G3 First battle between Infantry in
the Gettysburg campaign; General
K. S. Ewell's Confederates, march
ing toward Pennsylvania, attacked
the Federal post at Winchester, in
the Shenandoah valley.
1898 The FitVi army corps, under Gen
eral W. It. Shafter, sailed from
Tampa. Fla., for Santiago de Cuba.
Evening star: Mercury. Morning
stars: Venus. Saturn, Mars, Jupiter.
The brilliant red star Antares of the
southern constellation Scorpio seen in
the meridian at 11 p m
FRIDAY THE If a steamship sinks
THIRTEENTH today, or if there is
a frightful catastrophe on land, or if
a hank smashes, or if the strawberry
crop develops a blight, or if the serv
ant girl dr0ps the handpainted cake
dish and breads it to smithereens,
there ire those who will shrug their
shoulders and blame it upon the un
lucky date. Friday is generally sup
posed to be a poor day for luck, and
the number "13" has been a hoodoo
f0r years among those who are super
stitious. It will be interesting to watch the
news of the world today,' just to soe
how many coincidences there will be.
In every newspaper office scribes will
be bearing the day and date in mind,
and it is a safe bet that there will be
article after article printed which
will start off with remarks dealing
with the date superstition. And half
the people that read them will look
startled, and will being to wonder
what sort of bad luck they will have.
This expectation of bad luck on
Friday, the thirteenth, is usually
what brings it. Most any person
'seeking trouble can find it without
much difficulty. If psychologists are
to be believed, persistent thinking of
one subject will warp the mind, and
what is mostly feared, or desired not
to be done, will be done subconscious
ly. Therefore, it would follow that
the best way to beat the hoodoo 0f
theday is to forget the date, or get it
wrong, or do something like that.
Then the hood0o wont be expected,
and nervous folk wont drop, dishes,
step on the cat, fall down stairs, lean
against the stove, break the clock
spring, tear their clothes, or do any
of the usual "unlucky stunts."
THE OPEN DOOR Action of the
TO SANITY city authorities in throw
ing off the ban upon street speaking,
and inviting all who think they have
a message to deliver to come to Ore
gon City and deliver it, savors con
siderably of common sense. It will
remove what to many may seem like
persecution, and it will show the rest
of the world that Oregon City has
nothing to f 3ar from outside agitators
who would come in here, pick flaws
in the local industrial condition,-and
advertise this town as a nest of slave
drivers. Also it will help people to
see what a shallow and fallacious line
of argument is provided by most agi
tators of the soap-box variety, and
will result in the defeat of their pur
poses. Agitation of their variety thrives
cn resistance. When there is no o
position offered, their propaganda
usually falls flat. By permitting all
who desire so to do to "talk their
off," Oregon City's officials have
probably arrived at the most satisfac
tory solution of threatening difficul
ties. And, incidentally, if a miracle
should come to pass, and one of the
soap-boxers should really have some
new truths to enunciate that will
make this world a better place, Ore
gon City will share the honor of A's
livering them. Orderly discussion of
any subject, whether it is a matter of
dispute or not, is pretty apt to win
now the wheat from the chaf. A
golden opportunity is now presented
for outside agitators to proe to
themselves and their audiances their
1 g ' .HMFiEFTrtyfiPE IIYA WbST TO AO V&& lR 5 V-
From $2,000 to $1,300
5-room plastered house with
concrete basement; well water
on porch, also city water; barn
16x24 with 2 sheds; work shop,
woodshed, chicken house; 3 lots
each 55x100; 10 fruit trees; gar
den all in. The buildings are
insured for $1300.00. You can
Dillman & Howland
worth, and the value of their princi
ples. Let them go to it, and see what
they amount to.
PROPHECY A recent issue of the
AND FACT Aurora Observer says:
"George Oglesby was here fr0m
Marks Prairie Saturday. He states
that all recal petitions will be com
pleted and in the hands of County
Clerk Mulvey by June 12, and an
election will be called within twenty
days thereafter."
It appears that Mr. Oglesby was a
poor prophet. June 12 came and
went at the county courthouse, and
Mr. Mulvey was not burdened with
any volumin0us petitions for any
thing. It is to be hoped that this fact
will be noted by those who have of
late been so gleefully predicting the
speedy destruction 0f the present
county court.
And speaking of prophecy, and
"signs" and other things, while there
may not be much to them, coinci
dences are sometime peculiar. Up
at Canby the other day they had a
funeral, and the corpse of the late da
parted was being slowly covered with
dirt, when one of the bystanders, who
had been sprinkling dust unto dust,
was suddenly seen to reach hastily in
to the partly filled grave, and draw
therefr0m a sheaf of papers that had
fallen from his pocket. In spite of
the solemnity of the occasion there
was a slight snicker, for it was seen
that the papers that had sought rest
in the sepulchre of death were the
sheets of one of these recall peili
tions. Of course, it was just a coin
cidence, but it was strange that a
thing so nearly dead should drop in
to a grave.
Rear Admiral Fiske
Rear Admiral Bradley A, Fiske, U.
S. N., at present aid for inspections
at the navy department, was born in
Lyons, N. Y., June 13, 1854,- and was
graduated from he United States
Navay Academy in 1874 with second
honors in his class. He has served
at many station., He was navigator
of the Petrel at the battle of Manila,
and was reported by her captain for
"eminent and conspicuous conduct in
battle," and by Admiral Dewey for
"heroic conduct." Until January last
he was in command of the first divis
ion of the Atlantic fleet. As inventor
of valuable naval devices and equip
ment Read Admiral Fiske holds a
place of honor in the navy. He has
invented a boat detaching apparatus,
a system of electrical communication
for interiors of warships, an electric
range finder, an electric ammunition
hoist, a battle order telegraph, a
speed and direction indicator," a sys
tem of turning turrets of warships by
electricity, the naval telescope and
the horizometer.
. Congratulations to:
Baron Chesham, 19 years old today.
Rev. Calvin H. French, president of
Huron College, South Dakota, 61
years old today.
Henry Pomeroy Davison, one of the
leading partners in the banking firm
of J. P. Morgan & Co., 46 years old
Hold, mutable, ebon outlaw,
grave and wise.
For many a ijood green year
thou bast withstood.
By Dangerous, planted field and
haunted wood. :
All the devices of thine enemies. -Gleuiiiiix
thy urudged bread with
watchful eye
And self relying soul. Come ill
or trood,
Hlithe days, thou see'st. thou
feathered Robin Hood'.
Thou mak'st a jest of farm land
Take all thou may'st and never
count it crime
To rob the greatest robber of the
Weak Visioned. dull, self landing
man. whose worth
Is in his own esteem. Bide thou
thy time
Thou kmnv'st far more of na
ture's lore than he.
And tier wide lap shall still pro
vide for thee:
- Robert Burns Wilson.
Uf w 1 B I I 1 i. , , n7-l I I f 3 J MKOITO PAB7 1 I I 1" T
llP jj ji ;
Left or Right, Up or Down,
It's All One to Mr. Daniels
V T; r. ,-rr , ,V 'V: jfi s" , . -
Photos by American- Press Association
"right" and "left" on the briny deep since he has taken bold of the otti
cial helm, but he has had his "ups" and "(towns' as well Followinu his
plunge in a submarine, he went aloft in a hyilroat-roplane xtuive the
river at Annapolis. The new head of the navy was up eifUit minutes as
passenger and covered over eight miles at an average 1 1 i ti t ot feet The
Illustrations show Mr. Daniels and a tlyinu imat ibhh'j the watei ami in tlmm
Wants, ftr Sale. Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will De inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a eent additional inser
tions. One inch card, 2 per month; half
Inch card, ( 4 lines), 11 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility tor errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c.
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery. Telephone your or
der to A56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets.
Wood and coal, 4-foot and 16-inch
lengths, delivered to all parts of
city; sawing especialty. Phone
your orders Pacific 1371, Home
A120. F. M. BLUHM.
FOR RENT One-room, bath and
electric light. Inquire of Main 372.
For Rent New modern 5-room cot
tage, 1 block from Barclay School,
on Madison Street. Fine view of
river. $15.00 per month. Inquirs
E. ELLIOTT & SON, Cor. Main and
Seventh. .
FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house
at Gladstone on county road facing
Clackamas river, 2 blocks from Arl
ington station; rent $8.00; sale
t-erm8 on application to Wm. Beard,
1002 Molalla Ave., Oregon City.
FOR SALE OR RENT 9-room house
in Gladstone. Will not refuse a
reasonable offer. Inquire at . this
office. .
FOR SALE Team, wagon and har
ness, weight 1400 and 1500 pounds.
Price $300. Inquire Harris' sawmill.
$1500,00 For Ten Days Only 5-room
house and 2 lots in Gladstone,
fronting on Clackamas river;- 4
room house an 1 lot Sellwood,
$1500.00. Good business lot Sell
wood 100 ft. by 100 ft., $3000.00;
terms upon application. Also 7
room house and 2 lots Oregon City,
$2000.00, half cash, balance month
ly payments. Wm. Beard, Oregon
WANTED Washing and houseclean
ing by day or hour. Phon-e Main
LOST A Plain gold cuff link, en
graved "V. P. E." Finder please re
turn to Chemical Laboratory of Wil
lamette Pulp & Paper Co. Reward.
Beaver Building
Phones: Main 1221 or A193
In the Circuit Court of the Stat3 of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mary Beatrice Tripp, Plaintiff
Wm. H. Tripp, Defendant.,
To Wm. H. Tripp, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are h-ereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit within six weeks from the 30th
day of May, 1913, said date being
the 1st day of the publication of
this Summons; and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof the plain
: tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in plaintiff's com
plaint, to-wit:
For a decree forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff
and defendant, and-for such other
and further relief as to the court
may seem meet in the premises.
This Summons is published in pursit
anse of an order of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, judge of the above
entitled.court, made and entered on
the 29th day of May, 1913, directing
that the same be published once 0
week, for six consecutive weeks in
the Morning Enterprise, a newspa
per of general circulation in the
county of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon. Date of first publication May 30,
Date of last publication, July 11,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Clac-
Susan Davis, Plaintiff.
vs. . ,
John Davis, Defendant.
To John Davis, defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled action on or before the 12th
day of July, 1913, and if you fail to
answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will take a decree, dissolving
and setting aside the marriage re
lation and contract heretofore and
now existing between the plaintiff,
Susan Davis, and also a decree
awarding the care and custody of
their minor child to the plaintiff.
Service of this summons is made up
on you by publication in pursuance
of an order of the Honorable R. B.
: -Beatie, county judge of Clackamas
I county, Oregon, for the reason that
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Cir
i cuit judge, is absent from said
i county of Clackamas, said ordor
having been made on the 28th day
of May, A. D. .1913, directing such
;.; publication in the Morning Enter
i prise once a week for six (6) con
' secutlve weeks, the first publica
i tion being on May 30, 1913, and the
i last publication being on July 11th,
j A. D. 1913.
I Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Leonard Lee Grigsby, Plaintiff,
Martha M. Grigsby, Defendant.
To Martha M. Grigsby, Defendant:
- In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filea against you in the above en
titled court and cause, on or before
Saturday, the 12th day of July, 1913
and if you fail to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take a de
cree against you divorcing him
from you, and freeing him from all
obligations of the marriage conract.
Notice of this summons is made upon
you by publication in the "Morning
Enterprise" for 6 successive weeks
- by virtue of an order dated May 29,
1913, signed by the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, judge of the Circuit
court, of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas.
Date of first publication, May 30,
Date of last publication, July 11,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
301-3 Failing Building, Portland,
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
proposals for the furnishing of all
labor and material for the improve
ment of Fourth street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the Bluff 105 feet
Wes: of the West line of High
Street easterly to the West line of
Monroe Street, will be received by
the Recorder of Oregon City, until
4 o'clock, p. m. of Wednesday the
18th day of June, 1913. Plans and
specifications containing further in
formation and the kind of improve
ment to be made will be furnished
upon application to the City Record
er. Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check equal to five per
cent, of the total amount of the bid,
which sum will be suject to for
feiture to Oregon Cify in case of
the failure of the successful bidder
to enter into a written contract with
Oregon City and to furnish the re
quired bonds for said work if called
upon so to do, "within the time spec
ified for same.
Proposals must be made upon
blanks furnished by Oregon City.
The provisions of the law rela
tive to hours of labor and security
for material men will apply to' a
contract let under this notice.
- The right to reject any and all
bids is hereby reserved to Oregon
City or to accept the bid considered
most favorable. .
Each proposal must state the time
required for the completion of the
entire work of said street which im
provement must be done according
to the ordinances of Oregon City
and the charter thereof and ths
plans and specifications governing
such work.
" This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the City Council made
L and entered at a regular meeting
thereof held on the 4th day of June,
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that I will at
the next regular meeting of the
city council apply for a license to
sell liquor at my place of business,
327 4th street for a period of three
An Ordinance changing the grade of
Center street, Oregon -City, Oregon,
from the north line of Ninth street
to the south line of Tenth street.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. The grade of Center
street, Oregon City, Oregon, from
the north line of Ninth street to
the south line of Tenth street is
' hereby changed to the following de
scribed grade, to-wit:
Commencing on the north side of
Ninth street on the west line of
Center street at an elevation of 214
feet; thence on a descending grade
to the south side of Tenth street on
the west line of Center street at
an elevation of 199.6 feet.
Commencing again at the north
side of Ninth street and on the
east side of Center street at eleva
tion of 214 feet; thence on a de
scending grade to the south side of
Tenth street on the east line of
Center street at an elevation - of
197.6 feet.
Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the city
council on the 11th day of June,
L. STIPP, Recorder.
An ordinance establishing the gra3e
of Division street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the intersection of
. Ninth street to the south side .of
Sixteenth street.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1.- The grade of Division
street, Oregon City, Oregon, from
"the intersection of Ninth street to
the south side of Sixteenth street
be and the same hereby is estab
lished as follows:
Commencing at the intersection
of Ninth and Division streets at an
elevation of 347 feet; thence on a
. J
Contracts, Wiring and Fixtures
Miller-Parker Co.
descending grade easterly 365 feet
at an elevation of 333 feet; thence
on a descending grade easterly to
side of county road leading east at
an elevation of 330 feet on the west
side of Sixteenth . street and 329
feet on the east side of Sixteenth
street; thence on .an ascending
grade 370 feet northerly at an ele
- vation of 336 feet.
Thence on a descending grade
northerly 200 feet at an elevation
of 335 feet; thence on a descending
grade northerly 525 feet an an ele
vation of 324.6 feet; , thence level
for 75 feet; thence on a descending
grade to the south side of Sixteenth
street at an elevation of 307.8 feet.
Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the City
Council held on the 11th day of
June, 1913.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
In the Circuit fCourt of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Zwier Naber, Plaintiff,
Mary Naber, Defendant.
To Mary Naber, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: on or before the 26th day of
July, 1913, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint the
above named plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief prayed for
in his complaint herein, to-wit, for a
No. 209. -
Farmers Bank of Wilsonville
at Wilsonville, In the State of Oregon at the close of business June 4th, 1913
Loans and discounts '. . .$35,292.22
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .- .' 40.00
Bonds and warrants : 8,500.00
Banking house 1,026.14
Furniture and fixtures 2,041.71
Due from approved reserve banks 29,294.51
Checks and other cash items 100.00
Cash on hand 3,050.51
Total '. ..$79,345.09
Capital stock paid in $15,000.00
- Surplus fund " 3,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 3,230.25
Individual deposits subject to check ; 46,746.52
Demand certificates of deposit 516.55
Certified checks '. 100.00
Time certificates of deposit 10,751.77
Total $79,345.09
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss:
I, Joe J. Thornton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of June, 1913.
Notary Public for Oregon. '
Correct Attest:
. i . .. ;Directors.
That -if you continue to spend all you make, you will
be poor all your life? Every man, woman, boy and
girl should have a savings account. (
The Bank'of Oregon City "
D. C. LATOURETTE President
CAPITAL $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open tram's A. M.,to 3 P. M
decree forever dissolving the bon Is
of matrimony now and heretofore
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant, and for such further and differ
ent relief as to the court may seem
meet and equitable in the premises.
This summons is published in pur
suance of an order of Hon. J. U.
Capmbell, Judge of said Court, made
on the 10th day of June, 1913, and
the time prescribed in said order for
the publication of this summons is
once each week for six successive
weeks, and thedate df the first pub
lication of this summons is the 13th
day of June, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate of James
S. Arkins, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been by order of
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, ap
pointed Administrator of the estate .
of James S. Arkins, deceased.
Any and all persons holding
claims against the above entitled
estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same at the office of tie
Oregon City Abstract Company, 617
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon,
properly verified with vouchers at
tached, as by law provided, within
six months from the date of this
Dated and first published June
13th, 1913.
... Administrator of the Estate of
James S. Arkins, deceased.
- - - - i Ps J- MEYER, Cashier.