Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 07, 1913, Image 2

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P How tvw Foot PafeBor
I ir icat trr .W Co wfTH TKC"
K. E. Brodlt. Editor and Publlshor.
' Bntercd u ecand-claas matter Jan
uarjr . 111. at the post office at Oregon
City. Oregon, under the Act of March
1 im."
One Tr. jr mall $3.00
Six Mentha, by mall 1.50
Four Months, fcy mall 1.00
Per Week, by earrier 10
June 7 In American History.
1776 Richard Henry, Lee offered reso
lutions In congress declaring the
colonies Independent
1863 Desperate action at MUliken's
. Bend. La., between Federal negro
troops and General J. G. Walker's
Confederate division.
1893 Edwin Booth, famous tragedian,
died: born 1833.
1910 Professor Gold win Smith, Anglo
' American author and educator,
died; born 1823.
Evening star: Mercury. Morning
tars: Venus. Saturn. Mars, Jupiter.
Bujierlor planet Neptine in conjunc
tion with the moon at 4:40 p. m.
OLDEN DAY The younger genera
INTELLIGENCE tion is rather prone
.. to smile at the pioneers, and to admit
that they did as well as they could,
but that things are done better in
.' these days of grace. And the pion
eers say nothing, but also they, in
turn, sometimes smile. It is quite
likely that some pioneers of the Ore
gon country, or their shades, are smil
ing now. These men came over the
plains to found a new communityand
not a few of them finally reached
- the present site of Oregon City, and
, here they established a town. There
were other towns established, too, but
just at present it is of this one that
comment is made.
The bullded a little city here, and
the place grew and prospered. It
bade fair to become the metropolis
of Oregon, in fact and would have
, bo become, had not a younger set es
: tablished the city of Portland some
i. twelve miles further down the river,
and been favored by luck and rail
roads. Portland today is "the big
town" but Portland has not some of
the advantages that impressed tlie
- pioneers who settled here. Portland
. has been several times seriously in
undated by floods. Every year Port
land's waterfront is turned into a use
less desert of water and slime by
the rising river, and her trade and
. dwindling commerce suffer.
But not so Oregon Clty.; The pion
eers who settled here found a rock
ledge high above the river level, a
; ledge that has never been flooded,
. though some of Its lower slopes have
. been damaged. To the wisdom of
v the pioneer, taught to fear nature as
: much as the Indians, this site present
ed advantages that Portland did not
. have. They settled here, and in
, times like the present their wisdom
is -justified. They built an enduring
city, a city that the river will prob-
ably never sweep, a city to which the
stream is only a friend and an aid,
- j and never a menace. The pioneers
knew what they were about, they had
a far-sighted intelligence and horse
: sense that some others lacked. And
not only is Oregon City itself free
. from flood danger, but its nearby
, acreage is equally free. Were fac
tories to be established . along the
'banks of the Willamette below this
city, high water would never effect
; them, and throughout all the year
their operation would be uninterrupt
ed which is more than can be said
of Portland's outlying manufacturing
v districts.
' ; The pioneers usually knew enough
to keep In out of the wet In former
years men took heed of the elements.
'Witness the engineers who mapped
out the route of the Northern Pacific
' railroad, for instance; Their line, it
is sometimes jokingly said, followed
. the trails of the buffalo and of the
V deer. Maybe they did, but they are
still following them, and seldom is
' service Interrupted. Later lines have
' been built two In particular," th-a
' Great Northern and the Milwaukee
vand every winter they are forced to
- route their trains over the old pion
, eer road, because of snowslides and
. torrential rivers that have torn out
the track laid down by a aewer gen
eration, a generation that has scoffed
. at the old. v
JVerlly, the pioneers knew what
thay did. They utilized a common
horse sense that made their works
endure.' They may have lacked some
" 1 r- 1 s
hcee Pe- ! caH -yog eertertece. tvT o oot? whV wo Ofm , .
W th.-" ,vC , Rather. tat mw Vlx f
r I & ti ill - ' - . A cr.rK I f . 1 I &iSiWTir- X 1
Garden All In
2 lots, each 50x100, and side
street, all fenced; fruit trees
and small fruit. You can raise
all your own garden. 5-room
house with pantry, bara and
woodshed; good . well water.
$850.00; part cash and balance
ou monthly payments.
Dillman & Howland
of the fancy frills and furbelows of
modern times, but they had a judge
ment which people of today must
honor, and they had a thoroughness
that might well be imitated in these
times of hurry, rush and boom."
BUYING FOR The council has un
THE FUTURE der consideration an
ordinance for the expenditure of six
thousand dollars for the purchase of
a rockcrusher. For a number of rea
sons this matter has been -hanging
fire with the city fathers for quite a
time, yet no out-and-out objection has
been made to the outlay. Part of the
delay was caused by a natural and
proper desire on the part of the coun
cil to determine whether or not the
plant that it is proposed to buy was
in operative shape. Expert opinion
has been had on this, and the council
was told that everything was as rep
resented. Following this report, a
majority of the council seemed to be
in favor of completing the deal, but
like many other council matters, the
affair has dragged almost unreason
ably. It would seem that this purchase
ought to be completed. Councilman
Horton,' for one, has expressed the
opinion that the investment would be
a good one, even if the rock-crusher
never turned a wheel for the city
and this impression seems to gener
ally prevail, for it is realized that
mere possession of a rock-crushing
plant would serve the city as a club
to force down bids on road work sub
mitted by private firms. While Ore
gon City -may not yet be ready for
general muncipal ownership, it would
appear that as Jong as . the city has
already purchased the rock ledge up
on which this crusher Is located, . it
might as well buyjhe crusher, and so
complete its control of the property,
and place itself in a position where jt
could demand of road contractors and
street builders reasonable prices for
Gladstone, which is not nearly the
size of Oregon City, has looked into
the street maintenance matter pretty
thoroughly, and has decided through
its council that economy lies along
the line of municipal control of the
products needed for. the building and
upkeep of its highways. - The neigh
boring community but a short time
ago purchased a gravel bed so as to
have an economical supply of mater
ial at its service; and it is now pur
chasing equipment for a municipal
road-ollng plant. The outlay, when
regarded comparltively, is far greater
for Gladstone than will be the ex
penditure of the sum required here to
purchase a rock-crusher. If municipal
ownership of street material is econ
omical for Gladstone, why will it not
prove the same here?
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified heading
will be inserted at one cent a word, first
Insertion, halt a cent additional Inser
tions. One inch card, 2 per month; naif
inch card. ( t lines), Jl per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
b an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge ISc.
The famous (King) coal from Utah,
free delivery,- Telephone your or
der to A56 or Main 14, Oregon City
Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets.
Wood and' coal, 4-foot and 16-inch
lengths, delivered to all parts of
city; sawing especialty. Phone
your orders Pacific 137J, Home
A120. F. M. BLTJHM. -
FOR SALE New milch cows. Albert
E. White, West Oregon City.
FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house
at Gladstone on county road facing
Clackamas river, 2 blocks from Arl-
" ington station; rent $8.00; sale
terms on application to Wm. Beard,
1002 Molalla Ave., Oregon City.
I AM LEAVING town, will sell the
furniture of my six-room house
cheap, 604 Water St., City.
I by American Press Association. '
I AM most emphatically in favor of civil service. - There are few
things from which this country has suffered more thgn it has
from successive hordes of officeholders who have adminis
tered its affairs with no better qualifications than those which
can be deduced from success as campaign orators and general political
utility men.
Nothing but the vast resources of the country and the extraor
dinary energy and industry of its inhabitants HAVE SAVED US
FROM PAYING THE PENALTIES which every other country
has had to pay for employing untried and untested men in the public
Our NATIONAL PROSPERITY has been one powerful influ
ence against any widespread popular interest in civil service, and the
vital importance of the question has been obscured by the fact that
almost any intelligent man can perform AFTER A FASHION
the duties of almost any office to which he may be appointed. It is
seldom that incompetence reaches such perfection that the wheels of
administration actually come to a dead stop.
If to these circumstances you will add the EASY GOING TOL
ERANCE which Americans have for slipshod and inferior public
service and the general absence of any familiarity on the part of the
public with a high standard of administrative efficiency you will have
little difficulty in appreciating the uphill work of out Und out civil
servicereformers. j '. ''.'". ' ' . -
FOR SALE Gee as new Esty organ.
Call E. P. Elliott, 7th and Main St
FOR SALE OR TRADE Stump-puller
and 2 hundred feet of cable, all
in good condition. S. G. Baily, Rf..
3. Box 173, Oregon City.
$1500,00 For Ten Days Only 5-room
house and 2 lots in Gladstone,
fronting on Clackamas river; 4
room house an 1 lot Sellwood,
$1500.00. Good business lot Sell-
- wood 100 ft. by 100 ft, $3000.00;
terms upon application. Also 7
room house and 2 lots Oregon City,
$2000.00, half cash, balance month
ly payments. Wm. Beard, Oregon
City. -
HAVE ONE 320 ACRES of land un
der good fence, a natural location
for stock; all good tillable land,
seeded to good pasture. Also one
140-acre dairy farm, 90 acres in cul
tivation, all in good trim; good or
chard, two good barns, a good nine
room house, with water piped in, all
other necessary buildings. Buy di
rect from the owner and save at
least 5 per cent of the value and I
will guarantee the price to be right;
write for information. Also a gool
saw mill all in good condition a
good bargain. Address, Ferris May
field, Springwater, Oregon, Rt No.
1. .
FOR RENT 6-room house in Ely
ville. Inquire Beverlin's Grocery
TO RENT A desirable 7-room house
for rent; electric lights, enameled
bath tub, concrete basement, etc,
on Main St., next door to 14th St.
Enquire at Harris Grocery.
AN UP-TO-DATE 6-room apartments
to rent Corner Main and 14th St
. Enquire at Harris Grocery.
MEN WANTING to board and room
in quiet private home, call 616 11th
- St., two and one-half blocks from
WANTED Washing and housecleau
ing by day or hour. Phone Main
WE COLLECT everywhere. No col
lections, no charge. Thomas Mer
cantile Agency, 511 Northwest
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
LOST A Plain gold cuff link, 'eu
. graved "V. P. E." Finder please re
turn to Chemical Laboratory of Wil
lamette Pulp & Paper Co. Reward.
WANTED 100 chickens hatched in
March .and April. Home phone
A114, residence 307 Pearl street.
Untried and
Untested Men
To Public
Collector of the Port . .
of New York
WE HAVE $1,080 to loan at 7 per
cent interest or first mortgage. E.
P. Elliott & Son.
Beaver Building
Phones: Main 1221 or A193
Notice is hereby given, that sealed
proposals will be received by the
undersigned Elevator Committee of
the council of Oregon City, Oregon,
up to 4 o'clock p. m., Wednesday,
June 18th, 1913, at the office of the
City Recorder of Oregon City, for
the labor and materials for one hy
draulic elevator, tower, bridge and
waiting room to be built at Seventh
street as per location plans on file
in the office of the Elevator Com
mittee. The bidders will each submit with' his
proposal detailed plans and specifi
cations, which, however, must be in
accordance with the general re
quirements as covered by this ad
vertisement The elevator must be of the hydraulic
type with a platform 6 feet by 7
feet and must be guaranteed to car
ry a load of 3000 pounds at a speed
of 400 feet per minute. A 5-inch
water main will be brought to the
base of the tower by the City of
Oregon City and a six-inch sewer
connection will also be brought to
the base' of the tower by the city.
From this point the contractor must
supply everything required to in
stall complete ready for use, the
elevator in every particular.
The tower must be of steel suitable
in every way to support the ele
vator, must be designed against
wind stresses and must be painted
two coats of best graphite paint.
The bridge must be of steel and en
tirely enclosed on sides and top
'with suitable protected openings
for ventilation.
A waiting room at the base must be
provided and the openings into the
shaft at the top and at the bottom
must be protected with metal doors.
The cab of the elevator must be en
tirely weatherproof and provided
"With another door. The sheaves
and supports must be protected
against the weather. Protection
-must be afforded the elevator cylin
der against freezing.
Provision must be made for lighting
waiting room, car and bridge, also
for heating waiting room.
I Also bids for a subway under railroad
track and incline railway from 8th
-to 7th streets, which- must also be
accompanied with detailed plans
and specifications.'-
jAll bids must be accompanied by a
f certified check of $1000, payable to
7, 1913.
rteee fo4- cm you
-Wen Bee. to soy this
"W fior THE TSVT
That .u arr
Oregon City, Oregon, which sum
shall be forfeited in case the bidder
to whom the award is made shall
fail to enter into a contract for the
, work within ten (10) days after no
tice of said award.
The Elevator Committee will take in
to consideration the character ot
the elevator and tower as well as
the price in making the award and
the Elevator Committee reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Elevator Committee,
- Oregon City Council, Oregon City,
Oregon, dated June 4th, 1913.
J. Q. Adams Street Improvement As
sessment Notice is hereby given ' that an ap
portionment of the improvement of
- J. Q. Adams street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the- south line of 8th
street to the south ' line of Four
teenth street 'has been ascertain d
and the proposed assessment has
been apportioned and is now on file
in the office of the city recorder
and subject to examination. Any
objections that may be made in
writing to the city council and filed
with the city recorder within ten
days after the first publication of
this notice will be heard and deter
mined by the council before the
passage of any ordinance assessing
the c6st of said improvement.
The property assessed for said im-
' provement lies on both sides of the
part of said J. Q. Adams street pro
posed to be improved and the line
of lots abutting on said part of said
- J. Q. Adams street fartherest from
said part of said J. Q. Adams street
and said part of said J. Q. Adams
This notice is published in the Morn
ing Enterprise and the first publica
tion being the 31st day of May, 1913
and the last publication being the
7th day of June, 1913, and the city
council has set the 11th day of
June, in the council chamber, as
the time and place of hearing of
such objections.
L. STIPP, Recorder.
Sixteenth Street Improvement Assess
ment Notice is hereby given that an ap
portionment of the improvement of
Sixteenth stret, Oregon City, Ore
gon, from the west line of Jackson
, street to the west side of Division
street has, been ascertained and the
proposed assessment has been ap
portioned and is now on file in the
office of the city recorder and sub
ject to examination. Any objec
tions that may be made in writing
to the city council and filed with
the city recorder within ten days
after the first publication of this
notice will be heard and. deter
mined by the council before the
passage of any ordinance assessing
the cost of said improvement.
The property assessed for said im
provement lies on both sides of the
part of Sixteenth BtreetT)roposed to
be improved and the line of lots
abutting on said part of said Six
teenth street fartherest from said
part -of said Sixteenth street and
said part of said Sixteenth street.
This notice is published in the Morn
ing Enterprise and the first publi
cation being the 31st day of May,
1913; and the last publication being
on the 7th day of June, 1913, and
the city council has set the 11th
day of June, at the council chamber
as the time and place of hearing of
such objections.
"L. STIPP, Recorder.
Jackson Street Improvement Assess
ment. Notice is hereby given that an ap
portionment of the improvement of
Jackson street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, from, the north side of Twelfth
street to the south side of Six
teenth street has been ascertained
and the proposed assessment has
been apportioned and is now on
file in the office of the city record
er and subject to examination. Any
objections that may be made In
writing to the city council and filed
with the city recorder within ten
days after the first publication of
this notice will be heard and de
termined by the council before the
passage of any ordinance assess
ing the cost of said improvement
The property assessed for said im
provement lies on both sides of the
part of said Jackson street propos
ed to be improved and the line of
lots abutting on said part of said
Jackson street fartherest from said
part of said Jackson street and said
part of said Jackson street.
This notice is published In the Morn
ing Enterpriee and the first publi
cation being the 31st day of May,
1913, and the last publication being
the 7th day of June, 1913, and the
city council has set the 11th day of
June at 8 o'clock p. m., in the coun
cil chamber as the time and place
of hearing of such objections, -L.
STIPP Recorder.
NOTICE is Hereby Given, that an
election will be held In the town of
Willamette, in Clackamas county,
Oregon, on Saturday, June 28th,
1913, to determine whether the
boundaries of said Willamette shall
be extended to Include the follow
ing described territory, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which is the
southwest corner of, Willamette
Pulp & Paper company's ground on
west bank of the Willamette river
In T. 2 S., R. 2 E., of the Willam-
ette Meridian, the point of begin
ning of the description of school
By Gross
Automobiles for Fiire
PHONES: MAIN 77; A 193
IVIiller-Parlcer Co.
district No. 105 being the point in
tended; and running thence north
westerly on the boundary line of
said school district No. 105 to the
center of the Willamette Falls Rail
way; thence following the center
line of said railway in a southwest
erly direction a distance of 60
chains to the right bank of Tanner
Creek; thence northwesterly fol
lowing he line of said district No.
105 to the north line of the preseit
road from Oregon City to Willam
ette; thence in a westerly direction
following the north line of the said
county road to the east limits of
the present town -of - Willamette;
thence south 22 degrees 21 minutes,
east following the line of tracts No.
60 and 61 of Willamette Tracts to
the southeast corner of tract No. 61
of said Willamette Tracts; thence
south 67 degreeB 39 minues west
following the south line of tracts
61, 62, 63 and 64 and the projection
thereof to the east line of Twelfth
street in said town of Willamette;
thence south 22 degrees 21 minutes,
east following the east line of said
12th street and the projection thera
of to the north bank of the Tuala
tin river; thence in an easterly di
rection and northerly direction fol
lowing the north bank of the Tuala
tin river and the west bank of the
"Willamette river to the place of the
And an election will also be held
in the territory described on the
same date and for the same pur
pose. Each of said elections will begin at
the hour of 8 o'clock a. m. and con
tinue until 7 o'clock p. m. of said
The- election in the town of Willam-
ette will be held at the usual vot
ing place, in the building behind
Mr. Liesmann's store, and the
judges will be J. R. Bowland, Mrs.
M. A. Ross and D. C. Garmier, and
the clerks will be R. A. Junken,
Mrs. Hyatt and Mrs. Fromong.
The election in the territory propos
ed to be annexed will be held in a
tent,on lot "B", Tract 10, Willam
ette' and Tualatin tracts, and the
judges of election will be, E. Reed,
T. J. Gary and Silas Shadle, the
-clerks, Ernest Leightoa, Ernest Le-
May and George Volpp.
By order of the Common Council
of Willamette.
la the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County:
Stephen S. Bailey, Plaintiff,
vs. .
Ella F. Taylor, Fred Taylor, Le
nore S. Day, W. J. Patterson and F.
T. Crow & Company, Defendants.
To the above named defendant, Le
nore S. Day:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Tou are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit, on the 16th day of June, 1913,
said date being more than 6 weeks
from the 3rd day of May, 1913, on
"which date publication of this sum
mons was first made; and if you
fail to appear and answer herein,1
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in plain
tiff's complaint herein, to-wit:
That the plaintiff have and recover
from the defendants, Ella F. Taylor
and Fred Taylor, the sum of fif
teen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars
with interest thereon from the 27tb
day ot December, 1911, at the rate
of 8 per cent, per annum until paid
and for a further .. sum of $106.83
taxes paid as stated with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent,
per annum from the 10th day cf
March, 1913, and a further sum of
Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars as
attorney's fees all in United States
Gold Coin, together with the cost3
and disbursements of this suit; chat
plaintiff's mortgage of and upon
the following described real prop
erty, to-wit:
All that part of the D. L. C. of Jesse
Bullock and ' wife known as claim
No. 46 in Tp. 2 S., R. 1, east of the
Has merited the confidence of its
patrons for over 31 years
The Bank of Oregon City
D. C. LATOURETTE, President'
Transact a General Banking Business.
takimNm one's
W. M. bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at the re-entrant
corner in the south and east
boundaries of said claim and run
ning thence south 10 chains ; thence
west tracking the south line of said
claim No. 46 33.64 chains; thence
north 20 chains; thence south 85
degrees, west 20 chains; thence
north 20.83 chains; thence east 0.25
chains; thence south 20.58 chains;
thence north 85 degrees eaBt 20.85 "
chains; thence south 0.25' chains;
thence north 85 degrees east 33.27
chains; thence south 13.18 chains
to the place of beginning containing
73.62 acres being in Clackamas
county, Oregon, be decreed to be
the first lien upon said real proper
ty and superior in right to any oth
er lien upon said land owned by th9
defendants or any of them; that
said real property above described
be sold In the manner provided by
law and the proceeds of said sale
be applied toward the payment of
taxes, toward the costs of said sale,
the costs and disbursements of this
suit and the payment of such judg
ment as shall be entered herein in
favor of the plaintiff, including at
torney's fees and the balance if any
paid into court for the benefit of
whomsoever shall be decreed to be
entitled thereto; that said defend
ants and each of them, and all per
sons claiming under them or any of
them, be barred and foreclosed of
all estate, right title, claim, inter
est or equity of redemption in the
said real property and every . part
thereof excepting the statutory
right of redemption; that the plain
tiff have personal judgment and ex
ecution against the defendants, Ella
F. Taylor and Fred Taylor for any
deficiency which may remain of
plaintiff's judgment after exhaust
ing all the proceeds of said sale
properly applicable to the satisfac
tion of plaintiff's judgment; that
the plaintiff or any other- party to
this- suit may become a purchaser
at said sale, and for such other and
further relief as may be meet and
equitable in the premises.
This summons Is published in the
Morning Enterprise at Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, once a
week for six consecutive weeks by
order of the Honorable J. TJ. Camp
bell, judge of the above -entitled,
court, by order made and dated
April 17th, 1913.
Date of first publication. May 3d,
Date of last publication, June
14th, 1913.
. . Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Glad
stone, Clackamas County, Oregon,
will receive bids for the. following
improvement of Portland avenue in
said city, to-wit:
Make all cuts and fills necessary
to put said avenue on the estab
lished grade; construct a six foot
board walk along each side of said
avenue in accordance with the
plans and specifications heretofore
adopted by the common council of
said city and now on file in the of
fice of the City Recorder.
Plans and specifications may be had
upon application to the City Engi
neer or the Recorder. All. bids
must be in the hands of the Re
corder by June 10, 1913, at 7:30 p.
m. The council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated, June 4, 1913.
Pabst's Okay Specific
Dees the worK. You all t0 "A
knew it by reputation. V
Price Y7
F. J. METER, Cashier.
Open from 9 A. M. te S P. M,
1 ,